Language or Cultural Change

Only A Baby Machine -- Part 19, The Dating Game (From The Other Side!)

Part 19 -- The Dating Game (From The Other Side!)

Pansy takes the first few steps towards resolving her identity crisis--and discovers what it's like to be a girlfriend, as she goes out on her first date.

February 8

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 6

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 6
Lilith Langtree

Commonly thought to be only playing a role playing game, D&D aficionado Harry Barcoy discovers what is common isn't necessarily the truth.

Only A Baby Machine -- Part 19, Too Soon? Will post tomorrow, if I can!

Part 19, A New Boyfriend?

Pansy finds she needs a male in her life--but will accept only an upper-class man who can help her climb from her low status. But can a dark-skinned peasant girl form a stable relationship with such a man?
February 8

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 


They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 5

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 5
Lilith Langtree

Commonly thought to be only playing a role playing game, D&D aficionado Harry Barcoy discovers what is common isn't necessarily the truth.

Tropical Twist - 5

With the help of the locals in the other villages, the natives have defeated the Japanese invaders. Now the airmen have other strange tribes to deal with: Americans and Australians!

Tropical Twist

5 - Safety

by Penny Lane

"Our friend here," Joe indicated Melanie, "has been working undercover behind enemy lines. We're accompanying her to assist in the debriefing. She's a civilian, so she may not appear on your documents, if you take my meaning."

The sentry looked guarded. "Uh, I don't rightly know as if I can let her in, sir. She's not on the list, you see."

"Corporal," Doc asked the sentry, "You'll let me in, won't you?"

"Yes, sir, you're on the list."

"Then why don't you let me use that phone in your hut, and I'll see if I can sort this little difficulty out."

"Right you are sir. This way."

Snakes and Ladders-8

Snakes and Ladders-8

Chapter 8

It was really faster paced than I wanted or Shaya wanted but at the same time oh my gods this was good. It was running up the stairs of this beautiful wood paneled mansion that I’m sure was all really intricate and everything. But Shaya’s and my lips are locked and we’re bouncing off some of the walls shedding armor and clothes well it’s easier for me but getting Shaya out of her armor’s like trying to get a three year old out of a ski suit.
It’s enough to set me to giggling.

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 4

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 4
Lilith Langtree

Commonly thought to be only playing a role playing game, D&D aficionado Harry Barcoy discovers what is common isn't necessarily the truth.

Somewhere Else Entirely


Audience Rating: 


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

A strangely-dressed person is found, unconscious, on the rocks below a remote mountain road. When the stranger recovers it soon becomes apparent that nothing will ever be the same again...

Somewhere Else Entirely
by Penny Lane

Only A Baby Machine -- Part 14, Escape from Hell

Part 14 -- Escape from Hell

At last, Pansy is released from Jose's control, to become the maidservant of George's old girlfriend, Suzi. She continues to be molded ever more closely to the image of a peasant girl.
May 12

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 3

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 3
Lilith Langtree

Commonly thought to be only playing a role playing game, D&D aficionado Harry Barcoy discovers what is common isn't necessarily the truth.

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 2

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 2
Lilith Langtree

Commonly thought to be only playing a role playing game, D&D aficionado Harry Barcoy discovers what is common isn't necessarily the truth.

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 1

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 1
Lilith Langtree

Commonly thought to be only a role playing game, D&D aficionado Harry Barcoy discovers what is common isn't necessarily the truth.

Snakes and Ladders-7

Snakes and Ladders 7

Chapter 7

The air is so beautiful up here in the sky above Highwood. We bank and we soar and over the massive canal like sea. We pass by air-ships and over regular boats and ships and fly out of that canal over this cliff-side down to beach like city only about seven our eight miles from the palace and the whole canal opens up into this wide open sea.

Spacetran 8

In this chapter Ruby takes her 'alien children' for an educational tour of America that ends up with an accident having unforeseen consequences. Beverly's return with their Amph/Human children becomes news and the Cold Albatross has to 'Skeedaddle' from earth to avoid all the 'hoo-ha' and military paranoia.



