The Girl Inside the Boy : Part 3 Chapter 12

The Girl inside the Boy


Part Three Chapter Twelve

by Roo

Editing by Bronwen


“The surgery that has been done is a temporary measure only and we will wait till the doctor comes from Sydney and has a look at Carla.”

Mummy replied, “Is Carla in any danger of the opening closing up and blocking the blood flow?”

Doctor Goldman then took over the discussion and explained what he did and that there was a tube inserted in the small opening that he had created to stop any chance of it closing up. I also had a catheter in my urethral opening. That seemed to satisfy Mummy for the moment. After a bit more discussion every one except Mummy and Jenny were left in the room.

Mummy said, “Sweetheart how are you coping with all the medical talk?”

I replied, “Mummy I must be a girl inside if I am having a period.”

Mummy replied, “Carla no one is doubting that you are a girl, they are just trying to work out the best way to make you complete.”

Jenny was now sitting on the bed and said, “Sis you beat me to having our first period, that makes you a complete girl for me.” and then she hugged me with all the silly tubes coming out of me and all.


Mary came into the room and said, “Carla there is someone here that wants to give you a hug.” and in came Samantha almost tripping over in her hurry to get to my bed to give me a hug and a kiss right on my lips, and once she caught her breath said, “Carla did you really have to make such a dramatic entrance into becoming a girl?”

I was still tasting her minted breath on my lips and had a funny feeling in my tummy like butterflies flying around in circles. I closed my eyes and Jean said “Hey that felt nice didn't it?”

I said out loud, “Stop that Jean.” which made Sam and Jenny jump but Mummy said, “Jean I heard that. Behave yourself please.”

“Sorry Mummy.” and Jean was gone.

Sam looked at Jenny and said, “Twin spirits - awesome!!” and continued “I s'pose we'll just have to put up with their wicked sense of humour.”

Jenny replied, “Yeah but I love them both Sam.”

Mary said, “Right you lot, I am at the end of my shift so I will finish up here and join you in coming home, and we can make some dinner if you like.”

Mummy replied, “I think we might just pick up some take away because it is getting late and we have a lot to talk about tonight.”

Mary said “Ok, I’ll meet you downstairs in the main lobby in ten minutes.”

Mummy said “Now don’t you and Jean go anywhere will you!”


“Ok sweetheart, we'll say goodnight and see you in the morning when the doctor arrives from Sydney.”

All three hugged me and Sam gave me another one of those kisses. 'Wow what is that all about?' I thought and drifted off to sleep.

Tuesday 6/7/59

Mary had just started her shift and I was her first port of call and she walked in all smiles and and said, “Are you two still here?”

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked around to see who else was in the room and realised she meant Jean and myself, and replied “Good morning Mary, Jean says hello.”

Mary responded, “Carla I am not a religious person but, it just blows me away when I can see that you clearly communicate with your twin on the other side.”

I said “Mary come and hold my hand and close your eyes.”

Mary was a little bit apprehensive but held onto my hand and closed her eyes.

I said, “Jean, let Mary know that you are real.” Mary jumped back letting go of my hand and said, “Holy mother of God!! that was like an electric shock going through me Carla.”

“Sorry Mary, I didn't mean to scare you, but Jean has got the same sense of humour as me, after all we are identical twins locked into the same soul.”

Mary said, “You could have warned me that she was going to zap me like that, but now I understand what you are all about.” then she said, “Ok wonder girl, lets get you ready for the big-wig from Sydney.”

Mary pulled the covers back and had a look at where the tube was inserted in my groin and said, “That all looks ok. Now I had better empty the bag, and then give you a bit of a sponge bath.”

Ten minutes later the lady came around with the big trolley which had all the breakfast trays on it and and she brought a tray of bacon, eggs, and toast with a glass of milk as well.

Mary said, “Eat your breakfast because I think once the doc has seen you she will want to do some more scans and you have to have an empty stomach for that and you wont be able to have any food for at least six hours.”

At nine am Doc Ryan came into the room and a lady doctor was with him.

I thought to myself, 'Gee a lady doctor, at least she will know what it feels like to be a girl.”

