We got on board and Christine was a bit nervous because she had never been in a plane before, and she said, “I don’t know how these things stay up in the air - it looks awful heavy.”
I said, “Don’t worry Christine, Jean will be there to greet us if we crash.”
She just made big eyes and grabbed my hand and said, “Carla, that's not very funny.”
Rodney heard what was going on and said, “Carla you mustn’t scare my flying public like that.” with a wink and a grin on his face.
Jane said, “Christine darling, they are all just pulling your leg. We are probably safer in Rodney's plane then in a car on the highway.”
Jenny said, “Yeah, Mummy died like that.” Another five minutes and we were air born and on our way to the big smoke once more.
Christine was amazed at what the earth looked like from high up and how far you could see into the horizon. I was sitting beside Rodney and he let me take control of the plane. I want to eventually get a pilots licence but I had to wait till I was fifteen before I could officially be trained to fly, but whenever I flew with Rodney he always let me take over the controls so by the time I am fifteen I’d be really good at it and would pass my tests real easy. He said that apparently I had the feel for the plane. Mind you he kept a close eye on me while I had control. Archerfield came into sight and Rodney radioed the control tower and got permission to land. The landing strip was gravel and when the wheels hit the runway it was quite noisy and bumpy till the plane started to taxi to where the buildings were.
It was eleven forty five by the time we were outside the building with all our bags and waiting for a taxi to take us to Samantha's place in the city. I had given Shirley the phone number of Debbie and she made the call while we were still in the building so it wasn't to long before Debbie pulled up in her black and white cab.
She got out and said, “Hello Carla, it's nice to see you again, I take it you will want to go to your friends place again?”
I replied “Yep, sure do Debbie.” I then introduced her to Christine and her Mum Shirley, she already knew Jenny from our last trip.
We all got into Debbie's cab and Debbie asked, Carla what about your Mum? Why isn’t she with you this time?”
I replied, “She'll be down in a couple of days, you'll probably get to take her into town as well.”
We arrived out front of the apartment building that was getting to be familiar to me. Jenny and I went to the main entrance and pressed the buzzer up to Samantha’s flat so she could unlock the security door that led into the main foyer into the building.
The intercom crackled and Sam's voice said, “It's open Carla, come on up.” That was our cue to grab our bags and go through the doors into where the lift is.
Christine said, “Wow this is a classy place, it has a lift and everything.” Jenny replied, “Chrissie there are also stairs if you prefer to walk but it is three floors up.” and then we got into the lift.
When we arrived at the door of Sam's flat she was standing out in the hall ready to greet us with a big hug and a kiss. She kissed me a bit longer and it gave me a tingling feeling down my spine much the same I get when Ricky kisses me like that, I could also hear Jean say, “Wow Carla that was nice.”
We walked into the apartment and Mary was in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on shepherd's pie.
I said, “Aunt Mary, this is Christine and her Mum Shirley.”
Mary replied with a big smile and said, “Samantha's been talking all week about you coming, - I’m pleased to meet you. Make yourselves at home and I will get Samantha to set the table and we can all sit down and have some lunch.”
The shepherd's pie was delicious and we even had ice cream and strawberries for desert. We girls put our things into Sam's room. Because there were four of us, there was a camp bed set up in her bedroom and there would be a short straw contest to see who slept on the stretcher that night.
Christine and her Mum went for a walk with Mary down to the Mater to fill out some paper work to save a bit of time tomorrow, so we decided to catch up on what had been happening in Quilpie and talked about the upcoming wedding because Sam and Mary would be there for the weekend. When the others came home it was getting late and Mary said she would order in Chinese take away.
Once we were finished our evening meal we watched a bit of telly till it was time to go to bed. Tomorrow would be quite full on all day because us three girls were going to the exhibition by ourselves.
Christine drew the short straw and had to sleep on the camp bed. We talked into the night and I was in the middle between Jenny and Sam. I was spooning Jenny and Sam was spooning me. I felt Sam’s hand on my now growing breasts and it felt really good so I just let her keep doing it.
