The test were done and Rose said it confirmed what they had thought all along. I am eighty percent girl already and with medication and surgery in a few years time I will be complete. I had a smile on my face for the rest of the day and when Sam came home from school I had to tell her all my good news. Mummy and Daddy went out to a movie and left us girls to talk and giggle till they came home with a Chinese take away. By the time the table was set Mary was home from work as well.
We said our goodbyes and headed to Archerfield airport. The plane was all ready for the flight home, so we wasted no time in getting on board for the flight.
The pilot whose name was Rodney said he enjoyed flying out to these outback places because there is literary no air traffic and he didn’t have to watch out for any other planes in the vicinity. Anyway we landed at the Quilpie air strip at eleven thirty and as Uncle Tony heard the plane circle over the town he got in his Land Rover and came out to pick us up. The plane had to be refueled so we told Rodney to come and have some lunch at Mummy’s restaurant, before he headed back to Brisbane. He accepted gladly and came with us to have lunch, Daddy would drive him back to his plane when he was finished.
Rodney told Daddy that he wouldn't mind being stationed here at Quilpie air strip for charter flights and Daddy said he would look into what sort of response the shire council would have to let something like that happen. Anyway we got to the restaurant and Rita had a table set all ready for us and a meal was only five minutes away. Seeing it was the middle of winter, Rita served up pea and ham soup with thick slices of toast which went down really well.
When we finished lunch Daddy drove Rodney back to his plane out at the strip and helped to do the refueling. Uncle Tony drove us home. Mummy and I were really tired from the last couple of days' activities so we decide to have an afternoon nap. Once I said “G'day” to my animal friends and fed them, I went to my room and lay on the bed and thought what Doc Rose had told me in Brisbane. Fluffy jumped up on the bed and curled up beside my head and we both dropped off to sleep.
Saturday 12/6/1959.
Rita shook me gently and said, “Wake up Sleeping Beauty. It's eight o'clock and we have things to do today.”
I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and said, “Oh boy, it is not very often I sleep in this late is it?”
Rita replied, “No Sis, but you have had a busy couple of days so you're forgiven, but get out of bed and into the shower so you can have breakfast. We have a lot to do in the next few weeks.”
I said, yawning “What are we doing today that is so important anyway?”
Rita replied, “Have you forgotten what is happening in a few weeks time?”
“Oh the wedding.”
“Yes Carla. If you want to wear a nice dress on the day then we had better go and see what Mum has planned for us.”
I got up and had a shower and got dressed in jeans and a warm top, socks and a pair of woollen slippers, as it was cold at that time of the morning. It might not snow out there but the ground got covered in a white frost and killed off all the lawns in winter.
I went to the warm kitchen and Mummy said, “Morning sweetheart, sleep well did we?”
I replied, “Yes thanks Mummy. What's for breakfast?”
“Sit down at the table madam and I will serve Your Ladyship.”
I giggled and Rita rolled her eyes and said, “Hoy, what's this? No-one serves me.”
Mummy replied, “Ok you two, shut up and get your gums around this.” It was a full English breakfast with the works. Just as Mummy was putting the plates on the table Daddy walked in and gave Mummy a big hug and kissed her passionately on the lips.
Rita and I both said, “Pu-lease not this early in the morning.”
Daddy said, “Eat your breakfast girls, I'm allowed to do this. It makes my day seem to go quicker.” and he winked at Mummy. Breakfast over, Daddy went to see the man about the tower for our television.
Mummy said, “Right girls, I'm not going to work today and neither are you Rita. The others can run things at the restaurant today.”
Mummy then made a phone call to Mary Winton at the dress shop to see what she had in stock for us all to try on. Mary owned the shop that local women went to, to buy or hire wedding gowns.
Mummy said, “Ok girls. I want you to wear skirts to make it easier to change in and out of the garments you're going to try on.” Rita and I did as we were told and were ready to go within ten minutes in the car down to the dress shop.
Mary was waiting for us when we arrived, and said “Good morning ladies. Are we ready to try on all the wedding and bridesmaid dresses?”
We all three nodded and walked into the shop. Mary said, “I will close the shop for a couple of hours so we don't get disturbed and do things without rushing your decisions.”
Mummy was first, and Mary said, “Donna, what are you thinking of wearing?”
Mummy said, “I wore a really beautiful gown the first time round and it was a waste of time wasn't it? I am just going to choose a nice dress and leave it at that.”