She said, “Hello Carla, I’m Caroline Stanford and I’m a gender specialist and I have been asked by Rose and Doctor Ryan to have a look at you and see what we can do to improve your situation.”

I said, “Hello Doctor Stanford, it's nice to meet you.”

She replied, “Dear, call me Carol. By the time we are finished I think we will know each quite intimately.” I liked her, she has a nice a smile. Just then Rose walked in all out of breath and said, “I was going to be here but got waylaid by a young doctor on the way.” then she said, “Have you met them both?”

Carol replied, “No, but I hope I do because the way Jim is rabbiting on it sounds very interesting. I have also read your first paper on the subject. Carla is going to become a very interesting project to work on.”

I said in a bit of a huff and a pout, “Excuse me but I am not a project thank you very much!!”

They all looked at me and Doc Ryan said, “You will have to be careful how you phrase things around Carla or she will get her twin sister to zap you, and believe me she can do it.”

Caroline said, “Ok Carla, it looks like you are a very mature nine year old and I will have to keep that in mind.”

Mummy was standing at the door with Mary listening to what was going on and Mary said “Carla, why don’t you give the doctor a demonstration of what you did this morning and she will understand what we are talking about?”

I looked at Mummy and she just nodded her head and said, “Carla, it might prove to the doctor that you a really do have a dual spirit.”

Carol looked at me with a nervous smile and said “Ok what do I have to do?”

I said “Could we have the light turned off?”

Mary flicked the switch and I asked Carol to close her eyes and to hold my hand and not let it go. Once she was holding my hand I also closed my eyes and waited till I could see Jean in my mind. She had a wicked smile on her face.

I said in my normal voice, “Jean, please show Caroline that you are real but be gentle.” I made sure that I held onto the doctors hand in case she pulled it away too quickly. I could feel vibrations going down my arm and the doctor tried to pull her hand away but somehow Jean had enough power so she couldn't let go of my hand.

I said, “Jean, let go.” and the vibrations stopped and Carol was rubbing her arm which had goose bumps all over it. Mary turned the light back on. The doctor was as white as as a bed sheet and sat down on one of the chairs in the room.

All eyes were on Caroline and she said, “Ok I’m convinced, my arm is still tingling. I have never experienced anything like this before Carla, you are an amazing little girl.”

I replied, “And my sister.”

“Yes and your sister.”

Rose said “Ok, show time is over. Can we get down to why you are actually here Carol?”

“Yes of course, sorry. Could I have a talk with Carla by herself first if you don’t mind?” Everyone left me and the doctor alone to have a talk.

Carol pulled up the chair beside the bed and sat down and opened up a note pad. “Alright Carla dear, lets start at the beginning and we will go from there shall we?” I told her what happened at River Downs and left nothing out and by the time I was finished I had brought her right to when she walked into the room.

She let me talk and didn't interrupt me till I was finished. She had three pages of notes and said “Carla you are very young and I cannot give you the full surgery till you have grown for at least another two years, but we can make things look a bit better than it it is now, but I don’t want you to stress out, because when the time comes I will be able to make you complete ok?” she continued “I am going to do a full physical examination shortly but I would also like to have some more tests done, and then probably tomorrow we can tidy things up for you to make you look more like little a nine year old girl.”

I said “But I already have a vagina, why can't you not fix it now?”

“Carla I will know more after I have had a good look at you and we will make a decision tomorrow sweetheart.”

I started to cry and said, “I want to be a full girl now. I am having a period and if I wasn't a girl that would not be happening would it?”

Carol said “Well I can't argue with that. Can we just wait till I do the examination and we will take it from there?”

I said, “Can Mummy come in with me when you do the examination?”

Carol said, “I suppose if I said no you will not let me near you, am I right?”

I replied, “Doctor ,my Mummy is going to be with me ok?”

She replied “I suppose I’ll get zapped by your sister if I don’t agree won't I?” and she started rubbing her arm again.

I said, “She is part of me.”

Carol said, “Ok, so be it than.”

The rest of the day was spent getting more blood taken; some other machines being run over me taking some sort of pictures and then came the physical examination and I got Mummy to hold my hand when the doctor was touching me down there. She pulled the tube out and started to feel inside me and raised an eyebrow and looked at Mummy and said, “My God Donna, she is complete. I think we will be able to open her up without any great problem.”

