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Chapter 31
By Susan Brown
Help, I need somebody,
Help, not just anybody,
Help, you know I need someone, help.And now my life has changed in oh so many ways,
My independence seems to vanish in the haze.
But every now and then I feel so insecure,
I know that I just need you like I've never done before.Lennon/McCartney
A Labradoodle, a cross between a Labrador and a Poodle. My husband, Sir Tremaine, bought her for me shortly before he died.’
‘I’m sorry, m’lady?’
‘What for?’
‘That Sir Tremaine has died.’
She was silent for a moment.
‘Thank you, I still miss him tremendously,’ she said quietly and then more loudly, ‘Right-oh, back to business. I’ll leave you now. If there’s anything you need, pull on that rope and my butler, Jenkins, will see to your requirements.’
She quickly stroked Fifi’s head and got a lick in return, then sailed out of the room leaving me with Fifi who was gazing at me sardonically.
‘Right, Fifi, let’s make friends, shall we?’ I said, approaching her. ‘I’m Samantha.’
She took another look at me and then at the door. She got up and went over to where her mistress had left the room and sniffed. She cocked her head to one side and listened for few seconds. Then she looked at me and with a rush, she came at me and jumped…
And now the story continues…
She was on me before I knew it and my pencil, sketch book and bag flew in the air as she landed on my chest. I fell over, in fright and waited for my throat to be torn apart…
Only it didn’t happen because she proceeded to lick the makeup off my face. I think she was happy as she was making soft, gurgly, woof-woofly noises in her throat as she tried to lick my face off.
‘Get off!’ I cried as she threatened to drown me in doggy drool. Eventually, after what seemed like a century, she let go of me and allowed me to sit up. We were both a bit out of breath, but she seemed to be in somewhat better condition than me as she looked very happy and her tail was going at about two hundred wags per minute.
‘Fifi, you are a naughty, naughty girl.’
She had the grace to look a bit hang-dog, but as her tail was still wagging like fury and creating a draft so I don’t think that she was that sincere.
‘Right, STAY.’ I said, in a commanding voice, but she just lay down on her back, expecting a tummy rub.
‘No chance; tummy rubs are for good girls. What do you think Lady Fairbairn would say if she saw you like that?’
Hearing that name, she got back on her feet, looking a bit worried and went to the closed door, her ears pricked up at the possibility that her mistress might be returning.
She appeared to sigh after confirming that the coast was clear. She went over to a corner and disappeared behind some heavy drape curtains, making strange snuffling sounds.
Shakily, I got back on my feet and picked up my belongings. Luckily, one could eat one’s dinner off the spotless parquet flooring and, apart from some drool on my sleeve, I was relatively unharmed, although I did need to do some emergency repair work on my face, using the huge ornate gilt mirror over the massive fireplace.
There were still noises coming from behind the curtains and I wondered what the silly thing was up to. I took out my sky blue artist’s smock–well it’s really a fisherman’s one but as I’m an artist and I wear it, ergo it’s an artist’s smock, comprende? Anyway, If I was going be attacked by this mad dog again, I wanted some protection for my clothes.
I pulled it over my head and had just put my arms in the sleeves when I heard the tip-tapping of paws on the parquet. Looking up, I saw Fifi approaching with something in her mouth. My heart flipped as I noted with some alarm that it appeared to be some species of dead animal–no, bird.
She dropped it in front of me and I uttered a brave ‘Eek,’ sort of noise. A closer inspection revealed it to be a yellow rubber chicken so I sighed with relief.
‘No play time yet,’ I said sternly. ‘Work first and then play time, okay?’
Her eyebrows lifted and she looked sad and pathetic, but where work was concerned I had a heart of stone.
I went to the place where I wanted her to sit and said, ‘Right come over here.’ With a look of abject sorrow at her neglected rubber chicken, her ears and tail drooped as she came to me. I decided that she could sulk for England with that abject look.
‘Right, Fifi, be a good girl and siT,’ I said in my best Barbara Woodhouse* voice.