Chapter 8.

W. O. P.

W. O. P.

By Melissa Tawn

Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

---Emma Lazarus, 1883

When Lightning Strikes!-3


When Lightning Strikes!-3

by Lynceus

Ayumi decides to find someone who can help her new friend Haya; but how does one get in touch with the most powerful woman in the world?

Evanescence 2


Part 2

I was sitting in bed in the hospital watching the television. I’m freaked out beyond freaking out. I totaled my car; I went through the windshield and went into a two day coma. Here I met the goddess, oh no I guess not like that but THE Goddess. And she drops the F-bomb on me.

I’m some kind of person that keeps getting reincarnated. That in every life I’ve ever lived I’ve been connected to her and been a woman.

A Reluctant Spirit: Truncated Spirits

A Reluctant Spirit: Truncated Spirits
By Ingrid Halb

Ken finds the magical vessel in a junkyard while looking for car parts. What a great opportunity to wish for a new ride that will make him look good! Now then, what were those instructions again?

A Reluctant Spirit


By Ingrid Halb

In which we introduce a three-foot tall magical being that enables wishes that should not be made. And Jack, who thinks he's smart enough to make wishes that can't go wrong. Revised and rewritten here for your appraisal, with a slightly re-written ending.

Career Day: The Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round.

What would you do if you had a chance of living your life over again? Would you correct all those mistakes hindsight told you? Use your knowledge of the future to become rich? But what if this wasn't quite the past you remember?

Ovid 18: The SEALs


by The Professor (circa 2004)

Ovid’s security has been breached!
A team of SEALs is tasked with discovering Ovid’s secrets,
but are they a match for The Judge?

The Staff of Atlantis

The Staff of Atlantis

by Birion

James Thompson was an archaeology professor with dreams of Indiana Jones. But his latest treasure may be too much for him...

Ovid 16: The Derelict

Ovid XVI: The Derelict

by The Professor (circa 2003)

Bob Wallace was at the end of his rope–
broke, hungry, in need of a drink and about to be murdered
until a strange train and an even stranger passenger
showed him the way to Ovid and a new life.

The Chinese Food Restaurant

The Chinese Food Restaurant
El Guapo

Have you ever noticed that only girls work at Chinese food restaurants. Have you ever noticed that even in small towns with almost no minorities there always seems to be plenty of Chinese girls to work at the restaurant. This though and many dirty thoughts about the same girls pervaded my mind on many a trip to the local Chinese restaurant until finally I got up the nerve one day to ask that very question. And I can’t say I’m too surprised by the answer either, after all this is a BigCloset story.

The Trip

The Trip

Since i have the concentration abilities of a small squirrel, please forgive the lack of basic story, just an idea i jotted down, i'll be posting a lot of these over the next few weeks, i have millions of them on my computer.

El Guapo

“Please bend over.” She asked as we both sat in her living room.

“I’m sorry…” unsure of why she would ask me to bend over.

Skipper! Chapter 25

Skipper! by Beverly Taff

This chapter follows events after the and the court case that ensues concerning the 'Honour Killings' There is litle or no transgendered material in this 'interim connection' chapter but there is some philosphical exploration of the relationships between faiths and transgenderism. (Have I got an agenda here?) I ask myself. Possibly, even probably, yes.

Bemused 3

In the near future, the real world is dying.

Every geek’s fantasy is coming true. Superheroes, dragons, spaceships, giant robots, zombies, scantily clad French maids…they have all become real. It is miraculous that civilization has not plunged into total chaos.

Struggling to adapt to their new bodies, Dirk, Mike, and Steve soon find themselves forced to use their supernatural powers to defend against horrifying monstrosities that belongeth not in the world of light...

No, I'm not talking about Comic-Con attendees.


Chapter Three: Night of the Living Wooden Popsicle Stick Thingies

Bemused 2

In the near future, the real world is dying.

Every geek’s fantasy is coming true. Superheroes, dragons, spaceships, giant robots, zombies, scantily clad French maids…they have all become real. It is miraculous that civilization has not plunged into total chaos.

What is causing this, and why?

