The Voice 3/4 Schoolgirl


As I went to get changed for bed I realised that I didn’t have to sleep in my bra anymore, the breast forms really helped the sleep top sit better, although their movement felt a bit strange and I was a bit embarrassed as they wobbled a bit going down the stairs to see Mum to say goodnight.’

“I can see that you’ve taken your bra off, that’s good, none of us keep them on in bed unless we’re planning an amorous night.” Seeing me redden, she added “Livvy if you are going to continue with this you have to realise that women and girls talk about their bodies and their feelings a lot more than men do, it all really starts when we have our first periods, and then there are all the complications of pregnancy, childbirth, menopause and the regular checks for cervical and breast cancer, we tend to share our experiences with each other. Once the girls at school get used to you I’m sure that they will forget who you are and talk freely in front of you, so get used to it, and don’t be frightened to talk about such things, it’s a normal part of a girl growing up into a woman.”

I tossed and turned for a while, thinking about what she had said before falling asleep dreaming of what my life would be like if I did grow up to be a woman.

Wearing my new uniform with my hairpiece in place and having applied my lippy and eyeliner, and wearing a comfortable pair of shoes with a 2” block heel like Marie and Lynn normally wore, I had a light breakfast kissed my mum goodbye and went out to meet the girls to go to school.

“Hi Livvy, you’re looking good today, let’s get to school and sock it to all those gossips and sniggerers. Your classes this morning are all with at least one of us, so we’ll ride shotgun to keep the nasties away.”

On he way into school no-one even recognised me, in their hurry to get to classes or engrossed in their smart-phones or gossip I was just seen as another girl chatting with Lynne and Marie as we walked in, but it did cause a bit of a stir when I went into my first class.

“Oliver, what is the meaning of this?” Snapped my science teacher as I walked in, shouting at the others to calm down and sit quietly at their desks.

“It’s Olivia or Livvy if you prefer. Yesterday Miss Rutherford agreed with the girls in the choir that as I sing like a girl, I might fit in better dressed as one. As most of you think I speak and act like a girl, I thought that should apply to my other lessons too. May I sit down and let you get on with your lesson?” I made an exaggerated sweep of my skirt as I sat down shook my head to flick the ponytail to prove the point that I was now to be seen as a girl The class was in hysterics, but the teacher sharply calmed things down and continued as if nothing had happened,

At the end of the lesson on the way to our next class, a few of the girls approached me. “We like your new look Livvy, we really admire what you have done it must have taken a lot of nerve. If you have any trouble particularly from the boys, let us know and we’ll put then in their place, after all us girls have to stick together.”

Word soon got around the school and for the rest of the lessons none of the teachers made any remarks and when asking me questions all referred to me as Livvy, there had obviously been a discussion in the staff room and an agreement reached not to make a fuss. I did have to suffer the childish idiots flicking the hem of my skirt from behind or snapping my bra straps on my shoulders when in the corridor between classes, but I had been warned about that as something most of the girls suffered at one time or another, it made me slightly ashamed to have noticed this before, giggled with the other boys and not said anything.

“Well that wasn’t too bad was it Livvy.” Marie said to me as we walked home. The gossip around is that you make a super girl, you look like the rest of us, better than most, sound like us and are even beginning to act like us. Unless I’m mistaken you now have proper breasts, they bounce. when you walk just like ours. Give it a few days and you will be yesterday’s news, and nobody will take any notice of you, you’ll just be another one of the girls.”

“That reminds me what are you going to do tomorrow?” Asked Lynne

“”I’m sorry, I’m not with you.”

“Have you forgotten, it’s games in the morning, are you going to join us for a game of hockey, or go and play rugby with the boys, although I wouldn’t recommend that.” She replied with a big grin.

“I hadn’t thought about that, I suppose that I will just opt out and say that I am not feeling well.“

“When we want to opt out we blame it on period pains, but you can’t really use that as an excuse, although most of the girls would sympathise with you if you did try it. Come and join us for hockey it should be fun.”

“I can’t really, what will the other girls think.Anyway I haven’t got girls’ sports kit, and where would I get changed, I can’t use the boys’ room and I’m sure that the girls would not like me in there with you all getting undressed.”

“The kit is no problem we can sort something out for you, and as for changing and joining in with us, leave that with us to sort out. Now go and get changed and come round to mine, the three of us can do our homework together.

“Hi Mum I’m home.’

‘How was your day dear, did you get any more trouble?”

“Not really, after the first hour or so things calmed down and I was just another one of the girls. I’m going round to Marie’s with Lynne to do our homework, we work better together and help each other out.”

After changing into a green tartan mini skirt and white broderie anglaise top I joined the others and we quickly finished our work and gossiped for a while.

