The Girl Inside the Boy : Part 4 Chapter 8

The Girl inside the Boy


by Roo

Part Four Chapter Eight

The Wedding

Editing by Bronwen


Everything went back to normal; back to school. Even Chrissie went back to school as a girl without any real trouble. Time went by quickly and it was time for the big day for Mummy and Daddy to get married, which was on Saturday the fifth of September in a weeks time so panic stations all round.


Saturday 29/8/59

We were all in a panic, Daddy was worse than us ladies and that's saying something. Daddy still had to sort out a new suit and Uncle Tony and Father Brian all had to have matching suits. Mary from the dress shop had it all sorted weeks ago because she measured them all up and the suits were all at her shop. Mummy rang Mary and organised the three men to go into Mary's shop to try the suits on and then bring them home to hang up in the ward robe till needed next Saturday. There was no flower shop in Quilpie at that time, but there were old ladies that loved gardening and it was really easy to grow roses in that climate, so we would all be wearing a rose, the ladies in their hair and the men in their suit buttonholes.

Shoes for the men were easy, and we all had matching shoes to go with our gowns when we sorted all that out in Mary's shop weeks earlier. So why we were panicking I really don’t know, but I guess it is just that the worry about things going wrong on the day plays on your mind! Once we realised that all was in order the panic mode dissipated.

The reception was going to be held in the Lutheran church hall which is used for a lot of weddings because of the catering facilities and it was big enough to have at least two hundred people at tables, but there will only be one hundred and twenty at Mummy's wedding.

The Minister's wife Shelly and us girls were going to prepare the church for the wedding on Friday. Jenny , Chrissie and myself would wag school on the Friday to get all that done. Rita, Jenny and I would be bridesmaids and Chrissie would be a flower girl. Samantha decide to let Chrissie take her place as a flower girl which was really nice of her. Chrissie, Jenny and I had become like sisters and we were very close. Ricky's Dad the school principal had organised the school choir to join with the church choir to sing at the wedding ceremony and sing 'Amazing Grace' and 'Ave Maria' while Mummy and Daddy were signing the register.

Sunday was spent cleaning every nook and cranny in the big old Queenslander because there would be people wanting somewhere to stay for the weekend and the motel, and hotel were all fully booked. This always happens when there is a wedding in an outback town like Quilpie. We were all dog tired by dinner time and Mummy said we would all invade the restaurant to have our evening meal.

Linda,Alice and Aunty Bella had a table all set and ready for us when we arrived. There was eight of us but that was not a problem at Mummy's restaurant where there were big gatherings quite often. Rita and Mummy helped serve the meal and then we all were glad to sit down and eat. There wasn't a lot of conversation we were all to tired from all the hard work that was done through day.

Chrissie's mum let her stay over with me and Jenny till after the wedding because she was part of the wedding party. We three girls loved it because we could all be in my big bed and gossip till Mummy came and told us to go to sleep. Even Jean was getting in on the gossip, which was great because she could stickybeak in places we couldn't but that was a bit naughty.

Anyway we had to go to school till Friday. Chrissie was going to transfer to our school next term so we three girls could be together almost all the time. As it was we were getting the nick name of the 'Three Musketeers', and we almost always wore the same outfits and had our hair done the same way.

Jean was now with us pretty much as much as we wanted her, and she could communicate with all three of us at the same time. If we wanted to see her we had to keep our eyes closed, so that was mainly done in bed at night.


We were up early and all three of us got into the shower. Chrissie really didn't look a lot different than me and Jenny and in a couple of months time she was going to have the same procedure done that I went through, so she would be complete like me. She couldn't wait, and she was also starting to show budding on her chest. Jenny and I had small breasts now and with a little bit of padding we look about two years older than we really were but the boys liked it!!!

Anyway enough of that, we had lots to do that day. We got Daddy to drive us to the church so we could do all the flowers and bows tied to the ends of the pews, the prayer books and the wedding books that people would take home.

At ten o’clock, Miss Alcorn and Miss Frost were getting ready for the two choirs to have a practice session, with all the kids except Jenny and I because we were in the wedding party and couldn't take part in the singing. While all this was happening Mummy and Aunty Bella were helping the caterers organise the kitchen in the reception hall. Mummy was supplying all the food and all the caterers had to do was cook and serve. People who knew Daddy from the caravan park were going to do the waiting and cleaning up after it was all over.

