
Abandoned Child Chapter 11

Jessie woke-up early the next day, she didn’t hear Maggie crying so she pulls on her mother’s robe and slips on the slippers that had been bought for her, and goes downstairs. She remembers that her aunt and uncle had a patio out back, she unlocks the sliding doors and steps out on the patio. She walks around the backyard for a while then heads back to the patio and sits in one of the dew laden lawn chairs. She watches the sunraise.

Jessie looks up at the sky “mom, did I do the right thing?”

“I think your mom would say you did, Jessie.”

Being Different Isn't So Bad Chapter 9

“Becca, there’s a guy here that wants to buy the armored APC in the back.”

August looks down at Rebecca’s feet sticking out from under a car she was working on.

“How much is he willing to pay for it?”

“I don’t know. You never told me how much it was worth.”

“If it’s the one I think it is, its forty thousand. If it is the Russian made one, then it is fifty thousand.”

“Okay sis, thanks.”

August walks off to tell the gentleman in the office how much the American made APC was.

Abandoned Child Chapter 10

Charles was at his girlfriend’s house feeling smug about himself and finding that micro-SD card his ex-wife had made. He wasn’t a computer genius like she was, but he knew someone who was, the son of the vice-president of the motorcycle gang. If anyone could crack the password protecting the card he could, he had dropped off the card with him and was just waiting for him to call back.

Charles cellphone rings, “Hello?”

“You need to get out of there now Charles, the police are on their way to you. They have footage of you breaking into that hotel room and searching it.”

Being Different Isn't So Bad Chapter 8

“Hey sis, I got the inventory completed of our stock. We’re going to need to place an order for more oil and anti-freeze. Also, we’re out of stock on a few air filters and oil filters.”

August had been assigned inventory duty by Rebecca.

“Oh, Butch called and said we wouldn’t believe the type of research our client is doing. They were so excited at what they were going to be investigating at Stonehenge. That they couldn’t wait to get off the plane.”

“What type of research does our client do?”

Abandoned Child Chapter 9

Jessie watches the land scape as they drove down the interstate. After the police had shown up and took everyone’s statement. Charlie showed them the security footage he had of them breaking into the room and the hotels footage. There was more than enough security footage there to put Charles behind bars. Plus, they had the other information Jessie’s mother died for. He was sending that footage to a FBI agent he knew. Charlie trusted this agent and works with him when he is hired to track down hackers by companies.


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