He then looked at me and said “Carla, what do you do you think we found when we took a closer look at the last x-rays that were taken at the Mater?”
I replied, “I hope there is a vagina hidden in behind the skin down there.”
He replied “Well we haven’t gone that far, but we have discovered two little things called ovaries that are just visible, and we think that the girl in you is more or less ninety percent. So Rose and some of her colleagues have agreed to start you on some very mild oestrogen hormone tablets to see how your body develops, and if all goes well, the way we think it will, you may only have to wait a couple of years to have corrective surgery.”
I as well as Mummy sat there with our mouths open.
Doctor Ryan said with a grin on his face “That is what I thought you would be like when I told you two what we have found.”
We left there and went to the chemist to fill the prescription for my ''girl pills'' and went home with the good news and had a fashion show.
Mummy called Rita and told her to get Daddy or Uncle Tony to drive her home so we could all get dressed in our wedding gowns and see what we looked like. She also rang Mary at the dress shop and asked her if she wanted to come and bring her camera to take some photos and make up a scrap book that she could show her customers later on in her shop. Mary closed her shop and was there half an hour later and she also made a detour to Donna's Carvery to pick up a take away lunch to feed an army.
So before we got all carried away with dressing up, we went out into the yard into the warm winter sunshine and sat down at the picnic table and gorged ourselves on Mummy’s take away lamb roast and potatoes in their jackets with Aunty Bella's special gravy, that she reckons is a secret recipe but I think Mummy was watching her make it the other day so it is not a secret any more.
Mary was a keen photographer and she had with her a camera on a tripod with a flash thingy on the side of the camera. She described the working of the camera but it all went over the top of my head, and I said to her, “Mary, too much information, just lets get into the dressing up part please!!”
Rita said, “Hear hear” which made me and Jenny have a fit of the giggles.
Rita said, “What!!?”
Jenny's Mum said, “Alright, lets get this show on the road shall we?” so we all went into the lounge where all the gowns and Mummy's wedding dress was laid out on two separate lounge chairs.
Mummy rang Daddy and told him not to come home and just barge into the house because there would be half dressed ladies running about. Daddy must have said something naughty because she said to him before hanging up, “Bill behave yourself will you?” but was laughing when she walked back into the lounge and said, “Men have a one track mind.”
Bella said, “He isn't Italian is he?”
Mummy replied, “No why?”
Aunty Bella said, “Oh never mind.” That got Mary and Jan laughing as well.
I said, “I don't get it. What's Italian got to do with Daddy being naughty?”
Rita then said, “Look can we just get these gowns sorted out and stop mucking about?”
Mary was the one that took control and said, “Right ladies, lets get you all into your undies first, so we can dress from the inside out.” so me, Mummy, Rita and Jenny did as we were told and stripped down to our underwear Mummy even took off her bra because the dress she had picked was one that had an inbuilt breast support sewn into it. The slip she put on was a white silky one with a lot of frilly lace-work. On the day of the wedding she has pair of white silk knickers, Mummy is into silk 'I think'. Bella helped Mummy on with the dress and zipped her up. Then came the shoes and she was ready except for a hair do and make up.
Mummy said, “Stockings is the only thing missing.”
Then it was Rita's turn. She was told to take of her bra as well because the gown was strapless and that required a new strapless bra. Rita took off her bra and Mary said, “That is what we all looked like many years ago.”
All the older women nodded in agreement. The bra that Mummy handed Rita was pink and matched the pink of the gown. She put on the half slip and Mummy then held the gown for Rita to step into. Once it was pulled up and over Rita big breasts Mummy did up the zip at the back of the gown. She then sat down and slipped on the shoes and she was ready. She stood up and did a twirl in the full length gown and she looked really pretty.
I said, “Wow Rita!! Peter is going to flip when he sees you in that.”
She replied, “I hope so Sis.”
Then it was Jenny and I that had to get dressed in our bridesmaid's gowns.
Mummy said, “You two young ladies are going to get your first training bra, because these gowns wont look any good without giving you a little bit of shape up top.”
She then said, “Put your arms out in front of you and get your first lesson in putting on a bra.” Jenny and I got another fit of the giggles but held our arms out like we were told to do and got our first lesson in how to reach behind our backs to put the little hooks together and then adjust the straps on our shoulders so the bra looked like it was fitting right.
These bras were also pink of course.
“What other colour is there?” I said.
Mary then produced a couple of things that looked like shoulder pads, and Jenny said, “But our gowns are strapless Mary. What do we need shoulder pads for?”
Every one except me and Jenny laughed, and Jenny said, “What did I say!?”
Mary then came over to us and pulled the bra cups aside enough to slip the shoulder pads in to give us shape and it looked like we had suddenly sprouted our own breasts.
Bella said, “Girls, they are called breast enhancers and lots of young girls use them to make themselves look a bit older and make the boys take notice of them as well.”
