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A CHANGE OF STYLE (conclusion) PART 4
In part 4 of the four-part story, Alex goes to Roxanne’s Holiday Party dresses completely as Lexi. In this chapter the recent changes in Alex become part of his fiber and his true self emerges. His transformation from Alex to Lexi is completed.
The journey takes him places few boys have the opportunity to experience. His gradual acceptance of his changes helps enrich his life, but forces him to make some complex choices.
"I am supposed to get my hair styled Saturday morning, do you think I should tell Lulu about the party?"
"I think she has big plans for your hair anyway, but I will let her know. I think I will make a manicure and pedicure appointment for you also. Your nails have gotten very long and could use some proper care."
"The place is pretty busy on Saturdays. I am not sure about getting a pedicure with everyone around."
"I was thinking about your next salon visit a few days ago, and now with you going to the party in the evening, I think you should attend your appointment as Lexi. This is going to be a long appointment and you will be much less out of place this way."
"With the party and everything I guess that makes sense. My hair is now down past my shoulders, I sure hope Lulu gives me something that looks good for the evening."
"That's something you don't have to worry about."
"I'll call Roxanne and let her know we are coming."
Roxanne was excited beyond words. I told her about my appointment and that my mother was arranging all the details for me to look my best. I even told her that I was going to the salon as Lexi. She was impressed that I was comfortable enough to go that way.
All week at school she kept trying to find out more about my outfit and plans. It was all girl talk without a hint of Alex discussion. I let on a little about experimenting with my mother over the past weeks, and she was not even a little astonished by my confession. She wanted me to do this because she already assumed I was doing a little of this in private at home.
On Friday when school let out I headed home feeling great about the winter break and awash in thoughts about the day ahead. I beat my mother home and headed up to my room. When I got inside, I discovered a lot of my personal items missing. My clothes and the majority of my things were still there, but some of my family pictures, personal items, my iPod dock, and most of my books were gone. They weren’t in my closet and I got a little concerned.
I called my mother's cell phone and she said not to be worried. She told me she would be home shortly. I went downstairs and turned on the TV. She came to through the door about 20 minutes later.
"So where is all of my stuff, mom?"
"It's in your room. You must not be very observant."
"I checked. It's not in my closet either."
"Let's go up and look, silly."
Instead of walking into my room she walked into the guest room. I followed a few quick steps behind her.
"See Lexi, it's all here!"
"Mom, what's it all doing in here?"
"Honey, I think with all of the time you are spending as Lexi, this is a better place for your important things."
The room had recently been painted, but now there were new curtains, a new rug, and all new art. The room had been totally transformed. A large vanity desk had been delivered along with a large swivel floor mirror. The room was everything a girl could want.
I realized that she'd gone through quite a lot to surprise me today with all of these changes. I loved how the room looked, but I didn't expect to be living in this room. I thanked her with a hug and a kiss and tried to take it in.
"You can always use the other room if you need to, but I think you'll be happier in here. You are off school for a while, so this will be a good time to start using it."
"Wow, you must have done a lot of planning ahead to pull this off."
"A little, I just planned it as an early holiday gift. Merry Christmas!"
"Thanks mom."
"Before you get changed stop in my room, I need to show you one more thing. It should help with your new wardrobe. Make sure you shower and shave very closely before you come to see me."
My mother assumed that I would be changing into my Lexi wardrobe. With all she had done for my surprise, I thought it would be only right to do what she wanted. I took a long shower and cleared off my minimal stubble. I had now been smooth skinned for nearly 2 months. I put on my pink robe and went down to her room.
"I bought you some replacements for the inserts that we got from Lulu. The new ones are specifically designed for women who have a need to wear breast forms all of the time. The others gave you a good shape, but these will stay in place better and be much more versatile. You can swim with these and wear slightly more revealing tops."
"What makes them better for swimming and staying secure?"
"They are designed for someone your size and they are attachable. They were custom-made for you based upon your chest measurements.”
"Attachable, How’s that?"
"I will show you. We are going to use an adhesive that is safe for your skin. They will stay in place even if you are not wearing a bra."
