Daddy said, “What was the pow wow all about Donna?”
Mummy replied, “Tell you later ok ?”
After lunch we all went outside to say goodbye to Mrs Jackson and her daughter. I thought to myself 'I am going to make sure that I will be there for her and help in anyway that I can.'
A bit later I asked Mummy about why my chest was so itchy, and she said, “Carla I think that is what doctor Ryan wants to see you about, so we will find out tomorrow just how far down the track you are to have a normal girl puberty, and I don't think it is only about breast growth either so be prepared to go for another round of tests in Brisbane before too long ok?”
“What do you mean Mummy?”
Jenny was listening and said, “Periods silly.”
“Oh but I haven't had any surgery for that to happen.”
Mummy said, “Don't panic Carla, we will find out more tomorrow and if you have to have some kind of surgery to let you have your periods then that will be done as well.”
Jenny and I spent the rest of the afternoon doing our home work and taking Ginger for a walk down to the park. After dinner we watched a movie and went to bed and talked about Christine and how we could be there for her and help. We went to sleep in a tight cuddle and we both could feel Jean as we drifted into dreamland.
Monday 5/7/59
Mummy came into the bedroom and said, “Wake up sleepy heads, time to have a shower and get ready for another week at school.”
Jenny said “Aunty Donna what about my school uniform?”
Mummy replied, “What about it?”
Jenny started to panic and said. “I will have to go home and get it won't I?”
Mummy replied “Jenny, settle down girl. I went to your house last night and brought back all the clothes that you will need for the next week so stop worrying will you?”
“Yes Aunty Donna, sorry, I'm a bit worried about Gran, I hope she is ok.”
Mummy replied, “I’m sure that your parents will ring and let you know how she is.”
We were all ready to go to school when the phone rang.
Mummy went to the office to answer it and we heard her say, “Yes Jim, he did pass on the message but it was a day late and I was just about to take the girls to school and I was going to drop in on the way home to have a chat about what happened over the weekend.”
She hung up and came out of the office and said, “I guess you heard that?”
I said, “Mummy, why does he want to see me so urgently?”
She replied, “I don't know darling but I will drop Jenny off at school and will take you to see him straight away.”
Jenny came and hugged me and said, “It must be about the hormones you are taking and the way your nipples are sore and itchy all the time, just like mine.”
Mummy said, “Come on girls, we have to get a move on.”
We arrived at the school and our friends were there to greet us, all excited about what had happened over the weekend and started asking me and Jenny how we knew how to save someone that had a heart attack.
Mummy got out of the car and gave Jenny a hug and said, “Kids, the questions will have to wait till later, Carla has an appointment with the doctor.”
Jenny waved me goodbye and was mobbed by our friends as we drove away to the doctor's surgery.
On the way I was getting quite edgy and I said “Mummy, will I have to be cut open?”
“Carla sweetheart, lets just wait to see what Doctor Ryan has to say.”
We arrived at the surgery and I could feel Jean wanting to communicate with me., so I said to Mummy, “Jean is wanting to talk with me what will I do?”
“Well I think Doctor Ryan is about to see you and Jean in action.”
We walked into Doc Ryan’s surgery and Mummy said, “Jim you are about to see two twins communicating between two worlds.”
The doctor said,”Ok Carla what do you want me to do?”
I said, “You will only hear my side of the conversation but if I hold onto Mummy's hand she can listen in.”
Mummy said, “Jim, if you want to record this on tape for Rose you had better turn on your tape recorder.” I got comfortable on the Doctors couch and let Mummy sit next to me and hold my hand.
Doctor Ryan turned on his recorder and said, “Ready when you are ladies.”
I said. “Please turn of the light to darken the room.”
I closed my eyes and so did Mummy so she got the full version of me and Jean talking to each other. It seemed as if Jean was sitting in a chair opposite me and Jean said, “Hello Carla, can you see and hear me now?”
I replied, “Sis you look as though you are sitting in the chair opposite me.”
Jean giggled,”Well I am, as long as you don't open your eyes I can keep the contact between us going, I am also learning things just like you are in school sis.”
Mummy said, “Jean I can see and hear you as clear as a bell, darling you are so pretty, but why are you doing this today?”
Jean responded with, “Mummy, you have to take Carla to Doctor Rose, Carla is going to need surgery.”
I said, “Jean, my puberty is that what it is?”
Jean replied, “Carla do it.”
Mummy said, “When?”
Jean was starting to fade and she said, “Getting weak 'bye.” and she was gone.