Rita then did her famous boob jiggle thing and made her breasts nearly fall out of her bra. We all had a fit of the giggles and almost fell over each other. Anyway Jenny and I were helped to complete getting dressed and then it was time to take some photos of us standing and sitting in different poses. We also went out and stood on the steps on the verandah. Mary took at least fifty photos and said that she always takes a lot so she can pick out the best ones later. She is also going to be our photographer at the wedding. I felt really girly and I gave Jenny a hug and while I was hugging her Jenny started to tremble.
I said to her, “Quick, close your eyes and concentrate on Jean now!!” and we both closed our eyes tight and there she was in her beautiful gown and both me and Jenny could not only see her but Jean was speaking to us as though it was just a normal thing to do.
Jean said, “Carla and Jenny, I have been given a little more strength in spirit and I will be able to do this for longer than I have in the past but I must not over do it, Carla! I am always with you and live in you in spirit till the day you come and join me in my realm as well.” and then she said, “I love you Sis.” and she slowly faded but we could keep talking to her and while I had the chance I asked her if she only has the one gown and she replied, “Carla, the gown you see is what I chose but I can chose something different if I want.” then she said, “Carla I have to rest now. I love you.” and then she stopped communicating.
Me and Jenny opened our eyes and saw Mary, Jan, and Aunty Bella with their mouths open. Rita just shrugged and Mummy said, “Now ladies you have seen what Carla is all about and I can assure you there is no trickery or any witches involved, because I have had the privilege to talk to my Jean through Carla as well and it is very real.”
Jenny said, “Mummy I could see Carla's sister and hear her talk to us as though she was in this room and I get the trembles when it happens and Mummy she looks and sounds just like Carla.”
Aunty Bella, Mary, and Jan all crossed themselves because they were all Catholics but never questioned what they had just witnessed. It was time to get changed out of the wedding clothes and pack them all away till the wedding. When we got to the bras that Jenny and I were wearing Mary said, “Keep them on and get use to wearing them because it wont be very long before you will be needing them anyway.”
Well with me taking 'girl pills' I reckon my breast will start growing straight away, Jenny has already been complaining about have itchy nipples. I can't wait to do what Rita does.
The wedding party all got redressed in normal clothes and we had afternoon tea out in the garden and Jenny and I threw the balls for the dogs to get their daily exercise while Fluffy just sleeps all the time. Geees what a life! Anyway, Jenny asked Mummy and her Mum if she could stay till Monday morning so she could help me back to school on Monday and both Mums said ok but then it will be back to normal. We both said “Thanks Mummy” in unison and giggled after that. All the ladies just shook their heads and said, “Young girls.”
Aunty Bella and Mary said their goodbyes and left.
Mummy said, “Jenny, we go to the Lutheran church now because Rita and Carla have been baptised there and that is where Bill and myself will be married so if you want to come to church with us in the morning you are welcome but you have to have your Mummy’s permission to come with us ok?”
Jan answered before Jenny could say anything because as Mummy was telling Jenny about us being Lutheran she was on the verge of tears.
Jan said, “Donna, we are Catholic but we are also realists and like Bill we do what is best for us not the Pope, so if Jenny wants to join you and your family at the Lutheran church she is free to do so with my blessing.”
Jenny raced into her Mummy’s arm and said, “Thank you Mummy. Carla is my best friend and I want go where she goes.”
Mummy and Jan spoke for another hour, and then Jan said she would bring Jenny a clean uniform for Monday tomorrow sometime, and also bring a spare blouse for me because the one that had blood on it from the business with Brad had to be put in the bin. Mary has had to order more for her shop but they had to come from Brisbane, so that took about a week for them to arrive. Jenny didn't need any extra clothes when she visited with me because we wear the same size apart from I liked pink and she liked yellow. Even our undies were pink and yellow.
'I wonder what colour undies Jean wears?'
We helped Rita prepare dinner while Mummy hung up all the gowns and her dress and put the shoes away in their box so that no dirt would spoil them till the big day in September. Dinner was t-bone steak and cauliflower and peas with some of Aunty Bella's amazing gravy.
We set the table in the warm kitchen and were ready to dish up as soon as Daddy came home from the garage. It wasn't long before he walked in and said, “My that smells good.” and gave Rita, Jenny and I a kiss on the top of our heads and said, “Well how did the the big fashion show go ladies?”
Mummy walked in before we girls could respond. She put her arms around Daddy's neck and gave him one of her toe-curling kisses.
Rita said, “Alright you two. Can you save that for the bed room we have young kids present.”
Mummy said, “Not so young any more Rita, and I have seen you kiss Peter with just as much passion so you can't talk can you?”
Rita replied, “Yeah ok.”
Daddy then said with a big satisfied grin on his face, “Who cares? I’ll take all the kissen and loven I can get.” and proceeded to lift Mummy of her feet and gave her another passionate kiss. Mummy looked like she had weak legs after that and said, “Well Bill darling, you can come home to me like this any time you want.”