"For how long. Well they will stay in place for up to two weeks. I have a solvent that takes the adhesive off if they have to come off sooner."
"Two weeks! I can't wear them that long."
"Honey, you are on break. We will make sure they are off before school."
"But mom, that's the whole break. You want me to stay as Lexi until the break ends?"
"Do you have any Alex plans? If needed we can remove them early."
It took about five minutes for me to have a pair of small ‘C’ cup breasts. Alex was going to be away for a while. I was definitely going to have to get comfortable in my new skin. I could feel the weight on my chest. It felt different than the older forms and also made me feel like I was no longer Alex.
Over the past few months I had lost some weight. I was spending so much time with my mother playing the Lexi role, that my eating patterns had shifted a little. I was still only about 5'7", but my weight was down to about 125 pounds. Other than the hidden male organ between my legs I now had a very girlish looking body.
I dressed myself and put on some makeup to complete the transformation. I had gotten pretty adept at doing my own makeup, which also contributed to my girlish experience. My ever-changing mental state was now further enhanced by my new breasts and new bedroom.
Saturday morning I dressed in three-quarter length slacks and a somewhat revealing silk blouse. I brushed out my hair and put on some makeup. I wore open-toed low-heeled dress sandals, because my mother said they would be better for my pedicure.
My mom was pleased with my ability to get myself ready and declared it was time to go. She was also getting some nail care and styling at the salon, so we went to our appointments together.
I was nervous seeing Lulu in my current state, even though she was expecting me like this. She treated me like any other girl in the salon.
"You are going to be amazed how great you look when we are done. Your hair is a perfect length for you and I know exactly what to do to give you the perfect look."
"I guess right now I don't look very androgynous do I? Today is probably not going to help either."
Lulu just smiled and said to relax. Over the next 90 minutes she washed, cut and then wrapped things into my hair. When I inquired what that was for, she only said something about highlighting. She brushed and cut in every direction. When she was done working on my hair she went to work on my eyebrows again. This time, pulling out a lot more hairs than at the previous appointments. I still had not seen her magic.
When she decided I looked done she called my mother over to look before I had a chance to view myself. When my mom saw me, she actually teared up.
"Lexi, I'm sorry to be so emotional, but you are so gorgeous. All along I knew you had a very natural beauty, but you are even more attractive than I imagined. You make an absolutely stunning young woman."
They told me to stand up and turn around. When I did I felt a chill go down my spine. My hair was in no way cut to look androgynous. This was a girl looking back at me with attention-getting styling. My highlighted locks had straight bangs and flowing soft waves on the sides. My eyes stood out with the bangs and now thinner eyebrows. I did not see how I could possibly cover up my transformed look. I appeared all-girl.
My New Hairstyle---
I was shifted over to another area to get my manicure and pedicure. Getting my toes and nails done was much slower than I anticipated. That process took nearly an hour and a half. When they were done, I had beautiful red toes and nails. I found the manicure pedicure experience to be very pleasant, especially when I got to soak my feet.
I noticed two girls from school come in during my pedicure. They were not part of my group of girlfriends, but I knew who they were and I was sure they knew of me. The salon was not that big and they both looked at me, but it was clear neither recognized me. I was just some unknown girl to them.
When we were paying our substantial bill, Lulu asked me how I like my new styling.
"There is not much to not like. I think I look fabulous. I have never felt so pretty. For now I couldn't be happier with the cut, but I'm concerned this is going to make it very difficult to go back to being Alex."
"I understand, but you are too pretty to be an Alex. Don't worry about that for now. Just enjoy the moment."
It had been well over 3 1/2 hours before we headed out the door. We stopped at a popular café in Highland Park and had some lunch. I was not even remotely worried that I looked out of place.
We arrived home at about 2 PM and we both rested for a couple of hours. We wanted to be rested for the party at 6 PM. The holiday party was a dinner buffet and cocktail party. It was scheduled from six to 10 PM and Roxanne told me it usually went much later.