She sat down but her heart wasn’t in it. She looked as if she had buried a bone in the garden and forgotten where she had put it. I felt sorry for her but I had to get the sketch done. But I felt badly about having a go at her so I went over to where she was sitting.
‘Look.’ I said bending down so I was eyeball to sad, expressive eyeball, ‘If you're a good girl, we’ll play soon, okay?’
Her tail twitched and she gave me a sloppy lick on the nose, and I got the impression she understood as she also sat up a bit straighter. It was obvious that a certain amount of noblesse oblige had rubbed off from her mistress as she proceeded to sit in the same haughty position that she had adopted originally in when Lady F was there. I swear that she is more intelligent than some of my acquaintances!
Quickly, I did a preliminary sketch and taking my camera out of my bag, I took several snaps from different angles. Amazed that she hadn’t moved, yawned or even scratched herself, I went back to the sketchbook and did some more detailed work. After about five minutes, she was beginning to twitch, after six, she did yawn, at seven she lay down on the parquet floor, at eight she was asleep, and at nine she was snoring, her legs twitching as she dreamed about something energetic–doubtless chasing rubber chickens.
While she was asleep like that, looking all cute and cuddly, I did another drawing in more detail. I intended to give that drawing to Lady F as well as the more formal oil portrait. I liked to do things like that as it’s a nice thing to do and I am a nice girl, aren’t I?
After about half an hour, I had completed everything I had intended to do and put everything away in my bag. Fifi must have had some sort of early warning system, because she opened one eye and seeing that I had finished, threw herself across the room and with exceptional dexterity and athleticism, picked up the rubber chicken by the neck, did a reverse double axel turn with knobs on and ran back towards me, skidded to a stop in front of me and then promptly dropped the chicken at my feet.
‘Okay, I did promise, I suppose.’
Picking up the chicken, I threw it across the room; Fifi chased after it and grabbed it where it fell and then returned it for a repeat performance. This continued until…
Fifi stopped dead in mid stride, turned round and sat at attention. Lady Fairbairn was at the open door looking at the dog as if she had done something rather disgusting in front of the Queen.
Fifi obeyed instantly, head bowed and looking as if she was on the way to the scaffold. I could almost hear the knitting needles clicking. She sat down next to her mistress who was looking at me reproachfully.
‘Miss Smart, I will not have my Fifi excited like this; ’tis bad for her liver. Please refrain from such activity in future or I will terminate our arrangement. I don’t know–what a day,’ she sighed; ‘had to re-employ that idiot girl I sacked: some moronic nonsense about not givin’ her written warnings and the possibility of court action. Don’t know what the world’s comin’ to. In my father’s day, you could thrash people and be applauded for it. Now, it’s all a namby-pamby, I know my rights sort of country. I blame Thatcher: she was much too lenient–especially with the miners. Have you done what you came here for?’
‘Yes, m’lady.’
‘Very well, make an appointment with Jenkins when you next need to call…good day. Come, Fifi.’
She left the room and Fifi followed, two steps behind her. Fifi looked back at me and I swear that she winked and then trotted off with her mistress.
I finished stowing everything back in my bag as Jenkins the Butler wafted in.
‘Are you ready to leave, Miss Smart?’
‘Yes, thanks.’
‘I will show you out. You might get lost.’
‘Thank you,’ I said quietly.
Following his measured tread, I wondered what it was that made Lady F so cross. I didn’t ask Jenkins as he wouldn’t have told me.
Eventually we came to the front doors and I was let out into freedom again. Ah that sweet smell of freedom, the sun and grass…
‘Thank you for coming, Miss.’
Snapping out of my reverie, I turned to Jenkins, a bit surprised.
‘Well, judging by the way Lady Fairbairn treated me, I’m surprised I wasn’t whipped or something.’
A slight smile played on his lips and his left eyebrow rose a couple of millimetres.
‘I don’t think you need worry, miss. M’lady likes you.’
‘She does?’ I said incredulously.
‘Erm, let me just say that Fifi isn’t the only one with a bit of a dual personality. Good day, Miss Smart.’
