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My Starbucks Obsession
Caffeine can become so addictive, but in this story more than coffee becomes an obsession.
Chapter 1:
I guess you could call me and underachiever. I was not lazy, but six months after graduating with honors from college I was content being an assistant manager at a local Starbucks store in Highland Park Illinois. While many of my friends were off working on their high-powered careers or in graduate school, I was okay with serving up lattes and frappuccinos.
I am not sure what I had in mind when I double majored in English Literature and Business Administration, but for now I was enjoying my time as a barista. There was little pressure and I enjoyed the casual interactions with the always diverse groups of patrons.
For the most part you rarely got to know most of the regular customers, but it was easy to pick up on their personalities and quirks. Sometimes their elaborate drinks were a tell, but mostly it was how they treated those across the counter. When things were slow, which was almost never, I would play mental games trying to guess what people did when they were not standing in line for coffee. That game was one of the tools I used to help remember the customer's favorite drinks.
The first time she came in I did not know her name. To me she was just my triple shot grande skim cappuccino. From the very first time I laid eyes on her she commanded my attention. It was more than just her obvious natural beauty but rather her impeccable power suits and flawless attention to every detail of her appearance. I knew virtually nothing about her, but she clearly was a woman out of most men's league. My guess was that she was 5 or 6 years older than me, but she possessed a very youthful glow.
Time and again I would watch the male customers lock their eyes on her and occasionally make futile attempts to flirt with her. She was never rude but it was apparent that she had a lot of experience rebuffing their unwelcome efforts. She could probably have almost any man she desired, but after a few weeks of watching how much she was harassed I began to feel sorry for her.
It was following one of those pathetic attempts by a professionally dressed businessman that she caught me subtly shaking my head accompanied with a knowing smirk on my face. When she came to pick up her triple shot cappuccino she looked me square in the eyes and asked me what was so funny.
"Every day you come in at precisely 7:25 in the morning and order your same drink and almost as often get hit on by an endless series of guys. You managed to deflect them with class and rarely get annoyed. I don't know how you managed to put up with that all the time."
"You find that amusing?"
"No, I don't mean that. It's just, I guess I have gained greater appreciation for how difficult it must be for you to get courted all the time."
"So how would you attempt to do it?"
"Excuse me!"
"What would you do to get my interest?"
“I'm not your type?”
"It's not that. From my observation no one is going to magically just grab your attention. Your attention will go where you choose to take it. Pick up lines haven’t a chance.”
"So you think you know me?"
"Not at all, but I do respect you."
"So Mr. Barista, I don't even know your name."
"And I don't know yours Miss Triple Shot Skim Cappuccino… If you like you can call me Mr. Barista, but my given name is Brook. And your’s pray tell?"
"Nice to officially get to know you Charlie."
"Thank you Brook for my beverage and your respect."
The pleasure is all mine. Can I call you Charlie?"
"Of course, I hope maybe someday we can have a longer conversation, but I need to be off."
"Any time. You know where to find me."
I messed up the next couple of drinks which is something I almost never did. I was thrown off my game, but now I had a name to go with my favorite customer. It almost seemed appropriate that she had a typically masculine name, "Charlie" as she possessed such a powerful aura about her. Charlie's unusual name only added to my fascination with her stunning beauty and persona.
The next few days she came in right on cue. We each made the point of using each other's name when we briefly exchanged words. There was virtually no small talk, but our greetings had an added friendliness to them. Despite the minimal interaction, her appearance was always the highlight of my morning.
The following Friday she was once again the target of an unwelcome confrontation. An obnoxious and extremely talkative one-percenter with a clearly displayed ego strutted into the Starbucks out of his Porsche convertible. He had parked right in front of the store taking up two of the prime parking spaces.
He scanned the cafe to see if there was a potential target for his intrusion. After spotting Charlie he locked in on his prey. While ordering his drink he did so in such a loud and overly gregarious way so that everyone around him knew that he had ordered a double extra shot red eye. It was practically a cliche that he wanted such a strong beverage. As soon as he order his drink he went on the attack of Charlie.