Some nutcases think it is an alien invasion. Other nutcases think it is the beginning of the Apocalypse. Our three non-nutcase protagonists, however, just wanted to finish their college days in relative peace. Unfortunately, they found themselves...


Chapter Two: Global Conspiracies and other Trivial Things

Bemused 1 - Chapter One

In the near future, the real world is dying.

Every geek’s fantasy is coming true. Superheroes, dragons, spaceships, giant robots, zombies, scantily clad French maids…they have all become real. It is miraculous that civilization has not plunged into total chaos.

What is causing this, and why?

Some nutcases think it is an alien invasion. Other nutcases think it is the beginning of the Apocalypse. Our three non-nutcase protagonists, however, just want to finish their college days in relative peace. Unfortunately, they are about to find themselves…


The Artifact

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------
Indian brides once used the strange oils to prepare themselves for their wedding nights….
The Artifact
By Anon Allsop

FSF Trooper - Part 1.1

M51 Hallas


FSF Trooper
By JulieH
Thanks to Katherine Day for suggestion and editing

I was wearing my favorite dangly earrings that looked like a tiny model of the solar system with only 3 planets. I had a three-quarter sleeved top that showed off my breasts that were small and yet seemed to fit my frame. I heard loud voices behind me and turned to see what the commotion was about and saw my mother and sisters coming toward me, shouting and pointing at me. I covered my face and yelled nooooooo.

Resurrected - Chapter 1

Chapter One
By Wargamerguy

Warning, this story deals with troubling aspects of religion so if that offends you then you might be better adviced to stay away from this one.

Milissa's and Dandy's Life for the last 3800 years - Part 1 "The Beginning" (Revised)

It was closing time @ Housing Transitions Program. I just walked out the door with my friend Lori and Talking about the puzzle we were working on. Suddenly a blast happened and I went flying. I Hit the building and I looked up and saw a steel beam land on my leg. I screamed And my twin sister came running. then it just went black. Meanwhile the starship Enterprise was in orbit watching the action. The away team just beamed up and Captain Picard just gave helm their next detestation then Data says “Captain I am detecting an anomaly on the planets surface. And I detect two human life forms coming out of the anomaly!” Riker tells the captain “looks like our business isn't done here yet. Captain Picard told Riker to have a away team sent to the surface. Riker tells Worf to come with him and he hit his com badge and said Riker to Crusher “meet me in trans porter room 3.”

Milissa's and Dandy's Life
for the last 3800 years

Part 1 "The Beginning"
by Princess Milissa

The Greener Mile - Part 3

Chapter 13

I awoke with a yawn. I was comfortable and warmly covered. John must have taken good care of me last night.


Oh God! I remember not being able to breathe or move. I opened my eyes and was startled to see that I was in a hospital room. Why was I here? I looked for the call button that should be around the bed someplace.

Peter's Girl

Set in the near future Timmy and Lucy are a normal couple like so many other couples of their generation. However, with the new Rejuve drug reversing the ageing process and also reversing masculine and feminine characteristics Women are gaining power! Men are now seen as cute little feminine things and much to Timmy's dismay men's and women roles are now completely reversed. This story follows poor Timmy's descent into femininity along with his fellow men.

Authors note.

Ma'at - Chapter 07: Back to the Future


Chapter 7 - Back to the Future
By Itinerant

Synopsis: She's Baaaaack! But how does Dani convince her team she was Dan?

And who're those guys in the weird car?

Altered Fates Hawaii Five 0- A Woman’s Work is with a Gun

Altered Fates Hawaii Five O - A Woman’s Work is with a Gun

By Danielle J

Based on a teleplay by Glen Olson and Rod Baker

This story is dedicated to the late Leonard Freeman, creator of one of my favorite television shows, Hawaii Five 0.
Author’s note- I’ve been toying with the idea of doing an AF Hawaii Five episode 0 for years. One season seven episode, A Woman’s Work is with a Gun, was best suited for making a few TG modifications to. The trouble was, I hadn’t seen the episode in years. That’s till I recently got a copy of it.


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