Body, Mind or Soul Exchange

The Night I Escaped From The Zoo : 3 / 5

I held the dress up in front of me, and looked in the mirror. Mayda gazed back at me. Of course she looked wonderful. Of course the dress would look lovely on her. It was weird as hell to know that the girl in the mirror was me.

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This story is 48 words long.

Feral Saga Chapter 10 - Fatal Flaw


Feral Saga Chapter 10 - Fatal Flaw

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

In the tenacious tenth issue, Logan will have to make life or death decisions. But each path will mean an end. Will she have the courage to carry on? Has Hank actually figured out how Neural Net transformed Logan and how that is affecting her? And what of Magneto and his plans? Will his ambush of the prisoner convoy be the key to unwinding his schemes or are they already too firmly entrenched for the Uncanny X-Men to defeat?

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This story is 96 words long.

The Night I Escaped From The Zoo : 2 / 5

Personally, I’ve never found “watch out!” to be a particularly useful warning, mainly because it’s so lacking in details. In the present case, it was no help whatsoever.

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This story is 30 words long.

The Night I Escaped From The Zoo : 1 / 5



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“But -- but -- I don’t want her body!” I told him.

“What difference does it make?” he asked. “You look the same as before! It’s a well known fact that humans can’t tell each other apart.”

“Of course we can tell!” I shouted. “Believe me, we can tell!”

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This story is 52 words long.

The Night I Escaped From The Zoo


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The story of a tiresome young man who manages to complain about everything.
A simple brain swap saves him from being put in an alien zoo,
but he finds a way to complain about that as well!

To be fair, his first night as a woman is something of a baptism of fire,
but at least it’s better than living in a zoo, isn't it?


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This story is 66 words long.

Feral Saga Chapter 9 - Revelation


Feral Saga Chapter 9 - Revelation

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

In the nail-biting ninth issue, Logan will finally face-off against Sabretooth with Storm’s life in the balance. Will it be a fight to the death? Has she actually stopped the ambush on the prisoner transport convoy? If not, can the Uncanny X-Men make it in time to prevent Magneto from recovering his precious helmet and Mystique? What havoc would they wreak together? Logan’s date night certainly hasn’t gone according to plan!

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This story is 90 words long.

Feral Saga Chapter 8 - Engagement


Feral Saga Chapter 8 - Engagement

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

In the enthralling eighth issue, Logan will examine her future now that she has told Don that she wants to leave the X-Men. But will there be time for her to truly examine her feelings or will circumstances cascade towards crisis? Can she move on and find happiness, or will she be drawn into the morass of Magneto’s schemes?

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This story is 76 words long.

Feral Saga Chapter 7 - Choices


Feral Saga Chapter 7 - Choices

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

We return with our sensational seventh issue, with Logan testing the limits of her abilities and trying to figure out her place in the X-Men. But she has a lot of unresolved fears and confusion about who she really is now, and what her memories of Scott mean for her and her relationship with Jean. Now that  Magneto has made his next bold move, can the Uncanny X-Men finally see a plan forming, or is he still several moves ahead?

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This story is 96 words long.

Mindful 2 Chapter 6

Following Iona's determination to ensure that all peoples shall share in whatever benefits that universal telepathy may bring, she is bound once again to 'move on' to avoid any attempts by oppressive agencies to somehow gain control of the telepathic spectrum.

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This story is 41 words long.

Mindful 2 Chapter 3



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Chapter 3 where Iona learns from her own older British children that her damaged mind might become a danger to her youngest telapthic American childran if they are exposed too early to her emotional damage and psychopathically dammaged mind. Once again, Iona is forced to leave her children so that their impressionable young minds are not damaged by Iona's and she can return later when the youngest children are better inured to her damaged psyche.

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This story is 74 words long.

Mindful 2 Chapter 2


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Second chapter of the book Mindful 2. I tried to get this book published on Doppler press so that any sales could be benefited to BCTS but sadly I got no responces from Doppler Press to help me put it up. Being as there isn't much time left I decided to post it on Big Closet.

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This story is 55 words long.

Feral Saga Chapter 6 - Gathering Storm


Feral Saga Chapter 6 – Gathering Storm

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

We return with our sensational sixth issue, with Logan having finally accepted that she is a woman, but possibly having even more questions about who she is and the effect the transformation has had on her powers. Jean seems truly committed to the new Logan, if not exclusively, but does she really know the person who is emerging and has she really dealt with her own demons? And what of Magneto’s grand plan now that the base was discovered to be a ruse with Mystique posing as Magneto? Will the Uncanny X-Men be able to learn what he is up to, or are they too late?