My mother and I took our time getting ready. My hair didn't need anything, but I needed to redo my makeup and get myself dressed. I knew my dress showed off my enhanced figure and I never looked better. I even dabbed a little of my mom’s Coco Chanel perfume on my neck. I put on just enough to be noticeable, but just barely. Roxanne was sure to be mesmerized by my appearance. I was anxious for her to see me. I felt a little like a girl might have felt going out on her first date.
We made our way to Roxanne's house at about 6:30 PM. My mother knew Roxanne's mother, but neither of us knew how many other people would be there. The Nash’s had a large house, which was well designed for entertainment. When we got near her house we immediately realized that this was going to be a fairly large gathering. There were numerous cars parked on the street we had to park nearly a block away.
We made the cold walk to the door. I could feel the chill on my bare legs. When approached the front door, other guests let us in. We were told to put our coats on racks that had been set up in one of the bedrooms. I took one last look in the bedroom mirror and took in a deep breath, before walking out to join the party.
When I saw all of the guests, I felt a wave of panic through my body. I looked at my mother and she could see my heightened anxiety.
"Lexi, you look spectacular. Just relax, talk slowly and smile. Find some of your friends and you will feel better very quickly."
"I am excited and scared all-in-one. I think I will look for Roxanne and try to hang with her for a while."
"Let's go socialize."
"I'll follow you mom."
We made our way towards their living room. Their living room was a very large great-room with a two-story ceiling. On the backside it had floor to ceiling windows looking out to their snow-covered backyard. On the other side was a second-floor balcony. When we entered the room I could see Roxanne standing at the edge of the balcony looking out over the guests. Jessica was standing next to her scanning the crowd. They both looked ravishing in their party dresses. I always knew how pretty they were, but all fixed up in party dresses they look captivating. They looked in my direction, but did not immediately identify me out of the guests. I zoned in on them and started towards the stairs to join them. As I reached the top of the stairs I heard a loud, "OH MY GOD!"
Both girls started rushing towards me.
"I can't believe how phenomenal you look." Shouted Roxanne.
"You look even better than I imagined." added Jessica.
For the next few minutes the conversation was all about my appearance. They commented about my hair, makeup, figure, dress and how perfectly natural I looked. They said I resembled in every way a real girl. They asked how I was feeling and if I enjoyed being one of the girls. I admitted that I was very comfortable after initially being nervous.
"Well Roxanne, I did it! Merry Christmas!"
"You did it all right. Let's have a toast. Long live Lexi!"
"I don't have a drink."
"We'll get you one in a minute. I can’t get over how beautifully your hair is styled and your makeup is flawless."
"I did the makeup myself."
"You did?" Jessica chirped.
"My mom gave me some lessons."
"Way to go girl. I am going to have to let you do mine. You have come so far so quickly.
"Thanks, I guess. I never plan this or really thought I wanted all of this, but I've grown to like it. I now feel almost normal."
Roxanne looked me in the eyes, "This is not a costume for you anymore. This is your new normal. I would tell you to get used to it, but I see you already have."
"I've practiced with my mother."
"Practice makes perfect and you look so perfect."
"So who all is here or coming?"
"Some of your friends are in my room and a few more are supposed to arrived at about 7 PM."
"Why 7 PM?"
"Well Josh is coming and he had to pick up someone, so he figured 7 PM would work."
"I didn't know your boyfriend was coming. Did you tell him about me?"
"I didn't see any way not to. He was very cool about it. Josh said he really wanted to meet you. He said he only caught a glimpse of you at the Halloween party."
"I guess this is not going to be any kind of secret.”
“ Lexi, you were at the salon today and are here at my house, did you really think it would be a secret?"
"No not really, but I didn't know any guys would be here."
She smiled at my last comment and said let's get some food and join the other girls up in my room. I have a present for you later, but it will wait."
"A present, I didn't bring you anything."
"Remember, your present for me was you coming as Lexi. So, I got Lexi something, let's eat first."
We went downstairs and filled some plates with a bunch of finger foods. I was introduced to a few of her relatives. All of them assumed I was one of her girlfriends. Her mom was very complementary and I heard her tell Roxanne "you are absolutely right about him."