An hour later we all agreed on what Mummy had chosen. It was a white past the knee silk dress with delicate blue embroidery depicting flowers and little ballerinas around the hemline, and with a large bow at the waist. Rita and I took another hour to try on several dresses and ended up choosing two identical full-length evening gowns in pink with white lace-work around the bodice and hem.
Then next came the shoes. Mummy chose a pair of white three inch pumps and said, “You girls will get to tired in heels, so I want you both to look for a nice pair of flats.” It didn't take very long and the shoes looked much the same as Mummy's only with hardly any heel.
Accessories would be bought another day.
Mummy said, “I have a lot of your Nan’s jewellery to sort through first before we go out and spend any more money.”
Mary tallied up the bill and Mummy said, “That wasn't too bad, so Daddy will be able to afford to buy an new suit as well.”
Rita said, “Mum I hoped he wasn’t going to wear that old moth-eaten thing he wears to church?”
“He is pretty attached to it,” said Mum.
We arrived home just as Daddy was parking his car in the shed and he stayed in the car.
Mummy said, “I wonder what that man is up to. He is hiding something I am sure of that.”
Rita said, “ Lets just go and see why he is not getting out of the car.”
Mummy said, “Ok you two go on one side and I’ll go on the other so he can't escape.” He was trapped and had no choice but to get out of the car.
When he got out he was dressed in a suit and he looked really good.
Mummy said, “Darling, you went out and bought a new suit all by yourself.”
“Um, err, well it is sort of new. Brian had one too many so he sold me one. Do you like it?”
Mummy said, “It is real nice Bill. How much did you pay Brian for it?”
Daddy can't keep a straight face when he tells a lie so he said, “Oh that and a bit more.”
Mummy said, “Bill darling, It's ok. It's a lovely suit, and it can keep your old one company in the closet after the wedding.” She than kissed him and said, “I love you William.”
Daddy replied, “Who's William?”
“Mummy said the beautiful man I am about to get married to.”
It was lunch time and although it was a cold day it was nice in the midday sun.
Daddy said, “We will start the barbecue up and have a nice steak sandwich.”
Mummy and Daddy stayed outside and got the barbecue going. Rita and I made a quick salad and got some steaks out of the fridge. It was just as well the meat was put in the fridge that morning to defrost, or we would not been having a barbecue for lunch.
Daddy rushed up into the house to change out of the suit that cost him a lot of nothing, and changed into some jeans and a shirt. By the time he came back outside the steak was ready to make the steak sandwiches with all the trimmings. We all had coke to drink, which is normal for a family that is not into alcohol. It was nice to just sit in the afternoon winter sun with my family. It was so different from when we were on River Downs, when there was always tension between Mummy and my other dad James, who I guess I will see again one day when I am a teenage girl, not that it would happen if I could help it. As far as my brother John is concerned, I would accept him back if he behaved himself. I didn't think it was his fault that he was brought up to be like his aggressive father. Only time would tell if he saw the light before it was to late.
Sunday 13/6/59
Mummy decided to go to the Lutheran church to get to know the pastor because he would be performing the wedding ceremony and also be doing Rita's and my baptism. Originally it was all going to happen in the Catholic church but because Mummy was a divorcee that couldn't happen so we would all be Lutheran.
The baptism would be a private affair with just a few people that knew us and it would be in a weeks time on Saturday morning.
I said, “Mummy, who can I invite to the christening?”
Mummy replied, “Carla, we are trying to keep it low key darling. It is more for the sake of legalities as you well know.”
I had tears in my eyes and said, “Can I at least have Ricky and Jenny there?”
Mummy replied, “Of course darling. Now come here and let me hug you.”
Daddy also gave me a hug and said “Sweetheart, it's like Mummy said - we just want to make sure that we have everything done before the wedding, because by then the papers will all be signed so you can have your name changed on your birth certificate and also be my adopted daughter, as well as Rita.”
Rita said, “I was wondering if I was going to get a mention in all this?” with a grin on her face.
Mummy said, “Ok everyone, we had better get ourselves ready and head off to church.”
We were ready to go in half an hour. The Lutheran church was on the other side of town so Daddy drove us in his car. When we arrived at the church, Pastor Jeff Miller was at the bottom of the steps to greet his congregation. He made us feel really welcome and I liked him straight away.
We went and sat down in the church and most people gave us a smile and a nod. The service was quite a bit different than in the Catholic church, and there was a lot of hymn singing which I could really get into. 'I think I am going to like being a part of this church', There were a lot of kids that were my age as well so I would be able to make some new friends as well.
