The Girl Inside the Boy : Part 4 Chapter 6

The Girl inside the Boy


Part Four Chapter Six

by Roo

Editing by Bronwen


Monday 3/8/59

Back at school for one more week and then yippeee two weeks off, and going to the show in Brisbane. This would be my first time at the show.

Jenny said, “Carla, you will love it. There is so much to see and the rides are wild! There is one that is called 'The Octopus' and it whirls around on these long arms and the thing you sit in spins as well. I was sick last year when I got off and threw up all over another kid. The kid's Mum didn't think it was very funny though.”

The week dragged on till Friday and then it was time to pack and get ready to fly down to Brisbane with Rodney and his new plane.


Friday 7/8/59

Mummy rang Samantha’s Mum, Mary to tell her that me and Jenny were coming down to stay with her for a few days and she would come herself a couple of days later. It was the last day before the school holidays so you can imagine that there was not a lot of learning going on, but I don’t think the teachers were too worried as long as we didn't muck up too much!!!

We got all our school books and stuffed them into the bags and went to where our bikes were kept and Brenda and June were there and said they were going to Cairns with their parents for the two weeks, so we all hugged and said our good byes. As we were walking to the main gates pushing our bikes because we were not allowed to ride on the school grounds Ricky and Billy were there waiting to say goodbye to us because they were not going anywhere for the holidays.

Ricky said “Carla, can you bring me back a couple of show bags?” and Billy asked Jenny to do the same for him. We both agreed to bring back a bag each for the boys, but we were only allowed to have so much stuff to bring back because there is a weight limit on a smaller plane.

We walked down the road a little bit still pushing our bikes. When we were out of sight of the school we stopped and leaned our bikes against a tree that had a bench under it, and all four of us sat down to say bye properly. We were holding hands for a bit and Ricky said, “Carla, I wish I was coming with you to Brisbane, but Mum said maybe next year when she has more money saved up.”

He looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes and said, “love you Carla.”

I pulled him into a hug and kissed him right on the lips and could feel Jean putting some sort of energy between us. It gave me and Ricky a tingling feeling all over.

Jean said in my mind, “Tell him the tingling is from me sis.”

I opened my eyes and saw Ricky had tears in his.

I said, “Ricky I will always be yours, and Jean said the tingle is from her.”

All Ricky could say was, “Wow Carla, life with you will be special won't it?”

While this was going on Billy and Jenny were having fun off their own saying 'goodbye'. Just as well there was no one else around or we would have some explaining to do. Once we were finished with our goodbyes we got on our bikes and rode home with weak knees from kissing the boys. We both giggled and were wondering what the boys felt like after we kissed them.

We got home, put our bikes in the shed and went inside to put all our school things away for the two weeks and change out of our school uniforms. No one else was home yet so we made ourselves some pancakes and sat in the lounge and turned on the telly and Bandstand was on with Little Patty and the Bee Gees.

We didn't have long to wait and Mummy was home and had us cleaning up our bedroom which was getting untidy, with us pulling out all the clothes when Christine was over. We let her borrow about half a dozen outfits as long as when she started getting her own wardrobe together we could start swapping outfits with her. With the three of us being the same size apart from Christine who had no breast development yet, it would give us a big range of clothes to chose from. Anyway we hung all the clothes back where they belonged so Mummy wouldn't be cross with us.

Mummy said. “Right girls, I want you both to get out your travel bags and pack enough clothes to last you for a week and make sure you pack your jeans because it can get quite cold in Brisbane in August with a westerly wind blowing. You will be flying down in Rodney’s plane with Christine and her mother.”

I said, “Is Christine going to the show too Mummy?”

She replied, “I doubt it, seeing you will not get to Brisbane till lunch time on Sunday, and then have to take a cab to get to Mary's place.”

I said, “Where is Christine staying?”

“She and Jane will be staying with you at Samantha’s place because it is so close to the Mater, and Mary offered to put them up while they were in Brisbane so you will be able to support Christine, at least for the first week but she will be down there at least for two weeks.”

“Mummy do you think that they will do any surgery on her?” asked Jenny.

Mummy replied, “No sweetheart, there are a lot of tests to do before any surgery can take place. Just ask Carla, I’m sure she can fill you in on what Christine has to endure, after all she went through it all to be complete.”

I said, “Yeah, but I hope she doesn't have a wild ride to the hospital like I did.”

Mummy replied, “Oh Carla that reminds me, you are due to have another period any day now so I want you to make sure you are not caught short and have a pack of pads packed ok?”

I replied, “Oh yukky, I don’t like them Mummy, I hope I don’t get any more of those horrible cramps.”

Mummy replied, “I don’t think that is going to happen this time darling. Don’t forget you are now a complete girl so you should not have any problems.”

