I said, “Where are the stairs?” and she pointed to the door next to the lift I think she knows that I worry about the lift getting stuck in the lift if it breaks down.
She said, “Don't worry Carla, there is a panic button if that happens and it lights up a light in the building supervisors office.”
The apartment was on the second floor so we were only in the lift for a couple of minutes. The apartment was as big as a normal city house only it had no outside apart from a small balcony which fronted a busy street and all the car fumes came up from the road. Samantha's room had a television in it so I was thinking I might be able to talk Daddy into putting a big tower up like Uncle Tony and have a television too. We settled in and Mummy myself and Samantha went for a walk to little restaurant and ordered a meal. Daddy went off on his own to deal with the business he had come down to Brisbane to sort out. We had our meal, and walked back to the apartment and settled down and watched to watch a girlie movie.
Samantha and I were lying on her double bed and Mummy was sitting in a lounge chair that was next to the bed because, when Mary was home they always watched movies together so it made sense to have the television set in Samantha's room. 'April in Paris' with Doris Day was the movie we were watching when the buzzer went off for the front entrance door, It was Mary, Sam's Mum, so Sam got up and pressed the door release button in the other room to let her Mum enter the main foyer of the apartment building. It was a three story building and I think it was a hotel that had been converted to apartments a couple of years previously, that's probably why it still had a lift in it.
Mary came in through the door of the apartment and said, “G'day you two,” and gave me and Mummy a hug and a kiss on the cheek and we all went and sat down in the lounge when Mary said, “Sam luv, put the kettle on to make us a cuppa will you?”
I jumped up to give Sam a hand in the very modern kitchen with a marble bench top and taps with long spouts that you can swing around. Anyway we made two cups of tea for our Mums and grabbed a bottle of Coke each for us and went back into the lounge.
Mary said, “How are you feeling now that you are being treated for your little birth defect Carla?”
I replied, “I don’t feel any different now than I always have Mary. I am a girl that needs a bit of surgery, that's all.”
Sam came into the conversation and added “Mum, she is the same as me. Remember I have the same little problem don’t I?”
“Well,” said Mary “You have two little extras that Carla doesn’t have to start with, but you are definitely girls. There's no mistake there is there?” and we had to all giggle at that as Sam and I did a curtsy together.
“Ok,” said Mummy “What about my man, Mary, what are the sleeping arrangements?”
Mary had a wicked look on her face and replied, “Oh you can sleep on the lounge Donna, and I’ll look after your beautiful man. I haven't met him but from what Sam says he is a real honey.”
Mummy had a worried look on her face but said nothing, when Mary said, “Just kidding Donna, don’t look so worried. You'll have to get used to my wicked sense of humour.”
Sam said, “Mum please behave yourself or you will chase them away.”
Mummy then said, “It's alright darling, I have the same wicked sense of humour as your mother, so watch out.”
I nodded my head in agreement and we all laughed. Just then the buzzer went and it was Daddy at the front entrance. Sam pressed the button to open the entrance door to let Daddy into the foyer. Daddy doesn’t trusts lifts and took the stairs instead. I went and opened the door to the apartment and stood just outside the door to give Daddy a big hug when he got there.
He put the briefcase he was carrying down, and lifted me up off the floor and gave me a bone-crushing hug and said, “How was your day sweetheart?”
I replied “Really good Daddy! Can we have a television too? Mummy said she wants one too and Uncle Tony put up that tower and...”
“Whoa, that's a lot of wants.” replied Daddy. He came inside the apartment and Mummy was waiting for him just inside the door and kissed him passionately on the lips and then said. “Bill can I have a television too?”
“Whoa you too!” and Mummy kissed him again and said, “I know you were talking to the man that built the tower for Tony. You can't hide anything from me you know darling.”
Daddy said “Bloody women,” Sam rushed up and put her arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek and said, “I wish I had a Daddy like you! Mine was never around.”
Mary walked up behind Sam and said, “Sam you were right he is a nice man.” and put her hand out for him to shake but he took it and held it like in the movies and kissed it.
Mummy said, “Alright Casanova, you can sleep on the couch for that.” laughing while she said it.
Mary said, “Sorry Donna, I didn't mean to be so forward with your man.”
Mummy said, “It's ok Mary, I love and trust him completely,”
Mary replied, “Well I am the one that is going to sleep on the lounge because I have to be at work by six am and I normally get up at five in the mornings so you and Bill will be in my bed while you are in Brisbane, and Carla can sleep with Sam in her large double bed.”
