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Chapter 17
By Susan Brown
Lennon/McCartney Previously… I turned back to Dawn and smiled. ‘I do like it here. Yes, I’ll meet you at the pub. Will Jocasta, Millie and David be there?’ ‘I’ll ask them in a minute or two.’ ‘Thank them for me, will you? I’ll do it properly later.’ ‘Okay,’ she said, kissing my cheek and making to go. ‘Dawn.’ ‘Yes, hon?’ ‘I’d better not drink any alcohol, had I?’ ‘Better not, sister dear.’ And now the story continues… We had a great time at the pub and I didn’t feel the need to drink alcohol as I was drunk on happiness. Today had started badly, what with my ailments–admittedly self inflicted–and the weather. Things had changed dramatically when I saw my new home. It was lovely to see my friends, all new, who I hadn’t even known existed a few days ago and my long-lost and now found sister and the fact that they did all those wonderful things for me. When I lived in London, if you got a nod and a smile from anyone, it was, to say the least, considered strange and here it was the complete opposite. I had found so many friends in a short space of time and I really felt that I had landed on my feet by coming to Penmarris. We sat at a table overlooking the picturesque harbour with everyone laughing, smiling and having good conversation. I thanked everyone profusely for all their help and promised them all a free painting, the subject of their own choosing when I had got my things sorted. ‘Don’t forget, you need a new mobile,’ Dawn reminded me. ‘I know, but at least my soon-to-be ex-relatives can’t contact me just now.’ ‘Well you’ll have to talk to them or their lawyers at some stage,’ Jo remarked. ‘I don’t think so, Katie, my solicitor said that everything can now go through her and I don’t have to speak to anyone I don’t want to. It’s nice that they can’t get to me if you know what I mean.’ ‘Yes, they are both what David would call “challenging”.’ ‘Would I say that, dear?’ David enquired. ‘Yes, my love. You’re too good for this world sometimes; you see the good in everyone.’ ‘Not necessarily, I spoke strongly to Ernie, the milkman the other day when he left full cream rather than semi-skimmed milk and if that paper boy doesn’t stop scrunching the newspapers through the letterbox like he does, I’ll have words to say to him; and him a choir boy too.’ We girls glanced at each other and laughed. David didn’t see the joke for some reason. A few hours later, everyone had gone home except Dawn and I. ‘You’ve had a hectic time of it this week, Sam.’ ‘Yes, and it’s still only Wednesday,’ I replied smiling. After promising to meet up in a few days time and saying a tearful goodbye with lots of sisterly hugs, Dawn got in her car and left. I sauntered back up the hill leading up to the cottage. There were a few people strolling around in the fine evening air and we nodded or exchanged greetings. It was good that I actually felt I was in a place where I belonged and marvelled at the fact that I had only been here for a few days and yet it felt like I had lived here for ages. I let myself into the cottage and switched on the lights. Leaving my bag and keys in the hall, I went to the kitchen and made myself some cocoa. Sipping my hot drink, I just wandered from room to room, thinking about any changes I might like to make. To be honest, it looked pretty fine to me, but I wanted to add my own personal touches that would reinforce the fact that it was my home now. It was such a delightful place, it was so homely and I felt even after the short time I had been there, that it was mine; but it needed more erm... Samantharisation and pictures. Well I could remedy that, I would bring the pictures from the house and… Then I remembered… My paintings and drawings were at my old house. I couldn’t just turn up and take them, could I and did I really want to see Olivia again? No I didn’t. I would have to speak to Katie about it. Maybe I could come to some arrangement through Katie that my personal belongings be picked up by someone and brought here. It was all too upsetting to think of at present, after such a wonderful day. David had kindly brought my bags and cases over earlier so I didn’t have to go back to the Vicarage to collect them myself. I smiled at the thought of David and Jocasta. They were the ideal couple in my eyes. David gave the impression of being slightly hen-pecked, but I knew that their marriage was based on trust, understanding and a bit of give and take–now that is the way to run a marriage? Tomorrow, I had agreed to go into town with Jocasta to visit the salon and do a bit of shopping. Checking through my list of things to do, I was able to cross a few things off, but not much. Then impulsively I tore up the list as it was out of date and anyway, I was a free spirited lass, what need did I have for such a thing as lists, unless they