Rebirth Chp. 1&2

Chapter One

Lexi couldn’t believe how long her shift had lasted. The McDonalds she worked at was busier than normal tonight. There had been a birthday party for a little girl. The girl’s mother had gotten permission for the store manager to reserve the right-hand side of the restaurant for the little girl’s birthday party. It was based on the Disney fairies with Tinker Bell, her friends and twin sister. She reaches up and fingers her necklace, which had a fairy hanging from it.

As she continues to walk down the street towards the bus stop she needed to be at. Lexi notices what seemed to be fireworks going off. She was curious about what was going on as she heads towards it. She knew she should run, but ever since the vampires came out. She had wanted to see if there were any other supernatural creatures around. She slowly and sneakily uses the bushes in the park where the fireworks were coming from to conceal her position.

Lexi finds the perfect spot to watch the fighting. She spots two huge wolves and a snow leopard facing off against some sort of Fey. The Fey they were facing off against was nasty looking and powerful. She could feel the power around this Fey. She watches as the two wolves work together to attack the Fey. One comes in low and the other comes in high, while the snow leopard vanishes from sight. She blinks as if she missed it, but couldn’t see it anywhere. The two wolves miss the male Fey they were fighting, because he anticipated their attack and blocks them. However, the snow leopard that had vanish from sight, strikes from the right-hand side of the Fey. It strikes and sends pieces and some of its blood towards Lexi.

Lexi’s tries to dodge, but the Fey blood hits her squarely on her face and her necklace. Lexi manages to wipe some of it off her face as she hears the growl of the wolves. She looks up just in time to see the Fey they were fighting recover from the attack from the snow leopard. Lexi grabs a nearby tree limb that had fallen during the fight and charges the Fey with it, hitting the Fey on the back of the head. The Fey falls forward and turns to face who attacked him from the rear. Lexi gulps as she finally gets a good look of the Fey. He was ugly and had horns.

Lexi notices that the Fey didn’t look pleased with her as he waves his hand at her. As he did that, one of the wolves attack him from behind and together, the two of them fall forwards towards Lexi. The spell the Fey cast engulfs both her and the Fey. She feels the little fairy hanging from her necklace burn against her soft skin. She starts screaming from the pain it was causing, because it felt like a hot coal was pressing against her skin. The Fey laid bleeding on top of her. Some of his blood covered her body, soaking her work uniform and some splashed into her mouth. His blood soaked her uniform top and pants as the amulet around his neck pressed against her bared right shoulder. She could feel the amulet pressing into her skin because of his dead weight. She could hear the wolves and she notice the snow leopard near her.

Lexi turns her head to look at the snow leopard “please help me.”

The snow leopard grips the Fey by its bloody clothes and pulls the dead Fey off Lexi. As soon as the Fey body hit the ground, it burst into flames. Lexi passes out and feels weird as things start changing in her body.

Chapter Two

Alex had shifted back to his human form when George delivered the killing blow to the Fey that he, Sophia and George had been fighting. He notices Sophia pulling the dead Fey off a teenage girl in a McDonald’s uniform underneath his body covered in his blood.

George looks over towards the dead Fey as he burst into flames. Sophia notices the poor girl as she kneels to examine her. Sophia could sense that something was happening to her.

Alex looks down at George and over towards Sophia. He could tell that something was bothering her as well. Sophia looks over towards the guys and could smell the change going on with the girl. She concentrates on returning to her human form. Her body shimmers as her fur pulls back into her skin and her bones start twisting and returning back to their human state. She slowly stands up panting from the effort of the change so soon after she did it the first time. Sophia looks over towards Alex.

“We need to get her out of here. There’s something unusual going on with her.” Sophia says a few words in Latin and clothes form around her and Alex.

“Thanks Sophia.” Alex walks over towards the teenage girl and gently picks her blood covered body up off the ground.

George decides that he’ll rather stay in his wolf form as he follows Alex and Sophia back to their hotel room. He could still smell the burning of the Fey as they walked away from the battle site. He knew that they weren’t too far away from the hotel room they had gotten. George looks up at the girl in Alex's arms and wonders who the teenage girl is and why was she there watching them. He notices a slight yellowish glow starting to form around her body while Alex was carrying her.

Sophie walks over towards the girl and runs her hand an inch or so over the girl’s leg. The yellowish glow appears brighter around the girl.

“Okay, that’s something new.” Alex couldn’t believe it. He had seen truth spells used before, but nothing like this.

“What’s happening to her?” Alex looks towards Sophia as they continue to walk back to their hotel room.

“It’s the Fey blood and the magic he tried casting at her, before George attacked him from behind. I think it’s changing her, but I’m not sure what it is doing to her exactly.” Sophia removes her hand as they get back to the hotel room. She reaches under the bumper of the RV they were traveling around in to retrieve their hotel key card.

Sophia opens the door and stands aside to let George go in first, followed by Alex carrying the teenage girl. She follows behind them and tucks the key card in a safe place so all of them could find it.

“Put in her in the tub, so we can get all the blood off her.” Sophia heads towards the bathroom to get the tub filling with hot water to wash the girl off.

While the tub is filling with water, Sophia undress the girl, while Alex holds her.