We spent most of the day getting everything done at the church while Daddy and Brian organised the two wedding cars for the following day. Brian was not the priest any more and had opened up his own law practice in town. Late in the day Pastor Jeff Miller got us all together and went through the ceremony a couple of times so we all knew what was expected the next day. Daddy was a bit fidgety the second time round and I thought he would be glad when it was all over. ''Poor Daddy''

Once we were finished in the church it was back to the hall and sort out where people were to be seated. Mummy didn't tell me before so I didn't freak out but my birth Dad James and my brother John were going to be there. James apparently joined AA and had not had a drink since he met a lady that he was now with and John was also in a different frame of mind.

I said, “Mummy I hope you know what you are doing. He could spoil your whole day?”

She replied, “No Carla, I don't think so. I have spoken with Joy on the phone and she seems a real down to earth lady and says that James is really sorry for some of the things he has done and would just like to see his two daughters.”

I said, “Mummy does Rita and Daddy know?”

“Yes darling, I told them a couple of days ago and Rita said that as long as he behaves himself she will cope with it because she wants to see John again too.”

I said, “Mummy you could have told me too you know!!” I now had tears in my eyes and Chrissie and Jenny both came running over and hugged me and asked me what was wrong.

I replied through tears, “That stupid James and John are going to spoil Mummy's wedding tomorrow”

Mummy said, “Sweetheart come and sit down here with me and let me tell you why I am letting James and your brother come back into our life.” She continued “Darling, James was a good husband and father at first and then things went wrong between us. He then started drinking and gambling and John unfortunately followed his example, but every one deserves another chance in life. He is not asking to become part of our daily lives, he just wants to see you and apologise for all the hurt he caused. He also knows that you were never a boy but an intersexed girl, Carla. Please give him a chance to see what a lovely little daughter he has.”

By this time Rita was sitting next to me as well and holding my hand and she said, “Carla, sis, I know you never wanted to see them again after that episode in Charleville, but I agree with Mum - every one deserves another chance so how about it sis?”

I replied, “Well I suppose so, but I'm not happy about it, and neither will Ricky be.”

I did think about it and after a while I decide to get used to the idea but there better not be any trouble or I will get Jean to do some nasty things to them. I heard Jean giggle at the thought of of what she could do.

Everything that could be done today was done and we went home to relax till dinner time. When we arrived home there was a car parked out on the road with some people in it.

Daddy looked at Mummy and said, “Oh well, here we go than.”

Who should get out of the car but James, John and a really nice looking lady.

I thought 'That must be Joy. Silly lady if you ask me.'

Jean said in my mind, “Sis, give our birth dad a chance and be strong. I am right here. Remember I am half of you sis.”

The lady came over first and said, “Hello, I'm Joy Carter. I hope you will give Jim and John a chance to make amends.” She looked at me and said, “You must be Carla. My god!! How could anyone have even thought of you as a boy? You are a very pretty little girl and I wish you were mine.”

I just looked at Mummy and she nodded. As I was going to shake her hand she gave me a bone crushing hug and had tears in her eyes and said “Sweetheart, please give Jim a chance. He is hurting inside for the things he has done.”

I replied, “Alright, I’ll do it for you.”

She let me out of the hug and James and John walked over to where I was standing. I backed away a little but Jean was there and said, “Sis it's alright, he is hurting and is about to cry so let him hug you.”

I didn't know what I felt but I could feel James my birth father hugging me and he was shaking with sobs and said, “Oh my dear sweet girl, will you ever forgive me for what I did?”

For some reason I didn't cry and I looked him in the eyes and saw a broken soul and then Jean was in my mind, and said, “Daddy James, if you can hear me just nod.” To my surprise he had his eyes closed and nodded.

Jean continued, “Daddy, I am Jean and am the other half of Carla's soul and also your daughter. You have changed, but Mummy, Rita and Carla have a new life. You can look but you must not try to change their lives or I will have to intervene. Is that understood?”

James just nodded and opened his eyes full of tears.

I silently said, “Thank you sis.”

She replied, “It's ok Carla, he wont cause any trouble. He has become a weak man dominated by the person that hugged you earlier.”

I thought 'Wait till I tell Mummy that!'

Jean said, “Too late sis, I already did.”

Mummy gave me a wink just as my now six foot brother John picked me up like a little kid and hugged and kissed me on the cheek.

I said, “Ok John, glad to see you. Now put me down please.” I still wasn't all that friendly towards them and who could blame me?

After all this, Joy and the two men she was boss of went to stay at the caravan park. Apparently they had their own van and it was parked there.

'Good' I thought.

“Now now” said Jean with a giggle.

