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(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 2323 by Angharad Copyright© 2014 Angharad
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I spoke briefly with Jacquie away from Trish’s bed. “My energy doesn’t seem to be getting near her, ask Julie to come in as soon as she can.”
“What about Danielle? Can’t she do the healing too?”
“She’s been ill herself recently, I don’t think she’d have the strength to do very much and it could make her ill again.”
“Okay, Mummy, I’ll send Julie in.” She went off quickly to try and find her sister. I suppose I could have phoned Julie, but I didn’t want to talk to her other than face to face. Jacquie could do that for me. I knew Julie would be here as soon as she could.
I trudged back to the bed, Trish was fast asleep and I sat with her, holding her hand or gently stroking her cheek. She smiled but remained somnolent. The nurse checked her, her temperature was still high. Somehow we had to break the fever, which is often when the crisis occurs and the patient either recovers or...
I talked quietly to her and touched her gently just to let her know I was there. At one point she seemed to jerk and twitch and her eyes were moving rapidly under their lids. I thought for a moment she was having a fit but she calmed down and went back to a more normal sleep. Julie arrived with Simon.
“What’s going on? Jacquie says she’s got meningitis.” Simon said tersely. I left Julie to sit with her while I steered him away from the bed.
“She may be able to hear you, you great knuckle head.”
“Yeah, okay, sorry. But what the going on?”
“She had this headache for a couple of days I called Sam and he examined her and admitted her with a diagnosis of viral meningitis. I’ve been here ever since.”
“Bugger. Want to go and get something to eat or drink? I’ll sit with her for a while if you do.”
“Thanks for the offer, but I think I need to try and zap her with Julie’s help, but I suspect we’d both be grateful for a cuppa in about an hour.”
“Okay, I’ll bring some down.”
“I love you, Simon, but Trish needs me more at the moment.”
“I know, babes, go and do what’s necessary. See you in an hour.”
I kissed him and he left waving to Julie as he went.
“What do I have to do, Mummy?”
Once more I moved away from the bed and explained my plan. It was easy, if my energy wasn’t right for some reason, then I had to do it through a third person who would also look kindly upon our subject. Julie was the third party.
I sat her next to the bed and holding hands with Trish while I sat the other side of Julie and held her other hand while trying to call up as much energy as I could. I was lost to my task drawing down a sun’s worth of light, unaware of nurses, the hospital or even Trish. As I drew it down I chanted Hebrew god names to help me focus and keep me awake.
I lost all track of time and it was only when Si came down with a tray of teas and sandwiches I returned to real life. It took me a moment to work out where I was and then I spoke to Julie and Simon. Julie said she looked a little less ill but her temperature was still high and her breathing quieter. I said I thought the crisis was approaching.
I was grateful for the tea and while not exactly hungry, when I discovered the sandwiches were tuna, I thought I’d better eat them or else. I told Julie why my energy wasn’t working on her.
“Why’s that, then, Mummy?”
“Because I’ve saved her life before.”
“But you’ve saved Stella as well a few times,” interjected Simon.
“Not with the blue energy.”
“Oh, I stand corrected then.”
“Nothing new there then,” I retorted almost in unison with Julie. I thought it was hilarious, Simon didn’t.
“It was mainly common sense and first aid that saved Stella, not this stuff.” I threw off a little and liberated, it flew to a child and she began to cry. Her parents were ecstatic, they jumped up and down and hugged. Apparently, she was expected to die but now she wasn’t going to.
Refreshed, sort of, Julie and I set to again. Sam got permission for us to stay there as long as we wished as Trish was categorised as critical. It was probably some two or so hours later that it became obvious that either the fever would break or I would in my attempt to force it. At that moment I suspect the odds were evens.
I felt the energy breakthrough like a slice of ice I’d been standing on broke and I’d fallen into an ancient sea. I started chattering but within seconds was burning hot as the energy in me went to and fro. Trish apparently wriggled and jerked as we forced the issue and moments after it happened Sam Rose appeared and told us the temperature was reducing—my plan might have worked.
We took another break and Sam insisted we go up to the hospital restaurant and eat and drink, he was going to be examining Trish while we were away, so we reluctantly rose and went off for another cuppa and sandwich.
“Are you Lady Cameron?” asked the oldish lady in the restaurant.
“Yes, how did you know?”
“Dr Rose asked me to do you a meal, this is what he ordered.” She produced two plates with rice and a stew. I thought I was more likely to throw up than eat it but it was delicious and I told her. We were both back at the ward about twenty minutes after leaving it.
Sam was waiting for us. “Did you enjoy?” he asked smiling.
“Yes, thank you.” I gave him a hug.
“The good news is, her temperature is coming down. We’re not out of the woods yet but she needs a good night’s sleep now and so, I suspect, do you. So off to bed with you, I’ve arranged for you to be able to come in first thing in the morning. Now go and rest.”
“I’d rather stay,” I protested, “She might need me.”
“Go home, Cathy, she needs you alert and strong. Take her home, Julie.”
I surrendered and after giving Trish a peck on the forehead and telling her I’d be back in the morning, I went to leave.
“Back in the morning? Mummy, it’s one o’clock in the morning now.”
“Oh bugger, no wonder I feel tired.”
We walked out to the car park and Julie had parked next to my car, I followed her home hoping I didn’t nod off while I was at the wheel. I didn’t but when we got home I was too tired to have a tea or anything. I left Julie to explain to Tom and Stella how things were while I went up to my bed. I was exhausted. I lay on it fully dressed and fell asleep in seconds.

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C'mon, Trish!
We're all pulling for you. Get well!
Red MacDonald
A mother's love?
Can go a long way I'm told and Trish is a little toughie. Hope she pulls through though, Meningitis is a vicious bug.
Still lovin' it. Thanks Ang.
Here's hoping
That the teamwork made the difference. Can Cathy bring Julie with her again?
Expecting vivid dreams.
Comment showed up twice so I'll change it :-)
Agree with everyone else that Trish is just to central to the tale to lose but of course it's all in Angharad's (and cats) hands / paws. Expecting that Cathy is about to experience a crisis of beliefs and non-beliefs.
Glad that Cathy with Julie's
Glad that Cathy with Julie's assistance was able to get Trish's fever to break. Meningitis is not a condition to "sneeze at". Very dangerous and can cause irreparable harm, up to and including death, faster than anyone can imagine. Had my youngest daughter get spinal meningitis when she was 18 months old, best guess from the doctors, a mosquito bite. Took two hard weeks of constant, very close medical treatment to bring her to recovery from it. So I can definitely understand the anguish that Cathy, et al are going through at this moment regarding Trish.
Continual struggle.
Poor Trish. I wonder where she picked the VM up? Some say that certain temperatures are conducive to it.
Seems like
Trish may be out of danger for the moment... Lets hope it stays that way, Meningitis is a deadly foe and has ruined many lives, But hopefully with Cathy, Simon Julie and all her sisters behind her Trish will be very soon back with her family..