The Girl Inside the Boy : Part 4 Chapter 5

The Girl inside the Boy


Part Four Chapter Four

by Roo

Editing by Bronwen


We arrived at the school and were greeted by our class-mates at the gate and were inundated with questions about every thing that happened to us in the last couple of weeks. Brenda and June were the most excited, They were at the funeral but didn't get a chance to talk to Jenny and I because we did not go to Jenny's home after the funeral, so we had a lot to catch up on. Mummy came back from talking with Peter Taylor and said, “I’ll see you girls this afternoon ok.” We said bye, and it was time to go to morning assembly on the parade ground.


27/7/ 59

Not a lot had changed; same pep talk, different things happening and talk about the August holidays coming up. We all filed into our classrooms and started our first lesson for the day. It had to be maths didn't it? Oh well life wasn't meant to be easy was it? The morning went fairly fast and lunch was a welcome break from the classroom. Of course Ricky and Billy had lunch with me and Jenny and we resumed our conversation from this morning. Ricky was interested in football. Billy played it too but he was more interested in the school choir and we started talking to Ricky to see if he would join the choir as well because we would be able to spend more time to together that way.

Ricky said, “I will join only because I would see more of you.” 'How sweet is that?' but I have heard him sing in church and he has a really nice voice so he will make a nice addition to the choir.
Billy said, “Great, the four of us will have a lot more time together and we can also practice after school.”

Ricky replied, “Lets not get carried away Billy, there is still footy you know.”

“Yeah, but girls are more interesting than footy any day Rick.”

“Well maybe but I still don’t want to give up my football either.”

Jenny said, “Ricky no-one is asking you to give up your precious football are they?”

“No, but.”

I was getting sick of this conversation and said, “Ricky, stop worrying about giving up football, the choir is at a different time anyway.”

“Oh is it? Well that's ok than.”

The bell rang and it was time to go back to the boring classroom and more of the same. It was really good to have Brenda and June sitting behind Jenny and I, because we could pass little notes between us as long as Mr Taylor didn't catch us doing it or we would end up being split up and that would never do!!!

The afternoon went fairly quickly. Us four girls walked out to the main gate and were gossiping when Ricky and Billy came and and asked us if we were going to the park this afternoon.

I said, “No Ricky, we have to do our homework before Mummy will let me and Jenny go anywhere.”

Ricky replied, “It was just a thought but you are right, me and Billy have home work to do too and seeing my Dad is the school principal I had better be good. Besides, Peter usually helps when we get stuck with a sticky maths problem.”

I said, “Don’t talk to me about maths, it's a dirty word.”

Billy replied “Yeah tell me about it.” Brenda and June both giggled at that and June said “I don’t know what you lot find so hard about maths, it's elementary dear Watson.”

We were all laughing when Mummy came walking across from the other side of the road where she had parked a brand new red and white Holden station wagon.

Ricky said, “Wow Mrs Croft, is that yours?”

Mummy replied, “Yes Ricky, do you like it?”

“Yeah, I wish Dad would buy a wagon like that.”

Mummy said, “Well Ricky, I needed to buy something to carry a lot of stuff in for the restaurant when I get stuff from the transport depot and railway yard.”

Ricky replied, “Yeah fair enough.”

We said bye to our friends and walked across the road and got into the new car which smelt of leather from the seats.

Mummy said, “Carla and Jenny, you have a little visitor at home that I want you to be extra nice to alright?”

“Who is it Mummy?” said Jenny, and I said, “I bet I know who it is.”

“Ok smarty pants who is it?”

I said, “Jean just told me ,so there.”

Jenny said, “Hey that's not fair sis.”

Mummy said, “Alright, it's a girl that is a boy that is a girl.”

Jenny looked at me and I nodded and said “You guessed it, it's Christine.”

Mummy said, “Jane has let her dress as a girl when she is not at school and she wants to ask you a few questions Carla.”

I said, ”Mummy, is she the same as me or is she like Samantha?”

Mummy replied, “I think she might be like you darling because Jim Ryan is sending her to Brisbane next week and because the school holidays start a week later it will give the doctors more time to spend with her doing all the same tests that you had done.”

