
Something Feels Strange - 54

Feels Strange   I finally give up and crawl in my sleeping bag at one o'clock. I just can't stay up any longer. I'd like to reflect on the evening's chat with Andy, but I lose consciousness as soon as my head hits the pillow.

My last thought for the day is that I'm so glad we came.

This is going to be a great vacation.

Chapter 54: Show Time

The Center : Patient Zero - Part 3

The Center: Patient Zero -Part 3

In the language of epidemiology, patients are numbered sequentially. Once an epidemic goes public it is patient one who gets the news coverage or journal articles written about them. What is less known is that there are unrecognized patients who predate the first acknowledged case. Sometimes these people are carriers, like Typhoid Mary, but oftentimes they are merely the unsung victims who's stories are not tied into the whole until long after the papers are written. Jesse Lee was such a person, this is his story.

Story is a prequel to and is set in Lilith Langtree's 'The Center' universe.


Something Feels Strange - 53

Feels Strange   The cooler we’ve just hauled out to the car signals the end of our preparations–everything is packed in the car and ready to go. I can hardly wait until morning when, finally, we will be on our way. I realize that I’m looking forward to heading to the mountains with almost as much anticipation as I would if I were still Chris. The thought of hiking to the top of the mountain overlooking the lake really appeals to me as does spending some time in the canoe with a fishing pole. It’s been a long time since I’ve done either.

Of course, doing it with Andy really adds to the appeal.

On the flip side, hanging out while waiting for Rana & Co. to drop the other shoe will be nerve-wracking.

Maybe he won’t get the message.

One can always hope.

Chapter 53: Andy's Secret

The Center: Taking Wing


Audience Rating: 


TG Universes & Series: 

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RavenCenter.jpg The Center: Taking Wing
Jack was just an ordinary high school student, trying to get by the bullies and through his classes. But, all of that is about to change as a result of something that happened a long time ago.

Something Feels Strange - 52

Feels Strange   Mrs. Harrison gives me a tight hug before turning to the rest and nodding her readiness to get back to the meeting. They return to the conference room to continue whatever planning they are doing. Dr. Quinn smiles and winks at me as he returns with the group. I’m pretty sure that he knew what my answer would be. He knows me too well.

Now, I only have to await the decision.

It’s going to be a long afternoon––

Chapter 52: We're Not Done Yet

The Center: Taking Wing, Chapter 4

RavenCenter.jpg The Center: Taking Wing
Chapter 4
Jack was just an ordinary high school student, trying to get by the bullies and through his classes. But, all of that is about to change as a result of something that happened a long time ago.

Something Feels Strange - 51

Feels Strange   My relationship with Laurie suddenly comes into sharp focus. It was what? Two months ago that I was having this same conversation with her? Only then I was the one feeling like a fool. If she felt half as bad then as I do now, I really feel sorry for her. I know how Andy must feel having been there myself. I need to try to make him understand that I really do love him, regardless of the motivation which began the relationship. That’s how Laurie got through to me.

I really, really hope this conversation has a similar ending to the one I had with Laurie. At least we won’t be fighting mosquitoes at the same time.

Chapter 51: It's OverOr Is It?

The Curious Case of A Missing Witness

The Curious Case of the Missing Witness
by SmallBurnyThing

Some days you get a lucky, a kind word gets you a password, which lets you copy a database, which fetches a rather large amount on the black market. Other days, well, someone else goes for the same mark as you and everything goes wrong. The emergence of meta-humans in the world was never going to affect that too much. Oh, and I'm a naíve fool, did I mention that?

You see, my life was one of the best I could have, coding by daylight and occasionally skimming large sums money off of those who could afford it. But sometimes; sometimes things don't go quite according to plan.

This is one of those times.

A Comic Retcon tale that gets a little dark towards the end.

The Center: Taking Wing, Chapter 3

RavenCenter.jpg The Center: Taking Wing
Chapter 3
Jack was just an ordinary high school student, trying to get by the bullies and through his classes. But, all of that is about to change as a result of something that happened a long time ago.

The Center : Patient Zero


Audience Rating: 


TG Universes & Series: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

The Center: Patient Zero

In the language of epidemiology, patients are numbered sequentially. Once an epidemic goes public it is patient one who gets the news coverage or journal articles written about them. What is less known is that there are unrecognized patients who predate the first acknowledged case. Sometimes these people are carriers, like Typhoid Mary, but oftentimes they are merely the unsung victims who's stories are not tied into the whole until long after the papers are written. Jesse Lee was such a person, this is his story.

Story is a prequel to and is set in Lilith Langtree's 'The Center' universe.


