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seem to be in order!

Why i hear you ask, well i've apparently now been a member and contributor here at Big Closet for 18 years! Where have all those years gone? There have been ups and downs through the years i've made and indeed lost friends but most importantly for me, i've been supported not just in my writing endeavours but in my wider life too, i really don't know where i'd be now if it wasn't for folks here on BC.

But thats not the only thing i'm celebrating today, a session on Monday saw me reaching the end of Smell of the Crowd part 5 , last night i did the editing thing and it's now with Kindle, waiting to be released on an unsuspecting world, bwah a ha! As soon as its ready i'll let you guys know the details.


In other news, yesterday was quite nice on the weather front, so i decided on an 'easy' and 'short' ride through South Gloucestershire. I used some less ridden lanes as i headed north through Wikwar before making my way across to Berkeley and the level ride down to my stop at Oldbury. Its a community shop run by volunteers and it seems no one wants to help much beyond lunchtime so i only just got my tea and cake, walnut this week, before they closed at one o'clock.

It was nice sat in the sun, up in Yorkshire at this time i'd almost certainly have longs on but in the balmy south west bare legs, at least for riding, are still de rigeur. Sated, i set off anew, a combination of cycle paths and lanes taking me down past the Severn bridges to the Avon and the only sensible roite along the river and back through the city. It was 'only' 107km and under 700m of up so i guess it did qualify as an 'easy' ride compared to Saturdays effort.


Todays posting is chapter 26, Drew Time, of the first Gaby book which was written in 2003, a year before i discovered Big Closet. Its an interesting comparison to the current writings, while the writing style and characters have 'matured', our heroine is very clearly the same person, still easily led, still a demon on two wheels and still getting herself into a pickle on a regular basis!

That pretty much is it for today, time for me to get my bum in gear and do something at least a little more active than sitting at the keyboard all day.

Madeline Annafrid

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