It was about seven o'clock when we heard a car pull up outside and Daddy said, “That will probably be Mrs Jackson to pick up their car.”
We all went outside and saw the police car and Jim the Sergeant get out and said, “Ok, where is our little hero?”
I replied “Two heroines.”
Jenny and I were holding hands when the lady and the boy got out of the police car and the lady had tears in her eyes when she knelt down and hugged us and just said, “Thank you girls, you have saved my husband's life.”
Jenny and I said at the same time “You're welcome.”
We all went inside and the Sergeant asked Daddy to explain what had occurred on the river. Kenny the boy was apparently still to upset to give a proper account of what happened.
An hour later we gave Mrs Jackson the fish out of the freezer and she got her car out of Daddy's shed but left the boat and trailer there because she isn't used to towing anything behind the car.
She thanked us again and said she would come back tomorrow and take us to see her husband if that was alright with Mummy.
Mummy replied, “That is not a problem.”
Jenny and I talked till late into the night and even communicated with Jean before we drifted off to sleep.
It was six am and it was very cold, so Jenny and I were cuddled up really close. Jenny stayed at my place most weekends now. Anyway, as I was saying it was too cold to get up out of bed yet and we decide to have another go at talking with Jean this morning.
I said to Jenny, “Don't go back to sleep, but keep your eyes closed and hold one of my hands.”
She complied, closed her eyes and held my hand and said, “Ok now what?”
“Just concentrate on how you saw Jean last time, and she will appear but don’t let go of my hand or the connection will be lost.”
She replied, “Ok.”
I then said, “Jean please show yourself to to Jenny as well.”
Jean's spirit image was there on the bed and she said “Jenny! you will only see me while you have contact with Carla and have your eyes closed I cannot keep contact if you open your eyes.”
Jenny said, full voice, “Jean I can see you and hear you. You are just as pretty as Carla.”
“Jenny, we are of the same spirit and soul. We can not be separated, and even when Carla passes over to this side we will still be joined.”
I interrupted their little chat and said, “Jean you helped me with that man and said that he will be in our future, what did you mean by that?”
“Carla, you will find out in good time but I must let you live your own life, but I will be there to help you always.”
I was not going to let her get away with that and said, “Jean, please give me some sort of clue or I will get angry with you.”
Jean then said “Carla, I can only tell you that the boy is like you. Now I am getting weak so I will say bye for know.” and she blew me and Jenny a kiss and slowly faded away. Jenny wouldn’t stop holding my hand in case Jean might reappear; but I said, “Jenny, you can let go of my hand now. Jean wont be able to come back till she gets her strength back, but she is getting stronger every time I talk to her.”
Jenny finally let go of my hand and she let out a squeal when she saw Mummy standing at the bedroom door which is always left open at night so Ginger can come in if she wants to.
I knew Mummy was there because I saw her before Jenny opened her eyes.
Mummy said, “Do you realise Carla, that I could see and hear Jean as well?”
I said, “Mummy, I thought I had to be touching you for it to work.”
Mummy replied, “I knew you were communicating with your twin because I get the trembles in the chest when ever you two connect, and Carla sweetheart, I heard what Jean said about that boy but you must not force her to tell you things.”
“But Mummy I need to know everything.”
Jenny giggled and said, “Yes Aunty Donna, we need to know everything.”
Mummy said, “Well, we might find out a bit more later today when Mrs Jackson comes to take you two to see Mr Jackson at the hospital won't we?”
I replied, “The boy Kenny will be there I guess.”
“Carla and Jenny, I know you like to know everything about all things but you mustn't go asking that boy any personal questions do you understand?”
We both said, “Yes Mummy.”
Jenny said, “Oops sorry Aunty Donna.”
Mummy said, “I should hope so” with a grin on her face.
Rita came into the room and said, “What's all the noise about this early in the day? I felt that thing in my chest so I suppose you have been talking to our little sister haven’t you?”
Mummy said “Yes Rita, it's too cold to be standing here, so lets all go into the warm kitchen and I will make us some porridge for breakfast.
The kitchen is always warm because of the combustion stove which never goes out. We set the table for breakfast while Mummy made the porridge.
Daddy walked into the kitchen scratching his head and said, “Morning ladies, what's the occasion?”
Mummy said, “Morning darling, no occasion, just having breakfast to get warm.”
Daddy gave Mummy a kiss and sat down at the table and waited for the porridge to to be served. He said, “What was all the talking in your bedroom about Carla?”
“Jean Daddy!! She is getting stronger, and we can talk normally. As long as we keep our eyes closed we can see her.”
Daddy said, “That reminds me, Jim Ryan rang me on Friday and wants you to make an appointment to go and see him in the couple of days. He mentioned Rose so I suppose it has something to do with her twin project.”