“Ok Mummy” both Jenny and I said, and Mummy started the new car and drove home.

When we got home there was another car parked in the driveway and I said, “Mummy that’s Christine's Dad's car.”

“Yes well it would be would be wouldn't it? David and Shirley are here to thank you two officially for doing what you did on the river a few weeks ago or don’t you remember that far back?”

“Mummeeey!!! don’t be mean, all the things that have happened since then has made us forget some other things.”

“Ok, granted both of you have been to hell and back , all the more reason to be there for another little girl with gender problems.”

”Mummy, they are not gender problems, just plumbing problems.”

“Ok Carla you win.”

Mummy parked the new station wagon next to the much older Ford and we got our school bags out of the back of the wagon and went up the front steps to be nearly knocked back down by an over-active Ginger. I patted her and gave her a hug and Jenny did the same.

Mummy said “Don’t get your school uniforms dirty girls.”

“Yes Mummy err no Mummy.” We walked inside to the lounge and were greet by Mr and Mrs Jackson and a girl that looked a lot like she was a twin of Kenny. Trying to be funny as per my usual self I said, “Where’s Kenny? Are you his sister?”

Christine sat there with a grin from ear to ear and said, “It's me Carla, Kenny”

I said, “No Christine, it is you always you, not Kenny.” and I went and gave her a hug.

Then Jenny did the same and said, “Hi sis, I like what you are wearing.”

Christine's Mum and Dad just sat there with tears forming in their eyes and David Jackson said, “I told you they were two angels sent to us from above didn't I?”

Mummy said, “I don’t know about angels, but they can take Christine to their bedroom and get changed out of their school clothes.”

Before we left the lounge, Christine’s Dad gave Jenny and myself a hug and said, “When you have changed you clothes I need you to come outside and see something.” We looked at Christine and she just shrugged her shoulders and walked past us on the way to our bedroom.

When we got to our room Jenny and I pushed Christine onto the bed and started to tickle her but Mummy was at the door and said, “I knew you two would do that and no, she is not allowed to tell you anything so let her up of the bed you monsters.”

“Yes Mummy.”

“Christine, don't tell them anything. They will just have to hurry up and get changed and we will see you in a couple of minutes ok?”

“Yes Mrs Croft.”

Mummy left and we said “Christine, we owe you a good tickle ok?”

She said, “Ok, but you will have to run pretty fast. I won the last race at school sports the other day.”

We got changed into jeans and long sleeved tops and we pulled the school ribbons out of our hair and let if loose which felt good. Jenny’s and my hair was really long now and it was getting a bit of chore to comb and get ready for school of a morning so Mummy usually put it in a plait and that lasted for about three days till we had to wash it, but I didn't want it cut because Ricky liked it long and so did I and I wanted to have it long for Mummy's wedding the next month.

Anyway we went back to where the adults were discussing what they were going to do to help Christine with her little problem but all went quiet when we entered the room.

Christine’s Dad said, “Oh you're back! Ok then, lets go and see what the surprise is girls.”

Christine grabbed Jenny's and my hand and we went out into Daddy's shed. We walked into where the Jackson's boat was still parked which they were going to tow home today.

When we walked around the other side of the boat there was something under a tarpaulin. Christine pulled us over to the tarpaulin and lifted it up and pulled it back in one go. Both me and Jenny stood there with our mouths open looking at two brand new Malvern Star bikes with three speed hubs and handle-bar brakes. It was a rare sight to see gears on a girl's bike so it must have been a special order.

“Wow!” said Jenny and me at the same time.

Christine said “I got one too and it's also a girls bike.”

I said, “Yeah so!!”

She replied “I wont be able to ride it yet till I get all my paper work sorted out by Father Brian and that could take a couple of months yet because I have to go for some tests in Brisbane.”

I replied, “Yeah tell me about it, but don’t wait till you have a period like I did.”

Christine's Mum said, “Carla, we don’t know how much like you Christine is but we are going to find out in the school holidays, and if all goes well we can make arrangements to have any surgery done after that.”