Even though his drink would follow nearly a half dozen drinks including Charlie's, he positioned himself at the front of the Barista bar pickup counter. Anyone that wanted to get their drink would have to maneuver around him. He honed in on Charlie by introducing himself and asking what she drank. She wanted none of it and gracefully turned away. He persisted and tried to entice her with how it was a wonderfully rare morning to drive around with the top down. His obvious attempt to draw her attention to his car parked out front, but she made no attempt to look in that direction. When his grating effort was near total failure he made a Hale Mary pass and asked Charlie her name. Her frustration reached a rare visible level when she politely, but firmly asked him to give her some space. I was not the only bystander that felt some pleasure in his crash and burn effort.
Almost immediately following her strong rebuff I called out her drink. Normally she would have had to wait for a couple of other drinks that were placed before hers, but after seeing her cornered I expedited her drink and moved it into the front of the pack. When she picked it up I had that same look on my face as the first time we had chatted. She knew I had put a rush on her drink and was relieved to be getting a quick pass from the cafe. The smile she shot me as she turned away made my heart melt. I had witnessed so many guys and their lame come ons towards Charlie, but none had ever received that smile in return. That magical image was engraved in my memory for the rest of the day.
The following morning I did not have the opportunity for our regular 7:25 rendezvous as I worked the later shift. On Fridays I usually worked the 10 to 6 shift. I preferred the earlier time especially in the summer so I would have more time to do other things. When I got to work on Friday there was a sealed envelope waiting for me. I knew immediately that it was not a work thing, as it was on very fancy stationary. The flap was engraved CG.
My curiosity was not to be deterred. I ripped open the note. At the top of the page was the name Charlie Goldman with the initials CG embossed over the name. My heart was racing as the only Charlie I knew was Miss Triple Shot Skim Cappuccino.
In the most beautiful handwriting was the following message:
Dear Brooke:
I was hoping to see you this morning and thank you more formally for helping me out yesterday morning. I would be lying if I didn't admit that some days I really hate getting so much attention. It's nice to be wanted, but I sometimes loathe the relationship game. It's probably a side effect of from my job.
This may sound very unusual and forward of me, but I was wondering and hoping you would join me immediately after you get off work for a happy hour cocktail. It would be very casual and I don't want you to go and change first. I think I like you for who you are and don't want you wasting any energy or thought on how to impress me. I think it would be much more fun if we got to know each other in a very low pressured way.
Your friend Cheryl at your office said you got off today at 6:00 so if you are game I hope to see you shortly after that. My address is at the bottom of the card.
I really hope you consider stopping over, but if you don't I completely understand. I certainly have been in your shoes.
Your new friend,
I was nearly floored by her note. She had spelled my name with an added e, which was the traditional girl spelling, but otherwise I was stunned that she had reached out and invited me over. I was a scrawny younger man in a working class job and yet this classy upper-crust woman had reached out and invited me for a drink. I was excited and confused. Would there be others at her house? Could she possibly have any real interest in me? Was I a charity case for her? My mind was racing and while I was thrilled by the invite, I had a head full of questions. After regaining my composure the only thing I knew for sure was that I would be heading to Charlie's house after work to get answers.
My eight hour day seemed like a double shift. I tried to focus on work, but my mind kept shifting back to Charlie. Like every other guy I wanted to make a good impression, but I knew that trying too hard would only come off wrong. What little chance I had with her would only happen if I didn't try to be something I wasn't. Other than washing up, taking a breath mint, and combing my longish chestnut brown hair, I arrived at her perfectly manicured home looking as I had at work.
The tip of my finger was difficult to steady as I rang her formal door bell. Over the intercom I recognized Charlie's voice as she said, "Be right there."
I stood with my best posture as the front door swung open. There was Charlie looking as beautiful as ever dressed as I had never seen her before... casually. She had on jeans and a silky white cropped T-shirt that hugged her perfect frame. I was as mesmerized as always seeing her before me.
"Come in Brooke. I am so glad you chose to come over."
"I am glad I was free. Thank you for inviting me over."
"Let's go sit on the deck near the pool and relax."
"I'm yours. Lead the way."
Charlie's house like everything else I knew about her was almost too perfect. It was not a giant home, but every detail looked stylishly thought out and in impeccable condition. Despite being so meticulously done, it still had a warm feel and a very livable layout.
