Welcome to Timber Grove: Chapter 6

A Timber Grove Story.jpg "Welcome to Timber Grove"
Timber Grove: Story #1
by TGTrinity

///// 6
///// "This is a Terrible Idea"

"This is a terrible idea," Detective Anderson said, but Tim wasn't willing to budge. "You're talking about walking right into Perfect Pines and handing yourself over to them, and for what? We still don't have a Goddamned idea what the fuck they're doing in there. Sorry for yelling, Glory," Tyler said to the small blonde sitting on his right.

"It's alright, but I don't think Tim is willing to rethink this."

Tim sat at the table and sighed. They had stayed at Glory's house and had been conversing about what their options were. Jennifer had arrived earlier in the night with some fresh coffee, and Glory's husband Neil had just returned from his job at the veterinary clinic. The five of them sat and talked, with Glory filling in Tim on the different forces in play, and Detective Anderson coming up to speed on the last few months.

"I don't see any other choice," Tim said as he put the coffee down, "and every second we wait there's going to be more disappearances."

"Tim, I've been in this city for a long time and have seen some shit that would make you think twice about you're planning."

Jennifer and Neil simply sat off to one side, not wanting to get in between these two arguing men. Tim could tell that Neil was completely devoted to his young wife, because not once had he taken a moment to check out the sensual female form sitting next to him. He also had said nothing in the last thirty minutes, and Tim was ready to hear from someone else besides Tyler.

"Neil, what do you think about this?"

"What?" He asked, almost choking on his coffee.

"Do you see any other way of doing this?"

Neil thought about it before he spoke, and then he looked to Glory in a way that clearly showed if she was okay with him talking. She, in turn, gave him a beaming smile and nodded her approval. "Well, when something happened to Glory, I had to act fast. I didn't exactly know what was happening, but something had to be done..."

"Neil, it's not like that..."

He softly held up his hand to his wife, clearly a little nervous but wanting to continue. "You're right, it's not like that. This is happening to kids who don't have someone looking out for them like you did. I mean, look at these records... All of them are from broken homes, from situations that are nothing like what we have." Everyone was listening to him now with great intent, as if they were hearing these things for the first time. "Someone it preying on these kids, and once they have them they're using them. What Tim is saying is crazy, but it's no more crazy than any of this."

Everyone quietly sat at the table, with no one willing to break the silence. Tyler looked up at the clock and saw that it was getting late, and he knew that he was on the losing end of this discussion. "Should Tim and I visit Barry?"

Glory looked up at Tyler and then thought for a moment. She then looked to Tim, and he could see more wisdom behind those young blue eyes than he did when they met earlier. "Are you sure about this, Tim? You're not only asking to be made younger, but you may possibly be transformed into a woman. Like I've told you, there is a lot of magic in this town, and we can't simply undo what has been done."

Tim had weighed the risks, and was tired of not doing his part in all of this. "I understand."

Glory got up and placed her hand Tyler's shoulder and nodded before taking Neil's hand and leading him out of the room.

"Isn't there someone else?" Jennifer asked as she got to her feet.

"This is what I've been trained for, Jen."

"You don't know anything, Timothy August. I slept with two of my friends and literally stole their female essence. Do you think that I wanted to do that? It was the magic. I was a virgin who had no interest in sleeping around, yet in one day I fucked and destroyed two of my friends lives."

"I know, Jen, and Levi is just as involved in this as he was in what happened to you."

Jennifer through up her hands in frustration, "I'm not just some stupid secretary!"

"Tim's not saying you are, Jen," Tyler said as he walked over and put his arm around her.

"I don't want to lose another friend," Jen said as she buried her head in Detective Anderson's shoulder.

Tyler looked over to Tim and stared him down. "We're not losing anyone else, Jennifer... I promise." Jennifer waved from the porch as Tyler and Tim drove away from the house. No words were said between the two as they made a short drive to The Coho Resort, as everything had already been said between them. They passed under a large brightly lit sign and passed long lines of cars parked in rows.

"As busy as ever," Tim said, wanting to break the tension.

