Driven from Normal. (Chapter 24)


Driven from Normal .

(Chapter 24)

Simon McKenzie started his week normal enough, but after a series of events he found himself standing in a bar wearing a cocktail dress. Chapter 24.

Mitch’s surprise launch into some very passionate kissing continued, much to my astonishment. I had expected him to pull away in disgust or something, but there was no sign from him that he was going to, or didn't know exactly what he was doing. As much as I was trying to tell myself this shouldn’t be happening, it was, and I was enjoying it. With a million thoughts swirling around in my head, one kept sneaking to the front of the queue, I wasn't sure what to do with my arms? It may sound stupid but normally, when I was kissing a girl, I would have been doing the same moves as Mitch, one hand maybe placed gently behind the head or neck, the other on a hip or the small of her back, but my arms just hung limp at my sides, feeling unnatural and awkward.

The obvious location for my arms was over his shoulders, I lifted them and hung them off his neck, holding my wrist. As soon as I did, his hand slipped from my lower back to my bum and he squeezed me in closer as he explored the inside of my mouth, both of our tongues locked in a dance.

Mitch raised my leg slightly as he slid his hand along my thigh and maneuvered it so it wrapped it around him. I could feel his erection pressing against my other thigh, with my own still half tucked, but battling against the inside of the satin knickers and the increasing pressure building in the area.

It was so wrong, but in the moment it felt so right, having someone take control over me was so very erotic and I let out a soft moan of delight. Mitch must have taken that as a signal, his other hand dropped to my bum and he lifted me up off the ground, I wrapped the other leg around and tightened my hold around his shoulders in case I fell off.

Mitch wasn't a lot bigger than I was, but he was much stronger. His physical trainer had him on a strict workout and diet routine, keeping him very fit for race duties. Seemingly without any effort at all he carried me further inside my room like a reverse backpack, letting the door swing closed behind us and he headed straight for the bed.

I was gently placed down on the edge of the bed, Mitch reached up behind his head releasing my arms, then softly pushed my wrists flat onto the mattress as I fully submitted, lay back and waited for whatever was coming next. Mitch kissed and playfully nibbled my earlobe, then began a series of small quick kisses, starting at the side of my neck, just below my ear, moving slowly lower down my neck to my shoulder. With each touch of his lips on my bare skin a little quiver wisped across me, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake.

I was already at a point so close to fully exploding then the levels of pure lust, pulsing throughout my body maxed out as Mitch dropped to his knees. He started kissing my exposed abdomen as he carefully raised my singlet further up to kiss closer to my bra sat. I could feel his chest brushing my crotch every now and again as he breathed or adjusted his position, increasing the pleasure I was experiencing. I couldn't stop myself from trying to grind my crotch against him at any opportunity.

It was heavenly! I hadn’t been that aroused without any genital interaction ever! I could feel my panties starting to get damp from my own pre-cum, laying there, moaning and biting my lower lip in ecstasy. Mitch dragged a single finger softly along the length of my torso, down the outside of my thigh, stopping below my knee, before it turned and headed up the inside of my leg.

“Room service!”

A knock at the door scared the shit out of me, as well as Mitch. We both jumped and turned to see the door still slightly ajar, wedged open by the two discarded shirts that had jammed between the door and frame.
The door began to push open further, Mitch stood up with a look of sheer panic on his face, I grabbed a towel from the folded pile at the end of the bed and covered my lower half, in a very lame attempt to preserve some sort of modesty.

“Ohhh, I am so sorry to interrupt….” A very red-faced room service porter stood in the opened doorway holding my order, looking like she wanted to be anywhere but right there.

“I….I’d better go…. I will talk to you later!”

Mitch, now in quite a fluster headed for the door, squeezing past the girl and the door then disappearing out into the corridor..

“Mitch!, wait…” I yelled out in vain.

“Ma’am I am soooo sorry, I thought the door had been left open and I… “

“It’s fine, don't worry. It’s fine!” I said, standing as I wrapped the towel high up around my waist more securely, feeling as uncomfortable as she looked.

When I had taken the tray from her she quickly turned and made a hasty exit without saying another word. I kicked the two shirts clear of the doorway letting the door shut and lock on the catch, sitting the tray down on the small bench beside the TV. I spun on my heel and collapsed face down on the bed, letting the mattress muffle my frustrated yells.

With some of the disappointment expelled, I rolled onto my back with my arms stretched out, the sighs continued on for a bit, as I mentally rolled through all of the “What-if” scenarios.
What would have even happened if we hadn't been interrupted?
How far much further would things have gone?
What the fuck was Mitch thinking?
What was making me so angry about not knowing?
I had just been interrupted while making out with a guy, wearing women's clothes, in a hotel room and I was angry, but I wasn't really sure what about exactly…maybe it was everything?

I had enjoyed the way I had been treated, I felt like I was desired, but safe and respected right up until the end bit, when he up and bolted. I had heard about guys that like to submit to sexual partners, I had never been in a position like that to know if it was my thing or not, but I think it might have very much been my thing. The girls I had been with in the past, with maybe the exception of Mel, had always waited for my advances, letting me take control and steer the encounter as I saw fit.
Maybe I was a submissive type of person? Maybe that's why I had enjoyed being with Mel so much? She had gently pushed me further from my comfort zone, taking control without being overbearing and I loved every second of it.

But what the hell was the story with Mitch, why had I just enjoyed that so much? It’s one thing to enjoy a girl being the boss, but a guy…Shit am I gay? I didn't want to be gay, I like girls…. But, I think I also liked the feeling of being a girl as well, and everything that went with it.