I waved goodbye and shaking my head I started to walk down the drive. Taking my ’phone from my bag, I rang Abby.
‘Hi Abby, it’s me, I’ve been let out and I’m walking down the drive.’
‘How was it?’
‘Don’t ask. Look are you in the pottery?’
‘I won’t drag you away from your work then, see you later.’
‘Don’t you want a lift?’ she sounded disappointed.
‘No, I need to clear my mind for a bit. Shall I come up to yours tonight?’
‘That would be nice, see you later–love you.’
‘Not as much as I love you; bye, honey.’
‘Bye, sweetheart. Oh blast, someone’s come into the shop, ’bye.’
I returned the ’phone to my bag and made my way through the extensive grounds, out into the lane and into the village.
After twenty minutes I arrived on the quay and made a beeline for the ice cream kiosk.
‘A ninety-nine, please,’ I asked the young man behind the counter.
‘Large, extra larger or super?’
‘Extra large please.’
I took the ice cream and paid the man and began licking immediately, trying to stop the drips–erm, dripping. I sat on the harbour wall and soaked in the sunshine.
‘Note to self, get a wide brimmed hat.’
I looked up, eyes squinting in the powerful sunlight. ‘Hi Katie, and no, you can’t have a lick of my ninety-nine. I haven’t forgiven you for eating most of my saveloy and chips.’
‘Me?’ she said sitting down and eying my cone in a predatory fashion, ‘I only had a few bites.’
‘Hmm,’ I said, remembering the large number of chips she scoffed in an incredibly short time.
‘I’m glad I caught you. I was going to pop up to yours a bit later. You’ve saved me a journey.’
‘What’s wrong?’
She opened her bag, took out an envelope and handed it to me.
‘What’s this?’ I asked.
‘I think it’s from your wife. She doesn’t know your address so it was delivered by hand and left for you.’
‘Did you recognise who handed it in?’
‘No, I was in conference. My secretary said it was a man and she hadn’t seen him before.’
‘It wasn’t Nigel then?’
‘No; look, I have to go, if you need to talk, you know where I am.’
We kissed and hugged and then she was off.
I looked at the envelope and turned it over several times without opening it. Putting it in my bag, I finished my ice cream and made my way home. After dropping off my artist’s things and changing into a lemon sun dress–nice and cool on a day like this–I left the cottage and made my way to the path that led to the West Coast Walk.
My mind was on the letter and I couldn’t help wondering what was in it. I hadn’t wanted to open it, because I didn’t want to spoil what had been an interesting day; but it was too much on my mind, so after walking to my favourite spot and sitting on Rachel’s seat, I took it out of my bag and gingerly opened the envelope.
Unfolding the paper I realised immediately that it was from Olivia.
Dear Tom,
Daddy told me about his meeting with you and I’m very disappointed that you did not change your mind about leaving me.
I am sure that we can make a go of it again. All you have to do is to agree to his very reasonable terms and then everything would be all right again.
I have already apologised for being a little bit naughty and I think you are mean to not accept the apology in the spirit that it was given in.
I promise not to stray again if you come back. Yes, I did have sex with a few other blokes, but that was just sex, so it didn’t mean anything and anyway, you and I hadn’t done it together for such a long time, I thought you had gone off me or something.
You will know by now that I’m pregnant, in fact I’m twenty-eight weeks gone. I didn’t even know I WAS pregnant until after you left me: I had a tummy ache and went to the doctor and he said I was in the family way. I was so shocked, because I had no bump and my periods–always light, continued as normal.
Anyway, I don’t think I can cope with a pregnancy while all this upset is going on. I don’t think that my shattered nerves can take it. I am going to ask Daddy if I can get rid of it quietly and privately. I know that it isn’t strictly legal as they have some silly 24 week rule, but Daddy knows some people and I’m sure that he can fix it.
If you do decide to come back, we could be a family and then I won’t have to get rid of it, so do reconsider, for all our sakes. I know Daddy is worried about his knighthood, but these things can be hushed up, at a price.
Please ring me and we can talk more.
Your Loving Olivia.