Us kids all rolled our eyes and said in unison and said “Puleese!!”
Rita said, “Dad, are you ready for us to dish up dinner?”
Daddy replied “As soon as I wash my hands I will be luv.”
Rita and Mummy got the plates out and took them to where the steaks were on the stove and dished up one plate at a time and got me and Jenny to take them to the table. We all sat down and ate our meal without a lot of conversation, as Mummy always says 'eat or speak - don’t do both.' Once the main meal was finished there was a chocolate mousse with whipped cream, very rich and fattening, but Daddy likes to have desert so Mummy seems to spoil him and we will all get fat!!.
Once the table was cleared and the washing up was done we went into the lounge to watch the movie, ''Some like it Hot'' with Tony Curtis in it. Jenny and I didn't get to see the end because we kept falling asleep so Mummy chased us off to bed. We got dressed in winter pj's and cuddled up to get warm and fell asleep like that and dreamed of being at Mummy's wedding.
Sunday 28/6/59.
We woke up at six am and it was freezing cold, so we put on our woollen socks and winter dressing gowns. Jenny had left some of her things because she stayed quite a lot, and we were becoming more like sisters than friends. She was an only child so she got lonely at home. That is why her Mum didn't mind Jenny being at my place.
We went to the kitchen and made breakfast for everyone seeing we all had to get ready for church. Jenny did the sausages and eggs, and I did the toast and made the tea. We decided to take the breakfast to Mummy and Daddy and also Rita, who was in her own bed room now, because Jenny was spending so much time sleeping over it just made it easier for her to be in her own room, but I think she is doing it to have Peter in her room and not have us spying on her and Peter kissing.
We put the food on separate trays. I still had to walk quite slowly because I didn't want to go over on my sprained ankle, but I made it to Mummy's bedroom ok, and Jenny went to Rita's room and delivered the tray with the breakfast to her.
Jenny knocked on Rita's door and said, “Room service” and went in. I knocked on Mummy's door and said the same thing and walked in. Mummy and Daddy were in a tight cuddle so I said, “Oops sorry, I'll go out and knock again.” but Daddy said, “Sweetheart it's alright we were only having a morning cuddle.”
I replied, “I still should have waited to hear you say 'come in' Daddy.”
Mummy said “Darling it's ok really, and thank you for bringing in this lovely breakfast.” She then said, “I hope you are not overdoing it on that ankle are you?”
“No Mummy I’m not. After all I want to go back to school tomorrow.”
Jenny and I went back to the kitchen and then had our own breakfast but decide that the washing up would have to wait till later so we went back to our room and laid out the clothes we were going to wear for church which was not very exciting, because winter time does not let you wear the real nice things that we liked.
Anyway, we all went to church and got used to how things were done in the Lutheran church service, and even Daddy said that he didn't mind the change and to hell with the rules of the Catholic church. The rest of today was spent with me and Jenny playing around with the animals and watching some television and generally relaxing. It had been a long week.
Monday 29/6/59
We were up early once again and had breakfast, made our school lunches and got dressed in our school uniforms. We did each others hair in pony tails with the school colour ribbons to hold them in place. Mummy drove us to school and I would be driven to school till I could ride my bike again once my ankle healed and was strong enough to push the bike pedals.
We were greeted by Brenda and June and they gave me a hug and said that the whole school was upset about what happened to me last week and that Brad had been sent to a boys home to sort him out. We all walked to where our school bags were left and went to the parade ground for morning assembly.
To be continued.
Next time coping at school and joining the school choir.
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Always fascinating to us...
...but so simple and nonchalant to a child, aye?
Jenny said, “Mummy I could see Carla's sister and hear her talk to us as though she was in this room and I get the trembles when it happens and Mummy she looks and sounds just like Carla.â€
To this day, my brother Vic feels my sister Joann's presence even after the eighth anniversary of her passing in February; I know we were all taught that it couldn't happen and that it was wrong to believe, but I prefer to trust my brother's heart, just as everyone is coming to trust Carla. Thank you, dear sweet Ronnie for this lovely tale. It brings me close to my own Joann every time I read it, and I cannot thank you enough for that.
Love, Andrea Lena
The Girl Inside the Boy : Part 3 Chapter 6
Wondering about Carla attending school.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Thank you Roo,
Well,the little monster Bradley is off to the Toowoomba Reform School and Carla is back at school
with her friends and has a new life to look forward to as she progressives through school and enjoys
life. Outback kids,on the whole,stick together as school is not only a place of learning
but the hub of social activities for them.Brad will never get back there,good riddance to him.
Our Little Girl
Carla is growing up. She will get over the Bradley trauma OK, since it seems that he was the only Neanderthal at school,
But How Many People at School...
...believe what Brad said about Carla being a boy? They may not be Neanderthals, but that doesn't mean they won't care.