"The Coho is always busy. You think a regular Casino is bad, just add a little black magic and this is what you get." Tyler said nothing else as he pulled up to a small entrance where there was a place reserved for the local police. He hung a sign on his mirror and then got out of the car as Tim followed after him. They both flashed their badges to the large man at the door, and soon they were in a small bar with dim lighting and a smattering of people. "Most everyone is at Tribal right now," Tyler said, looking as if he was reading Tim's mind.

"And where is this Barry?"

"He's typically behind the bar, and he's fairly easy to spot. Just look for the giant Samoan, shouldn't be too hard."

True to Tyler's word, Barry was not hard to find. There was a line of people at his tiny bar, including a sad looking bloke in a tuxedo. They didn't want to interupt him, so they waited paiteintly as the man in the tux shared his sob story. "You better believe it!" the man said before slamming down some money and exiting the bar.

"What was that all about, Barry?" Tyler asked as they approached the bar.

"Ah, Detective Anderson and Agent August, a pleasure," Barry said with a jovial laugh. Tim was about to ask how he knew who he was, but Tyler shook his as if to say it didn't matter. "That poor man is on his Honeymoon with an incredibly gorgeous woman, yet he feels the sex has gotten stale."

"That's a bad sign," Tyler added before grabbing a stool.

"Well, we will see how the night goes for him now, but I worry."

"What do you mean, Barry."

The big Samoan man looked over Agent August as if he was peering deep inside of him. "When people feel hurt, Agent August, they make rash decisions. That man is about to find himself in a situation of his own making, and I just hope that he is able to come out the other side the better for it all."

"Did you do something to him," Tyler asked inquisitively.

"I'm sure that Detective Anderson has filled you in on what I am, but if he hasn't then let me be the first to tell you that you've just met a Pixie." Tim opened his mouth to ask a question, but again Tyler raised his hand. "That man will soon be in the body of a beautiful.blonde white girl, a choice made by his wife, but that is all I can change. I can't change the heart or the mind, although he will surely believe those have changed as well."

"It's an inevitability," Tyler said as he took the drink that Barry suddenly placed on the bar, "that men who change into women will want to sleep with whatever they can. I wish I could tell you that is was part of the magic, but it really just comes down to the fact that most men are pigs."

Barry nodded his approval, and Tim thought about what they were saying. "You two are still trying to talk me out of this, aren't you?"

"Yes, Agent August, we are. The magic that is happening inside of that school is dark, and you would need to go in clean of all magic. They will smell it on you," Barry said as he produced a drink for Tim, "and then they will destroy you."

"I've made up my mind on this, Barry, so if you can't help me then Tyler here says you can point me to someone who can."

Barry shook his head. "You are no different than the man who just left here. You feel that you can fix everything, that it is for you to fix, and that no one else is capable."

Tim slammed his drink down on the bar and stood up. "I'm done having this conversation. Can you help me or not."

Barry did not look flustered at all, but he was clearly disappointed. "Here," the large man said as he held out a room key card, "go to room 413 and wait for Keeley. She will be able to help you." Tim took the card and began to walk away, but Barry wasn't done with him yet. "Mixing magic is very bad, Agent August. Keeley will be able to help you, but I fear if you go through with this and become a girl, then you will stay a girl."

"I know," Tim said with a shrug, "but I'm not allowing them to do this to anyone else."

"Says the man who is allowing them to do it to them," Barry said, but he knew the foolish FBI Agent had made up his mind.

"I'll be here," Tyler said as he lifted up a drink.

Tim said nothing else, but focused on getting to room 413. People were roaming the halls, many looking like they had a little too much to drink. He ignored them all and made his way to the elevator, and then on to the room.

"Hello," Tim asked as he slowly opened the door. Barry had told him that he would have to wait for this Keeley, but he was being safe. He walked through the small entry way and into the room beyond. A large bed was nicely made against one wall and opposite that was a large flat screen television. Some typically bland art hung on the walls, and the bathroom was clean along with some fresh linen. "Well," he said to the empty room, "I guess we wait."

And wait he did.