were shopping lists ’cause they were different. I sat down on the rickety chair on the balcony. My feet were aching as I had been wearing heels and it felt good to sit down and rub my stockinged feet. The sky was clear and the sun close to disappearing over the horizon of the deep azure blue of the sea. Lights were coming on around the cove as people settled down to an evening around the TV or to do other more interesting things. Olivia and I rarely watched TV; we’d had a full and happy life or so I had thought, up until a year ago. Then it all seemed to unravel and we spent more time watching TV than doing more meaningful things. I shook my head; I didn’t want today to end on negative thoughts. I turned my thoughts back to when I had arrived at the cottage to be surprised by everyone helping me. Now that was nice and positive. After finishing my drink, I got up and went to the kitchen. I was just washing the mug, when I heard a knock on the front door. I went to open it. ‘Hello, David.’ ‘Hi, Samantha, may I come in?’ ‘Of course.’ I let him in and we went into the sitting room. ‘Sorry to call so late, but Jo thought that you might need this.’ He handed me a mobile phone. ‘Now that your other phone is in the harbour, and there isn’t a land-line working in the cottage yet, we thought you might like to borrow it until you’ve fixed yourself up with a new one. Its pay-as-you-go and there’s about five pounds left on it.’ ‘Oh thanks, David; it’s really kind of you.’ ‘Don’t mention it; all part of the parish service, you know.’ ‘Well I believe that it’s above and beyond the call of service.’ We both laughed. ‘Well I’d better go now.’ ‘Thanks again, David.’ ‘That’s okay.’ As he went out, he hesitated for a moment at the front door. ‘Samantha, is there no way that you can reconcile with Olivia?’ ‘I don’t think so, David. I think the marriage died as soon as she decided that I wasn’t enough for her.’ He looked sad. ‘I’m sorry to hear that. As a fully paid member of the God Squad, I believe that marriage is sacred and everything should be done to make things work. As a member of the human race though, I know that we don’t all live in some sort of bubble and things don’t always work out the way we wish. Remember, we are all your friends and if you need help, just ask.’ That made me feel a bit weepy so I just gave him a big hug and whispered, ‘Thank you.’ He got all flustered then and I giggled as I waved goodbye. I don’t think he knew how to deal with things like that. The first thing I did was to ring Jocasta. ‘Hi, Jo, thanks for the phone, you’re a darling.’ ‘No problem; I thought you needed lines of communication and all that jazz.’ ‘So, looking forward to the salon?’ ‘’Can I have gas and air?’ We chuckled at that. ‘You must have been to a salon before?’ ‘Yes, when I was a kid. Mummy used to drag me in to have a clipping, but the smell, I cannot stand the chemical smell and those torture instruments. Do you know that they put your head in an oven and bake your hair?’ ‘I don’t think it’s that bad nowadays. Not many women have perms and I think that is where the smell comes from and anyway, think of it as an adventure. If you go home looking smashing, David won’t want to keep his hands off you.’ ‘Hmm,’ said Jo, sounding less than convinced. ‘What are you a girl or a mouse?’ ‘Eek!’ We tittered and then after a few more minutes of girlie chat–something that I love to do, now that I had joined the club full time as it were, we said our goodbyes and I went to get ready for bed. I undressed, cold creamed my face of makeup and then had a wonderfully relaxing bath. I didn’t have any bubble bath–something that would be rectified when we went shopping tomorrow–but it was pleasant and my aches and pains soon started easing. Looking down at my wet pink body, I noticed that my false breasts would need the edges sorted out, as the makeup I had used to blend in with the surrounding area had washed off. I would have to use waterproof makeup for that. I would go to the doctors tomorrow and sign up if I had time in my busy schedule. I would see, erm what was her name? Oh yes, Marcia Sinclair, as I would have to talk about rather personal matters and I preferred lady doctors anyway. I hoped that she would be supportive and not judgemental about my condition and position. I wondered what I would look like without my penis and scrotum. I pushed everything back between my legs and then closed them. Mmm nicer, much nicer, I thought as I imagined having a brand spanking new vagina down there. Oh I enjoyed having sex as a man and it was kind of handy having a penis for that purpose, well it had to be good for something, but I didn’t have any hang-ups over losing it. The only thing I wanted to have if and when I had SRS was some sort of sensation down there. I wanted to enjoy being a woman. Reading on the internet, it could be hit and miss