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This story is 123 words long.

Feral Saga Chapter 6 – A Preview/Interlude to Gathering Storm


Feral Saga Chapter 6 – A Preview/Interlude to Gathering Storm

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

Here is a special treat, a preview / interlude from our upcoming issue. This is a fun scene between the newly female Wolverine and Dr.Hank McCoy. We hope that you won’t forget about this series while we are on hiatus. We will return next week with another huge, action-packed sexy issue,

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This story is 72 words long.

Von der Reiterin zum Missionar

Ich bin nunmehr seit über 5 Jahren mit meiner Freundin zusammen, aber irgendwas hat sich für uns beide immer komisch angefühlt, auch schon vor unserer gemeinsamen Zeit.

Ich war schon immer der eher zurückhaltende und devote Typ und meine Freundin eher durchsetzungsstark und dominant, für die Rollenverteilung von Mann und Frau also genau anders herum.

Mich haben Frauen schon immer fasziniert und so kam es, dass ich irgendwann auf Transgender-Seiten im Internet gelandet bin, wo sich Männer in Frauen "verwandelt" haben, um ihr Äußeres dem Inneren anzupassen.

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This story is 92 words long.

Feral Saga Chapter 5 - Scents


Feral Saga Chapter 5 – Scents

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

In this Special Mega Publication, our frenetic fifth issue, Wolverine, still trying to find a way to deal with a new reality and desires, must go deep into enemy territory to gain vital information about Magneto’s latest gambit! Jean fears she will lose Logan forever, yet must still face the ramifications of her own actions. It seems Magneto’s war on humans will escalate to a massive scale unless the X-Men can foil his plot. But do they really know what is going on?

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This story is 100 words long.

Off Time - Chapter 2 - Who's Adrian? - The Saga of Adrianne

BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author
Katherine Phillips

All the work I post here is in its first draft format. I do this so that you can still read what I'm writing and so you have a reason to buy my books when they are edited and published, alongside supporting me as a person of course.

This is a branch or fan fiction from my book Adrian - The Saga of Adrianne. I hope you can enjoy it for what it is without reading the book.


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This story is 84 words long.

Off Time - Chapter 1 - New Legs - The Saga of Adrianne

BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author
Katherine Phillips

All the work I post here is in its first draft format. I do this so that you can still read what I'm writing and so you have a reason to buy my books when they are edited and published, alongside supporting me as a person of course.

This is a branch or fan fiction from my book Adrian - The Saga of Adrianne. I hope you can enjoy it for what it is without reading the book.

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This story is 84 words long.

Feral Saga Chapter 4 - New Player


Feral Saga Chapter 4 - New Player

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

In this, our fantastical fourth issue, we find the Wolverine dealing with the sensations, emotions, and urges resulting from the transformation process and Jean trying to decide where her love, loyalty, and even anger will lead her! As the Uncanny X-Men continue to adapt, there are new players and new schemes unfolding. Can they respond to this rising level of threat before they are torn apart in a game that they have yet to fully understand?

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This story is 93 words long.

Blackwell Paranormal Investigation Agency Case 9 Part 1


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Feral Saga Chapter 3 - Duped


Feral Saga Chapter 3 - Duped

by Nyssa


A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

In this, our TRANSFORMATIVE third issue, we learn the fate of the Wolverine! Jean, and indeed all of the X-Men, will have to find a way to adapt to the shocking aftermath. But will the Uncanny X-Men ever be the same?

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This story is 57 words long.



by Donna Lamb

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This story is 4 words long.

Feral Saga Chapter 2 - Betrayal


Feral Saga Chapter 2 - Betrayal
by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

Wolverine is a mystery, even to himself. But he is also a survivor. His incredible healing ability has brought him through crisis after crisis.  A loner, he is learning to be a part of a team - the Uncanny X-Men. With the help of Professor X and Jean Grey he is learning to trust and, in the case of Jean Grey, to love (even if it isn’t returned the way he would hope). But what if everything that has helped him survive, or is now helping him cope is turned against him? If his fragile hold on his very identity is shaken beyond anything he could ever imagine? How will the Wolverine survive when he can’t claw his way out or heal himself? Will rage devour him and lead him into the unending madness of a mindless, desperate wild creature, or is there another way - a way he could never have anticipated? Can he find his way before the X-Men are ripped apart?