Mummy was shaking and Doctor Ryan said, “Donna, I will give you something to make you relax.” and he went to a cupboard and got some pills out of a bottle and gave Mummy two and a glass of water.
It took Mummy a few minutes to calm down, and when she did she said, “Jim did you get what was being said?”
Jim replied, “Donna I got all your side of the conversation and I was amazed when there seemed to be some kind of a mist around you and Carla, and then it just disappeared and you stopped talking and got the shakes.”
He then said, “I wish I had the camera ready when that happened, I have never seen anything like that before.”
Mummy was getting impatient with the Doctor and said, “Jim why are we here this morning.”
“Calm down Donna, I got a phone call from Rose and she is concerned about Carla heading straight into puberty with all the hormones she is taking and she thinks that her little ovaries will start to work overtime, and Carla will have her first period before she has had any surgery.”
“That is what Jean is trying to tell us Jim, she must know what is going to happen and warn us.”
Doc Ryan just shook his head and said, “This is amazing!! I would never have believed it if I hadn't experienced with my own eyes. It is exciting stuff , I can't wait to tell Rose about what has happened here this morning.”
Mummy said, “Well Jim there's no time like the present is there?”
“Oh of course Donna. Carla I’m sorry, I just can’t believe after all these years in practice what I saw and heard this morning.”
Mummy said, “The phone call JIM!!”
He picked up the phone and dialed the number for the exchange to get him a trunk line to Brisbane.
He said, “Thanks Brenda” who is the lady at the telephone exchange and then dialed the number of Doc Rose in Brisbane.
A few rings and Doc Ryan said, “G'day Rose, it's Jim Ryan, and I have Carla Croft and her Mum with me and we have just been told by Carla's twin sister to get Carla down to you to sort out her little problem post haste. Yes that's right, that is what I said. Yes, all on Tape recorder. Yes Rose tomorrow, I'll be coming too. Donna she wants to talk to you.”
“Hello Rose,yes that's right. Yes we can, see you tomorrow, 'bye.”
I said, “Am I going to Brisbane tomorrow Mummy?”
“It looks like it sweetheart.” After Mummy had a discussion with the doc about sorting out how we will be getting down to Brisbane at such short notice we left and went home.
As soon as we got into the house Mummy went straight to the office and started making the phone calls necessary to get us down to Brisbane the following day. She was in there for about half an hour and came out and said, “Darling go and put the kettle on the stove and we'll have a cuppa and sit down and talk about what we are going to do.”
While I made the tea, Mummy was writing something in a book and looking at a calendar, I thought 'I hope I don’t spoil Mummy's wedding plans' and she looked at me as if she read my mind and said, “Don’t worry darling, everything will be alright you'll see.”
The phone rang and she got up and almost ran to answer it, “Hello, yes, you can!!! That's fantastic Tom, yes in about three hours, yes four and luggage, yes and you will stay as well. Thanks Tom., give my regards to Margaret, yes, I’ll see you then 'bye,”
I said, “That was Tom Granger wasn't it Mummy?”
“Yes it was and the kind man is coming with his helicopter to take us to Brisbane and stay there till we are ready to come home.”
“But what about Rodney and his plane? I thought we would be using him from now on.”
“I rang his office.” Mummy replied “and he is in Sydney picking up his new twin engine Cessna and won't be back for a few days. That is why I rang Tom because he is part owner of the charter business that they started up.” Mummy said, “Ok ,you go and pack enough clothes for a week's stay in Brisbane and also pack one for Jenny because she will be coming with us, I can't just leave her here while her Mum and Dad are in Sydney. I would ring them if I knew where they are staying but they will ring here and then they will find out about us taking Jenny with us to Brisbane.”
It was still only nine thirty, so Mummy said she would get all her packing done and then we could go and pick Jenny up from school. While Mummy was packing she was also talking on the phone that had a long lead on it and you could walk into another room as long as you didn’t get the line tangled up on some furniture. In the movies they have radio phones like the two way radios in cabs.
Mummy rang Daddy and told him to be ready to refuel Toms chopper and also go and tell Rita what was happening. Then she rang Doc Ryan and told him to be ready when we got a taxi to take us to the aerodrome.
Mummy said, “There is no reason to take people away from their work to take us to the chopper so a taxi it is.”
We got in the car and went to the school. When we got there Mummy said, “Carla you go to Barry's office and tell him what is happening, and I will go and collect Jenny and explain things to your teacher about what’s going on.”
I went and saw Barry and said, “Sir, may I come in?”
“Sure Carla, what's the problem and why aren’t you in uniform?”