and the luck of the draw to have meaningful sensations down there, but I intended to have the best surgery money or the national health could get–well, that was the idea, anyway. All this made me think about my sexual orientation. I wasn’t into men, I knew that. I suppose I was a latent lesbian. Olivia had turned me on in so many different ways before all the awfulness started. I hoped that I would find someone who would make the fireworks explode for me again. I was getting rather water logged by now, so I pulled the bath plug, dried myself off, and put on my favourite nightie that just happened to be one that I had bought off eBay. It was a double nylon baby doll that went down to mid thigh and was pink with a sweet pink bow. It came with matching panties and I adored it. Okay, it was old fashioned and everything, but it was so girlie and I loved it to bits. I made sure that all the lights were off in the rest of the cottage and that all the windows and doors were locked, then picking up my laptop, I slipped under the covers and fired her up. As soon as I put the dongle in and got a signal, I checked my emails: there were two from Olivia and one from Nigel. I ignored those for the moment, not sure that I wanted to even open them. There were several that offered things like Viagra and penis enlargement, something that I wanted the complete opposite off. Then it appeared that someone in Nigeria wanted me to give him my bank account details so that he could send me tons of money. I deleted all of those spam emails and that left a couple of personal ones from people I knew on a few of the forums I belonged to. Opening them, I saw that there wasn’t anything of much importance except one from Julie, a long time cyber friend who had transitioned a couple of years ago. ‘Hi Thomasina, What’s up? You haven’t been on the forum for ages. PM me when you have time. Julie I put it in the saved folder for action tomorrow when I wasn’t so tired and then went back to my inbox. Heart thumping I opened the first one from Olivia. Tom, Look we do need to talk. Daddy is shouting and it’s all getting rather horrible. You don’t really want a divorce do you? It was nice for a while wasn’t it? Call me, please Olivia I then opened the second one which had been sent earlier today. Tom, You must ring me. I have just got a letter from a solicitor about all this nonsense. Look I’m sure that we can sort things out without a solicitor. Okay, I’ve been a naughty girl, but you can forgive me can’t you? We can start again and maybe if you don’t like working for Daddy I can find something else for you to do. Ring me please as I can’t get you on your phone some reason. Olivia. ‘Still trying to run my life.’ I thought, shaking my head in amazement. I was little bit upset now and I didn’t want to be upset, not today and not now. I opened up Nigel’s email. Tom, My daughter received a letter today regarding a divorce. I could say things that we would both regret but I am a reasonable man. I understand from Olivia that she knew of your perversions before you got married. How she can stomach that sort of thing I will never know and how you can pretend to be a woman defies belief. But, she still wants you for some reason so I have a counter proposal that I am sure you will accept. Drop the divorce and I will give you some money for you to start up your own business. You can understand why I do not want you working for me anymore… not with your strange habits and everything. If you do this, we will say no more about all the unpleasantness. What you and Olivia do in the privacy of her own house is up to you, but I don’t want to see you prancing about as a woman in my presence though and I’m sure you can understand why. Consider what I have said as if you do go down the divorce route, things will come out that would embarrass you in the extreme. By the way, your phone appears to be switched off. Get it fixed so we can talk about it, if needed. Nigel. I shut down my computer and switched off the light. I thought that I would have been more upset than I actually was; I was a bit, but not as much as had I expected. Pondering on it for a few moments I realised why I wasn’t upset. Olivia and Nigel were in my past and I wanted to close the book on my past. I had lived my life through them up to now and I was living my own life now and making my own decisions. Olivia’s desperation and Nigel’s blatant and biased bribery had left an extremely sour taste in my mouth, and I wanted nothing to do with them anymore. I would take copies of the emails to Katie tomorrow and let her deal with them. I was determined never to speak to Olivia or Nigel again if at all possible and with that happy thought, I turned over and went fast asleep. Please leave comments...thanks! ~Sue My thanks go to the brilliant and lovely Gabi for editing and pulling the story into shape.
