Welcome to Timber Grove: Chapter 3

A Timber Grove Story.jpg "Welcome to Timber Grove"
Timber Grove: Story #1
by TGTrinity

///// 3
///// "TGA: Timber Grove Anonymous"

There was a shuffling on the bed, and Sam Brown was pulled from a dream and into the waking world. He tried to think of the dream again, but it was fading quickly. All he could remember was that he was a woman again, and how good it felt...

"Morning, sleepy head."

Now completely awake, he looked next to him and saw a very attractive brunette laying naked beside him. She was in her thirties like he was, and like him she was in better shape than most their age.

The only issue was, he didn't know who she was.

"Oh, looks like not every part of you is asleep." She was of course referring to Sam's massive erection, the same one he had woken up to every morning the last two weeks since his transformation. "Looks like he needs some attention."

The fact that he couldn't explain who this gorgeous woman next to him was paled in comparison to the need he was starting to feel as she began to suck him off. This, of course, led to some incredible morning sex, and while she yelled "Fuck me Sam!" he could only reply by calling her gorgeous, baby and many other terms that did not include her name.

Their sexual escapades began on the bed, then moved to the floor before finishing in the dining room with her holding the table and Sam thrusting into her from behind.

"Yes! Please go deeper! Oh my God! Keep going, Sam!!!"

"Oh... You..." He was running out of pet names, when suddenly it hit him who this was. "Emily?"

"Yes! Say my name! Call me your whore!!!"

Emily was a woman from Sam's new apartment building , as was her husband and three children. Even with the newfound knowledge that he was banging a married woman, he couldn't stop himself.

"I'm cumming! God, I'm cumming!!!"

"Fuck! Me too!" Sam yelled as he exploded inside her. He pulled her hips and pushed as deep as he could.

"Fuck! Oh my God!!!" She was beside herself with pleasure, and Sam couldn't deny he felt it too. After she had cleaned herself up and got dressed, she tried to kiss him on the way out.

He backed up and put his hand on her mouth, "Oh, you save that for your husband."

She smirked at him. "And I'll save this for you," she then lifted up her dress as she walked away and flashed him her perfectly sculpted ass. She passed a young woman on the stairs that was holding two coffees, and when Sam saw the young woman he rolled his eyes.

"Does secret mean nothing to Lilly?"

The girl with the coffees smiled as she approached, "Pixies break easily, Samantha... You should know this." She then handed Sam a coffee and he begrudgingly allowed her in.

"Come right in, Erika."

"Wow," Erika said as she entered the apartment, "this place smells like sex."

Sam rolled his eyes and closed the door. He hadn't seen Erika since the incident two weeks prior, but she was still your typical Erika. After graduating High School in '12, she worked full time at the Thrift Shop, becoming very useful in Sam's previous investigation. Though she was nineteen, many still mistook her as a High School girl. Most of this had to do with the way she dressed. A very curvy body was always barely covered in a pair of shorts and some new graphic t-shirt. Today's shirt was yellow and said "Timber Grove! It Changes You!"

"Yeah, sorry about that."

"No worries, I'm not a little girl anymore. In fact, I had Greg from the PD over at my place last week, and the things he did to me..."
"God, Erika! I may be in a man's body, but I still think of you like a little sister!"

Erika laughed as she sat on the couch, "I know, I'm only trying to see if Samantha is still in there."

"Well, I am..."

"And I want you to know I had no idea that Levi gave Jennifer the ring. You know I would have warned you both."

"I know, Erika..." Little else was said as Sam tidied up some things before sitting on a chair opposite the couch. "So does anyone else know I'm here?"

"No, you've done a good job of hiding... but I'd talk to Lilly after this and chide her for breaking so easily."

Sam had to grin at that. Lilly was a girl who worked as a waitress at the Coho Resort, and she was also a Pixie. It surprised Sam when he had found out, as she looked like a normal girl, but when she got into a bind Sam helped. Letting him stay in this apartment was her way of saying thank you. "Lilly has been great to me," he then shifted in his seat, "but have you... met Tim yet?"

Erika smiled, knowing this would come up quickly, "No, actually. I haven't met your former fiance."

Sam rolled his eyes, "Enough of that, and he really hasn't come by?"

"No, but I know that he's been looking into Perfect Pines. It's only a matter of time before he comes into the shop. So..."


"So? So why haven't you called me? Why did I have to hear about everything from Lilly?"

"Erika, it's kind of..."

"Embarrassing? Do you think I'm judging you because you slept with that woman?" Erika was running her hands through her long brown hair, "Please, Sam, you know me better than that. You know this town better than that.

"So you're saying I fucked that woman because of my transformation? What about the others? What about the girl from the bar, the woman at the laundromat or the two coeds I woke up to last Sunday. What about the married woman you just passed on the way in?"

Erika smiled. "Wow, two coeds?" Sam said nothing, choosing instead to bury his face in his hands. "Sam, you need to talk to someone about this. I've been looking into reversing the spell, but I don't know anything about that ring. Until we find something, I think that you should head down to the community center..."

"No... For Lilly's TGA?"

Erika smiled and nodded, and after more heated words and Erika threatening to stab him with a fork Sam found himself standing outside the Timber Grove community center. Lilly had already invited him out a couple of times, but Sam was a strong willed person. As a woman, he did his best to not accept help from anyone in fear of looking weak. Now as a man, he felt the same insecurities.