I said “It looks like I might have to have that surgery, you know the one?”
“Oh alright Carla and I take it you are about to go to Brisbane right?”
“Yes, and Jenny is coming with us as well because her Mum and Dad are away.”
“Ok Carla, I will let my family know what’s going on and also let Father Brian know.”
I met Mummy and Jenny back at the car and Jenny gave me a hug and said, “Carla it looks like like you are about to become like me.”
I replied, “Jenny, I am totally scared.”
Jenny said, “Carla, remember what Jean said about being with you always, well she won't let anything happen to you will she?”
“No I s'pose not but it's still scary.”
Jenny said, “Hey what about Tom Granger taking us to Brisbane in his helicopter? I've never been on a chopper before.”
I said “Flying is flying big deal.”
When we got back home Mummy rang the guy with the taxi and told him when he heard the helicopter circle the town to come and pick us up. I was starting to get all edgy and I could feel Jean being the same, I don’t know what she has got to worry about she is already all girl, and I said out loud, “Jean, stop that.” which made Jenny jump which in turn made Mummy jump.
They both said, “Carla don’t do that.”
I replied, “Sorry but sometimes she bugs me.”
Mummy said, “Yeah, well yelling at her wont help either of you will it?”
“No Mummy.”
She packed us some food to eat on the way down to Brisbane. By the time we got there we would be pretty hungry because it wold take almost three hours by the time we get to Archerfield airport and organised a taxi to take us into the city.
Mummy, Jenny and I would be staying with Samantha and her Mum again, and the Doc and Tom were staying with Doc Rose because she had a large apartment just down the road from the Mater hospital.
Anyway we heard the helicopter fly over and got all our things together to put into the boot of the taxi when it come to pick us up. Ten minutes later the guy turned up and we loaded everything into the boot and got under way to the aerodrome.
I said, “Mummy, I forgot to give Ginger some extra food.”
Mummy replied, “it's ok Carla, Bella is going to feed her when there is no one else around in the next week.”
Mummy got the driver to detour to the restaurant so I could say my goodbyes to everyone. I quickly ran into the restaurant and they were all waiting to give me a hug and wish me luck.
Rita had tears in her eyes and said “Carla it looks like this might be it hey?”
I also had tears now and could hardly reply but said in a shaky voice, “Rita I am so scared, I wish you could come with me as well.”
Rita replied and whispered in my ear, “Jean is with you Carla and she will keep you safe.”
I said bye to everyone and ran back out to the car. Mummy said, “I was just about to send out a search party to look for you Carla, we really have to get going!”
“Sorry Mummy.”
We arrived at the aerodrome and Daddy and Tom were just finishing up with the refuelling of the chopper. Tom's wife Margaret was there as well and when the driver got out of his cab she said to him “Would you please wait and take me back into town to my house?”
He nodded and replied, “It will be a pleasure madam.”
Tom started to load the luggage into the underbelly of the chopper and said, “Just as well there isn't any more or it would have to be left behind.” Margaret said “hello” to us and said she would stay in town at the house she bought just for such an occasion. She then went and kissed Tom and said, “Make sure you get all of that business done while you have the chance.”
Tom replied, “Yes dear.” and winked at me. What is it with the winking thing with men? I don’t get it!! Anyway Margaret got in the taxi and she waved to us and the driver sped away. Daddy and Mummy had a hug and then Daddy came and picked me up as though I was still a little kid and kissed me on the cheek and said, “Be safe little girl of mine” and had tears running down his face.
I could feel Jean respond to that and had quite a tremor in my chest and I think Daddy felt it too so he said, “And you too Jean.”
I climbed in to the chopper and was followed by Jenny and Mummy in the one seat. Doc Ryan sat in the seat next to where Tom was the pilot seat of the chopper. It is quite a large one and can seat six people, or when the seats are taken out carry a lot of cargo. Tom said that is why he bought it in the first place.
We were all strapped in and the blades started to turn and Jenny held on to my hand real tight.
She had been on a plane but not a helicopter and said, “What if the propeller falls off?”
I said, “We die and join Jean on the other side, won't that be fun!!”
Mummy said, “Stop that Carla, you'll have Jenny getting nightmares when we get to Brisbane.”
“Sorry Jenny, just joking.”
Tom turned around and said, “Donna, Carla hasn't lost her sense of humour has she?”
Mummy said, “No unfortunately, it can drive me insane sometimes. but I wouldn't have her any other way.” and gave me a wink. 'there's that wink again'. Tom made the chopper take to the air and we were up high in the sky within minutes and on our way to Brisbane.