Just off her deck was an indoor-outdoor kitchen with a well stocked bar. It was obviously a perfect setting for entertaining. I did a quick look around, but it was clear we were the only people out there. On the coffee table was a cocktail glass with lots of ice and what looked like bourbon or scotch in it.
"Can I get you a drink?"
"Sure, I wouldn't want you to drink alone. Surprise me."
A couple of minutes later Charley plopped herself onto the cushioned wicker sofa right next to me and handed me a glass White Zinfandel wine. It was chilled and boasted the unmistakeable pink shade that white Zinfandels were known for. This sweet wine variety was quite a contrast to the strong cocktail that Charley immediately retrieved from the table.
"I hope you like it. It in from one of my favorite vineyards in Napa Valley."
I thought better of questioning her selection for me.
"I have not been there, but I heard it a fun place to go. I only graduated college last year so I have not done much travel yet."
"Like most things it is more fun to do them with other people. If you are with the wrong person you can be in paradise and it is not fun."
There did not seem to be any agenda for our conversation. We jumped all over the place talking about our families, the past and our jobs. All the while Charlie drank her Scotch and I the fruity wine. After a couple of drinks I found myself getting more comfortable around her previously intimidating personality. There was not much Charlie had not done or accomplished by her recent 27th birthday. By contrast, my most significant accomplishments probably were destined for the future.
Charlie was now the Managing Partner at the Law firm of Goldman & Associates. The firm had over 30 attorneys and was founded and named after her father. Just over a year ago her father had a heart attack and dropped dead at his desk. Charlie inherited a majority interest in the firm and became the Senior Partner there. She had already made a name for herself in the three years she had worked there, but this dramatically quickened her assent up the ranks. The firm provided a broad spectrum of legal services but had the reputation as the premier family law (Divorce) firm in the city of Chicago.
The firm had become even more profitable in the year since Charlie took over the leadership. She had forced out a couple of older less productive lawyers and had recruited three new hotshots. Her older senior partners had less of an issue with having such a young leader than being lead by a woman. Some of the boys club attitudes had added to her issue with overbearing men. The constant fighting that she experienced in handling divorces also added to her dark view on relationships. When ever possible she preferred to handle the woman in divorce proceedings, but on occasion did handle some men.
The bottom line was that Charlie had grown to dislike the stereotypic attitude of powerful men. She often had to play their game, but wanted nothing to do with dating self centered or egotistical Neanderthals. That feeling was the obvious reason I was sharing a sofa with her. I was the opposite of intimidating and no threat to who was in charge.
As that reality sank in, I felt a bit unworthy, but with every knock on male attitudes, she made a nice comment about how enjoyable my company was. By her description I was sweet, friendly, open minded and as she put it cute. She did not call me handsome, but on two occasions used the word cute. With me she was able to let her guard down a little and felt comfortable that I would not take advantage of the situation. I was so totally attracted to her, but there was no way I was going to make a move on her. The dynamics of this unusual relationships had me in territory I had never ventured through. I was just happy to be with her.
When the evening had begun I did not know what to expect and certainly did not think I would be spending so much time alone with Charlie. We had been chatting, laughing and drinking for over two hours. I had never gotten to know someone so well in a very long time. I am pretty sure Charlie felt the same way. Her smile went from occasional to almost constant. I had drunk more than I had in a long time and unfortunately remembered that I had to go in early for a half day of work on Saturday morning.
The wine had caught up to me a bit so I excused myself and went down the hall to do some business. Charlie did the same. When I left the bathroom I loitered a bit taking in the art in the hallway. Charlie came up quietly behind me and caught me off guard. I flinched for a second as she put a hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry, did I scare you?"
"No. I didn't hear you coming. You really do have a beautiful home."
"Thank you. Another time I will give you the full tour."
"I would like that. I have really enjoyed spending time with you this evening. Unfortunately I have to open the store tomorrow."
"That's a shame, but I can appreciate your devotion to work."
"Charlie, you have really made me feel special tonight. I hope the evening was enjoyable for you as well."
Instead of a verbal response, Charlie slid her hand from my shoulder to the small of my back. She pulled me in closer then brushed her lips up against mine. She looked into my shocked eyes and then more forcibly kissed me again. There was no debate who was the aggressor and who was kissing who. We were nearly the same height and with the second kiss she backed me gently up against the wall. After my initial surprise I was in heaven.