Can't buy me love, no no no, no
David and Jo had loads of clubs and groups that they were involved in and I giggled at the thought of asking David if there was a lesbian contact group in the village.
Love hugs and kisses.
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Another great chapter. I
Another great chapter. I think Samantha is wise to leave everything to Katie, she doesn't need the aggravation!
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
What's in the third letter?
There were 3 letters from Olivia, and only two were shown. Nice story, as always!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Missing email
It says Samantha ". . . checked my emails: there was three from Olivia and one from Nigel." But she only read two from Samantha. You trying to palm an email off and hide it up your sleeve to surprise us with later? ;-)
Edit/Add: Guess I type too slow, Faraway beat me to it. ;-)
They know they can survive
I Think the Third Note...
...from Olivia was a suggestion that they send lots of money to a bank in Nigeria. (Lousy spoofers...)
Stick to the emails Samantha
Then you will have a record of all the communications from D & O!
I sort of get the impression that Samantha has softened a little towards Oliva although she still wants the divorce.
Things are moving nicely although slowly, however it's an enjoyable read.
Keep up the great work Sue!
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
What With David...
...hoping for a reconciliation if one is possible, Sue does seem to be pushing that idea a bit further forward.
And while the messages from Olivia and Nigel were fully in character (as Samantha noted), Olivia, at least, would be saying exactly the same things if she were serious about wanting to find a way to get things back to the way they were early in their marriage. Sure, she's still doing it on her terms, not realizing there's more to this than just the adultery. But why would she think differently? It's not as though Samantha has been explaining the rest of it to her.
And the same may even be true with Nigel, though if so it's probably only because Olivia has told him that she wants Tom back. Yes, it's also possible that Nigel is putting Olivia up to it because he hopes to prevent banking irregularities from surfacing when divorce discussions commence. But if he just learned from Olivia that Tom's crossdressing didn't involve spousal rape after all, and if Nigel felt that he'd been in effect supporting Tom with a job before, his offer to set Tom up in business if he gets back together with Olivia seems more supportive than insulting.
Since Nigel insists on making it clear that Tom's "perverted" behavior bothers him and then offers the implied threat of exposure at the end of the note, his sincerity in wanting them back together is open to question. But that's the way that Nigel negotiates, or so I think we've been led to believe.
Like Olivia, he's operating from wrong assumptions when it comes to Tom/Samantha. In his case, though, the true explanation is so far out of his experience that he probably won't believe Samantha's sincerity when he does learn -- I'd guess he's going to think the whole thing is some kind of convoluted plot to shake him down financially. (Which isn't THAT far from the truth. Samantha was satisfied with retrieving her personal property until she was told that she probably deserved some of Olivia's, and that there was some likelihood that Nigel had been taking advantage of the marriage to funnel money or assets to her.)
Telling Line
What you and Olivia do in the privacy of her own house is up to you,
I think that lines says it all. Nigel and Olivia are trying to bluff Samantha (Tom), obviously they don't feel that (s)he is entitled to any community property, and would prefer to keep it out of court, where a judge would rule otherwise.