I stayed there, sitting on Rachel’s seat for some time–it may have been hours–I don’t know. I was in a state of shock and, I suppose, too numb to think constructively. I was vaguely aware that several people passed me but I didn’t take much notice.
The shadows were lengthening as sun dipped towards the horizon. There was a coolness in the air as the breeze off the sea freshened.
Something moving caught my eye over to the left and I saw a rabbit, sniffing in the undergrowth. A moment later two small baby rabbits appeared, young and vulnerable and trying to keep up with mum…
I lost control then and started sobbing into my hands. Not long afterwards I heard a snuffling noise and looked up. Through my tears, saw the happy face of Sandy, the Labrador.
‘Hello, Sam dear, what’s the matter?’
Jocasta sat down beside me and put her arm around my shoulders. I was totally unable to control my sobbing as the floodgates opened.
* Barbara Woodhouse, a renowned dog trainer.

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That Fifi
Needs a bit of playtime. I can see Sam teach Lady Steel Britches about having fun. Is she related to that martinet secretary that Sam put in her place?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Now that is a new low...
Now that is a new low... using a baby as blackmail. But it fits with everything you have already shown about her. And OMG is Olivia 12 or something? She sounds like a chastised schoolgirl. What a piece of work.
The bit with the dog was cute as well. Nicely done and a good contrast to the screwed up stuff later.
We are the change that will save the world.
We are the change that will save the world.
FiFi is not the true Bitch in this chapter.
FiFi ( a female dog) is not the true bitch in this chapter. Hands down that role belongs to the Queen (it's the U.K. after all) of the Bitches, Olivia the First, Queen of Bitches, Mean Spirited People and other No Goodniks. It has been along time since I have read a story here or anywhere of a more despicable person. The contemp she has for Tom, is immense. That she is trying to place a guilt trip on him concerning the child is the worst thing a human (well since she is a bitch maybe she’s not human - but that gives a bad name to dogs - and I like my dog) being can do to another.
I am not a supporter of abortions as a means for birth control. But if Olivia had the child and did not give it up for adoption, I would pity the poor child. The only cancellation would be that at some point that child would be the heir to a fortune.
Samantha be strong! Do not fall for Olivia’s B.S.
Don't worry about Sam
Don't worry about Sam, Rami; considering her reaction to Nigel's proposal while in her attorney's office, I'm certain there is no way she will succumb to Olivia's despicable play upon her emotions and love of human life. Like you, I am not a supporter of abortions as a means of birth control; Olivia, on the other hand, views abortion as an easy way of resolving the problems her own indiscretions have created.
The Nerve Of That Woman!
Olivia has a lot of nerve writing that letter and getting Samantha upset. The twit doesn't even comprehend the magnitude of the pain and hurt she caused. She treats her infidelity as a minor speed bump and then has the nerve to play on Samantha's emotions by saying she is going to abort the baby if "Tom" doesn't come back like a good little boy. There are times that we, as readers, would like to just reach in and strangle some characters. I guess if a story pushes your buttons like that, then it means the author has done a good job. I can say that you have done that rather well Sue. Poor Fifi just wants attention and her mistress just doesn't "get it" I have never heard of a dog getting liver damage from wanting to play. It is good for them to get exercise. I would think inactivity would do more damage to her liver than getting up and moving around.
Ways and means
I don't know diddly about law in the U.K., however here in the U.S. the intent to seek an illegal late-term abortion would probably be enough to get a court to appoint a special advocate to represent the unborn child's interests and the issuance of a legal order to Olivia barring her from making any attempt to abort the baby. She would face a possible Murder 1 charge if the baby subsequently died.
I would think even in the U.K. that letter could have some interesting repercussions in the hands of Sam's attorney. It certainly is an admission of infidelity and attempted blackmail. Is she so stupid she doesn't know what putting this on paper will do to her and her daddy? Say bye-bye to the knighthood, ain't gonna happen now.
They know they can survive
That letter alone would be sufficient evidence for a referral to Devon's Child Protection team, and possibly a Child Protection Enquiry. The videotaped evidence of Nigel would add weight and urgency to the referral.