When the service was over we hung around after most of the other people were gone because Pastor Miller wanted to meet us properly and get to know Rita and myself for next Saturday's baptism ceremony. Jeff already knew Daddy because he and Brian used to go out wild pig shooting together. We all went into Jeff's house which was right next to the church, and we were greeted by his wife, a short plump woman with a real cheery face.
She said, “Welcome people, and come in and have some of the Country Women’s famous pumpkin scones and a cuppa.” Her name was Shelly and she was secretary for the Country Women’s Association, which I thought Mummy was thinking of becoming a member of as well because they did a lot of charity work for country people.
Anyway Rita and I went into a smaller room once all the food was laid out, and Pastor Miller started to explain to Rita and me what we had to do to be baptised the following week. He said. “Ok girls, this wont take too long. I will just explain what will happen, and I will give you both some literature to take home to read through, so you know what is expected of you in the eyes of the church.”
That was basically it, and we went back in where Mummy and Daddy were talking to Shelly.
Mummy said, “Carla, Shelly has signed me up as a member of the CWA, and we will be doing some charity work. That should make you happy.”
“Yeah, I like helping poor people that have got nothing,” I replied.
Most of the poorer people were the indigenous people living out on the reservation. I would have to talk Alice into taking me out there because I got on really well with the aboriginal elders. I learned a lot of their culture when I used to visit old Billy's camp at River Downs. He was the one that taught me all about bush tucker and how to find water out in the desert.
They are very clever people and know all about the Dreamtime and the spirits that live in the land and animals. Anyway we got home from church and Mummy and Rita decided to go and sort out the restaurant for that night. Daddy and myself went down to Uncle Tony's and Aunty Bella's to help sort out the hooking up of the television to the outside antenna. Daddy had to climb up the sixty foot high tower to hook up the wires to the top of the tower.
Once that was done the television set was working. It wasn't as clear as in Brisbane but it was ok to watch.
Uncle Tony said, “I'll call Jim from the electrical shop to come down tomorrow to fine tune the set.”
Daddy said, “If mine will be as good as this one is I’ll be a happy chappy, Tony.”
The ABC was showing the previous day's football in Brisbane, and Uncle Tony and Daddy sat and watched that for the rest of the afternoon.
I'm not into football so I helped Aunty Bella sort out the new curtains for the bedrooms. She was starting to show me how to use her new Singer sewing machine.
She said, “Carla, you will be able to sew your own dresses in no time and show Rita how good you are at making you own clothes. I have a lot of dress material that I have never used, so you can have a look at that, and if you like any of it you can have it. I will be only too pleased to teach you how to sew, Sweetheart.”
Aunty Bella then said, “Carla dear, you can help me get supper ready for tonight, but first go tell your Daddy he is to stay here for dinner as well, because Donna and Rita will be at the restaurant till late. We will make a niece oxtail stew. It wont take long to make on this old combustion stove - it's the same as the one at your house. Good old English quality these stoves, and they keep the whole kitchen warm in winter too.”
Daddy and Tony went out to the shed out in the back yard after dinner and set up some tools and thingys, so that left the television free for me and Aunty Bella to use so we watched 'Operation Petticoat' with Cary Grant and Tony Curtis in it.
It was nine o'clock by the time the movie was finished, so when we got home Mummy said, “Right! Carla, you had better hit the sack so you can do some serious school work tomorrow because as soon as your paper work is through you can go to a normal school., I have already spoken with Rick's dad, Barry and it's all systems go once you are legally a girl.”
I replied, “Mummy, I didn't think I was going to go till after the wedding.”
“Darling, the sooner the better don't think?”
“Well it's all a bit scary, but Jenny, Brenda, and June will all be there to help me fit in.”
Mummy replied, “Oh what about Ricky?”
I said, “Yeah, but he wont want to hang around with a girl at school will he?”
Rita said, “If he is a true friend he will be there for you when you need him.” I went to bed and had all sorts of funny dreams with Jean going to school with me.
Everything was back to normal with people going off to work and leaving me to myself. I couldn’t even visit Aunty Bella because she was starting to work at Donna's Carvery so I just did a lot of school work. If I was going to go to the state school, I wanted to be able to have a smooth transition from home schooling to the normal system. The rest of the week was much the same. I did my school-work and took the dogs for a walk in the afternoons. Goldie was staying with us for a while till Uncle Tony got a kennel built for her, but I thought she would always be spending more time with me than her new home. I met the girls and Ricky at the park in the afternoons and they were all excited that I was going to be at their school soon.