The kissing lasted for a couple of minutes but eventually came to a slow stop.
"Brooke, I am sorry if I might have been too forceful with you. I really haven't had such a relaxing and satisfying evening in a very long time. Something just came over me."
"No, no. That was wonderful. I like that you kissed me. I hope you could tell. It's nice not to always be the one to initiate the kissing. I hope you want to do that again with me soon."
"You know I do. I think you better go before I completely take advantage of you."
"That's a very pleasant thought, but you are right."
I think I floated to my car in Charlie's circular drive. We had one more long kiss on her front steps before I slipped away. It was good that I only had a little over three miles to travel as I knew I was borderline intoxicated. Inside my old VW Jetta the events of the evening began to sink in. It was not a dream or at least I hoped it was not. My Triple Shot Skim Cappuccino really had a thing for me, and I was under her spell.
Chapter 2
If I had been the one that asked Charlie out the first time, I would not have wasted any time calling her to set up a second date. I didn't even have her number and when I tried to look it up I found only her work numbers. She had made the first moves on me, so I was not even sure calling her now would have gone over well. She liked being in control, so I was certain that she would contact me again shortly. At least that is the last thoughts I was contemplating before I fell asleep.
As much as I preferred the early shift, this was one morning I wish I could have slept in. I woke with a mild headache and little desire to open the Starbucks. Despite my unmotivated beginning, I had the pleasant memory of the previous evening. I was already thinking about an encore.
Saturday was not a regular coffee morning for Charley, but I kept alert on the chance she would stop by. By the end of my shift following the lunch crowd, the realization that she was not stopping in had set in. I had not given Charlie my number and the only phone I had was my cell. There would be no way for her to reach out to me other than through work. I was kind of depressed as I left work knowing that Monday morning would likely be the next time I might see her.
I was antsy the remaining part of the weekend. I wanted to drive over to her house so bad, but I knew that would be too forward. I took the opportunity to take an inventory of my life.
I lived in a one bedroom rental apartment over a music store in the Ravinia part of Highland Park. I got a discount on the place because the music too often reverberated through the floorboards. My parents used to live in town, but my mother had moved into the Streeterville part of Chicago after my father passed away. She had many friends around there and she moved into the same building as her sister.
Most of my friends from High School days had moved on, and other than work, I didn't have any regular hangout friend or girlfriend. Charlie had called me cute, but in reality I was not a guy that would generally draw a lot of attention when I entered a room. I was at best 5'8" and extremely lean. Puberty had not done me any favors as I had only a minimal amount of hair on my body or face. If I had tried to grow a beard it probably would have looked silly. My facial features were inherited more from my mother than father. I was decent looking, but my bushy chestnut brown hair was more grunge than stylish.
If Charlie saw something in me it had to be more than my appearance. I was no competition for the rich handsome guys that probably were part of her daily life. We apparently hit it off, but if I had any possible chance with her, it would have to be because I was that friendly person that made her smile. Trying to be something I was not would never impress her.
Charlie was at my coffee bar on schedule Monday morning. She looked better than ever. On many occasions she wore tailored pants suits which always managed to look very sexy, but today she had on a Black Pencil skirt and a white long sleeve silk blouse. The matching black pumps gave her the look of a model. I was awestruck that only three days ago I had been kissing this amazing woman. She approached me at the espresso bar, almost as if Friday evening had not occurred. She was very friendly and asked how my weekend went, but it came across as an almost rhetorical gesture. She was genuinely being nice, but there was no playful comments or smiles like you might expect from someone that just lit your fire.
I made her drink and gave her my best coy smile, but she was off before I had a chance to really say anything to her. I was disappointed, and confused by the apparent brushoff. Did our kissing not occur? Had I done something wrong? And most of all was our relationship over before it even began?
I was was growing even more depressed and perplexed as her quick departure sank in. If this was any other potential girlfriend I would have just moved on. However Charlie, was like a fantasy and I was totally obsessed with her. I so wanted to re-experience that chill that went down my spine when I was kissed by her.