I said, “Daddy I’m not a project.”
“Sorry darling. You're right, I should have said study.”
Rita said, “Dad that makes it tomorrow.”
He replied, “It makes what tomorrow?”
“The appointment, what else?”
“Oh shit you're right. Sorry Carla, my brain doesn't work too well in winter.”
Mummy said, “Don’t worry I'll ring first thing in the morning.”
Daddy said, “Right, are we all going to church this morning?”
We all chorused and said “Yes.”
Mummy said, “Bill darling, you don't have to go to the Lutheran church if you want go to the service at your church.”
Daddy replied, “I belong with my family so it's the Lutheran church that I belong to now and besides God is everywhere.”
I said, “What about Father Brian? He is a good mate of yours, wont he be upset?”
Daddy replied, “I think Brian is gong to leave the church and take up his profession in law, so he wont care what I do.”
Anyway, Daddy went to get dressed and put on his new second hand suit. Mummy and Rita cleaned up the kitchen and Jenny and I were chased to my room to get ourselves ready for church. Jeans didn't cut the grade for church so we went through the wardrobe a couple of times before we came up with the winning combination. We both chose to wear long winter skirts and woollen tops with long sleeves, but didn't want spoil the look of us having breasts by putting on a coat to hide our new shape, even if it was all socks in the cups.
Mummy said, “Girls it is quite cold today shouldn't you be wearing a coat?”
Rita said, “Mum I think they want to impress the boys in the choir that they are older than they really are.”
Mummy said, “Ok, but I want you both to take coats anyway ok?”
“Yes Mummy” rolling our eyes.
“Stop that two Mummy bit you two, you will get me into trouble with Jenny's Mum.”
We said “Sorry” in unison.
Mummy shook her head and said, “Well we can always adopt Jenny, she is almost part of the family anyway.” and then said, “just kidding Jenny.”
Jenny said, “Aunty Donna, I still think of you as my second Mummy.”
Mummy replied, “Alright, I guess I can cope with that”
Daddy said, “Are we all done adopting kids? If we are lets get going.”
All us ladies said, “Yes sir.”
We were just walking down the front steps when Jenny's Mum and Dad drove into the driveway and Jenny's Mum got out of the car and said “Jenny darling we have to go to to Charleville to catch a flight to Brisbane and then a connecting flight to Sydney. Your Gran is in hospital and is very ill so we will be gone for a few days.”
“Donna, I hate to ask you to do this, but could Jenny stay with you for a little while? You are like a second Mum to her and she loves being with Carla. I’m sure she wont be any trouble.”
Mummy replied, “Jan, Jenny is welcome to stay as long as you need her to and she has never been any trouble. But you had better give me a key to be able to get her school uniform and and all her other school things she will need.”
Jenny's mum handed their house keys to Mummy, and gave Jenny a hug, and her Dad got out of the car to do the same, and her Dad said, “We heard about what happened down at the river yesterday and are very proud of you Jenny.”
Then he hugged her and said, “You be a good girl while we're away sweetheart, and we'll be back as soon as we can.”
Jenny said. “I hope Gran will be ok. Please give me a ring when you get to Sydney and let me know how she is.”
“We will darling.” they replied and got into their car and drove off.
Daddy said “Ok you lot, if we don't get in the car now we will be late for church and we don't want to be walking in after the service has begun do we ladies!!!”
We all replied, “No, yes sir!!” and got in the car with Daddy saying something about understanding women or something that sounded like that.
I sort of missed seeing Ricky at church but there is not a lot that could be done about that and anyway I could always see him at school and at the park.
Jenny and I walked into the church holding hands and someone said to Mummy, “Your two younger daughters are in the church choir aren’t they?”
Mummy replied” “Yes they are, but only one is my daughter. The other one might as well be, for she and Carla are like two peas in a pod.”
The lady said, “My name is June Frost and I am the choir singing teacher amongst other things in the church. After the service I would like to see where these girls will fit into the choir and organise some singing lessons to help them along.”
Mummy replied, “Sure, but they both have an appointment to see someone at the hospital later so they can't stay to long.
Miss Frost said, “Ok, I will make it as short as possible.”
After the service Jenny said “Gee Carla, I like the singing much better in this church than the Catholic one.”
When we got home from church it was ten thirty and we all needed to have some morning tea. There was morning tea at the church but Mummy said we had better come home in case Mrs Jackson arrived while we were out. Mummy had made some cream buns yesterday so we got them and went and sat out in the warm winter sun in the backyard garden.