When I saw her other girlfriends up in the bedroom, it was much like when Roxy saw me coming up the stairs. I was given a lot of hugs and a lot of praise. They all wanted to know how much was real and how much was artificial. I had to tell them that only my hair was real. "The hips and breasts got some help." They weren't surprised, but they joked that I was probably a late bloomer.
At about 7:15 Josh made his way up to get Roxanne. I knew she would probably now be giving him most of her attention. When he entered, they had a brief kiss for all of us to see. I could see some envy in a couple of the other girl’s eyes. With that Roxanne said she needed to step out with Josh for a few minutes.
I was engaged in a conversation with Lauren and Jessica that when Roxanne returned to the room. She asked if I could come outside for a minute.
"What's up Roxy? Do you need some help with something."
"No, I think it's time for your present."
"I really hope you didn't spend much."
"I'm pretty sure it's something you really wanted, and it didn't cost me anything."
"That sounds like a good present, what is it?"
"It's downstairs next to the small Christmas tree in the family room."
"How will I know which gift is mine?"
"Trust me you'll know. It's a little bigger than the other gifts."
"Should I bring it upstairs to open?"
"Why don't you open it by yourself. You can certainly bring it upstairs later if you want."
"Okay, let's go."
"I want you to open it yourself, so go down there before someone else takes it."
I was trying to figure out what it could be. Why would she want me to go get it by myself? I slowly sashayed down the stairs. I was feeling pretty good and any fear I had been feeling earlier had passed. I was having a good time and everyone was being nice to me.
I made my way into the family room and turned to the tree. I felt my heart stop. Standing all by himself next to the tree was Paul. When he saw me our eyes met, we both looked like dears in the headlights. After a short pause we walked up to each other.
I was not sure what to say. He also seemed at a small loss for words.
"I didn't know you would be here. Roxanne never told me."
"My God you look unbelievable. She told me that Lexi would be here, and asked me if I wanted to see her again."
"Well are you glad you came?"
"I am, are you happy to see me?"
"I am surprised. Our last Lexi experience did not end well."
"Hopefully this one will end better. You still didn't answer my question. Are you happy I am here?"
"I didn't want our last time together to end, so the answer is a very strong yes."
"I think we had some unfinished business."
"Paul, but I'm not really a girl, you know that."
"All I see is a girl. When I see you and talk to you I think Lexi. At school it took me a while, but I realize that you really are Lexi, not Alex. Seeing you so perfectly made up in front of me, confirms my beliefs."
"So what are you saying?"
With that he put his arms on my shoulders and turned his head so that our lips could meet. I felt the warmth of his kiss rush through my body. It was only a kiss of about 2 to 3 seconds, but it felt like time had stopped. I looked him in the eyes and then leaned forward for a longer more passionate encore. When we were done with our little necking session, I could see a couple of the people in the room glancing at us.
"So much for unfinished business." I joked.
"Merry Christmas, Lexi."
"Should we go join everyone?"
"Most of our friends are upstairs. So what does this all mean?"
"We will figure that out as we go, but remember what I said at the dance. For the rest of the night you are all mine."
I floated up the stairs holding Paul's hand. When we got into the room everyone started chanting, “kiss, kiss, kiss!"
We didn't disappoint. Some soft cheers and some applause followed our embrace. I gave Roxanne a big hug and thanked her for my ‘big’ present.
"What are friends for?"
The rest of the evening went wonderfully and it was one of the most enjoyable nights of my life . I introduced Paul to my mother and she told me he seemed very nice. "He's very handsome, don't you think?"
"Yes mom, I do, and he is a good kisser."
With that she raised her eyebrows and gave me a very sly smile "Young lady, you move too quickly."
"Mom, it's been a very long time in coming, don't worry."
"Well I guess you always put your heart into things, so we are going to have more things to be discussing."
"I think you are right mom."
I was having such a good time that the evening flew by so quickly. My mom came to get me just after 10 PM and told me it was time to go. I didn't want to leave, but I also didn't want to ruin a perfect night. I told her to give me five minutes to say goodbye to my friends.