Charlie had been the aggressor and the feeling of being desired by such an amazing woman was the ultimate rush. As great a feeling as that was, the tepid followup conversation was disheartening. I was certainly not ready to throw in the towel. I was grateful for the distraction of work so that I wouldn't have to wallow in my depression all day.
On Tuesday, Charlie was back just a few minutes later than her nearly clockwork typical arrival. I was prepared for another polite rejection, but she opened the door a few inches. She seemed more distracted this morning, but when she came to retrieve her beverage, she said that she wanted to talk with me later in the week when she had more time. She didn't give me a clue about what or when, but at a minimum she wanted to have more than a superficial chat. I was not certain about what it meant, but took it as a good omen.
Wednesday morning she did not make it in and Thursday morning I did not work. I was going crazy over anticipation of seeing and talking to her again. The longer I had to wait, the more doubtful I became.
Finally, on Friday morning my dream-girl appeared again looking as ravishing as ever. Every detail of her appearance looked like it had been prepared in a fashion studio. There was not a hair out of place and the dark blue cropped jacket suit accentuated her perfect figure. If she was headed to court, she would obviously command the attention of everyone.
Charlie was more upbeat than when I last saw her on Tuesday. She made an extra effort to come straight to my barista station and flash me a smile. I wondered if she knew how much joy that 3 second smile made me feel.
"Brooke, I am sorry we have not chatted since last Friday. This has been a challenging week for me. A couple of the cases I am handling have required my full attention and have been very stressful. I think the last time we were together was the last time I felt relaxed."
"That' OK. I am glad I made you feel good."
"You certainly did."
"I am sorry you have so much stress going on. Can I help? Is it over?"
"You are so sweet. I certainly would love to feel your gentile kindness more."
"Those feelings are mutual."
"Brooke, I know this is probably rude of me, but do you think you could come over after work again today. I know I should have called you sooner, but if you are available...."
"Charlie, I would love to. I will stop at home and change into some jeans and come right over."
"Please come straight over. I want to see you as early as you are free. If you want to shower or get out of your work clothes, I am sure I have some comfy sweats or something else you could slip on."
"It will only take a few minutes to stop at home."
"Please. Just come over. I don't want you worried about how you look. I want the Brooke I had last Friday."
"Ok. I will see you dressed in my Starbucks black."
"I am looking forward to it. Bye my sweet."
"Bye Charlie"
I would have liked more time to prepare myself for our second 'date', but I would have met her anywhere or anytime for the opportunity to meet up with Charlie again. She was clearly in control of the budding relationship and I was in her hands.
I thought about sneaking home for a short while to clean myself up, but outside of a quick shower, I was not sure what that would have achieved. Charlie had expecting me to show up in my work clothes and I did not want to upset her. She also mentioned that I could shower at her house, which also sounded like a chance to up the ante of our 'date'.
I was in extra positive mood the rest of the day and was very pumped when I knocked on Charlie's front door. I parked a big smile on my face in anticipation of seeing my dream girl. Unlike the previous Friday there was no quick response from inside. I patiently waited for Charlie and began to worry that she was not home. After a couple of minutes I knocked again, but more forcefully this time.
Approximately a minute later the door opened and before me was Charlie like I had never seen her before. She had clearly been crying and her normally perfect makeup was streaked from using a tissue or hanker-chief. The sadness in her face was a side of her I was not prepared for. She appeared very vulnerable, which is not an adjective I would ever had expected to use in describing her.
"Come in."
"What's wrong... are you OK?"
"Come sit down with me."
"Sure, but is there something I can do for you?"
"Just being here is help enough. I'll be fine."
"Talk to me, what happened?"
"You don't have to do this. I'm just depressed."
"I want to be here for you. Tell me what's bothering you."
"It's not really one thing. I think my emotions are just catching up to me after a difficult work week. The last conversation I had was with a so called friend, that turned out to be like every other guy I have met lately. I am so totally tired of the egotistical macho attitude that every guy feels the need to flash at me. I thought this guy might have been different, but in the end all he wanted was another conquest. I feel so alone at times."
It was hard for me to think of Charlie being alone, but then I remembered how I felt watching her get hit on endlessly by men in the Starbucks. She was obviously very desirable, but that challenge made it hard for her to have a meaningful relationship.
