dorothycolleen's blog

dream time again

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dream time again. I dreamed I was in a classroom and was getting frustrated because I couldnt make head or tails of the assignment I was given, It got so bad I started to wonder why I was in the class at all, when the class was sent out to a outdoor stage to watch a performance. I started to enjoy myself, but then I saw down the hill from the the stage a building was collapsing, soon gigantic pieces of marble and rock were flying up the hill at us. A large rock fell right in front of me, but I was able to push a little, and then climbed it.

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really bad night

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I dont want to scare people, but if this stupid blog is gonna have any meaning it has to be honest. And honestly last night was one of the worst nights I've had in a long while. I'm actually surprised I didnt do any of the ideas that came into my head ...

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what if this is the end?

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It has been long enough since I wrote anything that I'm starting to wonder if this is the end for me. 10 years of publishing almost every month is a pretty high rate, so a slowdown isnt that bad, but this feels less like a slowdown and more like a complete stop.

ah well, I can still read and comment I guess ...

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tough day

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so a very stressful day. Was running errands with my ex, and first I had an anxiety attack and had to go sit in the car for a bit. Then while we were just about done, we got a phone call saying my ex's best friend's mom had been in a car accident not far away. We went to see how she was, and although not hurt, she was clearly in shock. Then while we waited with her two different towing guys got into a fight about towing the car right in front of us.

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rough night

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Rough time at my writing group tonight. one of the ladies brought a piece that triggered one of the other ladies, and it ended up with them both crying. Before I left the leader thanked me for my involvement with thee group so there is that, I guess.

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shaky days

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So I've been shaky ever since I shared "six forty five" with my writing group, which is why I've spent so much of my time looking at funny videos on youtube. I think I'm getting better, but honestly still feel like I'm having a picnic at a park surrounded by land mines ...

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shelving a story idea (for now)

I have talked here about an idea I had for this, my 10th anniversary year - having a character jump from one story universe to another.

Unfortunately, my muse isnt sending me anything to flesh the idea out, and instead I've been working on some sequels - one for the story "Sing a healing song", a new Jaci and Dottie story, and a story set in the "E-Girl" universe that will focus on the villains.

So I'm shelving the story jumping idea, at least for now.

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to the people who care about me:

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To the people who care about me: I'm sorry. See, caring about someone is always risky. There is a chance you will get hurt by them. I'm not just talking about being disappointed, or betrayed, but hurt because the person you care about is hurting. So if you care about me, you've been hurt when I have hurt, and I'm sorry. And I'm afraid the hurting isnt over. See, I've been, so to speak writing checks my body cant cash for a long time, and it looks like nature is going to collect. And therefore I can see a lot of hurt in my future.

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stuck on repeat


I'm having a tough day, but to explain it you guys need to understand something about how my PTSD works. Its not just my rapes that are stuck in flashback mode, or even just my rapes and the abuse I suffered at the hands of my stepfather. Its EVERYTHING. The time I slammed the door on my brother's fingers to the time I ripped my pants at work to ... well the list is endless.

Needless to say, it sucks.

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Okay, so for the last while, I've been sharing stories at a writing group every two weeks, and last night I shared part 2 of a story called "Six forty-five" (which you can find here: ) and it went over well. So I came home to look at part 3, and ... I dont know. I'm seriously lacking confidence in it.

If anybody wants to look at it, and see if its better than my brain is telling me, that would cool ...

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doing yardwork is proving a challenge

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When I moved in to my brother and sister-in-law's basement, one of the things I agreed to was to take over the outside chores - mostly snow shoveling and lawn care.

At that time the thing I worried about was that my mental health issues would make doing these jobs tough.

I never dreamed how fast my physical health would deteriorate.

I never imagined that there would be a time when being out working for an hour would be a serious challenge.

I honestly dont know how long I can keep up to my promise, or what happens when I cant anymore.

sighs ...

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story idea - "the Breach"

Okay so I'm fooling around with a story idea, and could use some feedback, Basic idea is a young heroine from a obscure "magical girl" manga which has been repackaged for an English speaking audience finds herself blown out of the pages of her book, into a place between stories, between universes. She now goes from universe to universe, story to story, trying to get "home". To make this idea extra awesome I'd like other authors' permission for her to visit their stories and interact with their characters as part of her journey,

Anybody wanna jump in?

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