I gave everyone who was still there a big hug and thanked them all for making my evening so special. I pulled Roxanne aside and told her there were no words that could express my appreciation for all she had done. I told her we could talk about it more tomorrow.
I stepped into Roxanne's bathroom with Paul for a final private moment. We spent most of the time kissing and squeezing each other. I was breathless when I knew I had to go.
"Are you going to call me or am I a one night stand?"
"You're too funny. Let's go to a movie."
"Sure, when? I can't tomorrow, but how about Tuesday?"
"It's a date. I can't wait."
My mother opened the conversation with me in the car with a statement. "I think Alex is gone. We need to start thinking more long term."
"I certainly don't feel like Alex right now, but what else do I have to learn about being Lexi?”
"I am not sure you need to learn much more, but we have to figure out how to deal with your choices."
"It's going to be even stranger going back and forth. Right now I'm happy it's winter break and I don’t have to worry about it.."
"We'll talk about that tomorrow and come up with a strategy. For now I’m thrilled you have found some happiness."
"Thanks mom. Tonight was amazing."
The next morning almost instinctively I dressed as Lexi, just like I had been doing it all of my life. I even walked down to the Walgreens to get some face cream and conditioner.
In the afternoon my mother sat me down in the den to discuss some issues she had been working on.
"Lexi, the recent events have led me to believe that you are much happier being Lexi then you were as Alex. Am I correct there?"
"I think so, I really enjoy being Lexi."
"Well we need to take you to see some specialists if you want to stay as Lexi and go back to school this way."
"Back to school this way? How can I do that?"
"Well honey, you are not much of a boy anymore. You look and act like a girl and frankly seem better suited to be one."
"But I am not a girl!"
"Technically, you are right, but in most other regards you now are. You even have a boyfriend."
"Well he made me feel like I never really had before, but it was only some kissing."
"It's how you feel that it's important. I don't see any real desire to be Alex anymore."
"But school how is that possible?"
"It's only possible if you truly are ready to be Lexi. I have made some appointments for you to see specialists that can guide you along that path."
"Specialists, what will they do?"
"The first one is a woman's doctor who will check you out physically and possibly adjust some of your hormone levels. The other specialist is a psychiatrist that evaluates your mental state. All of the things take a long time, but are necessary."
"I have to see a shrink!"
"I have scheduled you to see both Doctors tomorrow. First, you are going to spend most of the morning with Dr. Robin. She is going to evaluate your commitment to being a girl. Assuming she believes you are ready, she will provide us a note for school and for Dr. Kelly to begin giving you some girl drugs. You are probably going to spend time with her each day, before you return to school. There's not much time and there is a lot to work out. She has worked with many other transsexuals."
"You never called me that before."
"That's true, but it is a word that you are going to have to get used to."
"Wow. This is so major. How much will the meds affect me?”
“I'll let the doctor discussed that, but over time I suspect a lot. Down the road, probably in a year or two, if all goes smoothly, the doctors can complete your transition."
"You mean...”
“Yes Honey.”
"What do you think I should tell my friends?"
"I think Dr. Robin will talk to you about that, but I suspect the truth."
"Mom, I love you. Will you still love me when I am a girl?"
"Oh Lexi, you never need to ask me that. I will always love you. I loved you as Alex and I will always love you as Lexi. Young lady your best years are to come.”
I never looked back. I met with the doctors and also school administrators. After winter break I return to school as my new self. I was put on estrogen and progesterone to provide me with female hormones and I was given spironolactone to stop my production of male hormones. I didn't have that much hair on my body, but I started a regular schedule of laser appointments to remove what little I had.
Paul and I dated for the rest of the school year and even went to the spring prom together. Roxanne made certain that I became a real cheerleader for the spring season, after all she was the team captain.
I was in the school production of high school musical. I wasn't the lead, but I did get one of the big female parts. I continue to focus on the arts and chose to go to Northwestern as an art major. I wanted to stay near home during my transition.
Roxanne and I still are best friends and she promises me that someday I will be one of her bridesmaids. I promised her she would be one of mine.