With all the excitement over we went inside. Mummy and Rita got dinner on the go; Daddy got on the phone to Brian who was his best man for the second time, and sorted out what had to happen with the cars tomorrow. Jenny, Chrissie and I got our gowns out and tried them on and also made sure that we tried the new bras on. Jenny and I had small breasts and only needed a bit of help but Chrissie needed a bit more help. When we decide that Chrissie could be a flower girl we went back to Mary and she had a gown made that matched mine and Jenny's. so we could look like the three angels that we were!!!.

Mummy and Rita came in to the bedroom and looked us over and said “We'd do” (!) and “Get those gowns off before you get dirt on them” and to make sure that they were hung up so they didn't get crushed.

We went and had dinner and talked about how James had changed when Daddy said, “Well that's what a good woman will do for a man.”

Mummy and I just giggled and winked at each other and Daddy said, “What's so funny?”

Mummy replied, “Just a private joke Darling.”

Jenny said, “Mummy, where are you going for your honeymoon?”

Daddy looked at Mummy and said, “Well Donna, we can go anywhere you want but I'm happy to do whatever you want.”

Mummy said, “In answer to your question Jenny, we will just stay here and go on a holiday later on, once Rita can run the restaurant on her own.”

I said, “Mummy, Aunty Bella is there - why can't she just show Rita what to do?”

She replied, “Carla, your Aunty Bella is not a spring chicken any more and I don’t think she wants to do any more than work in the kitchen.” Then she said “It's not as though your Daddy and I haven’t been together is it?”

Chrissie and Jenny were giggling at that and Mummy said “Well it's true - we have been living as husband and wife so what's the big deal about a honeymoon anyway?”

Daddy said, “Whatever you want darling, you're the boss.”

Mummy and I broke out in giggles and Daddy said, “What is it with you lot? Every time I say something you two start to giggle.”

Mummy said, “Carla do you want to tell him I will I?”

I said, “Well Daddy we really should let Jean tell you, but she said that Joy has dominated James and John to the point where they do anything she tells them to.” That got every one laughing and the night ended on a happy note.

We went to bed and it wasn't long before the whole household was asleep. It was spring and the weather was warming up, so Ginger was sleeping out on the verandah again so the possums had company those nights.

Saturday 5/9/59

I was the first to be awake and jumped up with a start and made the other two jump as well. I got out of bed and pulled the blankets off Jenny and Christine so they couldn’t go back to sleep.

Jenny said, “What's the time it must only be midnight?”

I said “No it's six am on the big day, so get up and we can have a shower before anyone else hogs the bathroom. Jenny and Chrissie crawled out of bed and grabbed a towel each and we walked down to the bathroom. It is spring and the mornings were cool but not cold, it was going to be a glorious day for a wedding.

We had a shower but didn't bother washing our hair because we all had appointments with the hair salon at nine am in town. It was a waste of time doing anything with our hair so we just put it into ponytails for now. Mummy and Rita did the same. Mummy and Daddy were already in the kitchen preparing breakfast as well as Rita. Us three girls just kept our dressing gowns on till Mummy told us what to do about clothes till it was time to get dressed for the wedding later on.

Mummy said “As you girls have had a shower, breakfast isn't quite ready so go and get dressed in Jeans, t-shirts and thongs so we can get down to the hair salon nice and early.”

We had breakfast and got into Mummy's car. Daddy was already gone to play with the wedding cars that had to have dolls and ribbons put on them. When we arrived at the salon it was still only eight forty five but Jill the owner and her two helpers Jane and Cleo were there ready to work on the wedding party and others as they came in, but we took priority over any other customers. Us three girls were being done by Jane and Cleo, and Rita and Mummy had Jill doing theirs. The styles were all the same, a loose but teased outlook to make it look a lot fuller and the roses would be put in just before we got into the cars to be driven to the church.

Us three girls had our make-up done and were told not to touch our face or smudge it because everyone would be busy and wouldn't have time to retouch our make up if we messed it up. Before it was done, Mummy made us have something to eat so we wouldn’t be eating after we were done.

We left the salon and went home to get ready. Dressing in the gowns was easy because you step in and pull them up, so our hair and make-up was safe. Aunt Bella and Chrissie's Mum had the job of helping us girls getting dressed and they fussed over us like we were little babies, and it was rather funny having them pull and tug on the gowns to make every thing look just right. Of course we had extra padding in our bras to even give us some cleavage, ''The boys will be pleased wont they!!'

Mummy and Rita were ready and we all went out into the garden to have the first of the photos taken by Mary the dress shop owner. It was an absolutely beautiful spring day with a clear blue sky and the sun shining bright as ever.