They know they can survive
I made a boo-boo as there were only two emails from Olivia!
I prostrate myself in abject apology and hope that my readers will forgive my error.
I am but human...
My Fault too…
I am a naughty editor and should have noticed the extra email. If the truth be known my mind was elsewhere, what with the amazing Men's Final at Wimbledon and Mark Cavendish winning yesterday's stage of the Tour de France making him the current wearer of the Green sprinters' jersey.
Sorry, Sue, I shall try harder with the next chapter.
If the truth be known my mind was elsewhere, what with the amazing Men's Final at Wimbledon and Mark Cavendish winning yesterday's stage of the Tour de France
Need to start paying attention to the important things. ;-)
They know they can survive
tsk, tsk
Susan, Susan, Susan .... *sigh*. It is unfortunate that you are a victim of your own success, we have all come to expect perfection after all with all your inhumanly good writing. So shame, shame on you for such lack of attention to detail, such lack of pride in your writing, such sloppy attitude towards us, your loyal readers. TSK, TSK, TSK .....
And if you believe all that ROT then you must believe the rumour of Scotland closing down all of their Golf Courses for the public good!
Sue Brown? Only Human??
Nah!! Don't believe it,
Don't prostrate yourself too much, Sue
It's not easy writing in that position. Anyway, 2 emails or 3 emails? Who gives a monkey's cruttock? To err is human, but rich, dark chocolate is divine.
The important thing is that this story is simmering nicely, and I expect there's more mayhem just waiting to catch the next tide.
Nigel and Olivia seem good at opening mouth to change feet; Katie will probably make good use of the new ammunition.
David doesn't seem to have a problem with Samantha's status; that's good - unusual but good.
It does seem that Olivia and
It does seem that Olivia and Nigel would much rather things did not get to court...Must be trying to hide something!..Like Sam said better to leave it to Katie to sort out than have to talk to those two again!
Let's Wait
Until they find out about Sam's solicitor.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
My cute word detector is pinging again. Cute!
Nigel is still an idiot but Olivia is breaking my heart. Yes, she's been naughty and yes, she's still making mistakes, but it feels to me like she's still got a lot of love for Tom. Tom is really now Samantha and it sounds like she's still got a lot of love for Olivia too. It's such a sad situation. I like that David had to ask about the two of them at least. It's nice that not everyone has given up on them.
Thanks for the chapter and please keep up the good work.
- Terry
Got us doubleguessing our doubleguessing, Sue
I wonder, was Samantha and some of us readers overreacting in assuming Olivia cheated from the start of their marriage? That it fell apart only in the last year suggests that's when the infidelity started. Or it could also mean that's when the infidelities heated up and her being a bit older she didn't have the energy to carry on her affairs and keep her marriage going.
Others here are right that they need to talk IF she is sincere in changing her ways and that she loves Samantha, She understands about the cheating, kind of, that she was naughty. Naughty? I suppose it's not robbing a bank but it's more than naughty. She does realize they need to get away from her father but she still wants to find him the job. She, if she listens to her heart , knows what Samantha wants, a career or at least a dammed good chance at one, of an artist. Samantha does not want to have his/her life ruled by Olivia.
Olivia must give up a lot, she must sacrifice to prove her love if there really is any. She says they had good times in the past but those are now tainted in Samatha's eyes. Samantha wants what they could have had if only Olivia had been willing to sacrifice some too. Samantha also wants a family and likely wants to become female, I think it's more than just bitter talk on her part. That's quite a shopping list, can Olivia deliver or even understand it? This is all assuming she really is serious in her love for Samantha and this is not some ploy to have her cake and eat it too. Even if they reconcile, unlikely but possible, Samantha should insist they go to a local doctor and have her checked for VD of all kinds and pregnancy. She in her cheating on Samantha could have picked up some very nasty *bugs*; god knows what diseases she may have been exposed to. And if she just learned she was pregnant by one of her lovers, she likely would be desperate to be with Samantha to make it look like their legitimate child and not the bastard proof of her betrayal of the marriage.