Jenny said, “When do you think I will have my first period Mummy.”

“Well darling I don’t know, but the only reason Carla got hers was the extra hormones she was taking, so you might not have your first period for another couple of years, I didn't get mine till I was twelve years old.”

Jenny said, “Oh but my breasts are growing as fast as Carla’s so I might get them while I'm in Brisbane too.”

Mummy replied, “Well if that happens, you and Carla can complain about it to each other can't you.”

Mummy said, “Enough talk and start packing so we can have productive day tomorrow.”

Jenny said, “What about Mrs Blake? We really should go and see her and make sure she is ok and do her shopping for her Mummy.”

Mummy replied, “All arranged Jenny, we are going there at nine in the morning and while you two girls do some house work for her I will take her to the shops to do her grocery shopping, and by the way you will have a little extra help because Christine is going to stay over tomorrow as well.”

I said, “Is Christine coming over tonight?”

”Yes, she'll be here soon. Her mum will be dropping her over to leave all the travel gear for the trip to Brisbane. We'll get your Uncle Tony to drop you all out to the aerodrome on Sunday morning, because I want to get some extra cooking done at the restaurant before I join you in Brisbane.”

I said, “Where is Daddy going to be on Sunday morning?”

“Daddy is going over to the Lutheran church to help with a stall selling second hand tools and things to put some money into the Christmas charity box fund.”

I replied, “Won't Father Brian be upset with that?”

“Carla, Father Brian is only with the church till they find a replacement for him, so no, he wont be upset with your Daddy doing charity work for the church that he now belongs to.”

“Oh ok then Mummy, Daddy likes to help other people doesn't he?”

“Yes sweetheart, I think you have infected him with your personality, but he is a very caring man, that’s why I am marrying him, and he also loves you kids to bits.”

Ten minutes later Christine's mum pulled up in the driveway got out of the car and opened the trunk to bring all the bags into the house.

Christine was half way up the steps when her mum said, “Hoy girl, come back here and carry some of this stuff to the house.”

Christine ran back to the car and said, “Sorry Mummy.”

By this time Jenny and I were there as well and helped carry the travel luggage into the house. Christine was so excited to be going to Brisbane that it was hard for her to be still for any length of time.

Mummy was watching her and said, “Christine sweetheart, slow down or you will bust a poofo valve.”

Christine's Mum said, “Donna she'll slow down when she sees the the needles they use to draw some blood from her arm.”

Christine's Mum left and would be back on Sunday morning.

Mummy said, “Girls, take Christine to your bedroom and make sure the three of you have everything in the bags for the trip. I’ll call you when dinner is ready, now off you go.”

We spent the next hour talking about Brisbane and the show. Christine said that she would be able to go to the show on Peoples' Day because it is a public holiday for Brisbane and there won't be any test to do at the Mater hospital.

We were dancing and having a group hug when Rita came into the room and said, “What is all the excitement about?”

We all said in unison, “The show.”

Rita said, “Oh is that all, well dinner is ready so come out to the kitchen and we can eat.”

We had our dinner, watched a bit of telly and all three of us went to have a shower. We all fitted into the shower and then Christine wanted to have a look at what I looked like now that I am a regular girl between my legs.

I said, “Sure Chrissy, I hope they find that you are the same as me and you have all the girl bits inside.”

She replied, “Well I know that I don’t have any testicles down there and my willy is no bigger than my little finger.” and she was crooking her little pinky at us and we all had to sit down in the shower because we were giggling that hard.

Daddy said outside the door, “Hey kids, leave me some hot water will you!!

“Yes Daddy we''ll be out in a minute.” We stopped giggling and wrapped towels around us and ran into our bedroom, and put on some winter pyjamas and got into my large queen size bed. We put Christine in the middle.

Jenny said, “Carla, Christine hasn't seen what we can do with Jean,-- will we see if she can also see Jean like I can when I hold your hand and keep my eyes closed?”

I replied, “Ok, lets get under the covers and cuddle up close and hold hands.”

I said “Christine, you have to keep your eyes closed and don’t let go of my hand or it wont work, ok?”

Jean was already sitting on the bed in her beautiful gown smiling and said, “Hello girls, this is getting easier every time we do this.”

Christine almost let go of my hand but I tightened my grip and said, “Christine can you see my twin?”

Christine replied, “Which one is which? You both look the same”

Jean said, “You can obviously see and hear me if you are seeing double.”

“Wow this is unreal.”

“No Christine it is completely real, who do you think helped save your Daddy?” replied Jean.

Christine was getting the same tremble in her chest as Jenny did when she first saw Jean so we had to cut it short and Jean blew us a kiss and faded till she was gone.