Mummy said, “Are you sure? We don’t want to put you out of you own bed.”
Mary said, “Yes quite sure, because I am going to come and visit you in Quilpie and you will have to put up with me and Sam, so just relax, you'll have enough to worry about in the next couple of days as it is.”
“Ok then,” replied Mummy. Daddy just stood there with a smile on his face probably thinking he was glad he didn't have to sort that out.
Then he said “Alright ladies, I'm going to take you all out for a slap up dinner how does that sound?”
Sam said, “What all of us?”
Daddy replied, “Unless you want to order in pizza.”
Sam and I both said at the same time “Noo!! Not pizza.”
Anyway Daddy ordered a taxi and we went a fancy restaurant in city near the Story Bridge with a funny Italian name that Uncle Tony told him about. The food was similar to what Aunty Bella cooks, so I think that Donna's carvery will have some Italian menus as well. Aunty Bella is going to work with Mummy running her restaurant.
We got back fairly late so we sorted out the beds. Sam and I talked till midnight mostly about what we were going to go through when we have our final surgery to make us whole girls like we were supposed to be when we were born.
Mary was gone by the time anyone else woke up. It was seven o'clock and the noise of the trams going past the apartment woke me up but it doesn’t worry Sam. She says that it lulls her to sleep at night because the trams run till eleven o'clock at night, and there seems to be one goes past every five minutes.
Sam and I got up and went to have a shower together and when we were both naked we just stood there and looked at each others genitals.
Sam spoke first and said, “Carla you look like you are almost a girl down there. You only have a tiny little penis, and it really looks like a large clitoris.”
I replied and said, “Sam that is what Rose called it and she said that I have never had any testicles in the first place, so it wont take a lot of surgery to make it look right.”
Then it was my turn and I asked Sam if I could touch her small breasts because I wanted to feel how soft they were.
She said, “Sure, but be gentle. They are quite tender and the hormones that Rose is giving me is making them grow really quickly.”
Rose was giving Sam hormones to stop her from having a male puberty and it was making her body develop like a girl her age.
She said, “I don't get an erection any more but it still feels good to rub it and my nipples get hard.”
I asked, “What do nipples feel like when they get hard?”
She replied, “When I touch them they go all tingly.”
I said, “I can't wait till Rose gives me hormones. I want to grow breasts as big as Rita has.”
Our exploration of our bodies stopped abruptly when Mummy knocked on the door and we both jumped and squealed in guilty fright.
Mummy said, “Hurry up you two! There are other people that need to use the bathroom as well you know!”
Sam and I quickly got out of the shower giggling, and wrapping fluffy bath towels around us and ran into Sam's bedroom.
I decided to be all girley that day and wore my pink denim skirt with the lace around the hem, white bobby socks, and dark red shiny Mary Janes. I chose the white blouse with the flower prints on the front, and a white windcheater. My hair was really long now so I just combed it really well and put barrette in it - pink of course. Sam wore her school uniform. She still had to go to school even though she took theprevious day off. She didn't want to fall behind as she wanted to be a nurse like her Mum. Daddy got all his business sorted the previous day, so we were going to do a bit of sightseeing that day before the serious thing of the next day would take place.
Mummy said she had never been up to Mt Coot-tha to see Brisbane from there.
Daddy said, “Ok do you want to go up there by bus? That could take some time cause I haven’t a clue how the buses run in Brisbane and the trams don’t go up there as far as I know.”
Mummy replied, “Darling, we are not exactly broke are we? I think we can afford to get a taxi up there don't you?”
Daddy said, “Ooh I don’t know” with a silly look on his face.
Mummy then said, “Bill how much did you get for the sale of the caravan park?”
Daddy coughed a bit and said, “I'll order a taxi shall I ?”
Mummy replied, “Yes dear I think you'd better do that or miss out tonight.”
Daddy replied, “Darling that's a bit below the belt isn't it?”
“William, not in front of the girls please!”
Daddy said, “There’s that guy William again.” with that silly grin on his face once more.
Anyway once the two of them were finished their silly banter Daddy finally got on the phone and ordered a taxi to take us up the mountain. Sam gave us all a hug and went off to school which was only a couple of city blocks away.
