which i'm sure you'll all understand!
I'll make the traditional greeting today as i'm not sure if i'll next post before or after the turn of the year.
So firstly today, an apology - I know i was getting a bit bratty the other day over the inability to post - I was getting very frustrated - very, very, frustrated. As everything else was working, perhaps a little slowly but it was all working, i'm convinced there is an issue with the BC coding, because i could post a blog doesn't mean the story upload page is 100%, I seemingly found the 1% when it doesn't. but moving on....
So i'm back in GOC at the moment, the trip to the Isle of Wight, whilst not really my thing, was a welcome break and whilst i've travelled to Yorkshire a few times, it was the first 'holiday', away in a hotel with other folk, i've had for two years, largely due to Covid restrictions. Over the 4 days on the island we visited on at least a passing level, most of the places of interest on the island, certainly all of the towns, i got in a couple of reasonable walks and we dined well. Maybe it wasn't where we had hoped to be but we got in a couple of ferry rides and i got out of cooking - don't worry Bev, i'll do dinner on New Years!
Today i've been doing a bit of bike shopping, a new pair of bib tights, almost sixty notes should keep me comfortable through the cold days of mid winter and the new cassette will go with the new chain i received for xmas to keep the bike rolling through to the spring - at least. Tomorrow, Thursday, I travel back to Cabotville to join Aunty Bev for New Year and resume the 'normal' routine and if i have any resolution, its to get a bunch of writing done, put all those scenarios and words on my head down on (digital) paper.
Will 2022 be any better than '21? Well its not going start very well but we should be optimistic in things resolving to some sort of pre Covid normal sooner rather than later, to think otherwise breeds madness. New cases are mostly in unvaccinated parts of the community, its not rocket science, and if picking up a good 5G signal is a side effect, well count me in! lol
So today i have posted the penultimate chapter of Ontario, Tactical Warhead, it's the eve of the big race, the nerves are on edge and Gabs is feeling a bit vulnerable.
Hopefully i'll remember to post chapter 40 on Friday but forgive me if it ends up being Saturday!
So that's it for now, until next time,
Madeline Anafrid
Ein guter Rutsch!!
Glad you've had a break
All the best for the new year Mads dear, and let's make the best of it we can. Pedal on!
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."