Something Feels Strange - 49

Feels Strange   The first indication something is wrong comes when I hear someone stumble over some shoes I left out just for that purpose.

“Laurie?” I enquire as, groggily, I try to sit up.

“Not quite,” a gruff male voice responds quietly, as I become aware of an aromatic cloth clapped over my mouth and nose. I begin to struggle and bite but I’m pinned to my bed and my world quickly turns black.

My last thought before passing out is: Where’s the FBI––?

Chapter 49: Happenings

The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 1 Spring Break Chapter 5

Spring Break
Chapter 5

By Rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman

The fairies from Thryson Kingdom are seen flying over the wall and heading towards a different pavilion camp area. They see other fairies flying to the same destination and other fairies leaving the camp.

They fly among the tents looking for the right one. Once they sense the right tent they fly through an opening in the tent flap. The fairies wait their turn until the man is done talking with one group of fairies in front of him. They see another group of fairies nearby as well.

The Omega Unicorn Chronicles - List of Characters, Books 1 and 2


Audience Rating: 


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

List of People and First Ones for
Book 1: Spring Break
Book 2: Summer Vacation

****This list is subject to change****

The Year 2098 is the Year of the Horse on the Chinese Calendar

The Wynter Lioness - Chapter 3

The Wynter Lioness


Chapter 3


by Tychonaut

Prince Henry Wynter was the Heir to the High Throne of the Heptarchy and prophesised to one day lead his people to unparalleled greatness. Twenty two years after he abandoned his destiny and his throne for the chance to be the person he felt he was meant to be, he finds that Fate has not yet finished with him. The events surrounding the proposed appointment of a new Heir to the High Throne have consequences that reach as far the remote farmstead refuge of the former prince and threaten to destroy the new life that she has built for herself.

Something Feels Strange - 48

Feels Strange   It also occurs to me that I’ll no longer be able to monitor Dr. Lang’s computer activities as he’ll be removing his computer from the house. I’m sure FBI geeks can hack the hotel’s system and keep the censor program active.  This investigation is truly out of my hands now.

I manage to resist the urge to read Mrs. Lang’s email–after all, I did promise to be a good girl––

Chapter 48: Waiting

Something Feels Strange - 46

Feels Strange   Checking  her email log further, I notice that she forwarded it to her attorney around noon today with the note, “Will this do the trick? See the note from the investigator.”  The reply that came back said, “You bet, I’ll have the paperwork ready in the morning. I won’t mention the video. We’ll reveal that later.”

Things are about to hit the fan chez Lang. I just hope that Andy and his mother can survive it.

Chapter 46: No Longer A Game

The Center: Taking Wing, Chapter 2

The Center: Taking Wing
Chapter 2


Jack was just an ordinary high school student, trying to get by the bullies and through his classes. But, all of that is about to change as a result of something that happened a long time ago.

~The Center universe and any original characters from it that appear here belong to Lilith Langtree.
~Characters or lines taken or paraphrased from published works are their creators’ property.
~Any characters I create for The Center universe are open for use by anyone else, just ask first.

The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 1 Spring Break Chapter 1

Spring Break
Book 1 Chapter 1
By Rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman

The sun settles beyond the horizon. The forest is quiet except for the sound of some insects doing their evening calls. There is no sound of birds in the air, just some butterflies fluttering among the trees. The forest air is still and dark. In a clearing there is a cottage with its light on. A butterfly decides to take a rest on the window sill. Another butterfly rests on a log near a corner of the cottage. Out in front of the cottage are several horses tied to a wood post railing.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 13

I should warn you all that you may want to get the hankies and tissue's ready for this chapter. It made me cry when I wrote it so I can only guess that it'll have a similar effect to some of you

Mean Girls 3026 Part 13

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 12

“You know damn well what I’m talking about young lady!” he told me as he turned scowling at me. “Or should I say young man?”

Mean Girls 3026 Part 12

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

The Center: Guardian - Chapter 1

The Center: Guardian
Chapter One

Korran Weaver

Luke Barklay had a pretty good life. He was popular enough, did well in sports, and got great grades. Kind of an all American kid. With a good future ahead of him, how will he react when abductors appear and an accident from before he was born turns his life upside down and lands him, new body and all, in The Center? Can he adapt, or will the journey kill him before he even takes the first step?

I was living the good life. It was winter break for one, which meant school was out and the mountains were all right there, just waiting for me...

The Center: Taking Wing, Chapter 1

The Center: Taking Wing
Chapter 1


Jack was just an ordinary high school student, trying to get by the bullies and through his classes. But, all of that is about to change as a result of something that happened a long time ago.

Original Characters and Universe belong to Lilith Langtree.


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