Her dad is either a crude jerk who loves his child or a crook desperate to save his hide from Inland Revenue, the courts and/or the mob.
Talk through the lawyer or with her present , Samantha. Even if Olivia is turning aroud, can you trust her dad and can you make it clear why you are so angry and feel so betrayed? It's not just her cheating and cutting him off.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
I feel quite the same way ... that Olivia still has feelings for Tom/Samantha. She may have cheated but if they got together in the first place, it was because they shared something special (so I think).
Still, I believe their relationship is way over, and there is no hope to restart it the way it was (for the simple fact that Samantha is now transitioning). I also think it's a good idea to bring the e-mails to Katie. But I'd really like to see Olivia and Samantha talk again to explain to each other how they feel, why they did as they did. For Samantha it would be to explain that there is no way back, explaining what she wants and don't. And explaining how she feels betrayed and how she lost part of her life in this marriage. For Olivia, I don't know, we didn't have her point of view. But she could probably give answers as I'm sure Samantha could answer some of Olivia's questions. I suppose she has no clue what she triggered :)
In the light of what we have currently, Olivia seems to be an evil woman, taking pleasure in destroying Samantha's life. But I suppose that if we had a chance to get Olivia's point of view, things would become much more reasonable. I'm not excusing her, just saying that she had reasons, or she didn't understand how hurtful her behaviour was.
I hope we'll see at least some of that :)
And thanks for continuing the story
What a nice ending for a wonderful day... dumping two headaches, without the need of an aspirin... just rolling over, safe in one's own bed, and with the portent of beautiful things to come... Wishes can come true Mary.
A reconciliation between Tom/Samantha and Olivia would not be worth the heartache to Samantha if she tries to go through with it.
Olivia make up is such that she must be the domineering partner in the relationship. She obviously gets that from her father. To quote Olivia "We can start again and maybe if you don’t like working for Daddy I can find something else for you to do." Olivia wants to find something for Tom to do. She is not the least interested in what Tom would like to do.
As for Nigel to quote him "What you and Olivia do in the privacy of her own house is up to you ....". To him the house is Olivia's. While that may be true in the legal sense, a proper way to have addressed that would to have said "... in the privacy of your own home ...".
It would appear that both Olivia and Nigel do not think enough of Tom to treat him as an adult and an equal. To them Money Talks and everything else is meaningless.
Even if I had hoped for a reconciliation, if one were to occur, the same problem would rear its ugly head again, some time in the future.
Rami. Samantha's relationships with the ex's
First of all, Samantha becomming a strong and independednt woman in a wonderful place,
with amazing friends, would make this a triumph in life and as a story for me. A
Soul=mate? Well that would be just heaven. If this story dosen't have an awsome
'lesbian' girl in there somewhere for Samantha, I'm going to be very dissapointed.
The other thing that struck me, though, amid all the unsettled reading of how the
ex's are threatening to expose Samantha's dirty little secrets in the devorce to
punish her...(my wife does this to me weekly!), Sue intimates that at one time Olivia
really rocked Samantha's world. It not only makes the breakdown even more upsetting,
to think they were once happy, even if there were serious problems with the inlaws/pairing;
it is an interesting comment on Olivia's personality.
Up to now, all we saw of her really, was a short view of her in flagrante. The whole setup
makes it seem more like she was just a self indulgent person, who one, does do things
impulsively to fufill her needs, but two, does get wrapped up in those wants. Then, it
seems like she looses interest. To me, that was an interesting viewpoint. Other than
the fact that I'm torn between deciding that Olivia told her father about Samantha in the
beginning, and they had a good laugh over how she'd be able to control him, or that he
has always had these sorts of problems, with his impulsive little girl.
Either way, these are the details I leave to Sue, being so well entertained.
Good story, Sue.
I do so agree....