It is amazing how much a new hairstyle can change your life.
I would love to hear any comments. I hope you enjoyed it.-----
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Today is the first day of the rest of her life. It would be nice to see some more of the journey. The story begs to continue.
An excellent story. Well written and a joy to read. I wish you
would continue the story. I think you have a winner. I like the
manner in which Lexi is directed to her true gender with a soft touch
and respect. Allowing her to make the actual decisions. I would
like to read more about Lexi and Paul while in colege.
Thank You
Kaptan Nibbles
What a wonderful story!
I felt like I was dreaming reading your story. If only....
Very entertaining!
Great story, Nina!
A Sweet Story
Glad to see Lexi figure out who she was. At the same time, though, I thought the initial indications were emphatically convincing that Lex was a heterosexual with androgynous leanings. I don't mind a little misdirection in a story, nor do I find it unusual that a teenage character might not know his own mind, or experiment a little (or a lot). But, when things flip around this far, I hope you'll forgive me when I tell you that it makes the story seem a bit inconsistent.
Admittedly, my views may be colored by a personal sensitivity towards issues of crossdressing, and a certain defensiveness against attitudes that everything TG is on a single straight line, from metrosexual to androgyny to crossdressing to transexuality to changing sexual preference. Those who make such assumptions have no trouble with "slippery slope" plots wherein a male getting one's nails filed in a salon inevitably leads to a sex change operation and a wedding to a member of a sex (s)he was not formerly attracted to. Whereas, those who understand crossdressing as a separate phenomenon, are going to object to such assumptions.
I don't really have any advice for resolving this, other than for everyone to try to have a little more sensitivity and understanding about those who are different from them.
I'm glad you said it.
I'm glad you said it. Yes it was an entertaining story and well written, but it does greatly diverge from reality. As a heterosexual androgen with cross-dresser leanings, I consider myself to be transgendered, in that my gender (what between my ears) doesn't match my sex, (what's between my legs.) The old joke, "What's the difference between a cross-dresser and a transsexual ... ... about two years," is in no way true. If that were the case, I'd be about fifty-five years behind schedule, in that I started at age 9 and am now 65.
This is the second story in a row that I've read that was well written and based on that untrue premise. In talking with transsexuals, they all confirm that they knew from a very young age, (often age five or under) that they were different and it didn't take long to identify that difference as being a girl inside. The vast majority that I've talked to say that it becomes a transition or die choice. That makes it a very serious decision and to suggest that a boy could accidentally or by outside pressure "discover" he was really a girl makes light of this serious situation.
By this I, in no way, intend to demean the talent of the author. I only hope to make us all realize that an androgen or a cross-dresser isn't destined to become a transsexual.
"Nuff said. I don't want this to become a rant.
([email protected])
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper ubi femininus sub ubi
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Reality vs Fantasy
Sigmund Freud once said, "Happy people don't fantasize" He was so far from reality that it puts most of his other theories on shaky ground. I write because it hopefully makes people feel a little better or helps some of us escape a little. The classic TS probably finds most of my past (and future) premises to be a great stretch. I have found in my limited experience in the transgendered world to find more varieties in feelings, passions, and perceived orientations then can be imagined. Many of the stories I have read I can not even remotely relate to, while others touch a cord with me.
I honestly do not know what I really want or desire for my sexuality. I have thoughts and passions that seem to overwhelm me at times, but what do I call myself. I am simply part of the transgender world. I dream of being the protagonist in my stories, but does that make me a TS. Probably not, but I very often think about that. For the classic TS the light switch is not turned on by someone or some event, but is just part of their fabric. My stories are more about self realization in a fantasy world.
If I could trade my existence for the characters in my stories, I would do it in a millisecond.
I hope you enjoy the silly fun I portray and any and all comments are appreciated and welcome. I love hearing how people feel about the story-lines, and in know way want to make light of the struggles we all occasionally feel.
Thank you,
A change of style - 4
Well from my comments in ch3 I knew it had to happen but it was nice to see 75% of the story that wasn't the norm!