In fact, the letter and videotape would be very condemning if brought into open court, which would certainly scupper Nigel's ambition. If they were sensible they'd go for a 'quickie' divorce, which would limit some of the damage. But I can see Nigel and Olivia thinking that by continuing their bullying ways, they can somehow win Sam back and call a halt to the divorce proceedings. Sorry folks, but Sam's stronger than Tom and won't be swayed by a few choice words of attempted emotional blackmail.
They've messed up Sam's life through deceit and treachery, so surely they deserve to have their lives messed up through truth and brutal honesty?
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
That's low!
Like really low! Someone needs to give Olivia a swift kick in the rear! Maybe Sam should show the letter to Abby, I'm sure she'd be more than willing to do the honors.
Lovely chapter Sue!
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Split Personalities
First Fifi. Toljaso. She licked Samantha half to death and wanted only to play when Lady F was away. Then the wonderful hint of wild times with Jenkins. Wait until he raises the other eyebrow. Then Olivia. Well!
I didn't so much read her letter as a threat as being from someone who is so unutterably self-centred that she thinks a half-hearted apology will bring Tom running back to her. I doubt that she even thinks of the abortion as a lever to coerce him into returning. In fact, the letter is a powerful tool in the other direction, with its admissions that a termination would be illegal and that things can be "hushed up". Our heroine is well out of that family.
Then there's Samantha herself. Get a grip on yourself girl and expunge that wimp Tom. You are made of sterner stuff. Let us see SuperSam stand up to her pathetic soon-to-be-ex-wife,
Laughter and Tears
Oh my. I'd still be laughing about Fifi if it wasn't for the sad bit at the end.
Fifi is perfect. You captured doggy behavior very well.
I like the short exchange between Sam and Abby. It was cute and contrasted nicely with the end.
Before I get to the last part, I have to say that I don't understand the chocolate flake in the 99. My girlfriend goes made for 'em but I'd much rather have a plain ice cream cone with the chocolate separate. Oh well.
The end made me sniffle a bit. Olivia has been lying and is clueless about what constitutes a healthy relationship, but she's trying. She didn't know what she had until she lost it and now she wants it back. It's so sad, so utterly sad. *sigh*
Thanks for the chapter. Please keep up the good work.
- Terry
I have to disagree
Olivia is just doing a blackmail thing, not reaching out. She will stray again as surely bed bugs will try to bite you for your blood.
She just as well is holding a gun to her unborn baby's head and say she will shoot it unless Samantha toes the line and come back to her.
I do too!
I have to agree with you about Olivia. She's not so much like bed bugs as a scorpion, if you know what I mean. There's the story of the scorpion who wants a frog to carry him across a wide river on its back. The frog hesitates at agreeing to the request, saying the scorpion would just sting him and kill him. The scorpion insists he won't, pointing out that doing so would mean he would also die, drowning in the waters. Finally, the frog relents and allows the scorpion to climb into its back, then heads into the water. Halfway across, the scorpion stings the frog; and the dying frog asks him why he did it. The scorpion replies, just before sinking below the surface of the river, "Because it's my nature"!
I Don't Know...
Considering Olivia's propensity for improving on the truth to get her point across, I'm not at all sure the fetus is more than 24 weeks mature. Heck, if she's telling the truth about not showing and having a period every month until the doctor tested her, I don't know whether she even knows how far along it is -- just (presumably) how developed it looks in an ultrasound picture.
So I'm guessing that the 28-week claim is a ploy rather than the innocent comment of a hopelessly self-centered individual. What I'm still having trouble understanding, based on what Samantha has said, is why she'd want the kid in the first place.
Who Is Amanda?
Who is Amanda? I think you mean Abby. I believe that Olivia just set herself up for a lot of trouble. The only downside about getting the police involved is that they will most likely interview Sam and blow her peaceful existence as her trueself right out of the water. The media would have a field day because of Nigel's ambitions for Knighthood. He would make sure that Samantha would go down with them if that happened.