Mummy replied “Are you sure?”

“Yes quite sure, but we will have to do it in Sydney where I have my colleagues to help me perform the surgery.”

Mummy then said “I thought you said Carla is too young to have this kind of surgery done for another couple of years?”

Caroline replied, “Donna, 'till I examined Carla I could not have made a decision but she is all there. Her vulva has just never opened up and as you can see for yourself what looked like a penis is in fact a clitoris with an opening in it. That is just part of her inter-sexed condition.

Mummy said “So what will happen now?”

Caroline said “I will have to make some phone calls and see what we can organise in the next week in Sydney. We can't do any surgery while she has her period any case.”

Mummy looked me and said “Well sweetheart ,it looks like we might be going to Sydney before we get to go back home.”

Mummy asked Caroline if there was any need for me to stay in hospital.

Carol said, “No not really, but you have to make sure that you keep Carla really clean around that little temporary opening. We can not afford to be getting any infections in that area because that could be fatal, and you will have to make sure that it does not close up. Other than that you can look after your daughter yourself. If you give me the phone number of where you are staying I will call you later today and let you know when you have to have Carla in Sydney.”

Mary, Rose and Doctor Ryan all came into the room and were told what Carol had discovered.

Rose said, “I thought as much because boys don’t have periods do they Carla?”

I replied, “It feels pretty yucky down there.”

Rose replied “Join the club darling. It will happen once a month now so you had better get used to it.”

Mary said she would clean me up one more time and showed Mummy what to do to keep the hole from closing up, because the tube that was in there was now out and wouldn't be put back. I was a sore a little but Mary said, “You will be a lot sorer next week when they open you up properly darling.”

Mummy went down to to sign the discharge papers while I was wheeled down to the main lobby in a wheel chair. Doc Ryan said he would walk the short distance to Mary’s flat where Tom would be waiting for him to bring him the news about me. Mummy said that I would not be able to walk to Mary’s flat even though it was only a couple of blocks away. It was not worth the risk of me putting any strain on my groin.

There was a taxi at the rank and Mummy said to the driver, “We only need to go a couple of blocks, but my daughter is not allowed to walk that far.”

The driver was a lady I think but looked like she had to have a shave and when she spoke it was with a man's voice and she said, “Hop in luvy, I am not busy at the moment and I will run you there for free.”

Mummy said “No, I will pay you.”

Anyway we got into the cab and it took about five minutes to get us to the building of Mary's flat.

The driver said, “There you are luv.” Mummy handed her a ten shilling note and said “Thanks” and asked her for her card so we could use her again. As she handed over the card and before I got out of the car I said “You are like me.” and I looked at the card Mummy was holding which had her name on it said 'Debbie Carter'.


She looked at me and said, “I doubt that darling, but I wish I was as pretty as you.”

Mummy said “Carla that is personal, now you say sorry to Debbie for being rude.”

“But Mummy.”

Debbie said “It's ok luv, I’m a tranny, but it's what I have to do,”

I came straight out and said, “I am inter-sexed and I understand.”

Mummy said, “Carla!!”

Debbie said “It's ok lady leave her be, at least she hasn't called me a weirdo.”

Mummy said “Thanks Debbie, I will give you a call when we need a cab in the next couple of days.”

Debbie replied, “Ok luv.” and drove off.

Mummy said, “Carla, you don’t just ask people personal questions like that.”

“Sure you do Mummy, that's how I make all my friends.”

Mummy rolled her eyes and said, “God help us.” She had the code to put into the front door of the building and we opened the door and got into the lift to go up to Mary's flat where Jenny was waiting for us. Mummy was just about to put the key in the door of the flat when Jenny opened it and said, “Thank God you are here, I was getting so bored all by myself.”

I hadn't eaten because of the tests and my tummy was rumbling and it was now three o’clock in the afternoon so Mummy said, “Darling ,you go and lay down and have a rest but before you do I want you to change your pad. Remember what the doctor told you would happen if you got an infection.”

“Yeah I would go and visit Jean on a permanent basis.”

Jenny said, “Carla, you are scaring me when you say things like that.”

