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‘Hello, honey, I’m missing you already–cats are nice, but you can’t kiss a cat the way we kiss.’
‘Oh gross!’ I replied, thinking the unthinkable.

Chapter 29
By Susan Brown
We Don't Talk Anymore / Cliff Richard Previously… I’ve been trying to get you today. I’ve had a phone call from your father-in-law.’ My stomach dropped through the floor making my choice of meal somewhat iffy. ‘Nigel? What did he want?’ ‘To meet with you?’ ‘Me? Why?’ ‘I don’t know. He tried to get me to give him your address; naturally, I declined to give him such personal information.’ ‘Good; how did he take it?’ ‘Well he was a bit abusive, but after I mentioned the fact that all calls were recorded, he seemed to quieten down slightly.’ ‘I wonder why he wants to see me?’ ‘Probably to try pressuring you into not divorcing Olivia, or something. I don’t know.’ ‘Well at least you’ve put him off. The last thing I want is to see him now.’ ‘Oh.’ ‘What do you mean, “Oh”?’ I countered. She appeared rather embarrassed. ‘I said that I’d have a word with you and, subject to your approval, he could meet you in my office tomorrow at eleven.’ ‘Why did you say that?’ I asked. She looked at me and smiled. ‘It’s always useful to know how the enemy’s thinking. If you see him tomorrow, I suggest that it will only happen if I’m present. He might behave rather better with me there and we’ll also get some idea of his plans. What do you think?’ I didn’t really want to see him, but I could see the sense in it. How would he react when he sees that Tom is no longer a man but a woman, I had no idea, but I wasn’t going to roll over for him or his precious daughter any more. So I made the decision. ‘I’ll be there at eleven.’ And now the story continues… After finishing my meal–or what was left of it after that human Gannet, Katie, had pinched a more than her fair share; I let myself into the cottage and made my way up to my studio where I plugged the charger lead into my mobile. Opening the sliding doors, I went out on the balcony and sat on the rickety chair. ‘Note to self, get a new chair that doesn’t ricket, if that’s that right word!’ ‘Hi, Abby.’ ‘Hello, honey, I’m missing you already–cats are nice, but you can’t kiss a cat the way we kiss.’ ‘Oh gross!’ I replied, thinking the unthinkable. ‘Sorry, I’m feeling a bit silly tonight.’ ‘Not as silly as me. I have news,’ ‘Oh, do tell, has the vicar been unfrocked?’ ‘Not with Jocasta around, she’d skin him alive. No, it’s my soon-to-be-ex-Daddy-in-Law.’ ‘That creep, what does he want?’ ‘I met Katie down at the quay. I was eating my saveloy and chips…’ ‘I thought you liked haddock?’ ‘Grace told me it was off… now may I finish before I burst?’ ‘Sorry, hon, I won’t interrupt again, promise, honest injun; cross my heart and–’ ‘–Abby, please let me finish.’ ‘Sorry, not a word will pass–’ ‘–ABBY; right as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, my Father-in-Law spoke to Katie and wants to see me. Katie thought that it was a good idea and the result is that I am seeing him at her office tomorrow morning at eleven o’clock.’ ‘Oh.’ Then there was silence. ‘Why oh?’ ‘Well I don’t know what to say, here’s me being all flippant and silly and you have serious things to think about. Do you want me to come and hold your hand or something a bit more erm–involved?’ The thought of what she meant by something a bit more involved made me go a bit limp, but I had to focus. I may be in love but I had to be stong–ish.’ ‘Thanks, love, but if we did much more tonight, I wouldn’t be in a fit state to face him tomorrow.’ ‘Would you like me to be with you when you see the scum bag?’ ‘I would love you to be there, but the sight of you and me hand in hand might send him over the edge.’ I t felt wonderful that she was willing to get involved with all my problems and it made me feel even more in love with her, if that was possible. ‘Well, Sam, if you change your mind, give me a call.’ ‘Thanks–oh bum!’ ‘What.’ ‘I just remembered I have to see Lady Fairbairn’s flaming dog tomorrow.’ ‘Oh yes, the portrait.’ ‘I hope that I’m in a fit state to do Fifi justice.’ ‘You had better, or Lady F will ban you from her circle.’ ‘I didn’t know she had a circle, the way she is I thought it would be more like a square.’ ‘True, but she’s not as bad as she seems. Don’t tell her I told you, but she actually gives me money to help feed the cats and pay the vet bills. All these strays I take in costs a lot in pet food and some of them are rather poorly when they come to me.’ ‘She sounds as if her bark, or perhaps meow, is worse than her bite.’ We both giggled. ‘Why don’t you become a registered cat charity or something?’ ‘I might if I get many more in. We don’t see many strays around here. Most of the owners in the cove are responsible, but I am sometimes called by the RSPCA and Cat Protection people to help them with their overflow.’ I looked at my watch, it was getting late. ‘Look, I have to go. I need to have an early night so I’m nice and fresh tomorrow.’ ‘Yes, the cats get me up early, so I’ll say night-night.’ ‘Night, honey, love you.’ ‘Love you too.’ ‘Miss you already.’ ‘Not as much as I miss you.’ ‘I’m putting the phone down now.’ ‘Same here, bye.’ ‘Bye.’ ‘You still there?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Call me tomorrow after you go to Katie’s office.’ ‘Will do; night.’ ‘Night.’ I put the phone down smiling. It was lovely talking to Abbey but not as nice as actually being with her. I didn’t return to the balcony as the air was a bit chilly off the sea. It didn’t take long to get ready for bed; I made sure all the doors and windows were shut. I had this tiny bit of insecurity and didn’t want Nigel–or one of his henchmen–to come and get me in the middle of the night. Not that I really expected that to happen, not with his knighthood in the balance. I couldn’t see the Queen, touching his shoulders with a sword if he was responsible for doing me physical harm. Mind you, if you think of it, royalty in the past have had a lot of blood on their collective hands, not our lovely queen though. I had this fanciful thought, imagining Nigel kneeling before Her Majesty with her sword in her hand. She had hay fever with all the flowers present and sneezed, the sword sort of whooshed in her hand and neatly chopped his head off! I shuddered at that rather macabre thought and then yawned. Realising that I was rambling a bit, I went to bed and almost immediately fell sleep, fortunately without any nightmares involving a headless Nigel. Thursday morning dawned bright and warm. I woke up with a smile but that soon disappeared as I remembered what was going to happen today. Lady F’s Fifi was on the menu this afternoon and this morning, I was to see Nigel. Nigel had never seen me dressed en femme and for some reason I smiled and wondered if his ticker was okay. At one time I went in dread of him. He was my father in law and also my boss. At work his word was law and he had been known to sack people just because they looked at him funnily or worse, contradicted him. At home he was just the same overbearing sod. Where Olivia was concerned it was different. She was his only child and normally got everything she asked for. How he had reacted to her two abortions and the fact that she was preggers again, I didn’t know, but I might find out today. I had a shower and washed my hair. It took ages to dry as it was now getting rather long. The weather being warm, I put on a white peasant style dress that was cool and very feminine. I wanted to show Nigel that Tom was gone now and this fitted the purpose rather well. I had some cornflakes and a cup of Rosie Lee and then went back upstairs and put my face on. I decided that I would make a big effort with my makeup and carefully applied it to my satisfaction. Staring at my reflected face, there was little of Tom to be seen. My eyes, with blue shadow and mascara looked large and rather nice. The foundation and blusher gave my face some colour but didn’t look over the top. My lips looked a full and luscious glossy pink, the lipstick being my favourite colour and matching my newly-painted nails perfectly. I put on my sandals and was about to leave when my phone chirped. It was a message from Abby. ‘Good luck honey, love you lots! XXXX’ I replied straight away. ‘Thanks sweetheart. I’ll ring you when I can. XXXX’ I passed Postman Pat and we said hello and several other people I was on nodding acquaintance with greeted me. Entering the High Street, I noticed a lady take one look at me and then shoot across the road. I smiled as I recognised her, it was the friendly–not–doctors’ receptionist. Surely she wasn’t avoiding little me? Going up the steps to the solicitors’ office, my bravery, such as it was, started to desert me. Nigel would be there by now, or maybe not; he might be unavoidably detained or cancelled or something… Hesitantly, I pushed the door open and walked in. The girl behind the receptionist’s desk looked up and smiled. ‘Good morning, Samantha, Katie’s expecting you. I’ll just ring for her. ‘Hi, Katie, Samantha’s here…okay.’ She put the phone down. ‘She won’t be a minute. Please take a seat.’ I sat down and once again was aware of all the crusty old people staring down at me from the portraits that lined the walls. Was it my imagination, or did they all look rather disapproving? A few moments later, Katie’s door opened and she came out. We hugged and then she led me over to the corner. ‘He’s here; not a very nice man is he? Look, I’ve put him in the interview room and we’ll go in shortly. Just a few ground rules. No kicking, punching, eye gouging, other than that, you are free to say what you like. I have told him to behave himself and that the meeting is being video-taped. He didn’t want that, but I said it was that or nothing. Anyway, let’s go. I’ll terminate the meeting at any time you want. Ready?’ I gulped. ‘As I’ll ever be,’ I replied and followed her into a room over to the side; my heart was racing and I wondered whether this was a good idea. He was sitting behind a desk. He hadn’t changed much. Perhaps a few more grey hairs and his mouth looked like it hadn’t smiled for years, other than that, just the same old Nigel. He looked up as we went in. A puzzled look crossed his face as he looked, first at me and then at the door behind me. ‘Hello, Nigel.’ I said pleasantly. His eyes snapped to me and then he seemed to look closer. ‘Tom?’ ‘’It used to be Tom, but it’s Samantha now, and if you don’t call me by that name, I’m walking out the door right now.’ I sat down opposite him, smoothing my skirt under me and flicking away some hair from my eyes, while Katie sat at the head of the table. He looked at me incredulously. ‘Fuck me.’ he said. ‘I’d rather not,’ ‘What, oh, right, very funny. I knew that you were dressed up like a tart but bugger me you look so fucking different I wouldn’t know you if I passed you in the street–’ Katie coughed and then looked at Nigel. ‘I think I mentioned before that this interview is being videotaped and I will not accept any swearing or abuse.’ ‘I know, but look at him. What's it all about. Why are you dressed like that; frightened of being a man? Not much of a man anyway. You couldn’t get Olivia pregnant so she had to go somewhere else to do the necessary–’ ‘Mr Manning, you have been warned if you persist–’ ‘It’s okay, Katie, let him rant on: so what’s this about not getting Olivia pregnant? I wanted a baby. She was the one that didn’t.’ I was getting upset now, but I was determined not to let it show. I wanted to get as much information as I could from this odious creature and then I would, I hope, never set eyes upon him again. ‘Olivia does not lie to me; after all I’m her father.’ ‘So, you didn’t know about the two abortions then?’ ‘Well yes, of course, she was young and made a few mistakes. When she married you, I thought that you and she could have a family, but you weren’t up to it. I can see by the way you look now that she was right.’ ‘Early in our marriage I wondered whether I had–had the necessary to help Olivia to have a baby. I went to a clinic and had sperm count. I was slightly low, but I was told that it was within the normal tolerances. I told Olivia that and she once again told me that the time wasn’t right for a baby. I suppose that she told you that?’ ‘That’s your story–’ ‘I can let you have full details of the clinic and a letter permitting them to give you the information.’ ‘Never mind that now. It’s water under the bridge. I am here because of Olivia.’ I looked at him waiting for him to continue. ‘For some reason I can’t fathom, she wants to stay married to you.’ ‘I’m afraid it’s too late for that. You might be able to stomach her lies, but I can’t. Anyway, doesn’t the father of her latest child not want to take her on?’ I looked at him. Was he looking embarrassed? No not Nigel, surely. ‘Well, the erm, fact of the matter is, she’s not sure who the father is.’ Why didn’t this shock me? ‘Is she going to have an abortion?’ ‘No; she is going to have the baby; I did try to persuade her to get rid of the little bastard, but–’ ‘Mr Manning, I won’t warn you again,’ Katie chipped in. ‘Sorry, heat of the moment. Anyway, she wants you and then she can have the baby and everything would be okay again. I can even get you a job…somewhere.’ I began to see the light. ‘So, let me get this straight,’ I said. ‘You want me to come home, be a good little boy and do as I’m told; be the father of her child and then you can get your knighthood without a stain on your character or those around you?’ ‘Well I wouldn’t say that, but I’m sure that it would be for the best. You can forget your dressing up games though, I won’t tolerate that and nor will Olivia, she gone past the sick phase of getting her jollies humping men in drag.’ I stood up–on the verge of tears. Looking down at his increasingly balding head, I kept it short. I did not want to break down in front of him. ‘Nigel, I am divorcing Olivia and that’s final. I never want to see you again. I feel sorry for the poor child in her belly, but she’s made her bed and now she can lie on it. Goodbye!’ With a nod to Katie, I walked out, almost blinded by tears; I stumbled down the steps of the office and there, waiting for me outside, was Abby. She opened her arms and I fell into them. Please leave comments...thanks! ~Sue My thanks go to the brilliant and lovely Gabi for editing and pulling the story into shape.