The taxi arrived and we climbed in and were taken to Mt Coot-tha. On the way we passed the biggest cemetery I have ever seen, it seemed to go for miles and it made me shudder to think of all the souls that are buried there. That instance I could hear Jean say in my mind “All just bones, Sis.” Anyway, we reached the top of the mountain look-out and it was a clear day. I got a funny feeling in my tummy when I walked to the edge of the lookout barrier. It felt like I was in an aeroplane looking down over the whole city, and I could also see the ocean and Morton Island in the distance, it was that high.
We had lunch at the restaurant that was beside the lookout and then asked the waitress about the city bus service to see if we could take a bus ride down the mountain. There was a city bus that came and went every hour, so we waited till the next bus arrived and boarded that. On the way down the mountain, the bus passed the very large television transmitter towers that reached up even further into the sky. By the time we were back down in the city and got off at the bus stop just a short walk from the apartment, we were getting tired and decided to go upstairs to the apartment to relax and watch some television.
We had the code to put in a number in the electronic lock to open up the main door to get in, and made our way up the stairs to the apartment. None of us liked, or trusted lifts so the stairs it was.
We were just starting to watch something on TV when Sam walked in and said, “Hi all. Have a nice day up the mountain?”
I said, “How did you know we were up the mountain Sam?”
“Your Mum rang My Mum and told her where you were while you having lunch up there.”
Mummy said, “Yes dear. I rang Mary to find out when she would be home because I will be cooking dinner tonight.”
Sam said, “Oooh yummy!! I get to eat some more of Donna's Carvery food.”
Mummy sent Daddy down to the supermarket to by the necessary ingredients to make tonight’s meal, which was a lamb roast and and baked potatoes with pumpkin and onions in the same tray as the roast.
Sam and I helped Mummy with the preparation because that is what girls do. Daddy went into Samantha's bedroom and watched some English comedy show.
Mary came home at five thirty and as she walked through the door she said, “Oh my God, that smells so good Donna, my mouth is watering already. Are you sure Bill won't adopt me and Sam as well?”
Sam then said, “Mum doesn’t really cook do you Mum?”
“Haven't got time Samantha you know that.”
“Yeah sure Mum,” replied Sam rolling her eyes.
“Now now girls, no fighting. Life is too short,”
“Yes Ma'am,” they both said.
After breakfast and saying 'bye to Sam, we walked the short distance to the Mater hospital and into the main foyer to where the lifts were.
Daddy looked at me and said, “Do we have to?”
I replied, “You'll get used to it in no time Daddy.”
“Yeah, whatever” he said.
Mummy said, “Just get in there you two bushies and stop wasting time will you?”
Daddy did a salute, and I giggled. We got in and there was a nurse already in the lift and she said, “Which floor do you people need to go?”
I replied, “Dr Rose um—um.”
“San-Lee,” said the nurse.
“Um yeah, that's her” I said.
The nurse laughed and replied, “Don't worry honey, you're not the only one to forget that name. We all just call her Doc Rose.”
She pressed the button to take us to level three. The doors closed and up we went, the lift stopped and the voice said 'level three'.
We walked out of the lift and Doc Rose’s surgery was just across from the lift.
I said “Mummy, did you forget where the surgery was?”
She replied, “How the bloody hell can I forget what happened when you had a panic attack when you were here before?”
I said, “That wont happen this time Mummy, I’ll just get Daddy to hold my hand.” Daddy winked at me and grabbed my hand.
Mummy just rolled her eyes and said, “Bill Dear you do realise that this little monkey has you wrapped around her little finger don't you?”
Daddy replied, “Yeah it's her magic brown eyes.” and gave me a hug.
Mummy just shook her head and said, “Shit men are so easy to control.” She winked at me and said “Carla we might get that television set yet.”
We walked into the reception area of Doc Rose's surgery and told Cindy to let Doc Rose know that we had arrived. We were half an hour early,and the appointment was for nine am. What we didn't realise was how close Mary's apartment was to the hospital.
Cindy said “Rose just went down the hall to collect some records and will be back in about five minutes so just take a seat and wait for her to come back.”
Cindy looked at me and said “Wow Carla, your hair must have grown at least six inches since I last saw you."
I said, “Yeah do you like it?”
“Well I have to dye min,e but yours is a beautiful honey blond, and with those big brown eyes you are going to break some hearts Carla.”
Mummy said, “Not yet she wont, I'll have to keep a close eye on the little monkey.”