I started to feel a strange tingling in my groin and thought that I should not let it go any further because a girl on girl thing wasn't what I wanted so I grabbed her hand and gently pulled it away from my chest even though it felt nice. I think I would rather have Ricky doing something like that to me. Once I removed her hand she just went back to a normal cuddle, Jenny didn't notice anything that was happening and we were soon all asleep.
Monday 10/8/59
In the morning when I got up to go and have a pee, Sam followed me out and said, “Carla, I’m sorry if I upset you last night by touching your breasts. Please don't be mad at me.”
I replied, “Sam it felt nice, but I am not into girls that way.”
She replied, “Ok Carla, it wont happen again. Please don't tell anyone that I like girls in that way.”
We went back into the bedroom. I love Sam as a friend and always will. One day she will find someone that will be the same as her, but I am only interested in being with boys that way. It was still only early so we crawled back into bed and went back to sleep.
When I woke up I was in bed by myself and also didn't feel that well and had stomach cramps. Oh no!! I didn't want my periods yet. Damn!
Mary poked her head around the door and said, “Hello sleepy head, do you want some breakfast? The others have all gone for a walk.” I
said, “Aunty Mary I think I have got my period coming because I’ve got those silly cramps again.”
She replied, “Oh well, it happens to the best of us Carla. Pop into the shower and take some pads in with you and then you can have some breakfast.”
I felt a bit better after the shower and I certainly needed the pads, yukky. Four days of this and going to the show. Oh well, such is the life of a woman. I got dressed in a denim skirt and warm top and put my hair into a pony tail. I didn't feel like doing much at all really but I’ was there so I had better make the best of it.
I went out into the kitchen and Mary had made me a plate of porridge and she said, “Cheer up girl, you're not sick. tThis happens once a month for the next forty years and the only time you wont have to put up with periods is when you fall pregnant.”
I replied, “Well I don’t want kids till I can fly a plane so I don’t have to stay in the bush and lose a baby like Mummy did with Jean.”
Mary replied, “Carla you are funny sometimes with how you put things. I can just see you with a big tummy and getting in your own plane and flying yourself to the city to have your child.”
I said, “Besides, I will have Ricky to look after me. He is such a gentleman around me Aunty Mary.”
She came and gave me a hug and said, “Sweetheart, don't ever change will you!!”
I replied, “No, I will just get bigger but I won't change.”
The others come back from their walk and Jenny said, “Oh my god she is up!”
I said “Don't you start or I will let take over with these periods for a week.”
She said, “Oh no, will you be alright?” which made Mary and Christine’s Mum laugh out loud and Jenny said, “What!!”
Mary said “Never mind Jenny, she is not sick, periods are not a sickness it is just normal living for a girl.”
I said, “Can we please change the subject now.”
Jenny said, “Sorry sis, I wont mention it again.”
Christine and her Mum had to be at the hospital to see Doc Rose at ten so they had a cup of tea and went on their way. Mary started her shift at the hospital at eleven, so me, Jenny and Samantha got yourselves ready to go to the show. We all wore sand-shoes so we wouldn't get sore feet from all the walking around the show grounds. We took coats as well because it was August and the Westerly wind was blowing as usual. We went down to the street and waited for the next tram to come along. It took only five minutes and we were on a tram and on our way to the exhibition grounds.
Mary had got us all free passes so it didn't cost us any money to get in. I wasn't really that interested in going onto many rides because I really wasn't feeling up to being hurled around in a hurdy-gurdy, so I talked the others into looking at all the displays in the pavilions instead. We saw all the animals that won first prize in their category. I liked the chickens and birds the best. Jenny and Sam liked the lambs, and then we went to where they had the wool display because that is where the fashion parade was taking place every couple of hours. We sat through a couple of those and had enough for the day so we caught a tram into the middle of the city and looked through the shops.
There were school kids everywhere because it was school holidays and the kids that didn't go to the show went into town to look at the shops. By the time we looked at more clothes shops I was feeling the worse for wear and said to Sam “I need to go home and lay down” because I ended up getting a headache so we caught another tram and went home. I felt like a bit of a stick in the mud but I really didn't feel well at all.
We arrived back at the apartment and Christine and her Mum were back from the day spent at the hospital getting tests done, Christine had little band aids on her arms where the vampires stuck their teeth in to make her give gallons of blood. She was just as tired as me and said she just wanted to lay down for a while.