Obviously, I do not own any of these characters and have not sought permission to use them. This is simply a fanfiction and should not be considered an official Marvel publication. However, I do retain all rights to my content and do not give permission for this story to be published elsewhere without my express consent.

In this, our second-ever issue, there’s some superhero-style violence and related tension as the action ramps up and plots begin to unfold. The game is afoot (whoops, wrong story)! There’s also people dealing with what just happened and what it means about .. Uhh, nope, sorry - spoilers…

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This story is 287 words long.

Stranger by the Day Chapter 2

James and Hannah are learning to cope with their new strange experiences.

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This story is 12 words long.

Feral Saga Chapter 1 - Sin


Feral Saga Chapter 1 - Sin
by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

Wolverine is a mystery, even to himself. But he is also a survivor. His incredible healing ability has brought him through crisis after crisis.  A loner, he is learning to be a part of a team - the Uncanny X-Men. With the help of Professor X and Jean Grey he is learning to trust and, in the case of Jean Grey, to love (even if it isn’t returned the way he would hope). But what if everything that has helped him survive, or is now helping him cope is turned against him? If his fragile hold on his very identity is shaken beyond anything he could ever imagine? How will the Wolverine survive when he can’t claw his way out or heal himself? Will rage devour him and lead him into the unending madness of a mindless, desperate wild creature, or is there another way - a way he could never have anticipated? Can he find his way before the X-Men are ripped apart?

Obviously, I do not own any of these characters and have not sought permission to use them. This is simply a fanfiction and should not be considered an official Marvel publication. However, I do retain all rights to my content and do not give permission for this story to be published elsewhere without my express consent.

Our blockbuster debut issue is a little more serious in tone as we get some things set up and it gets right into some controversy. There’s a body swap and sex between consenting adults. They just didn’t consent to have sex the way it ends up happening. Of course, it’s also a dream...

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This story is 294 words long.

Feral Saga An Introduction and Caution

Feral Saga Titled.jpg

Feral Saga A Foreward and Caution
by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

Wolverine is a mystery, even to himself. But he is also a survivor. His incredible healing ability has brought him through crisis after crisis.  A loner, he is learning to be a part of a team - the Uncanny X-Men. With the help of Professor X and Jean Grey he is learning to trust and, in the case of Jean Grey, to love (even if it isn’t returned the way he would hope). But what if everything that has helped him survive, or is now helping him cope is turned against him? If his fragile hold on his very identity is shaken beyond anything he could ever imagine? How will the Wolverine survive when he can’t claw his way out or heal himself? Will rage devour him and lead him into the unending madness of a mindless, desperate wild creature, or is there another way - a way he could never have anticipated? Can he find his way before the X-Men are ripped apart?

Obviously, I do not own any of these characters and have not sought permission to use them. This is simply a fanfiction and should not be considered an official Marvel publication. However, I do retain all rights to my content and do not give permission for this story to be published elsewhere without my express consent.


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This story is 246 words long.

Feral Saga

Feral Saga Titled.jpg

Feral Saga
by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

Wolverine is a mystery, even to himself. But he is also a survivor. His incredible healing ability has brought him through crisis after crisis.  A loner, he is learning to be a part of a team - the Uncanny X-Men. With the help of Professor X and Jean Grey he is learning to trust and, in the case of Jean Grey, to love (even if it isn’t returned the way he would hope). But what if everything that has helped him survive, or is now helping him cope is turned against him? If his fragile hold on his very identity is shaken beyond anything he could ever imagine? How will the Wolverine survive when he can’t claw his way out or heal himself? Will rage devour him and lead him into the unending madness of a mindless, desperate wild creature, or is there another way - a way he could never have anticipated? Can he find his way before the X-Men are ripped apart?

Obviously, I do not own any of these characters and have not sought permission to use them. This is simply a fanfiction and should not be considered an official Marvel publication. However, I do retain all rights to my content and do not give permission for this story to be published elsewhere without my express consent.

This is the title page

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This story is 240 words long.

She Stole My Body!

She Stole My Body!

