TopShelf's December 2010 Santa's Helper Story Contest Results

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December 2010
Santa's Helper
Story Contest Results





Well we did it again! We had a lot of very good entries and once again, the voting narrowed down to more individuals in the winner's circle than I originally allotted for. So....I have no choice but to expand the winnings to 4 authors.
First Place with 83 Kudos! $25

ELF - Extremely Livid Faerie

Inane Christmas music that some idiot had decided was the perfect Santa’s Workshop tune, echoed blandly in the noisy room. Just hours away from the Fat Man’s only reason for existing, everyone including those preposterous excuses for reindeer, were getting ready for the Visit.

Second Place with 70 Kudos! $25

Santa Baby
Maeryn Lamonte

Chris had a secret that was burning a hole in his soul. He’d tried to share it with his wife some years before, but she hadn’t been ready to hear it then, so he’d kept hidden and struggled on as best he could. Most of the time he did pretty well, but at stressful times like Christmas it would rise close to the surface, near enough for others to notice.

Tied Third Place with 68 Kudos! $25

Santa Monica
Jennifer Brock

A single mother about to spend her first Christmas alone receives the gift she needed most from an unusual Kris Kringle, who opens her heart and her mind to new possibilities.

Tied Third Place with 68 Kudos! $25

The Center: Christmas Comes Once a Year


Melanie Crane goes on her first mission for the Center, to help bring in a new Emergent at a Santa's Village.






I need Grover, Maeryn Lamonte, Jennifer Brock, and Enemyoffun to please PM me with either your legal name + mailing address for a money order for your winnings or else your designated paypal account to send the money to.
I would like to thank all who took the time to enter our Christmas Contest and write these wonderful stories and also our readership who took the time to read these works of Art and vote on them!

Let us hope the New Year sees us through safely, with loads of fun, more writing, and new authors and readers to join our fold!
I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and enjoyed the New Year's Celebration like I did ^^



Sephrena Lynn Miller
BigCloset TopShelf



Original Comments

I won?

Submitted by grover on Sat, 2011/01/01 - 6:06pm.

Actually we all won again. Every time we have one of these contests, we get such great entries. My personal favorite was Santa Baby, but they all were good. As for anything I might've won please apply to the Hatbox to help Erin with the site.

Very biggest of hugs to all the writers and those who voted.


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Way to go!

Submitted by kimmie on Sat, 2011/01/01 - 7:04pm.

Most richly deserved!

I must confess that I somehow missed your story and only just read it and it only confirms that it definitely was a Kleenex puller with wonderful heart and feeling.


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Submitted by Jennifer Brock on Sat, 2011/01/01 - 6:32pm.

Congratulations, Grover! You totally deserved it. And congratulations also to Maeryn and Enemy. It is an honor to be in such fine company.

Thanks to everyone who voted!

And special thanks to Sephrena for running this contest. You can put my prize in the hatbox.

I teased my readers that I'd do an epilogue if I got a prize, so look for something within the next couple of days.

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Thank you once again, Seph!

Submitted by Andrea Lena DiMaggio on Sat, 2011/01/01 - 7:50pm.

...your generosity knows no bounds, and you have provided us once again with a great contest with authors more than up to the challenge; providing both writer and reader with enjoyment. Thank you!

Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena

Crying is all right in its own way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later,
and then you still have to decide what to do. ― C.S. Lewis

Love, Andrea Lena
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I was hoping my "christmas present" to you would do better 'drea

Submitted by dorothycolleen on Tue, 2011/01/04 - 10:47pm.

But I can't argue with the winners, they were well deserved.

"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"


Dorothycolleen, member of Bailey's Angels

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You weren't far off the pace...

Submitted by Andrea Lena DiMaggio on Tue, 2011/01/04 - 10:58pm.

...but you have to know that words cannot express what this did for me. Apart from getting engaged to my wife 26 years ago, this has to be the best Christmas present I've ever received. My face is warm and the tears are flowing, sis. God bless you.

Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto

Andrea Lena

Crying is all right in its own way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later,
and then you still have to decide what to do. ― C.S. Lewis
Love, Andrea Lena
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Great contest.

Submitted by Catherine Linda... on Sun, 2011/01/02 - 1:05pm.

All the winners and all those who entered should be proud of themselves. I noticed that the winners DONATED their winnings to the site. Just another example of how we look after one another, and I'm proud to know you all.

On a personal note... Grover, you make me proud every time out. Congratulations my dear, trusted friend.



As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

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Meant to reply earlier but... didn't

Submitted by Maeryn Lamonte on Tue, 2011/01/04 - 11:39am.

Sorry for the late posting on this; I plead illness ongoing.

I was delighted and more than a little surprised to find myself in the second place slot. After some of the entries that turned up, I really did wonder if I'd even get a mention. Grover, your's was a well deserved win - very much my own favourite.

Sephrena, thanks again for running a brilliant competition. Can I ask for my part of the prize to go direct to the Hatbox please?

Congrats to everyone who entered.

Maeryn Lamonte, the girl inside
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Ph'nglui etc

Submitted by cyclist on Tue, 2011/01/04 - 11:44am.

Was fun! Now just have to get out of the reading room and avoid that ghast on the stairs to the outer world.

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