Mummy interrupted and said, “Carla, she hasn't been on any hormone treatment like you were, so she hasn't been speeding up her puberty like you did.”

I replied “Oh I didn't think of that, sorry.”

Christine's Mum said “That's ok dear, now how about you and Jenny get these new bikes out of here and try out the gears?”

Before we did that, both Jenny and I gave Mr Jackson a double hug. We thanked him and said he didn't have to give us new bikes for saving his life.

Mr Jackson replied “The fact remains that you two did in fact save my life, and these bikes are the least I can do. Besides, you can go riding with my daughter as soon as we can sort out some of the legal and medical problems that are in front of us.”

Mummy said “David, if Christine is the same as Carla than there should be no real problems medically or legally especially if Brian is handling the legal side of things.”

Anyway we left the adults to carry on with their conversation and got the new bikes out to try out the gears, Christine grabbed one of our old bikes and joined us for a ride down the road. The bikes had lights and everything as well as a little tool bag hanging off the seat. The lights would come on when the dynamo thingy was clicked onto the bike tyre. There are no real hills in Quilpie but it is still nice to have gears on a bike so we tried out all three gears and found that number two gear is the most comfortable one to use.

We didn't go too far because it was getting late and we still had home work to do before dinner time, so we turned around and went back home. We put the bikes back in the shed and went into the house where all the adults were in the lounge. Daddy and Rita were home as well.

Mummy said, “Well! How are the new bikes girls?”

I said “We'll be able to ride for hours without getting tired with those gears.”

Jenny said “Well one hour anyway.” Everyone laughed at that, and Jenny said, “What'd I say?”

Christine replied, “Jenny you are almost as funny as Carla.”

I said, “Hey watch it. I still owe you a good tickling don’t forget.”

Mummy said, “Right girls - homework!! and take Christine with you because she has her school books with her as well, because she and her parents are staying for dinner tonight. Now off you go.”

“Yes Mummy.” Jenny and I replied. “Come on Christine, how much homework do you have?”

Christine said, “I only have a bit of reading to do it shouldn't take very long.”

Jenny and I had some maths homework and when Christine saw what we were doing she said, “Maths is my favourite subject. I can give you a hand if you like.”

She was one year older than us and was in grade six., so she was more advanced than me or Jenny and we were both lousy at maths, so I said, “If you can help us you can move in with us if you want.”

At that we a had a giggling fit, which brought Mummy to the door and she said, “I hope you girls are not just mucking up and doing your homework, because dinner will be in about ten minutes ok?” We stopped giggling and finished our home work with Christine's help.

Christine said, “I'm going to hate switching back to boy's clothes for school tomorrow but I guess I’ll have to be careful or I might get bashed up if I go to school looking all girly.”

Jenny said, “Well it's only another week and it's school holidays so hang in there girl.”

Rita came to our bedroom and said, “Ok you lot, time to come and have dinner so go wash your hands and come into the dining room.”

We usually ate at the kitchen table but when we had guests we ate in the dining room where there was a big old oak table that would seat ten people. It belonged to Daddy's parents and was at least a hundred years old. Dinner was steak and kidney pie with veggie’s on the side. Mummy had brought it home from the restaurant so all she had to do was the vegetables and it was done. Desert was custard slices with fresh cream and cinnamon sprinkled over the top.

''Yummy!'' Christine said, “Wow Mrs Croft are all your meals this good?”

Daddy replied, “You betcha kid.”

Anyway after dinner Christine and her parents went home and we all helped to clear up and went to into the lounge. Mummy, Daddy and Rita were going to watch a movie on the telly so Jenny and I said good night and went to our bedroom. Jenny and I weren’t ready to go to sleep yet so we decided to make contact with Jean.

I said, “Ok Jenny, you know what to do.” so we got under the covers and held hands and closed our eyes.

Jean was already there on the bed with us and I said, “Jean, I didn’t have to call you at all. Are you now ready any time we want to talk with you?”

Jean replied, “Yes sister of mine, and as long as you keep your eyes closed you will see me as though I am right here with you, but my voice is still only in your mind but you can speak to me with your normal voice.”