I knew they'd be around to check on me. I'd run afoul of the witch's council too often for them not to keep an eye on me. So when their investigator came sniffing around and spoke to me I was ready.

I pretended not to know her which got her curiosity aroused but I knew the first thing she'd notice was the absence of magic. When she asked in a roundabout way about my magic I had the perfect story ready.

"You know about magic? Finally someone that will believe me!"

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This story is 95 words long.

SWTOR: End of the script

T'aa Onasi knows everything that is going to happen as she finds herself on the way to Tython.
However, she just got forced to switch with the real owner of this body, and wonders how she is going to cope. Can she change things? Will she be fighting against a fate that she does not want and how far will she be forced to follow the script? Not at all, a little, or the entire script?

Suddenly everything is not as it seems. What is real is slowly not real. Real is relative.

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This story is 93 words long.

Hunter's Moon Chp. 13

Wolf Howling 2.jpg

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SWTOR: Adjusting the script


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We spent three months on Tython training. I trained along with Kira on everything that Revan could teach us. Revan spent half this time teaching others as well and was speaking with the council on a daily basis. As much as I wanted to see how he got along with Satele, they managed to keep that part of their relationship secret. The Jedi Temple on Tython is one of eight different temples. Master Satele was shocked that we had found them so fast. I knew they existed and Revan knew how to find them.

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This story is 94 words long.

Stranger by the Day: a "Stranger by the Hour" reboot

Ok i know what you are thinking... actually i don't, but i think you are thinking that i got tired of the first story and decided to expand on it with a little more development. If you havent already, please read the original
If not, well the story stands without it. I will however, as always, be making subtle references to the rest of the canon.

Enjoy :)

James and Hannah Harrison are 2 fraternal twins. James is 5'7" and Hanna is 5'3". They're pretty average, but they have a secret. They involuntarily swap certain traits every night at midnight. How will they learn to cope with it?

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This story is 112 words long.

Prisoner of the Flesh

Warning: This is horror story. There is no happy ending. It is inspired by Johnathan's Rings of Fate on FM, which is one of the best bodyswap horror stories I have ever read.

Prisoner of the Flesh

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This story is 37 words long.

Pretending to Be A Girl

Phoenix browses through the new selection of sundresses, camisoles, shorts, and skirts that had just arrived at his favorite female clothing store. No one knew he wasn’t really a girl underneath the short skirt and a nice pink camisole and low wedge heels.

The fake breasts and hips and ass pads he was wearing, gave him a nice figure. He styled his shoulder-length red hair, like the way his mother kept hers. He just had his fingernails, and his toenails done. He was looking for a couple of new outfits to wear, while on vacation. He enjoyed pretending that he was a girl.

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This story is 104 words long.

Deep Cover - Epilogue






Scott looked over at the mousy brunette seated across from him and sipped his coffee.  It was hard to believe it had been two weeks since he’d seen her last.  She was dressed in a light sundress and sandals and had applied makeup for the first time since Scott knew her.  She adjusted her sunglasses and took a sip of the mocha leaving bright pink lipstick on the rim. 

“This is nice.” 

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This story is 74 words long.

Deep Cover Chapter 6



Chapter Six



The shadows were long and dark drenching the landscape and giving the estate a gothic old world feel.  Solomon standing on the mansion’s third floor veranda looked up at the moon with unseeing eyes. 

“How is it possible?” 

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This story is 41 words long.

Deep Cover Chapter 5



Chapter Five



‘I never imagined that I’d be attending my own funeral.’ Rhonda thought looking down at the closed casket.  The funeral home was mostly empty with only a few of Rhonda’s friends from the Agency attending.  Director Cox had acted quickly once news of the events at the prison was public. 

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This story is 54 words long.

Deep Cover Chapter 4



Chapter Four



Scott looked around at the group.  Ironmonger, Dreadnaught and Vulcan had elected to change into digital camouflage uniforms with Vulcan adding ceramic plates and ballistic cloth body armor to his gear.  Dreadnaught had strapped a .50 Cal to his back along with ammo while Ironmonger had picked an M134 minigun going for a lighter round but greater rate of fire. 

“No extra firepower?”  Ironmonger asked looking at Vulcan. 

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This story is 69 words long.

Deep Cover Chapter 3



Chapter Three



The rumble of a truck moving past the van woke him and for a moment Scott didn’t know where he was.  Then he remembered yesterday.  He reached up and felt the soft flesh on his chest.  Fatalistically he slid a hand between his legs and found his sensitive feminine sex.