Ginger was pestering me and Jenny to throw the ball for her game of throw and fetch so we took turns in throwing the ball to her to keep her happy. Fluffy just sleeps all the time! What a life!! Goldie is now living back with Uncle Tony and Aunty Bella, since Uncle Tony built her a nice big kennel, but she still wanders down the road to see us every couple of days.
We had just finished our buns when Mrs Jackson and her son turned up to take Jenny and I to visit her husband in the hospital. As they got out of the car and were walking to us Jenny whispered “He does look a bit girly doesn’t he?”
I replied “I wonder if he is just like me, a girl with a plumbing problem.”
Mummy said, “Shush girls and behave.”
“Yes Mummy!!”
Mrs Jackson said, “Hello everyone. Would it be ok to take the girls to see David at the hospital? Apparently he has been asking to see the little girls that got him breathing again on Friday afternoon.”
Mummy said, “That will be fine, would you like me to pick them back up once they are finished visiting?”
She replied rather nervously “No if you don't mind I would like a word with you about something when I bring them back.”
“That'll be ok. Take your time we aren’t going anywhere.”
We got in the car's back seat and said, “Hi” to Kenny and he shyly said “Hello.” in an almost girly way. 'I should talk'.
Anyway I said, “How is your husband Mrs Jackson?”
She replied, “He is recovering quite well, but is not going to be able to go back to work for quite a while I would imagine.”
We arrived at the hospital and walked across the car park to the main entrance of the hospital and as we entered the building I thought 'Wow this whole hospital would fit into the Mater in Brisbane about fifty times'. Anyway a nurse was just walking towards us and asked us to follow her to where they had Mr Jackson in a private room. It was only a small hospital and there were only three private rooms. He was in the one closest to the where the nurses could keep him under observation.
The nurse said, “I’m Christine and I am looking after Mr Jackson so if you have any questions just ask me.”
We nodded, and went into the room where Mr Jackson was all propped up with pillows. He looked ok for a man who had a heart attack a couple of days ago.
There were enough chairs for us all to sit down, but Jenny and myself went to grab a hand each and we both said “Hello” at the same time.
He responded by saying, “Carla and Jennifer, you two are my angels that stopped me from leaving this planet.” He had tears running down his cheeks when he said that.
The nurse was standing at the door and said, “You can hug him if you want, he is out of danger but don’t get him to excited.”
Jenny and I gave Mr Jackson a quick hug and stepped back so his wife and son could do the same. Mrs Jackson sat back down on one of the chairs but Kenny his son sat on the bed and held his fathers hand and said, “I love you Daddy.” now I’m guessing but I think he is a bit older than me and I thought that only girls called their father Daddy.
Mr Jackson said, “Kenny, you have these two pretty angels to thank for me still being here, but your Mummy tells me you were brave as well and helped bring the boat back to the boat ramp.”
The boy replied in a very girly way, “Daddy, I don’t know what I would have done if these two girls and their Daddy hadn't come to help.”
Mrs Jackson looked to be a bit embarrassed at how her son was talking as if he were a girl. She got up and and said, “It looks like your getting tired David so we might go and leave you in peace.”
He replied, “Yes it has all been a bit of a shock, but before you go what about the boat?”
“Don’t worry Daddy” said Kenny, “It is quite safe at Mr Croft's place and we can get it when you are out of hospital.”
Mrs Jackson gave her husband a kiss and so did Kenny and we all said goodbye and left Mr Jackson to go to sleep.
By the time Mrs Jackson got us back home it was close to lunch time and as we got out of the car Mummy was walking towards us and said, “Good. Lunch will be ready in about half an hour. I hope you you and Kenny will stay Jane.”
She replied, “Well thanks, yes, and that will give me a chance to talk to you about another matter.”
We all went inside and Daddy and Uncle Tony were in the lounge watching something about football on the telly. Mrs Jackson went with Mummy into the kitchen to talk about something. Rita was at the Smith house for the rest of the day, to kiss Peter no doubt.
So Jenny and I said to Kenny, “Come with us to our room and we can get to know each other better.”
Kenny just nodded and followed me and Jenny not saying anything. We got to our room and all three sat down on my big double bed. Jenny looked at me and nodded. I think she wanted me to start the conversation. I took that as a signal that she was thinking the same thing as me about Kenny.
I didn't beat around the bush and came straight out with, “Kenny is there something you need to tell us about your self?”
Kenny looked at me and he had tears forming in his eyes and he said, “You know don’t you?”
I replied, “Kenny, it's ok. You can trust me and Jenny.” He was starting to sob and I put my arm around him and said, “Kenny, you can't hide who you are from someone like me.”
In between sobs and the hiccups he he replied, “Carla, I have heard about you and people reckon you were a boy when you were born and are now a girl.”