“Come on Livvy, we are dying to see how you suddenly developed your breasts, take off your top and let’s have a look. Wow, I wasn’t expecting that, they are fixed on you, do they stay there all the time.”

“Of course, just like yours, I am getting used to them, but they felt a bit weird at first and keeping with them on in bed under the sleep set took a bit of getting used to.”

“You’re definitely going to have to play hockey with us tomorrow, if you went in with the boys looking like that you’d be lucky to get out alive.”

After the girls had got over the surprise, I got dressed again, said my goodbyes and went back home before I making my way back home.

“Right Mum what can I do?

“I’ve nothing done for dinner yet, how does spaghetti bolognese and ciabatta sound to you?”

“One of my favourites.”

“Put on an apron we don’t want to get your new clothes all covered in flour or sauce, you’ve always enjoyed eating it, I’ll show you how it’s done and next time you can treat me by doing it yourself.”

I was surprised how easy it all was with mum constantly advising me as we chatted away, and regretted not having offered to help and learn before. The bread dough was soon in the oven, cooking away, and we started mixing the sauce in the blender and browning some mince. I was glad Mum had suggested wearing an apron, by the time we were finished there was a film of flour dust on it and some tomato sauce splashes.

“Just put the apron in a basin to soak, tomato sauce is a devil to get out once it has dried in. That reminds me, I put those clothes those nasty girls gave you yesterday in the washer, they were a disgrace, stains all over the blouse and the skirt has seen better days, it’s all fraying at the hem, and the waist button is hanging loose. They are on the line outside, bring them in and fold them neatly you can take them back tomorrow.”

I was beginning to enjoy the time I was now spending with Mum instead of going off to my room and playing games on my computer, I felt that I learned more about her in the least few days than in all the years she had been raising me. I think she was glad to have someone to talk to, I hadn’t really been much company for her before.

I was up early in the morning having worried about what to do about for the hockey session, went down to the kitchen, put on the coffee machine, did some toast , prepared a bowl of cereal and fruit and took Mum breakfast in bed.

“Thanks Livvy love, that is a first, maybe I should have had a daughter sooner.”

I was soon dressed, and met up with the girls. “Before we go have you decided what to do about hockey. I’ve put a spare set of kit in my bag for you if you want it, otherwise I’ll drop it back in the house.” Lynne asked.

“Unless any of the girls or the teachers object, I’d love to join you, but there is still the problem of where to change.”

“Don’t worry we’ll sort that out.”

After morning registration we made our way down to the sports hall, with the other girls in our class. When they all went in to change Lynne held me back while Marie followed the others, coming back a few minutes later, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the changing room.

“Right girls, you all now know Livvy, as agreed as long as she is in here, you will all just treat her as another girl and she will not do anything to embarrass you. Anyway I’m sure that you will soon find out that she is not that much different to the rest of us.”

There was a bit of a gasp as I unbuttoned and took of my blouse showing the bra I was wearing and my realistic looking breasts. Lynne handed me a sports bra. “Trust me, you’ll be more comfortable running around wearing this, besides you don’t want to walk round in a smelly sweaty bra all day,” It caused even more gasps of surprise and giggles from all the other girls when I took off my bra to change and the forms stayed firmly in place.

“Are you sure that this sports skirt is the right size, when I am running around my knickers will be on display.”

“Just like the rest of us Livvy, it’s just part of being a girl, get used to it.”

I enjoyed the game, it was competitive, but not as aggressive as the games with the boys, it was a lot of fun and the girls were all coaching and encouraging me as the game was played, getting me involved in many of the moves.

“Livvy, I take it that like a lot of the boys you are not used to having a good shower after games and haven’t brought any decent soaps or body wash with you, borrow mine and go in the cubicle and have a good wash, and don’t forget to wrap your towel around your chest not your waist when you are dried off and come out to get dressed.

I had put on my knickers before leaving the cubicle, clean but smelling like a florist’s shop from the scented soaps, and had no qualms dropping the towel and putting on my bra in front of the others, just as they were all doing, despite a few pairs of inquisitive eyes. There was a queue for the mirrors as we all redid our lippy and liner, but I was soon presentable, dressed and ready for the rest of the day. Most of the girls asked if I would be back next week, having seen me virtually naked, they had no worries about me being in there with them.

In the canteen after we had finished out meal. I saw Clare a few tables away, went to my locker to pick up the parcel of her clothes, went back and dumped it on the table in front of her.

“You’d better have these back, they were not fit to wear, the blouse was stained and smelly and the skirt needs a bit of attention, the hem is all frayed and you need to learn how to sew buttons on properly. They have been washed and pressed and are now half decent, but I suggest that you throw them away unless you want to look like a homeless tramp or the messy lazy slut that most of us think you are anyway.”

