Well not really its just that impacts life here on the edge of the continent hugely.
The week has continued wet and windy but i've managed to get in a couple of essentially dry rides this end of the week. Neither has been far, a loop down to Bath and today, a 50km circuit north towards but not to Wotton. To be honest i've been struggling with 2 wheel motivation for a while, it'll come but for now i've no urgency so i'll take things as they come.
I've posted the next Gaby Only Five Minutes chapter today, Blue Jacket weaves three seperate story threads into one so sorry if it appears a bit jumbled but it'll make sense in the end!
This coming week i'll be cracking on with the 3rd Trixiebell story, its already @ half written and i have the bare bones plot worked out so its mostly a matter of getting my finger out and putting words on paper so to speak. Hopefully i'll have more news on Wednesday.
Thats it for now,
Madeline Anafrid
a dreech day today
Here in Hampshire (not New but Old). Well over an inch of the wet stuff has fallen today.
Perfect for sitting at home in front of a log fire and writing. It would be if I had zero inspiration today.
Oh well, that is life, isn't it?
I hope my muse returns by the weekend as I'm off on a Crime Writing Weekend. No, I didn't do the crime.