Sam and Jenny turned on the telly but Christine and myself went into the bedroom to have a rest. I asked Christine what she had found out so far and she replied, “Carla they did a lot of tests and a lot of pictures were taken and also some funny thing that they rubbed over my tummy and it had a screen that showed some sort of distorted image. It just looked like a lot of lines to me but Doc Rose said that it looked the same as what you looked like.”
I replied, “Chrissie, join the club girl.”
She said, “Do you really think I am like you sis?”
I replied “Chrissie, if Rose says you are like me then that is what you are, and you will have to go to Sydney to be opened up so you can have periods like I am having now.”
She said, “Wow, that means I will be able to be a mummy as well doesn't it?”
“Yeah I suppose so, but Chrissie, don’t go on about it in front of Sam because she is not like us. I mean she is, but not intersexed so she hasn't got the inside of a girl like we have.”
“Oh I see what you mean Carla, ok I’ll watch what I say in front of her.”
I then said, “There is one more thing you should know as well sis.”
“Ok, what is that?”
“Well it's a bit hard to explain but she likes girls.”
“Yeah so do I.”
“No sis, she likes girls!!!!”
“Oh!! Um, but what happens now?”
“Nothing, I just thought I’d warn you that's all.”
“Ok well, she is still our friend though isn't she?”
“Yes of course, it wont make any difference to our friendship. There are plenty of girls that like girls in that way, I’m just not one of them. Ricky is the one for me and one day I will marry him and have babies.” Christine and I didn't have a sleep but just lay there on the bed chatting till it was time for dinner.
Later that night when it was bed time Sam said she would sleep on the camp bed so she would not embarrass us. She had already told Jenny about what happened between us this morning and didn't want to ruin our friendship because she was a lesbian. We had a group hug and all was well.
Christine had to spend some more time at the hospital; Mary went to work, and we decided not to go to the show today because Mummy was turning up by lunch time and she would take us clothes shopping that afternoon when Christine was finished at the hospital. Apparently the test would be finished by midday so there would be plenty of time for us to go to the shops and help Christine's Mum spend some money on her new daughter.
Sam decide we should do some baking, so we got busy and baked about five dozen cup cakes and we topped them with icing and sprinkled them with hundred and thousands. By the time Mummy arrived we had lunch all ready as well.
The buzzer went to open the main door and Mummy's voice came through the intercom speaker, and she said, “I hope you have lunch ready for five more people?”
Sam said, “What!!?” but Mummy was already on her way up. There was a knock on the apartment door and Sam opened it. There was Mummy, Helen, Ricky, and Billy standing in the hall with big grins on their faces.
I squealed and and so did Jenny. We both raced out into the hall and practically knocked them over hugging them and of course we made a mistake and kissed them on the lips when Mummy said, “Ok girls, hugs would have been enough.”
“Yes Mummy.” Ricky and Billy didn't know what to say and just kept hugging us when Helen said, “Isn't young love great Donna?”
Mummy replied, “Yes but we will have to keep an eye on this lot.”
It worked out that Helen decided to come down to the show after all and bring Ricky and Billy down to have some fun with their girlfriends, ''um friends''. They were going to stay at a motel just a couple of blocks away. Five minutes later Christine and her mum arrived back from the hospital so it was a bit of a squeeze in the apartment. Mummy and Helen had brought some take away with them, so there was plenty of food to go around. Jenny and I decided to go with Christine to the shops and help spend her Mum's money and see if Mummy was going to spend some on us as well.
Jenny's Dad has given Mummy quite a bit of money to look after her, so I think that was half the reason that Mummy has come down to Brisbane as well. Sam, Ricky, Billy and Helen were off to the show while we went shopping in the city department stores. Tomorrow was a public show day holiday for Brisbane so no shops would be open then, and I thought we will all go to the show on People's Day.
Mummy, Shirley, Jenny and I took Chrissie shopping, as a girl!! She has to learn that shopping is more important than going to any show! By the time we were finished we had too much stuff to go back to the apartment by tram and had to call Debbie to take us home.
Debbie turned up in her black and white cab and got out to open up the trunk and said, “My god ladies, did you leave any stock in the shops?”