It's good to see some authors break the mold!
It was excellent fun and I enjoyed your writings immensely.
Thanks Nina
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Freud Was A Fraud!
Dear Nina,
dont worry about anything Freud said - he was a fraud, and most of his ideas have now been discredited, as has his approach to therapy, which was much better at making psychiatrists better off than at making their patients better!
This is a STORY. Stories do not have to follow reality completely, indeed, in many ways the more they depart from reality the better stories they are! Folks who read Fiction, espcially TG Fiction, do not read it looking for exact reality - they read it to escape from their own reality for a bit, as that helps them to tolerate the reality they have to live in.
I do so agree.....
thank goodness, there are plenty of crossdressers around like ourselves - I love reading this transition stuff, but am much happier with love between a lady and her occasional) lady friend.... xx Keep smiling xx
A wonderful end to a
A wonderful end to a charming story, with me hoping that this is just a short break before the story picks up again with Lexi and Paul, and yes, even with Lexi's best friend Roxanne. Jan
Sounds like there should be a book two in the future. Richard
Change of Style
How about A Change of Style the college years, would love for you to carry this on its been a great short story
Nicely told
A well written short story. Thank you for the effort that you have invested. It shows that you do have a talent for the discriptive word. It is nice to find a story that does not have demeaning traits or language. I will look forward to your future writings.
Lynn Louise
Story book ending. :)
This was a really lovely story. It provided some much needed relief.
Thank you.
Its always nice
to read a well written story and this nice sweet story is definitely that, I will certainly be looking out for more of your stories in the future Nina, Thank you very much for sharing "A Change Of Style" with us.
Nice and sweet
I liked the story a lot, thank you.
Is that it? No, I have some small points, I thought the main character was waay clueless and just so trusting, it made the story a little unbelievable. And I found the final chapter a little rushed.
Then, I liked the way Roxanne coaxed the inner Lexi from her shell, and how she surprised her with her Christmas present. It was very nice. Also the acceptance amongst peers was good, I think there's too much emphasis sometimes on what can and will go wrong when one finally decides they can't take any more, and 'come out'.
All said, I just conclude with, a really nice and sweet story. Thanks for sharing,
If only . . . .
While this is a story that has some things that can be seen as implausible 'out in the world', as a wish-fulfillment fantasy it was a fun read. Just a touch of angst, such as mom's initial reaction or the Halloween Dance, to counter-balance all the exceptional things going Lexi's way. (I wish MY hair grew that fast!) Sometimes a sweet fantasy story just hits the spot.
Karen J.
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Good story!
I don't usually post cause a lot of "our" readers express my feelings better than I could at times.
Your story is well crafted - yes you have heard that statement before. Very bright in the imagery you did create in the story. Hope to read more of your works.
Slane ayd!
One of the best stories I have read in a very long time. I am a big fan of slow transformations. I hope you have many more in store for us. By the end of the story I was so into Lexi that I wished I was her. THANKS for this story.
Great story. I hope its a start. Chris can wish he/she were Lexi.
I wish I were Paul.
great story
I was leary when I started reading this story, but you put it together quite nicely. I enjoyed it alot. NOW, we'll expect alot more from you (smiles)
Someone in the comments section made a comment - the difference between a crossdresser and a transsexual is about two years, while joking aside. It couldnt be further from the truth.
- Yes, generally transsexuals will usually knowingly find inside they were born in wrong body, right bout same time they discover boys & girls are not the same, and put up some fuss about it. I know I did, not that it did me any good. I came from the wrong generation and most folks & very few DR's had much experience, let alone what to do about it. & where I came from, going to see a shrink was akin to bein sent to a nut house, and no way normal parents took normal kids to see such. In my family, the house shrink was often a willow branch or a razor strap, and both were very effective in taking your UNdesireable thoughts and cleansing them.
I have known TS, and other forms of Transgender discover themselves long past puberty and into adult hood, Often it started with a halloween or other costume party prank and that person discovered just how much they liked being other gender, even, if it was fleetingly.
