
Let it Go….

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Has anyone else actually listened to the lyrics for Disney's 'Let it go' and thought that it would make a great TG anthem?

As a silly competition idea does anyone have any other suggestions for an off the wall TG anthem ( e.g. Rodney Atkins "If you're goin' through Hell")?

P.S. First place will automatically go to Andrea as she does this all the time! :)

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The Frozen Balance

The youngest son of an old noble family, Sarrell Avaren harbours a desperate ambition. He wants to join the elite ‘Queen’s Scouts’ as a common soldier. Despite his family’s disapproval of his choice, Sarrell makes a passionate oath to the Goddess. But, like all such oaths, the cost will be high. Especially when the ancient and mystic Balance itself is in danger. Like the society it protects it has become brittle with age and the first red cracks of strife are appearing between the kingdoms below. At the festival of the Equinox the Goddess reaches out to Sarrell, engulfing him in a cataclysmic change that horrifies the young warrior and confuses his family, for Sarrell now finds he has become a girl, trapped within skirts and the rigid traditions of a stagnant society. Newly named Seren after the Goddess’ star, a different path now beckons the warrior. She swiftly finds herself caught up in the bitter intrigues of the royal court as lady in waiting to the youthful Princess Melisande. Unlike most ladies in waiting however, Seren decides to deal with threats in her own way and the shadowy warrior ‘Shade’ is born. Yet can Seren balance her own life between secret warrior and lady in waiting, between duty and desire, even as she fights to protect and repair the mystic Balance of the kingdoms?

A long time ago in a world far away (sort of)

I posted my very first novel "The Frozen Balance" here on BCTS, starting in 2009.

Recently Erin has been immensely kind and added the updated version that I submitted for the Amazon annual competition to the Hatbox. It's exclusively available there for the next six months (at least) as I wanted to offer something back to the site that started me on my journey and for the many friends, including the sister of my heart, who have so generously helped me along the way.


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Its not just us the Daily Wail hates

Given how many of us here from the UK have an issue with the misogynist prating of the likes of Richard Littlejohn you might enjoy taking a test to see how much the Daily Mail hates YOU personally

(And the test doesn't even mention TG)


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Coronation Street - An unlikely guiding light

We often see comment here about some of the more repellent representations of the Transgender community on TV. However...

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Gangsta's in Drag

When I saw this article on the BBC website about some of the more desperate attempts by Jamaican criminals to avoid arrest three thoughts went through my mind:

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Feminism and Transgender - Who are we?

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Some of you may have followed the recent issues in the UK following a vitriolic anti TG piece by Julie Burchill, a noted left wing feminist activist and media personality.

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UK strategy for transgender equality, murder tariff doubled


If you haven't seen this and live in the UK might I suggest that you take a few moments to review the links below?

Killers of transgender people to get longer sentences A Link to the BBC story which covers the change.

Home Office Transgender equality strategy

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God Save the Queen - Chapter 15 Delayed

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As many of you know Nancy and I have striven to make sure that each chapter of God Save the Queen has been published on time every Tuesday for the last 14 weeks.
Sadly I've just managed to break that. Real world dramas and workload on my part (not Nancy who is far better organised and disciplined) have left me somewhat behind on Chapter 15, so I must apologise that it will be a few days late.

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Southern Comfort - It's a small world

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First I found BC/TS.
I found stories that were well written, not all about sex, realistic and within a community who actually cared for others, not just about their own voices.
After a while I plucked up the courage and stopped lurking, though the next step was just as hard as I tried posting a story. Thank god no one shot it down in flames as I think we all are terrified and exceptionally fragile at that first post.

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Pegasus Flight

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My apologies for these poor bits of verse. I'm afraid that I'm using them to allow me to express and clarify my own feelings and thoughts as I go through the various stages of transition.


The music has started, the carousel spins,

I’ve accepted myself and my journey begins.

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Another comment, Chapter 12 GSQ

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One of the joys of BC/TS is the interaction and encouragement.

In so many ways that wonderful support and encouragement that I, and I'm sure so many others, have received here has been instrumental in helping me truly accept who I am, and allowing me to properly start on my path through transition. Erin's insistence on a Friendly Place, whilst frequently stressful and traumatic for her and her team to police, has made a huge difference to so many of us at various stages of our journey.

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Be thankful we are who we are where we are.

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I'm not normally one to focus on social issues or make an effort to wave a flag, however...

Over the last few months I, like so many of you all before me, and so many to follow after, have been thinking deeply on the issues of gender dysphoria.

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The Healing Dagger (revised)

In 2017, against a backdrop of a devastating plague, there is a covert research programme underway. Jeremy Moorecliff and Samantha Howard become unwitting players pulled into a deadly game that threatens to destroy them both, but it just might offer them an unexpected chance of happiness.

The Healing Dagger

by Persephone


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