Daddy said, “I'll keep a close eye on all three of my girls” and rolled his eyes.
Doc Rose walked in with an arm full of files and said, “Hello everyone, just give me a couple of minutes and we can get under way.”
Cindy said "You may as well go in to the surgery and make yourselves comfortable."
While Rose was sorting out her desk we all sat in the chairs provided.
“Right” said Rose, “got the reports all sorted so here we go.”
Daddy said, “Rose before you start, we would like to get back home by tomorrow night is that alright with you?”
“Sure Bill, we have two more tests to do and then we can get Carla sorted out with a hormone regime that will start her on the way to full girlhood.
I said, “Are you going to cut me open?”
“Not for a couple of years Carla. You have to do a lot more growing first sweetheart”
I replied, “Will I have a vagina just like Mummy and Rita?”
“Yes darling you certainly will, but that is a way off yet ok?”
Mummy said “So what happens now Rose?”
"Ok, you and Bill can either be present when we do the next couple of tests or if you prefer you can come back in a couple of hours."
Mummy said, “Carla would you like us to stay or go?”
“Oh Mummy and Daddy, I want you both to be with me please.” and I was starting to get all teary so I closed my eyes and said “Jean where are you?”
She was there in my head and said, “Sis it's ok, we will both go through this together. I'm here, stop worrying,”
I said out loud, “Ok Jean but don’t go away.”
Daddy had never seen me communicate with Jean like that and just sat there with his mouth open.
Mummy said "Close your mouth Bill, the flies will get in!"
Doc Rose laughed and said, “Bill, get used to her doing that, she is stuck with her twin I’m afraid.”
Daddy said, “Wow! I didn't realise she can see her as well as talk as though she is just sitting in the room with us.”
I replied, “Daddy she can hear every thing you say so watch it, or she will zap you.”
Daddy laughed and said, “I love you too Jean.”
“Right” said Rose, “lets get on with shall we, so you people can get back home.” Then before we left the room to go to have another type of scan, Rose said, “Before you leave today I will give you all the paperwork to be able to change all the birth certificate information and also a letter explaining to any government authorities about Carla's condition so she can attend a normal school. I was on cloud nine and ran to Rose and hugged her and started to cry.
Rose looked at Daddy who had a worried look on his face and said, “Bill they are happy tears.”
Daddy replied, “Bloody women.” and shook his head.
The tests were done and Rose said it confirmed what they had thought all along. I am eighty percent girl already and with medication and surgery in a few years time I will be complete. I had a smile on my face for the rest of the day, and when Sam came home from school I had to tell her all my good news. Mummy and Daddy went out to a movie and left us girls to talk and giggle till they came home with a Chinese take away. By the time the table was set Mary was home from work as well.
We said our goodbyes to Mary and Samantha and headed to Archerfield airport. The plane was all ready so we wasted no time getting on board for the flight home.

To be continued.
Next time, School, wedding, preparations and being christened.
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The Girl Inside the Boy : Part 3 Chapter 1
Wicked sense of humor is fun
May Your Light Forever Shine
It's nice to feel included...
...even an offhand remark can be flattering and encouraging in the right context, aye?
Bloody women! Coming from Bill it's almost a term of endearment. And of course, it's hard not to root for Carla...not just wait around while things develop, but really pull for her to make rapid advances in her development, since it's really what she wants and truly needs to take place. Excellent continuance of a great story!
Love, Andrea Lena
Your'e getting close to home ROO
I live on the northen slopes of Mt Coot-tha.
Tonys TV antenna should be able to feed all the neighbours TV sets in close proximity with an amplifier and multi feeds. Similar to a large apartment block, 1 antenna, lots of TV's.
Bill should be able to get a cable to it without building another costly tower. The neighbours could all share the costs which would make it relatively inexpensive.
Looks like Carla's on her way to her body matching her true self.
Great story, thanks Roo.
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
It is going so well for Carla
I hope there are no surprises ahead!! I want her to have a normal girlhood!!
Something I was denied!! It is great that she has a friend like Samantha who
is going through the same things as she is!!
When I first transitioned I lived with another girl who also just starting her
transition. It made things so much easier, having someone to share all the
turmoil with!! We spent many evenings crying on each others shoulders!!
"how many cares one loses when one decides not to be
something, but someone" Coco Chanel
Vintage Brisbane!
The Mt. Coot-tha Restaurant is still nearly the same 50 years later,