Alex looks at Sophia as they undress the girl “you know, this is a whole lot easier to do when they are awake.”

Sophia just shakes her head.

“You’re a pig, Alex.” Sophia was taking the girl’s blood soak McDonalds uniform shirt off her body. She also removes the girl's blood soak bra as well.

“No, I’m a wolf.” He howls as he removes the girls uniform pants, underwear and her shoes and socks.

Once the girl was completely undressed, Sophia lowers her into the slightly hot bath water and begins to wash the rest of the blood off her body. Alex supports the girl as Sophia washes the girl. Sophia makes sure all the blood that was covering the girl washes away and into the water. While Sophia is washing the girl, she notices that the silver fairy that hung from the girl’s neck had burned into her skin. She also notices an imprint from a medallion or something that had imprinted itself into the girl fair skin. The imprint was glowing a dull blue color as well. She leans in close to get a better look at the imprint. She had never seen anything like it before. She’ll have to retrieve one of her books and do some research on what it meant and what made it.

George had come in and laid down on the floor. He listened to the conversation going on between Sophia and Alex. He was curious as why the girl was at the park as well and why she was glowing. He watches as Alex comes walking out of the bathroom with his arms loaded down with the girls’ bloody clothes. He could smell the Fey’s blood on them as well the stench of fast food from the McDonalds she worked at as well. He knew they were paid up for two more days. Originally, they had no idea how long it was going to take them to track this particular Fey down. So they had paid for the room for a week.

It had taken them five days to track this Fey down and bring him to justice for what he did to several people. They had to clean up the mess he left behind from killing his victims and destroying anything that could lead the local authorities to determine a supernatural committed a crime. Now they had to check in with the council and see what new assignment they had waiting for them.

“Hey old man, are you going to stay in your wolf form all night?” Alex dumps the bloody clothes into a trash bag and ties it up. He was looking over at their oldest member George.

They had started off with four members. There had been two Were-wolves and two Were-cats. Now there was only the three of them. The other Were-cat had been killed on their fifth assignment by three vampires they had been sent after. Sophia was a witch that had been turned into a were-cat. So they had magic on their side to even the score sometimes. George was the toughest and strongest among them. He was over a hundred-year’s old and former military. His own skills weren’t as impressive as George’s, but he used to be a professional bounty hunter that had been attacked by one of his bail jumpers that he didn’t know was a Were-wolf. The council had put them together to do jobs that it would be inappropriate to send packs and pards into. Also, they were supposed to enforce council rules and laws when necessary.

George just ignores Alex. He was still recovering from the fight they had with the Fey. He needed time to recover most of his strength to change forms. He should be able to change by tomorrow morning. He yawns and just shows his teeth at Alex.

“Alright old man, I get the message.” Alex walks over towards the sink and washes his hands off.

Sophia comes walking out with a sleeping, wet teenager in her hands.

“Alex, can fold the covers down on the bed so I can tuck her in please?” Sophia had summoned one of her night shirts from the RV and placed it on the teenage girl’s body.

“No problem.” He walks over towards the bed where Sophia slept and folded down the bedcovers.

Sophia walks over and lays the teenage girl down on the bed and tucks her in. Sophia just stares at her and wonder what the Fey had done to her. She knew it had something to do with his blood, her necklace and the imprint from whatever amulet he was wearing at the time. Sophia turns around and looks at Alex and then George.

“We need to know who she is and if she has any family that might miss her tonight. Where did you put her purse Alex?” Sophia figures that was the best place to start.

“It’s over on the table. I dropped it there when we came in.” Alex points at the purse on the table.

“Okay” Sophia walks over and sits down to look inside the girl’s purse.

Sophia finds the girl’s learner permit. She also notices she had about twenty dollars to her name and had a thirty day bus pass in order to get to work. She also learns that she lived over in poor section of town. She didn’t have a cell phone or any other type of transportation.

“Well, her name is Lexi Elizabeth Lawford and she lives over at 215 Plum Street Apt. B and is 16 years old. Her birthday is four months away.” Sophia was holding Lexi’s leaners permit.

Alex looks down at Lexi as she sleeps.

“I hope she isn’t surprise tomorrow morning when she wakes up and discovers she is in a room with a wolf and two unfamiliar people. I don’t think she saw me after you pulled that Fey off her.” Alex hopes Lexi wasn’t going to be a problem tomorrow morning.

“I doubt she’ll be a problem, Alex. Still why don’t we go ahead and go to bed then. Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day.” Sophia gets up and heads towards the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Alex strips out of the clothes Sophia had summon for him. She was nice enough to summon a pair of boxers for him to wear under the clothes.
He looks down at George, who was already asleep.

“Sleep tight old man.” Alex crawls into bed.

Sophia comes out of the bathroom wearing a short night shirt and walks over and lies down on the other side of Lexi. She waves her hand at the light switch on the wall to turn it off. She turns to face Alex over in the other bed.

“Sleep tight Alex.” Sophia snuggles deeper under the blanket with Lexi next to her.

“You to Sophia. Sweet dreams.” Alex closes his eyes and tries to relax enough in order to sleep. He was still a little worked up after their battle, but he knew how to relax with mediation techniques he learned.

Sophia turns back around and slowly falls asleep as well.

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