I had told the people that I wanted to be at the christening to be there at ten o’clock and Mummy said that after we were finished at the church she would invite them all to our place for a barbecue lunch. When we arrived at the church there were at least twenty people there waiting to greet me and Rita which is not how many people I expected to turn up. Aunty Bella and Uncle Tony were to be our God-parents so they had to be there.
My three girlfriends were all dressed in pretty dresses and of course so were Rita and myself. I know it was winter but I wanted to wear my favourite summer dress because it was pink and any photos I wanted taken had to have me wearing a pink dress. So what I did was to wear a coat till it was photo time, and Rita did the same as me. Mummy gave up trying to tell us to wear jeans and nice warm tops. This was our day so we got to choose what we wear, ''Right?”
Even Father Brian was there to support us in a different church. Whatever would his boss the bishop say? Brian is a real nice man and a close friend of the family. Once all the papers were signed by Pastor Miller, he handed them to Brian because he was also a lawyer and was handling all the legal stuff and had to sign off on everything to make me a girl legally. He was also a Justice of the Peace, so it made everything go through the system without any problems. While I was talking with Jenny, Ricky came up to me and gave me a big hug and a kiss right in front of Helen, his Mum.
She said, “Ricky, I know you two are close friends but keep the kissing bit till you are a bit older ok?”
“Yes Mum,” he replied, but got another kiss in before he put me back down.
I whispered “I love you Ricky Smith.” He replied with a wink. Rita and Peter were standing beside us and Peter said to Ricky “I saw that Rick. Be careful or Dad will ground you, and then you won't be able to see Carla, let alone go kissing her.”
Rita said, “Peter, leave them alone. How would you feel if someone told you not to kiss me?”
Peter said, “That’s different, we are older.”
Daddy and Uncle Tony walked past us and Tony said, “Lets get going. I'm getting hungry.”
Everyone including Pastor Miller and his wife Shelly came to the barbecue in our back yard. Brian, Daddy, and Uncle Tony were the chief cooks and all the salads were done at Mummy's restaurant yesterday, so only had to be brought out from the fridge, There was beer for anyone that wanted it and plenty of soft drink for those that didn't.
While no-one was looking, I snuck another kiss with Ricky and said, “I will see you at the park next week.”
He replied, “I'll be there, no worries Carla.”
When most of the people had left, Jenny's parents were having a cup of tea, so I showed Jenny all the papers that were signed that day, and my name on the birth and the christening certificates said I was Carla Jean Croft. That meant Daddy had officially adopted me. Apparently James, my natural father signed the papers to let that go through.
Jenny said, “When will you be coming to our school Carla? I cant wait to have my special friend in the same class with me.”
I replied, “Mummy is sorting that out in the next couple of days.”
The following day we would be going to the Lutheran church, and so would Daddy with Farther Brian’s blessing.
To be continued.
Next time: Starting at a normal school and getting used to a classroom full of kids
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The Girl Inside the Boy : Part 3 Chapter 2
She is one lucky girl.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Thank you Roo,
'for this warm little story of life in outback Queensland in the 50s,usually very dry but
well watered at the moment.Carla is forging ahead and very much the girl now, thanks to the
organizing of her loving mother and the acceptance of her family.
Suits Were An Endangered Species
At that time and place in Queensland. Luckily there were no crocodiles out there either,
Christening is very important; a recognition not only of faith but of the name as well. To be affirmed and recognized and accepted as Carla Jean Croft for who she had been all along; others might come to accept her, some begrudgingly, and some without any relationship; more's the pity, since they'll never know how precious she it. Thank you, Roo!
Love, Andrea Lena
Everything is going well!!
So when do the difficulties start??
"how many cares one loses when one decides not to be
something, but someone" Coco Chanel
down the track
Hi Pam, not just yet but come they will and she will be in real trouble medically, but not yet!!!!
Hugs Roo /Ronnie :)
There's a track winding back - ROO
to an old fashioned shack.
On the road to Gundagia!
An old song by Slim Dusty:
There's a track winding back to an o-old fashioned shack
Along the road to Gundagai
Where the blue gums are growin' and the Murrumbidgee's flowin'
Beneath the sunny sky
There my mother and daddy are waitin' for me
And the pals of my childhood once more I shall see
Then no more will I roam when I'm headin' straight for home
Along the road to Gundagai.
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)