"You poor thing. Guys like that give the rest of us a bad name. Don't shed a tear over him... he's obviously not worth it."
"You are probably right, but I am a mess when it comes to relationships. I don't know what I want and so far, whatever that is, I can't find it."
"I can relate to that. I am still trying to figure things out too. Last Friday was the first time in a very long time that someone made me feel special."
"You are so sweet. I can't help thinking of that word when I am around you..."
"I like being your sweetie."
"You really are my sweetie."
"See, you are beginning to smile."
"I am very comfortable around you. I like that you don't seem to have all that male baggage that I have come to loathe. Promise me that you will never pull any of that stuff on me."
"I promise. I'll do whatever I can to be your sweetie and totally avoid that macho shit."
"Thank you. I know I am not always the easiest person to be around, but that means more than you can imagine to me."
"I hope I never do anything to hurt you and if I do, I apologize in advance."
"Wow, that's something I have never heard anybody say. You make me feel 100% better."
"Good. You have stopped crying... See things are looking up."
"Brooke, would you just snuggle with me for a few minutes. I really like how you make me feel."
For the next hour, we just held each other on the sofa. It was almost like we drifted off into a light sleep or meditation. When I came out of the near trance, I saw Charlie intently looking right at me.
"Brooke, you really have pretty eyes."
"Thank you, other than my mother, no one has ever said that to me before."
"I'm guessing you inherited them from her. She is probably a beautiful woman."
"I guess so. I have been told I look more like her than my father."
"That's probably part of what I like about you... less of those male genes."
I was not sure how to respond to that, but whatever it was that Charlie saw in me, was also OK with me.
"I am happy that we are so comfortable together. I feel different with you than I have ever felt with any other woman."
"What about man?"
"Excuse me."
"I didn't mean to imply anything. I just feel different with you, in a good way. Most guys are incapable of being with me without trying to play the dominant roll. I like that we see so eye-to-eye and you are not trying to control me."
"Like a lot of single guys these days, I've had other guys give me the look. I never swung that way though."
"I have."
"You have what?"
"I think I can tell you anything, so here goes. I am definitely bi. Maybe it is all the loser men I have met, but I have found comfort in being with women. I still go out with men, but lately it has been mostly for show or for business functions. I haven't had a good relationship with a guy in a long time... but things are looking up."
Seizing an opening I stepped up to the plate, "I have no issue with that as long as you are into me."
"You certainly are growing on me."
With that, we resumed the previous weekend's position of locked lips. Everything about this woman excited me. She was opening up to me and her revelation did not upset me at all. The fact that she liked both men and women, yet was with me, may even have added a bit more intrigue to her amazing pull.
What was left of Charley's sadness seemed to drift away. Our tender embrace remained for a few more minutes and much was said between us without words. I was confident that the attraction was mutual and yet I felt timid while considering my next step. I asked her if she would like me to make her a drink and she smiled at my question.
"Brooke Sweetie, why don't you take that shower and wash off the aroma of coffee. I like that smell, but right now I would like to smell something less overpowering."
"Ok, but I think it is my clothes that you smell. I don't think there is much I can do about that."
"While you are in the shower I will look for some sweats and a t-shirt you can wear. I am almost as tall as you and I am sure I can find something comfortable for you."
With that she showed me her guest bathroom. She gave me a fluffy towel and handed me a bottle of French Lavender body wash.
Charlie's guest bathroom was nicer than any bathroom I had ever had. The shower had two heads and was adjacent to a deep whirlpool tub. The color scheme was soft pastels and certainly had a woman's designer touch.
The shower was fantastic and invigorating. The shower gel washed away any remnants of Starbucks and left me with an obvious scent of Lavender. The smell was very pleasant, but very un-masculine. When I stepped out of the shower I discovered on the counter next to the towels were some clothes that were neatly folded. I didn't recall seeing them before and assumed that Charley had brought them in for me. I dried myself completely and only then closely looked at the two items.
At first I just thought they were gym sweats, but when I picked them up I realized they were much lighter and more likely loungewear or pajamas. The bigger surprise was on closer scrutiny the label said Victoria Secrets. The light pink top had a small set of Angel wings over the heart and the black bottoms had a pink heart embroidered on the left hip. These were woman's apparel and not what I was expecting.
