
From The Past To The Future Part 2

Lupita watches as the snowflakes fall and cover the ground. She was watching the flakes fall from the doorway of a shelter she had found. It wasn’t much, but it would allow her to get out of the weather. It was an old guard shelter that was no longer used. It had a small stables attaché to it for horses and there was still some hay in it that was good. The shelter wasn’t very big, but had enough room to hold four people. It had a hand pump for water and a wood stove for cooking. The fire place was big enough to warm the shelter.

From The Past To The Future Part 1

Lupita huddles inside her worn cloak for what little warmth it provides as she travels down the road in the pouring rain on top of the horse she took from her uncle’s stalls. It’s been a week since she ran away from her uncle’s house hold. The man had been raping her since she was eight years old. She’s already had one miscarriage when she was just ten years old from him punching her in the belly and causing her to lose the baby. She didn’t want the child in the first place, but she didn’t like it when he punched her and called her all the mean names he had.

Left on Her Own

April was all excited her mother was taking her for a ride. She was going to go and see real horses and have a chance to ride them. She watches as they drove down the highway. She had never been out of the city and this was her first time traveling. She loved seeing the cows and horses as they pasted them.

“Mommy look, there’s a brown horse and a white one.” She points her tiny hand towards them.


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