Abby not Amanda
Sorry, getting things all mixed up. Been trying to get some time in reading Nancy Cole's stories. I also have a niece named Amanda.
They know they can survive
Um, Adoption maybe?
It seems to be such a shame that a perfectly good baby will be thrown out like the potato peelings before dinner. It is quite vugar really. The mother bloody well needs to think about this more. I wonder if she will attempt to use the child as some sort of blackmail?
You know, "return to me and I'll keep the little bugger", the bitch!
How low can she go?
What a vile, little witch! Using an unborn child--well into viability--as extortion is beyond reprehensible, it is criminal. Sam needs to gather her newly assertive self up and go to the authorities with the letter. While no crime has yet been committed, her despicable extortion and threatened infanticide should be on record with the authorities. Hopefully, that will put the kibosh on the whole thing.
And what a incorrigible liar! She's had two pregnancies that ended in abortion. She didn't know she was pregnant?! I won't believe that for a second. She waited with her "ace in the womb" to blackmail her soft-hearted soon-to-be-ex. Even if Sam were to cave in and go back to Olivia as Tom, the pregnancy would certainly end in a "miscarriage"...of justice if not medical condition. The only hope to save the child is to firmly deny her demands and make the whole thing public. Let her daddy try to gain a knighthood after his precious daughter has had an illegal, late-term abortion!
Trouble With That Theory... that Samantha's been gone for less than a month. If she's really 28 weeks pregnant, she'd have been carrying the fetus as a extortion weapon for months before there was anything to extort Tom ABOUT.
We only have her word for it
... that she is 28 weeks pregnant - That's 7 months - she would be pretty big by then and obviously pregnant. Yes, I have heard of strange stories of women having 'surprise' births - Honest, I did not know it was there - but that is pretty strong denial or she is so obese, that it is not noticed. I doubt Olivia is the big fat and round type since she likes a lot of lovers etc.
And as far as it being an extortion weapon, well, that can just be coincidence and she is devilish enough to choose.
...there was at least one case where the girl was rather thin (partly due to an extreme vegetarian diet; it left the delivered infant severely underweight), and had such irregular periods that she didn't know until she started having dramatic abdominal pain and even then was confused as to the cause until her water broke, and she ruptured something and started to bleed. Admittedly, there was an element of self-delusion in that she was fairly sexually active, and she didn't keep close track of her periods (though she might be forgiven that given that, again due to her diet and to (ineffective) birth control, she evidently was experiencing only a quarterly, rather than a monthly, period), and seems to have not had a great deal of instruction in reproduction and control thereof.
The point is, it's easy to say, "She would have known," but it >is< possible that she wouldn't. Frankly, she strikes me as being sufficiently un-self-aware to miss all sorts of signs, and to willfully ignore others (yes, denial again). Never underestimate the human capacity for self-delusive reconstruction of the perceived universe.
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
It's just a theory
Actually, I expect that if there really is a child (and that has not been established) it has BECOME a means of extortion, rather than being planned from the beginning. If Sam called her on it through some sort of official means, the tramp would either have to admit she wasn't pregnant or face the realization that her threat to abort was now known to the authorities.
OMG! Did you have to use baby bunnies at the end? Of all the emotionally manipulative tricks to pull! Harrumph!
Aside from that, loved the chapter! The virtually-sentient Fifi was just marvelous, by the way. As far as the letter goes, other than giving it to Katie and letting her decide what to do with it, I wouldn't have a clue.
This is a nice chapter Sue!
You are good at changing the emotions very nicely.
From sad dog-happy dog- unhappy mistress-she likes you-icecream happy Sam- letter sad Sam.
I really liked this one- leaves a lot of openings, Hey!
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Talk about
What Olivia knows
Olivia knows about the 24-week rule.
Olivia knows her Daddy knows some people who will make it "right" by making her an abortion.
How do we know she never broke it before?
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
At least Fifi gets her walkies
A lot of double personalities in this story, but I think Olivia takes the cake.
If she's self centered enough to abort a child after 28 weeks, she's probably stupid enough to think she can still bagger Tom/Samantha into coming back.
Gillian Cairns