Just as we were finished with the photos Samantha and her Mum Mary turned up in a taxi. Sam came over to give us a hug but we put our hands up and I said, “Air kissing only!! - make-up!!” so we all giggled and air kissed like they do in the movies.

Mummy and Rita looked beautiful.

I thought 'Daddy is a very lucky man to marry someone as pretty as my Mummy.'

The wedding cars pulled up in the driveway. They were two new Holden sedans that were loaned by the local dealer and the drivers were two young guys that worked for the dealer as well. They looked uncomfortable in the suits that were made to wear, but they looked really handsome and we three girls thought they were hot till Rita said, “They are far too old for you lot and have all got girl friends, and beside what would Billy and Ricky say if you were looking at other boys?”

Chrissie said, “But Rita I haven't got a boyfriend yet so can I look at them?”

Rita said, “Look but don’t touch Chrissie. You are too young I tell you!! Now behave so we can let them chauffeur us to the church.”

Jenny said, “Where are the men? Aren't they coming with us?”

Mummy said while she was laughing, “Jenny sweetheart, hopefully they are at the church waiting patiently for us to arrive.”

Aunt Bella now said, “Right, time to put the roses in your hair and check your make-up.”

We were helped to get into the cars so we didn't crush the gowns getting in. Rita and us three girls travelled in one car and Mummy was in one on her own.

The cars pulled up outside the main gates of the church, and we got out first so we could give Mummy a hand to get out of the car, and then make sure she had no wrinkles in her dress and her hair and make-up was perfect before she started to walk down the aisle. Tom Granger was at the door and offered Mummy his arm because he was giving away the bride today.

Daddy and Brian were at the front of the church waiting, looking very handsome in their suits with the yellow roses in their suit lapel button holes. The people all looked around to see my beautiful Mummy walk down the aisle to marry my beautiful special Daddy. Rita, Jenny and I followed with Christine a little further back. She was not a bridesmaid but a flower girl. Mummy and Daddy and Daddy's best man Brian stood at the altar and Pastor Miller started the ceremony.

The choir was standing assembled behind the altar to one side and when Mummy and Daddy were signing the register they sang 'Amazing Grace.' Then one of the older girls in the choir sang 'Ave Maria' solo with Miss Alcorn playing an electric organ. When Mummy and Daddy walked out to the front of the church everyone had a handfull of rice and threw it over them, Pastor Miller doesn’t allow confetti to be used because it is too hard to clean up.

Mary had the wedding party assemble so she could take the all important photos for an album. That took about an hour to accomplish and then it was a walk across the churchyard into the reception where most of the people had already found where they were seated and what relatives they would have to put up with! The main table had Mummy, Daddy, Rita, and Brian, and Jenny, Chrissie and I sat at the next table with Ricky, Billy and Chrissie's new friend Alan. Samantha and her Mum were at the next table and Sam was sitting next to her 'girlfriend' named Sandra. Sam looked happy so that was all that mattered to me. She will always be a special friend.

The band were people that Daddy knew from the caravan park and it consisted of a girl that played the banjo and did the singing, another girl that played an electric organ, and an older man who played I think what is called an Irish whistle. The music they played sounded incredible and when they started to play it was time for the bridal waltz. Mummy and Daddy are really good dancers. They danced a few minutes and then other people joined in including us girls and boys. Rita was dancing with Peter when James asked her if he could interrupt and continue the dance and to my surprise she said '”Yes.” I guess he just wanted to talk to her before he left. John did the same with Mummy. It was nice in a way to see that all the hostilities seemed to be gone. I still kept my distance though.

While I was dancing with Ricky, Jean was in my head having a ball and I could feel her trying to guide my body which made me feel like I was dancing on air. Ricky said “Carla is that Jean I can feel in my chest?”

I replied, “Yeah Ricky, you will be marrying two women”

He said, “Bigamy!!” Jean gave him a little jolt and Ricky said, “Only joking Jean.”

The day was at an end and we finally made our way home to the big old Queenslander that we called home.


Authors note

This is where I will leave 'The Girl inside the Boy'. It is the end of Book One. When the story continues it will be called 'Carla's Journey' and starts seven years on from the wedding. The boy is gone, and was never really there in the first place. I thank all the people that commented and gave me private messages - it made it all worthwhile to tell Carla’s story. My thanks also to Bronwen for editing the story.

There will be a small break and I will start writing the next stage of Carla’s life which will be titled 'Carla's Journey'. Please watch out for it.

Hugs to all, Ronnie

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