Chrissie had a big grin on her face and said, “A girl needs to have a brand new wardrobe.”
Debbie replied, “Does that mean what I think it does?”
Chrissie looked at me and didn't quite know how to answer that, so I just said, “Debbie, she is one of us.”
Debbie replied, “Oh ok darling, join the club.”
The others were still at the show when we got home so it was fashion show time and as Chrissie was the same size as me and Jenny less a little bit in the chest, we tried on all the clothes that were bought. The others had their food at the show so there was no need to do any extra cooking. Sam was dropped off and the others went to their motel for the night .
We waited for Mary to come home from work before we set the table and had our evening meal. Later Shirley explained all about what the results of the tests so far had revealed and Chrissie was in fact like me and intersexed which meant she was ninety nine percent girl and with a little bit of surgery she would be complete like me.
Wednesday 12/8 /50
Peoples Day at the show is ok, but it means that all of Brisbane and half the state of Queensland are trying to squeeze into area the size of one city block, and being the bushies that we are we didn't last any more than four hours before we went back to the apartment out of the noise and dust. Even the boys had had enough and came back with us on the a tram. Chrissie had two more days of tests and she could go home. Rodney’s plane could accommodate us, because that made it five and the pilot plus luggage. If Rodney thought the luggage was too heavy it could come back with Helen and the boys the following week. They were staying a bit longer to do some sight-seeing, Billy had never been to Brisbane, so this was his opportunity to see the big bad city. Mummy had some things to buy for the restaurant, so for the next couple of days we went to see a couple of movies and did a bit of sight-seeing with Helen and the boys.
Saturday 15/8 /59
Mummy, Jenny, Chrissie ,her Mum and I were taken to Archerfield by our favourite lady cabbie. Rodney looked at the luggage and had to literally weigh it to see if he could take it with us on this trip, but it was all bulk and not as heavy as it looked so on it went, much to Chrissie's relief . In the clothes that were bought there was a girls school uniform, and if all went well and Father Brian did his thing, she could turn up as a girl when school started again.
The flight home was uneventful and we touched down in Quilpie at eleven thirty. Daddy was there with Chrissie's Dad in Daddy's mini bus so we would all fit in. Uncle Tony was there with Mummy's old Land Rover ready to refuel Rodney’s Cessna. He was thinking of buying a second plane because the business was growing really fast and Daddy was interested in going into partnership with him and Tom Granger. Anyway Mr Jackson greeted his new daughter and virtually carried her to the bus and she had to say, “Daddy I can walk.”
He replied, “Oh sweetheart I'm sorry, I’m just so happy to have my little girl home.” and he put her down.
She replied, “Daddy you wait till you see all the pretty clothes Mummy has bought for me.”
Everything went back to normal; back to school. Even Chrissie went back to school as a girl without any real trouble. Time went by quickly and it was time for the big day for Mummy and Daddy to get married, which was on Saturday the fifth of September in a weeks time so panic stations all round.
Brisbane tram 1959

The 'Ekka' at night
Next time: "The Wedding"
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Thank you ,Roo
Great trip to a great Show and just lovely to see
the girls getting on so well and supporting each other.
Dagwood Dogs
I guess a Dagwood Dog wouldn't have been the right sort of tucker for Carla given the state of her health during the show, but here's a link for the curious and the brave (or foolhardy)
http://www.google.com.sg/search?q=dagwood+dog&hl=en&p (hope it works)
Omg! that dog is huge
I can't believe how huge that dog is although with out going into detail i must say it sure reminds me of 1 or 2 i have swallowed before lol
The Girl Inside the Boy : Part 4 Chapter 7
Dagwood dogs are called corn dogs in U.S.A.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Corn dogs?
That seems to be the case as that is what the link says.
Does He Do This All The Time?
When you click the link the first thing you see is a heading..."Corn Dogs".
girl time oh what fun
It's really nice to see the girls bonding together this has always been one of my favorite things to do as I really enjoy hanging out with my girl friends and having a glass of wine sitting around and talking about boys,shopping or whatever is on our minds.I am looking forward as always to the next chapters Roo and would love to see more of the girls bonding and of course shopping.