Jenny butted in and said, “Always a girl Kenny, she was always a girl.”
Kenny was a bit calmer now and said, “I am a girl too but I have a penis.” and he stood up and pulled down his trousers and he had a pair of pink panties on and pulled them down as well. Jenny and I just stared at his or ''her'' crotch and there was an even smaller penis in his crotch than mine, and I couldn't see any scrotum, so he must be intersexed like me.
Jenny said, “Carla, that looks just the same as you only smaller.”
Kenny pulled his clothes back up and sat back down on the bed beside me and just stared at the floor and said, “I have been to Doctor Ryan and he wants me to go to Brisbane and a see a doctor San—lee to do some tests to see what my condition is.”
At this stage I thought I had better tell him all about myself and support him so he didn't have to suffer all alone. Once I told him everything he started to relax and opened up to both me and Jenny and he told us about how he always knew that there was something wrong with him and that not long ago he went to Father Brian and told him that he felt like a girl. Farther Brian rang Doctor Ryan the same day and and also spoke to his mother and told them he would support them in whatever they decided to do. Good old father Brian, he is such a nice man. I explained about what I was going through and that I will be having surgery to rectify my genitals and he would probably have to go through the same process.
Jenny said, “Kenny, what is your girl name?”
He looked at us and said, “Mummy said she would have called me Christine if she had a girl.”
I replied, “Well Christine, you are a girl as far as I can tell.”
Just then Mummy knocked on the door and said, “Ok girls lunch is ready.”
Kenny looked at us and said, “She just said girls.”
Jenny said, “It looks like the two mummies have been talking doesn't it Christine?”
We all stood up and had a group hug and went to the kitchen and through to the dining room.
Mummy winked at me and said, “Did you have a nice talk girls?”
It was hard to think of Christine as Kenny now that we knew what was really going on, so I just said, “Yes Mummy, all explained.” Both mothers nodded and smiled and we sat down to eat lunch.
Daddy said, “ What was the pow wow all about Donna?”
Mummy replied, “Tell you later ok?”
After lunch we all went outside to say goodbye to Mrs Jackson and her daughter. I thought to myself 'I am going to make sure that I will be there for her and help in anyway that I can.'
A bit later I asked Mummy about why my chest was so itchy, and she said, “Carla I think that is what Doctor Ryan wants to see you about, so we will find out tomorrow just how far down the track you are to have a normal girl puberty, and I don't think it is only about breast growth either, so be prepared to go for another round of tests in Brisbane before too long ok?”
“What do you mean Mummy?”
Jenny was listening and said, “Periods silly.”
“Oh but I haven't had any surgery for that to happen.”
Mummy said, “Don't panic Carla, we will find out more tomorrow and if you have to have some kind of surgery to let you have your periods then that will be done too.”
Jenny and I spent the rest of the afternoon doing our home work and taking Ginger for a walk down to the park. After dinner we watched a movie and went to bed and talked about Christine and how we could be there for her and help. We went to sleep in a tight cuddle and we both could feel Jean as we drifted into dreamland.
To be continued
Next time: Doctor Ryan, Brisbane and and what the tests show about my progress.
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It Must Be Queensland
To find another child like Carla in Quilpie proves that Western Queensland is TG-friendly :-). Seriously, the support Christine will receive from Jenny, Carla and Jean will be a great relief and a tremendous help for her.
Nice story with that authentic period flavour,
Carla is a heroine!!
Christine sure had a better reaction from a priest then I did!! Mine told me
that thinking I was a girl was a mortal sin and I would go to hell if I didn't
stop!! Well it is 42 years later and now I am living as my true self, a girl!
I also have faith that God made me this way and approves of how I am leading
my life. I hope that with Carla's help Christine will be able to grow up as
a happy girl!!
"So I’ve been a boy and I’ve been a girl and, trust me, being a girl is better"
Thank you Roo,
Still loving your little 1st person story as seen through the eyes of a young girl,
and with her friend Jenny in support she will go from strength to strength.And I agree
with Pam's lovely comment,much nicer being a girl than hiding it.
Much nicer!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes Alison I hid it for too many years. We didn't have any access to
information about being trans when I was a child (1950's). But I
have been my true self for the past 14 years!!
The Girl Inside the Boy : Part 3 Chapter 10
I can see Carla helping Christine
May Your Light Forever Shine
It Must Be Queensland 2.0
>> To find another child like Carla in Quilpie proves that Western Queensland is TG-friendly :-) <<
I think it indicates that Western Queensland might/could be TG/TS productive. Like, what's in the food and/or water that pregnant wimyn have been ingesting? Any ideas? Did the government spray all over with DES to make rabbits infertile or something?
Cheers! Thanks and keep up the good work.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,