Mummy said, “I am going now to get us a bit of takeaway. Make sure if the phone rings you have a note pad to write down any information ok Carla? Jenny keep an eye on her will you, she is not with it today.”

“Yes Aunty Donna I will.”

Once we were alone Jenny bombarded me with questions, “What did the doctor find Sis, are you a girl or not?”

I replied, “it was all a bit yucky when she put her finger inside me down there and it felt a bit strange but she said I was a complete girl and it was only a bit of skin that needs to be removed to make me like you Jenny.”

Jenny said, “Yeah and now you are more girl than me because you are having your first period.”

I replied “Don’t worry, you will get yours, but it is rather messy. Anyway I only got mine because the girl pills that I have been taking made it happen sooner.”

Jenny said, “Can I have your pills now that you don’t need them any more?”

“Jenny, they can make you sick, so no you can't have them.”


I said, “I wonder if Jean will get her periods as well.” Jean must be listening to our conversation and I got a clear NO from Jean which I relaid to Jenny and we both got a giggle fit just as Mummy came back with some fish and chips wrapped in newspaper to keep them hot.

Thank God Mummy was back because the phone rang and made us all jump and almost drop our chips on the floor. Mummy went to answer the phone and in walked Samantha home from school and said “I hope there some of those for me and she dropped her school bag on the floor and plonked herself in between me and Jenny and started getting into the chips and said, “Yummy I love chips.”

Jenny said “Hey, yours are on the kitchen table still wrapped up in newspaper but now you will have to share yours with us.”

She got up and went to the kitchen and came back with a piece of fish half in and half out of her mouth and sat down where she was before and said “There you go, share and share alike.” so Jenny and I both grabbed a piece of fish and pretended to put it in our mouth, but stopped when Mummy walked in from the other room,and we put the fish back on Samantha’s lap.

Mummy said, “Right girls, you can all hear this. Carla is going to have the complete surgery on Friday morning at ten o'clock in a private clinic in Sydney. So what do you lot think about that hey?”

Samantha said, “Wow Carla, you haven’t told me what happened today.”

I said, “Well if you stopped eating long enough I would have told you when you first sat down.”

She replied, “Yeah yeah I know I’m a bit of a guts.”

Mummy interrupted and said, “Girls, did you hear one word that I said?”

We three said “Yes Mummy.”

Mummy shook her head and said, “Can we all be serious for just one moment please?” We kept quite to let Mummy repeat what she said earlier and then she explained what the plans were for Friday.

Mummy said, “Ok are you listening.” we all nodded and she continued. “We are going to catch a plane to Sydney on Thursday afternoon and stay at a motel one block away from the clinic. Carla, you will be in bed for three days to heal enough to be able to come back here and Rose will want to keep an eye on you for the rest of next week.”

Samantha put her hand up and said “Is Carla going to have SRS?”

Mummy replied, “No Sam she doesn’t need that because she already is a girl inside. She only has to be opened up, so it is nowhere near as big an operation as you will have to have.”

“But I have to wait till I am eighteen which isn't fair,.”

Mummy said, “Whoever said anything about life being fair Sam? Anyway here is what is going to happen. Jenny I have been in touch with your parents in Sydney and they will pick you up from the motel and take you to see your sick Gran and you will stay with them till Carla is released from the clinic and then you will come back here with us till we are ready to fly home with Rodney in his new plane.”

Jenny said, “What about Tom and the Doctor?”

Mummy replied, “They are already on their way back home as we speak.”

Jenny said “Wow, I have never been to Sydney, Gran always came to visit us instead.”

Mummy said “So did all three of you get all that?”

We all replied “ Yes Mummy.” Mummy just shook her head and went into the other room to make some more phone calls.

While Mummy was out of the room Sam and Jenny both grilled me about what it felt like to have a period.

I said, “Well I hope I don’t get those pains every time I have a period but the rest is just a bit yucky because you have to change the pad every couple of hours and have a good wash down there.”

Jenny replied “Ooh I can't wait. I don’t care if it hurts or not.”

Samantha said “I am jealous of you two. I will never have a period or be able to have a baby but at least I will look like a girl down there.”