On the way Tom would fly quite low to have a look at some farms and see what condition the animals were in, because he is thinking of changing River Downs into a cattle station instead of sheep because the price of beef is much better than wool and much less work involved.
Jenny started to relax and I said, “I am sorry for being mean before Jenny, I wont do it any more.”
Jenny replied, “It's ok sis I love you anyway.”
It was quite noisy in a chopper, much more than in a plane, so you had to speak quite loud to be heard.
Doc Ryan turned around and said, “How are you feeling Carla?”
I replied, “I think I might have a stomach bug because I keep getting cramps down low in my tummy.”
Mummy looked at the doc and said, “Is she going to be ok Jim?”
The doc had a worried look on his face and said, “Tom how much longer will it be before we land at Archerfield?”
Tom replied, “We'll be there in about fifteen minutes, Jim. Why, what's the hurry?”
Jim replied trying not to sound too worried but failed when he said, ”We may need to have an ambulance at the airport Tom.”
Tom said, “Oh shit!! Ok, I’ll radio the tower and get that organised right away.”
Doc said to me, “Don’t worry Carla, everything will be ok but I don’t think we can take long a time to get you to see Rose ok?”
Mummy looked worried now and held my hand and squeezed it and said “Hang in there sweetheart.”
I replied, “Mummy it is only a tummy ache, I don’t need an ambulance for a tummy upset.”
Jenny was holding my other hand now and in a panic said, “Carla I think you are having the cramps that girls get before they have their periods.”
I said “Ohhh, but there is nowhere for the blood to come out.” and started to panic as well.
Mummy said, “Calm down darling, we will get you seen to as soon as we get to the Mater ok?”
I closed my eyes and said, “Jean, please tell me I’ll be ok.”
“Carla calm down, I am here. I wont let you come over to my side so just relax or you will only make it hurt more.”
I couldn’t stop shaking now and Mummy said to Tom, “Is the ambulance going to be there Tom?”
Tom said, “Hang on Donna, I am about to land next to that building and I can see an ambulance parked next to the hanger.
By the time Tom had the chopper on the ground there were men coming from all directions and had the doors of the chopper open. Because I was the first to get in at Quilpie, Mummy and Jenny had to get before I could get out. Just then I felt a sharp pain in my groin and screamed out in pain. The ambulance people sort of dragged me over the seat in the chopper to get me out in a hurry. By the time I was out and being held by a man in an ambulance uniform I was in so much pain I screamed, “MUMMY-- JEAN.”
And then I was with Jean in a green field sitting next to my twin sister on the soft grass.
Jean said, “Hello Sis, you can stay here with me while they get you fixed up and you wont feel a thing.” and she giggled while she put her arm around me.
I said, “Jean I must be dead if you can touch me like that.”
“No Sis you are not dead, but you are out of your body and I will keep you with me until you are out of pain.”
“Jean I am wearing the same gown as you have on.”
“Yes Sis and when you do eventually come here you will be wearing the same things as me because we are of the same spirit and soul.”
I replied, “When will that be Jean?”
“I can't tell you when, but you will be old and grey as will I Sis. Now be a good girl and close your eyes and next time I will talk to you as I have always done. I will always be with you Carla, now go to sleep my sweet sister.”
People talking, something making a beeping noise, in bed, “MUMMY!!”
“I'm here sweetheart.” I could feel her holding my hand but I couldn’t see her properly she was all fuzzy around the edges.
I said, “Mummy I am blind, what has happened to my eyes?”
Then a familiar voice said, “Carla you are not blind, you’ll be ok in a few minutes.” It was Mary, Sam's Mum. All of a sudden it all made sense to me and I said, “I’m in the Mater aren't I?”
Mary said “She hasn't lost her sense of humour has she?”
Mummy said, “Someone else said that to me earlier today as well.”
My eyes cleared up and I could see again and I wasn’t going blind thank god!!
I said, “Mummy what happened to me?”
“Darling I don’t know every thing yet but they had to make an opening to release the blood that was starting to poison your system.”
“Have I got a vagina now?”
“Sweetheart you will have to wait till Rose comes and talks to you shortly. Would you like me to get you a sandwich? It is seven o’clock and you haven’t eaten since this morning. You must be hungry?”
“Yes Mummy I am, and a drink as well please.”
Mary came back in the room and took my temperature and pulse and said “You’ll live girl.”
I could hear Jenny outside talking to Doc Ryan and Tom and they came in to the room and said, “Well look who's awake!”