ME - I knew early on I was different, didnt really understand why, I didnt have words like crossdresser, transsexual,etc. in my vocabulary. Heck even gay,and or faggot just wasnt used much around where I lived except in degatory situations. I was nearly 30, when I discovered that drag queen, gay, crossdresser were not one of the same thing. Transsexual was a new term to me. This was in the early-mid 90s., and I was born in the mid 50s. It was mid 90's - 1995 to be fact, that I bought my 1st worth while computer with w/win95 and blazing fast 14.4 speed modem. That was when the information age hit me or hmmm, maybe I caught up with it. & surfing around and discovered how much I didnt know, and more important just how much others like me didnt have a clue., but slowly a few of us started build a small database of what we knew, or where to find it, and slowly sorted fact from myth and fiction. It wasnt till around 2000, maybe just a bit later, that it dawned on me, that maybe I was not quite just a crossdresser, and that I actually could do what it took to make my body least look and perform the part. & that when I blosumed into a real person.
NOW - my take on CD vs TS ----
The crossdresser, no way in hell, willfully would loose his willy ((or FtM counterparts) add one on)) outside a simple fantacy. And if fantacy should overcome our brethren, thats where Shrinks come into play and bring back to reality.
I remember hearing from several of my post-op friends, that a well known SRS surgon (may he rest in peace in CO.) used to have his patients wheeled into the operating theater, and left there on the gurney for about a 1/2 hour before him & the staff joining that person. It was meant for that person to have time B4 such a radical surgury was done. I'm not sure if this was myth or just one of Biber's gurl's keeping the myth alive. but if he''d done that to me I'd have strangled him for sure .... HAHAHAHAHA
BTW - I'm a Meltzer gurl & proud of it (smiles)
A truly transforming experience...............
I really loved your story Nina♥ Although I knew early on where Lexi was headed....I enjoyed the way you took me there.Being TG too,I totally related to how she was accepted and encouraged by her new girlfriends...thinking fondly about all the cute outfits I've been given by loving and understanding girls I've known.You did such a good job bringing the reader into the story,that I found myself envious of Lexi. I grew up in a different world and was never brave enough to become my true self at such a young age.
Anyhoo,thanx for a wonderful story Nina.I'm so glad I found this site.
ps- I've got a couple stories I'm working on.Perhaps I'll work up the courage to post them here when I'm finished.
A different perspective?
I've loved every chapter and you have great style in your writing..... Please, please consider re-writing the whole story but from Lex's Mom's viewpoint. I'd love to know her thoughts behind the same situations and dialogue..... A lot of work, I know, but it would be fascinating. Please give it a try!!!! She's a remarkable Mom, with a remarkable daughter! Love you, Ginger xx
I loved the story
I so wish i had people like that around me when I was growing up. I grew up around Peoria and Chicago and still live 89 miles from Chicago in Spring Valley. Love you work
Looking forward to more
Love and Hugs Hanna
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be
A lovely,clean,elegant and gentle story that leaves the reader with a nice warm feeling.A little bit stilted in writing style in places,but well written and with not too many typos.XXXXX Frank.
I can say without doubt that
I can say without doubt that I truly enjoyed your story immensely! Thank you
Nice story, easy read
I just finished another story when I saw the link to this story. And as usual, asked myself "I wonder what this is about."
As I read I kept thing Alex has got to be as dense as a rock. He doesn't seem to have the slightest idea how others perceive him, or why his friend base is so low. Even though he wanted to do his own thing, which caused him to paint himself into a corner after the birthday party. I also think it interesting moms' solution to teach Alex about gifts received.
I can't quite put my finger on what kept me reading the story, but after reading the last words of the last chapter, I realized I just finished a very nice story. I do agree, though, a story about Paul and Lexi in college would be nice. And if mom finds someone special.
Others have feelings too.
I remember now....
.... wanting the story to go on and on and... on! There is time.... give us much more of the time between a decision to transition and the eventual commitment with surgery.... I'd prefer, being honest as I believe we should be with eachother, to the decision being postponed while Lexi and Roxy marry and make a life together.... You write so well, the characters can stand the wait!!! :) xx