It would be another hour before Keeley walked through the door, and Tim was shocked by both her sudden entrance and her appearance. She was a little over four feet tall with sandy blonde hair in two big pigtails. Her frame was petite, with two budding breasts beneath a plain white t-shirt, and skinny legs wrapped in skinny jeans.

"Keeley?" He asked, thinking that this girl must be in the wrong room. He had just been looking over some files on his phone while lying on the bed, and now he was just too stunned to move.

"Agent August, I presume" she said with a smile.

"Um yeah," Tim replied, although he was very uncomfortable being in the room with a young girl alone.

"I can assure you that I'm not a little girl, Agent August."

"What, how did you... Oh, are you a Pixie like Barry?"

Keeley chuckled as she walked uncomfortably close to Tim, "I'm not a Pixie, Agent August, and you don't full have to understand how I will help you grow younger... But know that I can do it." She plopped herself up on the bed and scooted closer to Tim.

"What are you doing?" Tim asked as he tried to move away from her.

"I'm trying to make you younger, Agent August. Now, I'm thinking about sixteen would do the trick, am I right?"

"You are, but why are you," Tim was going to say more, but Keeley had leapt close to him and was kissing him hard on the mouth. "Hey, what the fuck are you doing!"

Keeley's face was just a ball of sunshine, and that made Tim even more nervous. "Agent August... Tim, I'm not a little girl, trust me. It's sweet that you're trying to stop this, but I am well over eighteen." She propped up on her knees and grimaced, "I can see that you're going to need more than that, aren't you?"

"A girl who looks like she can't be older than sixteen is throwing herself at me for no reason? Yeah, I'll need a little more to go on."

"Okay," she said, the smile back on her face, "I want you to imagine the sexiest woman you know."


"Jesus, Tim, just do it."

Tim still felt uncomfortable, but he didn't see how this could hurt. "Fine," he said as he pictured Samantha when they first met. It was in Quantico, and she was a force to behold.

"Okay, I can feel your energy rising, but I'll need a little more to go off," Keeley said as she slowly moved back over to Tim. "Now close your eyes, and picture that woman slowly removing her clothes."

Tim was starting to get into what she was saying, and he happily closed his eyes and pictured Samantha slowly peeling off a white tank top she always wore.

"Good, really focus on the sexual energy she gives off."

He watched as she slowly moved around and bent at the waist. She knew how much he enjoyed staring at her ass, and ass he watched her shimmy out of her jeans, he felt his pants tightening.

"Yes, picture her curves... Picture the way her breasts bounce with each step..."

In Tim's mind Samantha had just freed her perky tits. They were world class, and everyone thought they were fake, but he knew better. He got up close and personal with the girls and knew they were pure, All-American breasts. He felt like he could just reach out and touch her chest when he felt a hand on his slacks.

Tim was pulled from his imagination and opened his eyes to a surprise in the form of a slightly changed Keeley. Her breasts had grown into a modest pair, and her face had thinned out and aged slightly. She could now easily pass for a High Schooler, if not a young college girl.

"See, Agent August. I feed off of sexual energy, and when I do I get older. The benefit in all of this is that you in turn get a little younger."

"I... I can't believe this," Tim said as Keeley placed her hand on his stiff cock.

"Just give it a few minutes, and I promise that I'll blow your mind even more." Then she quickly undid his fly and pulled out his cock. Without another word she lowered her head and began to suck him off.

"Oh, shit!" Tim gasped as she expertly twirled her tongue around his shaft. He had always thought that Samantha gave world class head, but this girl was erasing her from his mind. "Oh fuck! I'm cumming!" Tim said in surprise as he suddenly began to unload down her throat.

Keeley didn't seem to mind, in fact she looked up at him with a big smile as she swallowed every last drop. As he looked down at the girl with her lips wrapped around his cock he watched as she began to change. The features of her face lengthened and shifted, becoming much more mature and feminine. He could even fill her lips plump as they stayed wrapped around him.