Jenny then asked, “Jean, where is my Mummy now?”

Jean replied, “She is not on the same spirit plane as me but she is happy where she is and she sends her love to you Jenny.”

I said “Jean, are you with me all the time now time?”

”Yes I am Carla, and you can't do anything without me knowing so you are stuck with me for life. Now why don’t you two go to sleep? I need to rest too you know.”

“Ok Sis, goodnight,” and the image of Jean sitting on our bed faded as she blew us both a kiss. We were asleep within seconds. I thought Jean could control a lot of the things that I did, so I better behave my self or I would get zapped.

The rest of the week went by fairly quickly, and it was Friday afternoon when we had just ridden home from school when we saw Christine sitting on the front steps of our house dressed in her girl clothes with her new bike leaning up against the wall. She was wearing a denim skirt and a long sleeve pink flannel shirt and her hair was not as long as ours yet but it was long enough to be put into a short pony tail which she had put a pink ribbon in. I thought she must be another pink freak like me.

We rode our bikes right up to where she was sitting and I said, “Christine what are you doing here, didn't you go to school today?”

She replied, “Yeah, but I had an appointment with Doc Ryan at lunch time and by the time that was over it was two o'clock so I decided to come for a ride to see you two, and Mummy said that I could stay for the weekend if it was ok with your Mum.”

I said, “Is Mummy home, because if not I will give her a ring at the restaurant and ask her right now.” I should have looked in the shed because the new station wagon was parked in there so she must be home. Duhh!!!

Christine giggled and said, “Sorry, I should have said it was ok with your Mum, because I have brought a bag with me with clothes for the weekend and also my school homework so we can do our home work together again.”

Jenny said, “Great, more bloody homework.”

Mummy said from inside the house, “Hoy, I heard that young lady. No swearing thank you very much.”

“Sorry Mummy, it just slipped out.” By this time Mummy was at the door and said, “Alright Carla, Jenny, out of your school clothes and Christine you come with me and we'll make some pancakes while they are changing.”

We all ended up in the kitchen having pancakes with treacle spread in between two put together, and hot chocolate milk to wash them down. While we were all talking at once, Mummy said, “Ok girls, quieten down for a minute and let me get a word in edgewise please.” We were all quiet and looked at Mummy to see what she had to tell us.

Mummy said, “Jenny, we have all the paperwork back from Father Brian and it is all signed ready to be mailed to the government department for us to be your foster parents. What do think about that young lady?”

Jenny got up and practically fell into Mummy's arms with tears in her eyes and said, “Does that make you my new Mummy now?”

Mummy replied, “Well legally I am your guardian, but you can call me Mummy any time you want sweetheart.”

After we finished cleaning up the mess we made making the pancakes, we got on our bikes and went for a ride before it got dark, and Ginger enjoyed running along behind us. Christine wasn't going back to school now till after the school holidays because she was going to Brisbane to have all the necessary tests done to sort out her little problem. I thought we might also be in Brisbane the first week of the holidays for the Brisbane exhibition which lasts for a whole week. We would probably stay with Samantha and her Mum again. It would be fun to see Sam again, she was a good friend and was also transgendered but not intersexed like me, but she was all girl just the same.

The week-end was spent with us three girls having a lot of fun dressing in all the different clothes that Jenny and I now had hanging in an overcrowded closet. Christine was a year older than Jenny and me but she was the same size as us so she could pick anything that took her fancy and try it on. Christine's Dad picked her up on Sunday night and we said we would probably see her in Brisbane a week later when we were at Sam's place.

Monday 3/8/59

Back at school for one more week and then yippeee two weeks off, and going to the show in Brisbane. This would be my first time at the show.

Jenny said, “Carla, you will love it. There is so much to see and the rides are wild! There is one that is called 'The Octopus' and it whirls around on these long arms and the thing you sit in spins as well. I was sick last year when I got off and threw up all over another kid. The kid's Mum didn't think it was very funny though.”

The week dragged on till Friday and then it was time to pack and get ready to fly down to Brisbane with Rodney and his new plane.

To be continued.

Next time: Back to school and getting ready to fly to Brisbane for the show.

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