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This story is 53 words long.

Deep Cover


Audience Rating: 


Special Agent Scott Irons is a mutant with the Special Mutant Affairs Command and is on a mission to help infiltrate a gang with criminal ties to a terrorist group in the Philippines. Things don’t go according to plan and Scott quickly finds himself over his head. Bodies are swapped and identities are stolen in this tale of action and betrayal.

Deep Cover

By Zapper

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This story is 66 words long.

Deep Cover Chapter 2



Chapter Two



Scott normally didn’t care much about how he looked, well excluding the week he’d spent as “Rhonda,” but tonight he knew that he needed to look his best.  His light brown hair was slicked back and the designer black jeans and shirt were intended to show off his athletic build. 

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This story is 54 words long.

Deep Cover Chapter 1

Deep Cover


By Zapper


Synopsis:  Special Agent Scott Irons is a mutant with the Special Mutant Affairs Command and is on a mission to help infiltrate a gang with criminal ties to a terrorist group in the Philippines.  Things don’t go according to plan and Scott quickly finds himself over his head.  Bodies are swapped and identities are stolen in this tale of action and betrayal. 

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This story is 67 words long.

SWTOR: The Wish of One Affected the Other: Maelstrom Prison

Several hours have gone by as the engineers and slicers worked on the Gree computer recovered from Taral V. My friends were celebrating behind me as I looked out on the rolling clouds of the Maelstrom. A violent mixture of gas and plasma much like a thunder cloud, but colorful from the mixture of different gasses. Hidden in those gasses were tiny grains of sand to planet sized asteroids. If the plasma didn't get you the debris would and if not that the fluctuating gravity would.

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This story is 86 words long.

Burdens of the King

Burdens of the King
A Tale of the Star Wars

E. E. Nalley

3627 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin)
Hyperspace, aboard the Aces and Eights, en-route to Ruuria, Outer Rim Territories

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This story is 32 words long.

The Demon and I

Chapter One

My life was boring before I met Kaen, though met is not an entirely accurate way to describe our first encounter. I was David a thirty-five-year-old single warehouse worker. I was just an average middle age man nothing really to look at, in fact, if you saw me you probably forgot me a short time later. At five feet ten inches and a frame that could hide behind a light pole, I didn't really have ladies knocking on my door either. I spent most of my time at work or home watching anime. That changer a summer night last June.

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Makayla - Chapter 5



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Twigs snapped, feet pounded, the forest whizzed by in gasps as I dodged from tree to tree, palms outstretched to make sure I didn’t plant face first into a trunk. Aleah said I’d know it when I saw it. What was I looking for? I inhaled as I ran, forest air scraped through my throat and barely inflated my lungs. I thought the endless expanse of trees and briar patches would extend forever, but I was wrong. It ended. I burst into a clearing, stopping short as if I’d just found myself on the edge of a cliff and pressing my hands to my knees as I bent over in exhaustion.

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This story is 114 words long.

Makayla - Chapter 3


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“Shelby where’s today’s paper?” Zeke asked as I sat down at the table in front of a white ceramic soup bowl.

“In the god damn living room where you left it, by the phone,” Shelby said, her voice stretched and irritated.

“Now don’t be mouthin’ off with me,” Zeke said angrily as he raised the spoon to his mouth and sipped the broth.

“Shut it old man,” Shelby took a seat. “If I leave whose gonna make your soup for you?”

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This story is 84 words long.



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By Audrissa

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Makayla - Chapter 2


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Sliding the phone back into my pocket I quietly used the bathroom and exited back into the hallway. It was a bare hall; no pictures or anything hanging up on the walls, and I only passed one other room. Passing out of the mouth of the hall I emerged into the kitchen where Shelby was stood at the stove stirring stew beneath a yellow hood light, contrasted against the white lights of the kitchen and a backdrop of faded, peeling wallpaper. Zeke sat at the kitchen table, the shotgun apart as he cleaned it carefully with a series of brushes and fluids.

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This story is 102 words long.

The Pantie Switcher

! Unfinished Story !

Kyle stumbles onto a secret ability: he can switch bodies with any girl when he wears their panties.
His first accidental switch is with his sister. He is quick to swear his ability off forever, but she has other plans...

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This story is 42 words long.


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