I thought about complaining, but up until now the evening had been going so perfectly. I did not want to reject Charley's selection or pull a macho card on her. I slipped the two ultra soft items onto my naked body and glazed at myself in the bathroom mirror. The items fit me almost too well. I ran my fingers through my still wet long hair. I didn't look like a girl in the Vicki clothes, but the image was unquestionably feminine.
I took a deep breath before emerging from the bathroom. My timing was almost perfect as Charlie was walking towards me from the far end of the hall. As she approached me a smile formed on her beautiful face. It wasn't until she was nearly in front of me that I saw she had more clothes draped over her arm.
"Brooke, I am sorry it took me so long for me to find my old Harvard sweats, but it looks like you already found something to wear."
I started to turn red. The clothes I had slipped on was not what Charlie had in mind. I was now parading in front of her in sissy clothes. I wanted to crawl into a little ball and disappear.
"I thought you left these for me."
"I forgot they were in there, but they sure look like they fit."
"Here I will switch into those sweats... just give me a minute."
"No no, keep those on. You look very cute in my Angel set. It's a real turn on to me that you are willing to show a little of your softer side."
"If you really like it, then I will keep them on. As long as I don't look too feminine for your tastes."
"Just the opposite. I think this is nice. We could have some serious fun if you want to get even more adventurous."
"Right now I am just happy if you are OK with how I look."
"I'll show you how OK I am. Let's have a drink and snuggle some more."
The next hour was a glorious blur. We each had a couple of drinks and kissed each other all over. It was as close to having sex with out actually penetrating her as I have ever experienced. I was so aroused and never wanted to be with anyone as much as I wanted to be with her. Charlie had managed to completely take control of my senses and I was responding to her every touch. Maybe it was how I was dressed or maybe how Charlie was treating me, but I found myself responding in a more gentle fashion than I was used to. It was clear that I was totally into her, but there was no denying that she was the more aggressive partner. It had not taken long, but we had settled onto the couch with Charlie on top of me. Eventually we dozed off with her arms wrapped around me.
I awoke during the middle of the night with Charlie still snuggled up and around me. I had to work in the morning, but there was no way I was going to slip out of her warm grasp. This was like waking from a wonderful dream only to realize it was not a dream. I had found paradise and there was no way I was going to ruin it.
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And please, remember to comment, too! Thanks.
Hope to see more of where this leads , nice slow and sweet
Absolutely Wonderful
Please keep this going, a nice chapter and the characters are genuine and real.
- Formerly Turnabout Girl
nice story, but somehow I
nice story, but somehow I think she fibbed about not leaving the clothes in there for him. I think she was testing him
nice story, but somehow I
I do believe you're right! Charlie definitely has something more in mind for Brooke. The chances that those close were left there by accident are slim and none; and Slim got on the noon stage yesterday! ;-)
More please
I just discovered another story I couldn't put down until the end.
I do hope more of this very charming story will be posted.
Others have feelings too.
My Starbucks Obsession
I think thinks she thinks she with a girl! I love this story so far and looking for more! Richard
Very Nice
I see gentle persuasion from both sides.
Lovely story,
but one comment. If you were to read aloud what you wrote, you would notice that it occasionally sounded stilted. The reason is that people speak in contractions. Not I am, but I'm. Not we are, but we're. Try it you'll like it.
Love it
I would very much like to see more of this story. I am loving it. More more more.
Kat H
Great start!
I can't wait to see where this goes.
Thank you ,
'for a lovely,romantic story ,most enjoyable.
Did it just happen...
One can hope, or one can decide to continue along. I feel like Brooke is being served up for Charlie. But even if it is so, Charlie likes/loves her too much to let go. I find I'm hooked to wanting to know more. Hoping it is even more beautiful that Brook can imagine.
Hugs, JessieC
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors
What a sweet, gentle begining...
I don't think Charlie sees Brook/e as a male... or wants to. I just hope she'll have enough respect and love for him as a person to refrain from dominating him completely. He needs to retain his free will.
A wonderful start,
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
Very nice beginning..Will be
Very nice beginning..Will be looking forward to further chapters.
This is really nice
It would be too easy to mess things up. I'm not sure I could avoid it.
a small nit
Hail Mary