Jenny came rushing over to the bed and hugged me and said, “I thought you were dead when they took you away in the ambulance.”
I replied, “No I was just visiting Jean on the other side. It is just so peaceful and quiet there Jenny. Jean told me I was out of my body while they were fixing me up, and guess what!”
“What?” said Jenny.
“I was wearing the same gown as Jean while I was there and it felt just like silk and very light.” Mummy came back with my sandwich and a drink of chocolate milk.
Rose and another doctor came into the room Rose said, “Hello Carla, couldn’t wait in line hey?” and then she turned to the other doctor and said, “This is the twin we are doing the study on, Alan.”
The man said, “Hello Carla, nice to meet you now that you are awake. By the way I’m Alan Goldman and I did a little bit of temporary surgery on you to at least let you have your first period. You are very young but it is quite common for girls your age to start their menstruation so that is not the concern at the moment.”
Mummy said, “Alan what do you mean by temporary surgery?”
Doctor Goldman said, “Rose, do you want to explain what needs to be done with Carla now?”
“Donna ,Jim and I have had a discussion and because Alan is not a specialist in this field he was the only surgeon available when Carla was brought in with the ambulance into the emergency department, so as a result it is only a temporary measure to stop Carla from developing septicaemia which can be fatal. I have a doctor friend in Sydney that does work with inter-sexed people like Carla and she will be in Brisbane tomorrow, and will come and have a look to see what the best options are for her at this point.”
Doc Ryan said to Mummy “I think the hormones Carla is taking has made her ovaries work at double the amount a girl her age would.”
Mummy replied “Jim what exactly will they do now that we know she is a girl inside?”
Doc Ryan said, “Come out of the room and we can discuss it out in the hall.”
Mummy was getting angry at that comment and said, “Jim, Carla is an intelligent young girl and she deserves to know what is going on with her body, and we will speak in front of her or not at all.”
Jim was taken aback by Mummy's sudden outburst, and said, “Sorry Donna, I just didn't want to worry Carla any more than is necessary.” Then he looked at me and around the room and nodded his head and said, “Ok this is what will happen; the surgery that has been done is a temporary measure only, and we will wait till the doctor comes from Sydney and has a look at Carla.”
Mummy replied, “Is Carla in any danger of the opening closing up and blocking the blood flow?”
Doctor Goldman then took over the discussion and explained what he did and that there was a tube inserted in the small opening that he had created to stop any chance of it closing up. I also had a catheter in my urethral opening. That seemed to satisfy Mummy for the moment. After a bit more discussion every one except Mummy and Jenny were left in the room.
Mummy said, “Sweetheart, how are you coping with all the medical talk?”
I replied, “Mummy, I must be a girl inside if I am having a period.”
Mummy replied, “Carla no one is doubting that you are a girl, they are just trying to work out the best way to make you complete.”
Jenny was now sitting on the bed and said, “Sis you beat me to having our first period,and that makes you a complete girl for me.” and then she hugged me with all the silly tubes coming out of me and all.
To be continued
Next time: a gender specialist from Sydney confirms my girl status.
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The Girl Inside the Boy : Part 3 Chapter 11
Carla had a wild ride into girlhood
May Your Light Forever Shine
These Days
The choppers land at the helipad on the roof of the hospital. From Archerfield, even in an ambulance with siren and lights it could easily be a half-hour ride.
Nice bit of drama there, ROO,
no helipads
Hi Joanne,
In those days of course there were no helipads on any of the Brisbane hospitals, most of the major ones have them now though.
Hugs Ronnie:)
I understand Carla's concerns.
Carla is so lucky to have everyone with her as she goes through the surgeries.
I had no one with me when I had my SRS. I was able to make friends with some
of the other girls going through their surgery. So how complete inside is Carla?
Can she be a mother? I don't remember if that was discussed before.
all will be
Hi Pam, All will be revealed in the next couple of chapters so i guess you will have to wait and read on!!!!
Hugs Ronnie:)
Thank you Roo,
You warned me of the drama and you did it so well.As Joanne says,it would have been
a long emergency run for the Ambos and as a retired one I can well understand that,it
is just not a wild ride but a matter of life and death as the discharge has nowhere to
go as you said,certainly not a worry about girlhood ,just a matter of life and
death,something of which I have seen too much and don't take lightly.Not to be trifled
with ,a real life emergency in any responsible persons thoughts and you treated it as such.
Made it
Hi Alison,
Our little Carla was unconscious when she arrived at the Mater but the quick work of the emergency people saved the day and she survived.
Hugs Ronnie:)