Maddy Bell's blog

Posting Glitch

There was a bit of a posting glitch with yesterdays update so you may have come to a dead end when you tried to look at the new Gaby chapter. This is now fixed - follow the link below

'There's more from Gaby today in the latest chapter of Ontario, #27, Farmed Out. I'll admit that its not exactly action packed but questions are answered and its time to partee in the Ahrtal!'

Madeline Anafrid

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'kin Firefox


So I had just about finished a long post with some pictures for you when Firefox decided to refresh and lost the whole thing.

As a result you won't be getting all that I wrote about my rides, visiting Imber and so on. There is a new Gaby chapter up, my desktop has blown up which is why i'm using Firepox on my steam powered lappy, here is a picture from yesterdays ride and one of me earlier - I didn't have any red dye so i've gone a bit, er blue!

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New on Patreon

I've finally got my finger out and done some actual writing! Its the start of a new Gabysode that sits after Book 26 but i'm not sure where it fits or even if it fits in the following books. Anyhow, my Patreon supporters should have exclusive access to it now - not a supporter? well get over to Patreon, the basic package starts from £3 per month

Have fun
Madeline Anafrid

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Another Olympiad over

and to be honest, I've not really been following the coverage but I do know that Team GB claimed the cycling crown with 6 golds out of the 22 on offer, 1 ahead of the Netherlands, the only other nation to win more than 1 event. Overall our tiny islands came in fourth behind the behemoths of the US and China with host nation Japan getting home advantage for third although with a smaller total medal count, the UK's 22 golds more than twice that of any other European nation. But as they say, Its not the winning but the taking part that counts - but winning is nice!

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