I found the same thoughts in about ch.6 or ch.7...... Samantha could be very happy with a lovely lesbian lover; what's not to like...... Find a man and all he'll want to do is stick himself inside you! Do please thgink again Samantha!!! :)
Keep it coming...
I really enjoy this story and how Samantha is establishing herself in Penmaris. It looks like the battle lines are drawn for the divorce. With how her new life is shaping up, she made the right choices.
I love seeing the bad guys loose.
Thanks for writing such a lovey story.
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
Thank for writing
Thanks for writing such a wonderful story, I am totally engrossed in it.
As my creative writting professor once said; 'If the story is good and interesting I tend to miss grammar and punctuation errors.'
Evidently I am the same way since it is only by reading the comments that I am aware of any errors.
Keep up the good work!!
Jeri Elaine
Jeri Elaine
Homonyms, synonyms, heterographs, contractions, slang, colloquialisms, clichés, spoonerisms, and plain old misspellings are the bane of writers, but the art and magic of the story is in the telling not in the spelling.
All I need to know about Olivia
I've seen all I need to know about Olivia. This is not criminal court, where you are presumed innocent until proven guilty, or civil court, where you have to prove some sort of liability or default. This is Emotional Court. Olivia liked (past tense intended) the little kink of being with Tom, but she's past that. She has tried to kill Tom's spirit, and was doing a pretty good job until she made a bit of a strategic error.
I find the defendant, Olivia, Guilty!
They know they can survive
Might be a way, Olivia wouldn't like it and Nigel would explode
With the help of Samantha's lawyer, Olivia and Daddy sign a series of legally binding prenups and have them approved by a sympathetic local judge.
Olivia must reveal every and All *gifts* daddy gave her during the marriage, no exceptions. The house and ALL earnings she made and all *gifts* are his now, and the house is 100% his in the event Olivia cheats again.
She agrees to drop any claims to Samantha's earnings, assets etc period and absolutely and Daddy open's his books to see if he has cheated Samantha on unemployment, health and retirement tax payments. She also agrees to stop all birth control and undergo *natural insemination* while Samantha is still capable, artificial insemination and even Invitro using her eggs and Samantha's banked sperm until she delivers several healthy children DNA tested to insure they are his and hers, Oh and she give up her *career*. She will support Samantha's career at all times, no questions, just like he did her's and she will rejoin in Samantha's social circles and drop any groups/friends she has that are not his. And Daddy is to shut his filthy gob.
IE make it painful as shi* with oodles of groveling on their part. Daddy committing sepuku would be nice. I suggest he use a very dull and rusty knife.
Not that I am the least bit vindictive.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Nope, you're not in the
Nope, you're not in the least vindictive. lol
Forget the Knife
Better if he used a spoon.
Nancy Cole
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
It's dull you twit!
It will hurt MORE!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
I loved that
I loved that movie!
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Isn't if awfully nice?
A couple of chapters ago, you quoted an Eric Idle song from 'The Meaning of Life'. The passage in your story...
reminded me of another song from the same movie...
I have to say from personal experience, I much prefer the more streamlined look. =)
Mistress of the Guild of Evil Blonde Proofreaders

Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
The milkman....I wonder if he drove the fastest milk cart in the west?(Benny Hill)
I'm pleased Samantha is getting on with her life. Jo
.. changes of heart from the two "from the past".... Quite why, I can't imagine...... have they been talking eachother around? If so, why?
PS.... Ernie.. the milkman.....?????..... oh perleeeze!!? :) We're showing our age, girl!!
Olivia has always controlled Tom and wants to continue...
She'll gladly cheat on him and thinks not at all of his needs. She's like an adolescent girl who is so self absorbed that others don't matter. Psychopath? I'll bet she's been transgressing for years in one way or another and believes she can get by forever with out pain. This personality is no first timer!
Nigel is a pompous ass who thinks he can bully anyone: He takes pleasure in it.
Excellent characters, exceedingly well written,
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!