or any other seasonal salutation that you prefer!
Things have been a bit hectic this week, this evening is my first chance since Sunday to get on the interweb properly so its greetings from the largest English island, the Isle of Wight lurking just off the south coast. I've travelled up to Yorkshire, visited friends, spent time with family, done the Santa bit with #1 Grandson before spending yesterday travelling back down the country to catch the ferry to this lozenged Isle. We had a short excursion to Cowes and Ryde today but things have been a bit marred by me twisting my knee last night - walking is a nightmare atm, hopefully it will settle down enough that i can get a bit of walking in to reduce the Xmas bulge!
I've uploaded the next Ontario chapter, Pizza! this afternoon, there will be more most likely on Boxing Day to cheer you from the holiday blues.
So enjoy the holiday as best you can, with family and friends is good but if you will be spending it alone have some extra hugs from me.
For now tho
Frohes Weihnacht
Madeline Anafrid
Merry Christmas Mads
And somewhat distant hugs from up here.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."