"Sam?" A very tiny girl with short strawberry blonde hair and a big smile was running up to Sam. "Sam! You came!" She through her arms around him, and now that Sam was in a man's body she felt even tinier than before.

"Yeah, Erika convinced me..."
"Oh, I'm sorry about that! She just seemed so concerned, and I thought she'd be able to help... And she did!" She hugged him again, and Sam did his best to look happy. "You look great, by the way. All manly and strong!"

"Thanks, I guess," Sam then locked eyes with a blonde woman walking by that took his breath away. Her body was all legs, and the upstairs wasn't bad either.

"Hey!" He felt a tiny fist hitting his arm. "None of that! This is a safe place for people like you and her to come!" Lilly was still hitting him as he moved to open the door for the woman. She gave him a shy smile before entering, and he quickly followed after. "Ugh," Lilly grunted as she did her best pout, but neither Sam or the pretty woman noticed.

Inside Sam still followed the woman, his eyes locked on her ass as he did, until they were in a room with metal folding chairs set up in a circle. There were maybe a dozen people in the tiny room, an even split of men and women, and when Lilly entered they all sat down.

"Welcome, everyone! For those of you who are new, my name is Lilly and I set up this group to help those in Timber Grove who have experienced transgendered changes. Some of you chose to change, while others were not given a choice. Either way, it's a lot to take in and we want this to be a safe place where you can find support."

Sam smiled in spite of himself. Lilly was such a tiny piece of woman, yet her heart was ginormous. He then sat as people began to share their stories, and he was surprised to find he was unaware of most. He had been in Timber Grove for a year, and had seen so many changes happen that he assumed he knew it all.

He was very wrong, and the last woman to share her story that day showed him how little he knew.

"Hello, my name's..." The pretty woman Sam followed in was now standing up, and she was looking at Lilly for guidance.

"You can use whatever name you want."

The woman shook her head and thought about it before starting again. "Hello, my name's Elliot, but I go by Ellie now. I am, or was, a twelve year old boy who made a wish at the town wishing well to be closer to Penelope Rose, a model I saw in a magazine my brother had. Anyway, I woke up the next morning in this body and didn't know what to do. I tried to talk to my mom, but she freaked out and told me to leave before she called the cops."

Sam watched as she continued her story, telling everyone all of the events that led her to where she was today. She hit the same note that many others had, the uncontrollable sex drive that accompanied the unforeseen change. Ellie told how she slept with her best friends widowed father and became his new stepmom.

"I'm really happy with Dave, and the sex has been great," she blushed as she said is, obviously a little embarrassed, "and focusing on my new job at the mall helps with the urges. I just wish I could tell my Mom and Dad the truth about me. They stopped looking for me about a week after I left... I understand why, but..."

Lilly saw that Ellie was getting emotional, so she stepped in. "Thank you for sharing, Ellie." Everyone else then chimed in with their thanks, and Ellie sat back in her seat with tears in her eyes. "I know it's hard when these changes happen, especially when our loved ones seem to abandon us, but all of that is for the best. We don't know why this town heals so fast, why people will lose a husband, daughter or friend and almost forget them days later. Remember that deep down they love you and miss you, but you have new lives you need to focus on."

She smiled and stood as everyone else followed suit. Sam didn't know what was happening, but he stood up as well and took the outstretched hands of those next to him before they all spoke in unison.

"My look may be different, but inside I'm still me. My changes don't define me, I still choose who I will be. When carnal urges grow, I will work and be set free. I am who I am inside, not just who others see."

Everyone then mingled and shook hands, while others hugged and shed a tear. Sam could only move to the door as fast as he could. "Hey, excuse me?" He turned to see Ellie walking over to him, a warm smile on her face. "You were the guy checking me out on the way in, right?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry..."

"No, it's fine. I mean, I chose this body for a reason," she shrugged, blushing a little, "but I don't blame you for looking. It's just good that you came to the meeting. How long..."

"It's been a couple of weeks," he said as he put his hands in the pockets of his jeans."

"It get's easier. I saw you rolling your eyes during the mantra, but it's helped me so much... Focus on your work, it makes everything else sort of fade away."

Sam ran his hand through his red hair and sighed, looking a little uncomfortable. "I... I feel weird asking..."

"You feel weird asking a thirteen year old boy who's now in the body of a lingerie model if the urge to fuck goes away?" She didn't look embarrassed at all now, she looked like she was concerned about him. "Everyone is different. Neil over there was an eighty year old woman before changing into a twenty year old guy. He really has no sexual needs, but that doesn't stop him from getting some. But take Crystal there and me", she pointed over to a girl wearing jeans and a shirt that barely covered her small, perky breasts. "We were both in our early teens when it happened, and the changes made us insatiable. Luckily I found Dave and a good job after fucking half the guys on my block, but Crystal," she rolled her eyes, "Crystal's unemployed and is at Tribal every night looking for anything to fuck."

"Um, thanks for talking with me..."

"Ellie," she extended her hand and he shook it.


"It's good to meet you, Sam. I hope to see you here next week?" She waited for an answer, but Sam gave none and instead smiled and nodded. He then turned and walked out of the building and drove back to his apartment, thinking about the meeting and the advice Ellie had given him about working. After some contemplating, Sam passed his apartment complex and continued to drive.

Soon he was parked on the side of the road, looking over at the large complex on the side of the hill. "Alright," he said to himself as he read the sign on the other side of the street aloud "Perfect Pines: A School for Young Women..."

///// To Be Continued

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