“You cheeky pervert.” She screamed jumping up to have a go at me, but I just stood my ground and calmly answered her back “But then you are a jealous spiteful tramp and maybe the clothes will suit you.” I turned away and walked back to my table with the girls, to a chorus of whoops laughter cheers and clapping.

“Wow Livvy you really put her in her place, and you said it all just like any other girl would, making her feel small without being too insulting or aggressive, and from the noise when you walked back I think that you have found a few more fans.’ gushed Lorraine another of my classmates. “You did well this morning at games, are you joining us this afternoon for Home Economics, it’’s in the kitchens this session.” .

“Why not? The IT course I normally do is almost finished and my grades are good enough to miss the last few lessons. I’ve been helping Mum make dinner at home recently so a bit of extra tuition will be useful.”

Lynne rushed on ahead as I drifted along with the other girls to the kitchens and came back to meet me.

“I’ve had a word with Miss Rutherford who does cooking classes well as music, She is really sorry about how you were treated at choir practice and is happy for you to join her class today.”

“Good afternoon girls you are going to make a meal to take home with you to save your mums cooking for a change. There will be a Quiche Lorraine as a main course with Pear Tartin for dessert. Normally I would expect you to make the puff pastry for the Tartin, but you’e all done that before so we’ll keep it simpler and quicker and use shop-bought, which most chefs recommend now anyway, which you will most likely use if you do this again at home. The short pastry for the quiche is so easy that I want you to make that yourselves. The recipe cards are on the benches, so put on your aprons and your headscarves and let’s get started. While we were all doing ours, Miss Rutherford made two of each as samples for us to try, as we would be taking ours home. I was not as used to all the techniques for rolling out the pastry and making the sauces for the fillings as the others were, but Wendy and Helen on either side of me were happy to give a bit of help and advice when I was struggling.

Towards the end of the lesson when the tartin and the quiche came out of the oven I was surprised at how well they had turned out, Mum was going be delighted that I had made dinner for a change.

“Ok girls, pack up your baking in the bags and boxes and get this place tidied up, and then you can get off home to show the family what you have done. I suggest that you serve the quiche with a side salad and the tartin with a dollop of whipped cream, but that is a matter for your personal taste. Livvy would you stay behind for a few minutes please?”

Marie and Lynne went on ahead with the others as I stayed at my workstation wondering what Miss Rutherford wanted.

‘Livvy you did really well today for your first lesson with us and you just blended in with the other girls. I apologise for what happened the other day, I should have stopped Clare the minute she started. However, despite the fact that she was so pushy and rude, she did have a point.You have fitted in with the girls so well, and I heard about the changing rooms this morning, to be honest it is hard to see you as anything other than the girl you appear to be, and that is how everyone is treating you, the girls at least. However do not think that you have to do this. I have been asked to tell you that if you want to continue as a girl, that is not a problem for the school and staff, but if you want to go back to being Ollie, that is fine too.”

“Thank you Miss Rutherford, I will be living as a girl at least until after ‘The Sound of Music’ is over, if I am to be seen on stage as another one of the girls I need to spend as much time as possible living the part.”

“Fair enough Livvy, I’ll let the rest of the staff know, now get off home and show your mum that you can help her in the kitchen.”

I was soon home, showing Mum what we had for dinner and she was so pleased and proud.

I’ll get changed and go to do my homework with the girls, I’ll do the salad when I come back you just relax.

When I met up with the girls, they were not too keen on starting our homework.

“We can leave that until later. We’ve not really had time for a private talk today.” Lynne explained. “Most of the girls were amazed when you stripped off to change today, even us although we had seen you yesterday. We still can’t believe how realistic you look, can we have another look and a touch to see what they feel like?”

‘I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” I replied cheekily, but they didn’t hesitate and quickly whipped off their tops and bras, saying “Why not, we are all girls together, well almost.” and I had to follow suit.

“They’re pretty realistic, not quite the genuine article when you see them exposed like that, but they wobble around like ours and in a bra it’s hard to tell. Do a shimmy and let's see them really move.”

“That’s enough, we got together to do our homework, let’s get started.” I said as we all got dressed again.

I was soon home. Preparing the tossed salad to go with the quiche, while Mum relaxed in front of the tv with a glass of wine. As was now normal for us we sat at the dining table for our meal, it was a better atmosphere than a tray in front of the TV.

“That was all so delicious Livvy and there is even some left for tomorrow, you’ll have to make it again sometime, I could get used to having a helper around the house, let’s get the kitchen cleaned up and we can settle down for the rest of the evening.

To be continued.

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