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I could hardly wait to call my sister Jennie and tell her all my news.
“Hi Jennie, it’s only me, have you got a few minutes to spare? I’ve had an amazing day, and I must tell you all about it.
I thought that as it is my birthday that instead of slouching around the apartment in my normal sloppy casual gear that I would get myself all glammed up ready for a day out to treat myself at the upmarket Italian restaurant just around the corner.
I dressed in my slinkiest underwear, which always makes me feel so feminine, put on that little strappy black dress that you like to see me in, did my makeup and hair and was ready to go out to face the world, as you can. see from the selfie I’ve sent over to you.
Disaster struck as I was going out of the door, I tripped and fell, snapping the heel of one of my best stilettos and almost spraining my ankle. It spoiled the outfit a bit, but The only matching shoes were those ones with the clumpy 3” heel.
Anyway, I got myself sorted out and went to get the lift, you know that I am never comfortable going down those stairs when I am wearing heels. When I got in the lift it was already occupied, by some people from further upstairs in the block, an elderly woman and a young man, a quite dishy well-groomed young man too, but I am rambling here. As the lift went downwards, we stood in silence blanking each other, when there was a sudden thump, the lift shuddered and stopped and were all thrown together.
We looked at each other to make sure that none of us was hurt, when the man leaned over and reached his arm across me, allowing me to savour the sweet scent of his aftershave and deodorant, in order torch the alarm button.
We were stuck there for a while chatting to pass the time waiting for the repair crew to roll up.
It turned out that Jeremy had the rooftop penthouse which he uses when he is on town on business, but as that is not very often we had never met before. He told me that he works in international banking and is a bit of a globe-trotter. He is very good looking, sociable and chatty, and extremely wealthy. He seems to be a really good catch for someone, maybe I should introduce you to him.
Julie was really nice to talk with too, she told me that she was a widow, but when her husband died he left her well-provided for. She seemed ever so nice and friendly, but was obviously very lonely and insisted that I call up to her apartment sometime for tea and cake over a lovely long chat.
It was over an hour before they got the lift working again, it was getting quite claustrophobic and stuffy in there and we were all glad to get out safely. Well, I was just leaving the apartment block when Julie suggested that as we had just had a harrowing experience that we should go to the deli around the corner for a coffee or tea to get relaxed again. It was obvious that she wanted the company, so we both went with her for a short while.
Eventually she told us that she was supposed to be meeting a friend and had to leave. Although I had been glad of her company, I was happy when she left, with me promising to visit her later in the week, leaving me alone with Jeremy. Soon he had to leave for a business appointment but when he had learned that it was my birthday, he insisted that I join him for lunch, his treat, and we arranged to meet up later at the Italian restaurant.
I spent the rest of the morning in a bit of a dream eagerly looking forward to meeting up with Jeremy, and didn’t really enjoy shopping and browsing through the outfits on the racks in the stores as much as I normally do, although I did find the dreamiest formal dress, just right for a dressy night out or wedding, or suchlike, and picked up a couple of designer undie sets at a bargain price.
I quickly went home to freshen up, renew my makeup and change before going to the restaurant to meet up with Jeremy. I looked around for him at the tables, but almost rushed out again when I spotted a very attractive expensively-dressed young woman chatting away to him, however I decided that I wasn’t going to miss out on a free birthday lunch in a spat of jealousy. My spirits lifted again when he introduced me to his sister Stephanie. We had a really pleasant lunch together, Jeremy was charming and attentive, Stephanie was so easy to talk to and I thoroughly enjoyed the food and the company. Unfortunately Jeremy could not stay longer, he had to get some packing done for an evening flight and prepare some proposals for a business meeting tomorrow.
Stephanie and I stayed for a while and she told me that she was always on at Jeremy about how it was time that he settled down, sorted out his work/life balance and found himself a decent woman. I thought of you Sis, as you know it is not really an option for me to grasp at the opportunity. Stephanie invited me to go over for dinner next time Jeremy is in town and I said that you and I would love to go. What do you think then Jennie are you up for it?”
Jennie went quiet for a moment, considering her reply.
“It sounds like you have had a fun day, and I would love to meet Jeremy, he seems a great catch. However as I’ve told you before David, you really should be more careful when you are out en femme. You got away with it this time, but sooner or later someone will read you and you could be in a lot of trouble.
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More stories please.
i wasn't intending entering a story for this contest, but although the stories issued have been well up tp the normal standard, the number of entries is disappointing. the sponsors and the organisers deserve better for their time effort and enthusiasm. Come on all you authors out there, the contest is only for a short story 500-3500 words, surely you can manage that and if you have an idea in your head it shouldn't take too long to type it up and post it. I look forward to seeing more stories soon.
Gill xx
My muse says 'no!'
It is not that I'm not writing, I am but this contest has not tickled my fancy.
I do have an story in mind for the end of year contest.
Your muse says no.
I wasn't criticising you or anyone else Sam, you are one of the most prolific contributors to the site, merely trying to whip up some interest and support for the contest. I wasn't going to post an entry, working on other projects, the Christmas contest story ,and not fancying this one or the halloween one. However I thought that entering a quick short story may encourage a bit of enthusiasm from others.
Gill xx
You are (not) missing the photo
needed to qualify as an entry. Find one and attach it fast. Edit: I see you added it! Great Job!
Nice story
the twist at the end was a bonus.
A twist at the end
Many thanks Dreamweaver. a couple of the photos showed girls taking selfies on their phones, so I thought that a long chatty phone conversation suited the theme of the contest and also allowed me to keep the identity of David secret until the very end.
Glad you enjoyed it.
Gill xx
Really Happy
To see another entry, and one from one of my favourite great authors. I'm sorry that it doesn't appeal to Samantha.
I have only one criticism; David should have bought a new pair of stilettos!
More contest entries needed.
Sometimes challenges appeal to you other times you decide it is not your thing.
David is only a part-time girl and probably has a limited choice, black white and maybe red, but the last two would not really be a match for the LBD.
Gill xx
I liked the story and gave it some kudos
it is just the contest that has failed to waken my muse from her post vacation slumbers.
Good framing
I liked framing this as a conversation. Made it fresh. :)
— Emma
A converation
Thank you Emma. It is an unusual format for me, although I do tend to include conversation pieces in most of my stories. The photo choices just jumped out at me as a format for the story, a typical chatty call from one girl (albeit a passable part-time one) to their sister. It was actually run off quite quickly for the contest to try to get the entrant numbers up.
Gill xx
you could be in a lot of trouble.
yeah, that is always the problem.
nice entry hon. huggles!
That is always the problem
You're right Dorothy, being read or fearing being read can cause all sorts of conflicts, with other intolerant people or even just in your own mind about what you are doing.
Thanks for commenting, I'm glad you liked the story.
Gill xx
Edited update
I've just posted an updated edit following much appreciated comments from Holly Snow. Many thanks Holly.
Gill xx