I guess your leaving was meant to be,
It's down to you now you wanna be free,
Well i hope you know which way to go you're on your own again,
And don't come crying to me when you're the lonely one,
Remember what you've done.
It was dark now and the twinkling lights around the cove were–erm, twinkling. I shook my head; I was getting decidedly silly in my old age. I reflected on all that had happened today; it had been rather fraught and frantic. Just then my mobile chirped. Returning to the studio and picking it up “Caller Display” told me that it was Abby. Smiling I pressed the little green button–noting that I had chipped a nail, but only fleetingly–I was more interested in my caller–naturally.
Walking down to the High Street, I breathed in the fresh sea air. The seagulls were making their usual cacophony and I kept a watchful eye open for possible bombings. The last thing I wanted was for Nigel to see me covered in guano!
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Rose Colored Glasses
Nigel is so blinded by Olivia that he sees her through a pair of Rose colored glasses. I hope one day, he might start to wise up and see her for who she really is. Samantha is showing that she is made of stronger stuff than Tom. The way she stood up to the pompous S.O.B shows that she knows who she is and is finally comfortable in herself. I guess we will find out how far Nigel will go with this. Somehow, I don't think Samantha has seen the last of him or Olivia.
That Nigel! He's got me sputtering, spluttering, muttering, whatever. Grrrrr! Double grrrrr!!
Okay. Okay. I'm okay. That's the mark of a good story to get a reader so worked up. Gah! How can anyone be like Nigel?!
Abby was wonderfully supportive. Yay! I really like her.
I had one question about the timing though. I was sure that Samantha was supposed to do the portrait of Fifi at either 10 or half past 10, but her appointment with Niiiiigel was at 11. She went to see Niiiiiigel but no Fifi. A wee oversight perhaps? It's okay. I'll sputter and mutter my way out of it.
Thanks very much for the chapter. Please oh please oh please keep up the good work.
- Terry
Hi Terry, Glad you like the
Hi Terry,
Glad you like the story.
I did change the times on chapter 25, well done for spotting it though!
I should've sent you a private message about it. Sorry.
- Terry
Abby... just delightful. ^__^ That phone convo was absolutely sweet cuteness. Whether she was called in by someone, or just figured that Sam would need her shoulder, she was there at just the right time. I >like< her! Nigel can just drop dead. I'm so glad that Sam and Abby have found each other, and I'm looking forward to seeing them grow together. (^â–½^)
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
Nigel is not nearly as smart as he thinks he is. His lawyer will probably rip him a new one, he practically gave the divorce case to Sam.
And OTOH, we have Abby. She knew just where she needed to be for Sam, and was there. I love that woman! Well, as friends, anyway. ;-)
They know they can survive
Nigel Can Take His
Knighthood and shove it up a certain hole. I am wondering if Sam's dream is prophetic?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
If Sarah from "Venus Cursed" dropped in to take Nigel to the Red Queen for his knighting?? :-)
The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once - Albert Einstein
Ooh, wicked!
I like it! ;)
Great job Sue, Abby is wonderful!
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Perfect Timing
Sometimes, we just need a hug. Abby being there at the perfect time is no coincidence. Can you say, "True Love?"
Dumb SOB
Nigel is one dumb SOB.
Dumb because he agreed to have a conversation that was taped. I am sure that Katie is a smart enough attorney to have gotten his permission to tape it on record, and hopefully got him to agree that the tape can be used in court. As some one else said, Olivia’s attorney and his attorney will rip him a new one.
His being an SOB is obvious to all. . There is no redeeming value to him what-so-ever. I guess he has no desire to keep his family progeny alive, since he wishes that Olivia have an abortion and terminate the "little bastard". I guess he does not care where is millions will go after both he and Olivia are no longer around. For a supposedly smart businessman he is really clueless. I can't imagine that he thought that Tom would return to Olivia.
Olivia is even a bigger slut and adulterer, then originally described. She has had so many sex partners (I was going to say lovers, but that is not what the men were)that she can’t even identify the father. Its too bad that Tom was so clueless to her true reality to stay married to her for so long.