"See, Agent August," Keeley said in a sultry tone, "you've stopped fighting." The smile stayed on her face as she got up on her knees and her took in her new form. Breasts were straining against the tiny white t-shirt, with large amounts of flesh spilling over the top. Meanwhile her hips had flared enough to tatter the flimsy pair of jeans she had on. "I'm going to need to get a little more comfortable, Agent August, and I suggest you do the same," Keeley said as she pulled the t-shirt over her head. The breasts revealed to him were fantastic, with nipples the size of quarters placed squarely in the middle of the perfect globes.

"Fuck," Time said aloud as he quickly pulled his pants off. He was so entranced by Keeley's firm body that he didn't even realize that he didn't undo his belt before removing his slacks.

"Let's continue the fun," Keeley said as she pushed him back on the bed and straddled him. "I've been told that this is the best view," she said as she ripped her panties and revealed her moist slit, "so sit back and enjoy the show."

Tim could say nothing as she slowly took all of him in, and when her hips began to move he felt like it was his first time. While she went about fucking him from on top, Tim got lost in wave after wave of pleasure. He was sure that he had cum more times than he ever had before, but with each release he watched in wonderment as Keeley's breasts grew and became more and more bouncy.

In time Tim had passed out from pleasure, and when he awoke he saw a fully grown Keeley sitting in a chair across the room. She was wearing a black party dress that did little to cover her breasts, and the makeup on her face made her look like a bombshell.

"Back with us, are we?"

"Yeah," Tim said, and that's when he noticed it. His voice had changed, and when he looked down he saw that he was wearing a pair of khaki shorts with a white t-shirt over them. He jumped up and ran to a mirror over the dresser and gasped. "I'm... I'm a kid again," Tim said.

"Yep," Keeley said with a smile. "I'd peg you at about fifteen, and I'm pretty good at guessing ages. I know that I said sixteen, but well," she said as she walked over and placed a kiss on his cheek, "you were quite the lover."

Tim felt a rush of warmth fill his cheeks, and he felt a big grin wash over his face.

"So, you better get out of here, young man... It's past your bedtime," Keeley said with a grin as she held open the door.

"Yeah," Tim said, still getting used to hearing his younger voice again. They walked down the hall to the elevator and Tim couldn't help but stare at Keeley's ass.

"It's okay to look since you just helped me get it back," she said with a wink. Tim blushed again and Keeley called the elevator. When it arrived she held the door open as he got in. "This is where we part ways, Tim."

"Thanks for everything," Tim said, then blushing at the phrasing. "I meant..."

"I know what you meant, but it was all good for me honey." The smile on her face then disappeared and was replaced with one of worry. "Barry told me what you plan to do, Tim. Promise me that you'll be careful."

"I promise," Tim said while crossing his heart. Even as a kid he could tell that she didn't believe him, but it was too late to go back. As he walked through the empty hotel he thought of what he was about to do. He knew there was a chance that things could get out of hand, but what else was there to do?"

"God, this town still surprises me sometimes," Detective Anderson said as Tim approached him in the empty bar.

"Sorry it took so long," Tim said as he thought about everything Keeley had done to him, causing an erection to spring to life in his shorts.

"No, it gave me some time to look over the files you gave me on Salvatore Monterey. I think you may be on to something there," Tyler said as he opened the door for Tim, "so it's not too late to undo all of this..."

"I'm going, Tyler. If you want to follow up on Monterey while I'm in there, be my guest."

Tyler knew it was no use arguing with him, as Tim was probably more hard headed as a teenager. As they drove back to town Tim shifted in his seat, thinking about what he was going to say to the school. Could he really just walk up and ask for help? They still didn't know exactly what was happening, but he was about to find out.

"Here we are," Detective Anderson said with a sigh. He was a block away from the Perfect Pines entrance, and the street was deserted. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah," Tim said, although for the first time all night he was scared.

"It's not too late..."

"Tell Jennifer and Glory that everything will be fine," Tim said as he got out of the car and walked up the quiet street. Detective Anderson sat in the car and watched as the young man walked slowly up the street. He knew that this was a mistake, that only a huge amount of luck would get Tim out of this unharmed. Tim stopped for a moment in front of the entrance, and for a moment Tyler though he would turn back.

But then Detective Anderson watched as Agent Brown walked up to the gates and disappeared from sight.

///// To Be Continued

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