I said, “Oh my god, I haven’t even thought about that. I can get a big belly and have a baby.”

Jenny said “I bet that hurts when it has to come out ouch!!”

I could feel Jean having a giggle and said, “Ok Jean, what’s so funny?”

She said in my head, “Oh nothing.” and then gigged again and was gone.

The others said “Was that Jean?”

“Yeah, she can be a real pain in the you know what sometimes,”

Sam said “Can we see if we can all see and hear her at once tonight?”

I replied, “When we all get into your bed tonight we can try.”

Mummy came back out and said, “Samantha, what has your Mum got in the freezer? I will do something about dinner tonight.”

Sam replied, “Aunty Donna, I think there is a lamb roast in there but isn't it too late to put that in the oven now.”

Mummy replied, “No dear ,it is only three-thirty, so there is plenty of time because your Mum doesn't come home from work till after seven o'clock.”

While Mummy was preparing the roast and vegetables to put in a baking dish to put into the oven, we three girls just gossiped about different things when Jenny brought up the subject of Kenny / Christine, and Samantha said, “She must be like me still with all the boy bits. Are you two going to be there for her?”

“We already are Sam, we even saved her father from dying from a heart attack.”

I said, “When we get back home I am going to ring her and talk with her to see how we can help.”

“Yeah that’s after we go and see Mrs Blake to see if she needs us to do anything for her around the house.”

Sam asked “Who's Mrs Blake?”

Jenny said, “She is the mother of that idiot boy that attacked Carla at the park.”

Sam replied, “Than why are you helping her?”

Jenny said, “We have to, that's all,”

Sam asked “Why did her son attack you Carla?”

I said, “It's a long story and I really just want to forget about it if you don’t mind.”

Sam replied “Ok suit yourself” with a pout, but gave me a hug and said, “stupid boys.”

After Mary came home from work we had dinner and sat around and talked about all the things that had happened today and because Samantha had a king-size bed, all three of us got in under the covers.

Jenny said, “Carla, I hate to nag but have you changed your pad yet?

“Uh oh! no.” So we all went to the bathroom together so Sam and Jenny could see what I looked looked down there, well we were all girls after all.

Sam said “Ouch that looks sore.”

I said, “It's not really but I bet after Friday it will be.”

Without saying anything both Jenny and Sam pulled their knickers down to compare what we looked like. Jenny and I looked almost the same. Sam still had boy bits but they were very small and when she pulled her knickers back up there really wasn’t much to see. But then we decided to pull our tops off and I and Jenny had puffy nipples but Sam had the start of small breasts because she has been taking hormones for the last twelve months.

Ok, show over. I changed my pad and it looked like the period was almost finished. We all climbed back into bed after saying goodnight to the two Mummies.

“Right,” said Samantha, “I want to see or hear Jean.”

I said, “Ok, lets turn out the lights and I will see if she is strong enough to show herself to all three of us.” Samantha was in the middle so we cuddled up close and and I said, “Don’t let go of my hand and keep your eyes closed.”

I felt a bit of a tremble which I don’t normally feel any more and Jean was waiting to talk and she said “Carla, what took you so long? I have been waiting for you and I have been listening to the three of you gossiping and inspecting each other. I think that's a bit naughty but I had a look anyway. ''Giggle'' Sam and Jenny were also trembling a bit but didn't say anything.

Jean said “Hello girls. I can't keep this up very long but can you see me?”

Both Jenny and Sam said “Wow!! Yeah, and hear you too.”

Sam said “You are really pretty.”

Jean said “As pretty as my sister?” and Jenny started to get the giggles.

Jean said “That is all the strength I have so I’ll see you.” and she faded till she was gone.

Mummy and Mary were standing at the door and switched the light back on and said “What is going on in here girls?”

I replied, “It is all Jean's fault, she started it.” and we all got the giggles.

Mummy said “Carla, you know I listen in to your conversations with your sister so don’t you act the little 'Miss Innocent' with me young lady.”

We all said, “Yes ma'am sir.”

Mary said, “Ok lights out and go to sleep, the day is over.” We went to sleep in a tight cuddle.

To be continued

Next time: Sydney, the op, back to Brisbane and then home.

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