Abby is fantastic. She is there for her friend and future lover when she needs it. What better way for Abby to recover then in Abby's warm embrace.
Perhaps Olivia could
Perhaps Olivia could appear on the Maury Povich Show to determine which of her many sex partners is the father! Maury and his staff will gladly pay for the testing for as long as necessary to determine the actuasl father!
I Was Thinking The Same Thing !
Knowing what kind of circus he runs with the Paternity test shows, I can just see it now. They parade about ten guys out there and give them all DNA tests. They may not even know about each other. They could even turn it into a Pay -Per- View event and have them slug it out with each other. That would really ruin Nigel's chances of Knighthood LOL! I guess if Maury wouldn't take it on, then Jerry Springer could do it. He loves fights.
I'm afraid . . .
. . .that Nigel now knows where Sam is and can send his henchmen to do her Harm! I don't trust him for a moment! Good chapter, though! I am pleased about the Sam and Abby connection. They just seem to have been made for each other.
Violence Wouldn't End The Scandal
Thanks to Katie, there's no way Nigel could make a quiet disposition of his daughter's scandal. Killing her soon-to-be ex-husband before he (Tom, now she, Samantha) can file for divorce doesn't fix a single thing. There's Katie, there's the tape, and there's the investigator Katie hired. Even supposing he was tempted by such a solution, killing his way out of this one doesn't look so easy.
Besides, if was actually willing to admit that he couldn't bend Sam to his will by sheer force of his winning personality, he would be capable of making a decent offer to find a compromise that all could live with.
A rich, and sensible, businessman-type, with an achievable goal of knighthood in sight, could come up with something. "Look, we both know my daughter is out of control. I'm sorry for dumping on you, but I'm rather desperate. I'm really sorry about how I've behaved. Let me try to make it up to you, and at the same time help myself. Stay here, or wherever, and make your new life, but don't file for divorce for five years. In return, I'll put you on the payroll out of our Emirates office, at double your old salary, with direct deposit wherever you want. You don't have to do anything. You don't have to see Olivia, or me, and I'll see that she doesn't bother you. If anyone asks where Olivia's husband is, we can say he's working out of our Emirates office. We'll even leave the father spot on the birth certificate blank. You'll have no responsibilities at all. Would that be acceptable?"
Of course, Nigel isn't very sensible. In fact, he's a right c__t.
If a picture is worth 1000 words, this is at least part of my story.
Hey! I need to know something!
What is needed to become knighted? An outstanding deed, a nice personality *snerk* , or what?
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Entry requirements are vague, but cosying up to politicians would probably help, or having a long and distinguished career in the media (i.e. you've been a celebrity for a few decades), or winning a gold medal or two at the Olympics. There's a partial list of current holders at and related pages.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Love the Phone Call
I was so upset about Nigel that I forgot to add a comment abouut the phone call between Sam and Abby. It was so cute! I confess that I've done the same thing before. Ah, the giddiness of new love.
- Terry
Loved the phone call. It captured that total daftness of two people who just found out they are in love and brought to mind the famous intercepted call between Prince Charles and Camilla when he wished he was a Tampax in her vagina! So be careful what you say Abby and Sam. You never know who's listening.
As for Nigel, well, as others have said, he has totally blown it. I am sure the videotape will be admissible in evidence, and it clears Samantha from any accusation of fathering Olivia's child (poor kid) and also contains Nigel's knowledge of her past escapades.
Pippa's suggestions might have worked if the man wasn't so egotistical.
Now, where to from here?
Just about everyone who has commented so far seems to be convinced that Nigel's totally evil.
Seems to me he's nothing of the sort. Outspoken, used to having his own way, not all that bright, and with total faith and devotion to his daughter -- all of that. But so far, no threats, no indication at all that he'd resort to violence. He's a hardheaded businessman who has been seriously misled; he won't like it, but eventually I think he'll see that and find a way to cut his losses, once it comes down to Tom's documentation versus Olivia's claims.
I think if a threat's in the offing, one or more of Olivia's many lovers will initiate it at her urging. (And probably over Nigel's objection, since he doesn't want to rock the boat until he's Sir Nigel.) Samantha's sister may have re-entered the picture just in time to get kidnapped.
Nigel has no idea........
.... what he was trying to achieve, how he played it was wrong, and whether Samantha would see his point of view..... he is just a numbskull. What a waste of everyone's time.
I'm trying to think of a word bad enough to call Nigel...
For once, words fail me!
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!