Christine said, “Carla she looks exactly like you and even sounds like you.”

Jenny said, “Well they are identical twins after all.” We talked a bit more and went to sleep in a three way cuddle.

We were up bright and early and had breakfast.

Mummy said, “Seeing it's only seven am you should go for a ride on your bikes and take Ginger for a run because we won't be home for the next week and she needs the exercise.”

We didn't need to be told twice, so we were on our bikes and riding down the road in the icy cold morning. There was a heavy white frost on the ground and it made everything look pretty, but another hour and the sun would melt it all and then all that is left is the dead winter grass. We got back and had a cup of hot chocolate milk before we went with Mummy to Mrs Blake's house.

When we got there the yard had all been mowed and I said to Mummy, “Has someone else been coming around to help Mrs Blake out?”

“Yes Carla,--you know that man you call Daddy, well he is a bit like you sweetheart and has a heart made off sweet gold.”

“Yes Mummy I know and I am so glad that I have his name now, and after the wedding will you want to have a baby with Daddy?”

Mummy replied, “Darling I can’t have any more babies. Apart from being too old, after I had you and Jean I went to Charleville and had my tubes tied.”

I said “Well that's alright Mummy, me and Ricky will have at least six babies after we get married.”

Jenny and Christine were giggling and Christine said “I hope I’m like you Carla and can have babies too.”

Mummy said “Ok girls, enough talk about babies, lets get out of the car and see what we can do for Mrs Blake.

Mummy took Mrs Blake to the shops and we three girls did the house work that was required and put a couple of loads of washing in the machine and hung the clothes on the line. When Mummy came back we helped put away all the shopping and said goodbye to Mrs Blake telling her we will see her after we come back from Brisbane.

She gave us a hug each and said with a tear in her eyes, “You girls are little angels and Carla, I am so sorry that that boy of mine attacked you, I just hope they can straighten him out.”

Mummy pulled into the restaurant and said, “Seeing you girls have got everything ready for tomorrow, you can help me in the restaurant kitchen for a few hours so we can give Rita and Bella a break. Linda and Alice have the day off so with the three of you helping it will make it a lot easier for me to get things done.”

Mummy gave each of us a different job to do and after two and a half hours said, “Ok that's it - we're finished.” just as Rita and Aunty Bella walked in from going to the hairdressers.

Rita said, “Well that's good timing isn't it Aunt Bella?”

Mummy said, “Well Rita, we'll leave you with it and I’ll get these girls home and something to eat and they can have a rest for the rest of the day.”

We got home and were all tired from all the work that we had done. Mummy made us some sandwiches and after we ate them we went and laid down and had a nap which lasted till three o’clock in the afternoon. We spent the rest of Saturday watching some telly and looking at the brochures of the Brisbane exhibition that Mummy got sent in the mail.

Sunday 9/8/59

We had to be at the aerodrome at eight thirty so we had to get up, have a shower and breakfast by eight am. It wasn't a problem, we were all set to go by seven forty five when Christine's Mum and Dad turned up. Mrs Jackson only had a small bag with her because most of her things are in the bags that she brought over on Friday afternoon.

Mr Jackson got out of the car and went and knelt down to give his new daughter a hug and said “Christine angel, I wish I could be in Brisbane with you but there are some things that I have to see to here at home, but you have your Mummy and two little angels there to support you.” Then he kissed Christine on both cheeks and it looked like he was about to cry when Christine said, “Daddy I love you and we can ring you every day.” He gave Mrs Jackson a kiss and got in his car and drove off getting his handkerchief out to wipe his eyes.

Uncle Tony turned up and got all our stuff stacked into his Land Rover and said, “Ok lets get this show on the road.”

Mummy gave each of us girls a hug and a kiss and said, “I will see you in a couple of days so be good for Jane and when you get to Brisbane be good for Mary too.” We waved and were on our way to Rodney's plane, and Uncle Tony helped load everything into the planes cargo hold

We got on board and Christine was a bit nervous because she had never been in a plane before, and she said, “I don’t know how these things stay up in the air - it looks awful heavy.”

I said, “Don’t worry Christine, Jean will be there to greet us if we crash.”

She just made big eyes and grabbed my hand and said, “Carla that's not very funny.”

Rodney heard what was going on and said, “Carla you mustn’t scare my flying public like that.” with a wink and a grin on his face.

Jane said, “Christine darling, they are all just pulling your leg. We are probably safer in Rodney's plane then in a car on the highway.”

Jenny said, “Yeah, Mummy died like that.” Another five minutes and we were air born and on our way to the big smoke once more.

To be continued.

Next time: the show, more on Christine, and back home to get ready for the big day!!

Rodeny's Cessna copy.png

Rodney's twin engine Cessna

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