I liked the sexy feelings of the clothes and makeup, I liked the way I was treated as a girl. I definitely liked the attention that came with being an attractive woman. The job offers and deals alone that Simone had received in the last week or so, blew everything out of the water that Simon had been offered, and I hadn't even been looking for any of them, they had just fallen into my lap, well technically Simones lap.

Now I really wanted Mitch to just knock on my door and finish whatever the hell it was he’d started. I lay there shipwrecked (only half mast and surrounded in seamen) wishing for the door to open, but it didn’t! I rolled on to my side just enough to reach my phone, it was back up to thirty percent, I held the button down to restart it and waited. I was crossing my fingers that there’d be a message from Mitch, but when it turned on it was just the missed call from him earlier on, along with a short good night text message from Dylan and a photo from Mel, it was her and Kamyla looking fairly well in to a big night with,
(miss ya sexy XXX)

“Shit, Mel…” Now I really felt like an arsehole.

We hadn’t said anything about being in an exclusive relationship or really even discussed the idea of a relationship, but I still felt a bit shit about going behind her back. Worse still, until I had seen her message, she had basically slipped from my thoughts. After everything she had done for me, and what we’d been through, I was ready to throw that all away for some random encounter that I didn't even know I wanted.
I decided to call Mitch first anyway and work out what was happening, it went straight to voicemail and the two text messages I sent straight after, remained unread.

Possibly out of guilt I phoned Mel, I think I needed to reaffirm that my sexual orientation was still purely straight. As soon as she answered I knew it had been a long night. The slurred speech and loud music in the background made it almost impossible to hear what she was saying, after a few “What’s that?’ and “Pardon me?”’ I heard Mel saying “Hold up”, she was going outside.

The slurred words didn't get any clearer but the quieter background made it possible to understand what she was saying to me.

“Whatcha wearin’ ya sexy thing?” was the first question Mel asked I had heard properly.

I wasn't going to lie, telling her the truth, I think she probably thought I was just making it up anyway, but she sounded excited and played along, making the conversation into a drunken phone sex call. She told me to describe how the slippery material of the panties felt against my penis when I rubbed over it, still being very aroused, it didn't take much to orgasm with Mel’s sultry voice quickly pushing my buttons.

She heard the quiver in my voice and teased me a little before the tone in her voice changed. She wanted to know when I was coming back to see her again. The booze may have played a part in the emotional plea but I couldn't handle her sounding sad.

“I’m coming down this week if that suits you?”

Mel's mood swung back to a high just as quickly as it had dropped off.

“Really?, Are you really or are you just teasing me?”

I explained how Dad was going down for the field days on Tuesday and he’d drop me off on the way. Mel was super excited with the news and asked a dozen, mostly incoherent questions. I managed to interrupt her and get in that there was a catch…

“Eh? What do you mean, there's a catch? What sort of catch?”

“Dad wants Simone to help out on the trade stall for a bit on Thursday and maybe Friday” I waited for the response… which came back faster than I had expected.

“Cool! So that gives us Tuesday night for some sexy times, then I can help you get ready on Wednesday… and we can have some more sexy times on Wednesday night before you leave again.”

“There is something else…” I replied

I heard the hesitation in her voice as she asked what the “something else” was, I think, expecting that bad news was coming.

“Well,...On Saturday, I have a room at Millbrook for the night. It’s a deal for some Simone Instagram promo stuff… I wondered if you’d like to join me? You know, as long as you’re free?”

“FUCK YES!” The very loud reply in my ear required me to temporarily hold the phone away.

I figured the finer details could wait until tomorrow when she was more likely to be a bit more sober and retain the information. I told her I’d call her tomorrow again and wished her a good night, just before ending the call Mel yelled out, “I fucken love ya! Talk tomorrow Babe!”

I grinned, wondering if she would even remember the call in the morning then leaned over and plugged the phone back into the charger. Still nothing from Mitch, “Well Fuck him anyway!” I said to myself as I stood up to head into the bathroom.

I cleaned the partially dry, but still slightly sticky mess off myself with some toilet paper then remained standing for a pee.
”This feels weird,” I said out loud.

For the last week and a bit I’d been sitting down to relieve myself, now it felt weird to be standing, even though I’d had more than twenty years experience doing just that…

I glanced at the mess of my reflection in the mirror, the bright red lipstick had been spread right across my face, the jizzy panties, and unfilled bra I had on was as far from glamorous as you’d get. What an absolute state I was thinking, then the guilt started to creep back into my thoughts. I finished my pee, flicked the light off and headed back to the bed, where I flopped on my back, spread out like a starfish and stared up into the darkness until I drifted off to sleep.

The alarm sounded in the morning waking me from a very turbulent sleep, I’d had strange dreams all night, that I’m sure a therapist would have a dozen reasons about what they all meant. I knew what they all meant, I didn't need a therapist to tell me my life had started to turn to shit, and my subconscious had been super effective at getting that across in the dreams.
In the shower I scrubbed the remainder of the makeup from my face, I hadn’t purchased any makeup remover so had to use the smallest bar of soap the hotel could have supplied. As the water washed off the evidence, I decided I needed an answer from Mitch about what the hell had happened last night. I worked out that I was angry that he took off more than anything and wanted to know why he hadn’t already explained himself. So that was my mission for today!

I got dressed in the least wrinkled of the two shirts Mitch had dropped on the floor, and after a peek out the curtain to see what the weather had in store, picked a pair of black dress shorts from my case. The info sheet from MG stipulated either dress trousers or shorts were to be worn, along with a shirt supplied from MG.
A pair of black ankle socks and my black Puma driving shoes to finish off, no girl clothes at all today!
I tried to make my hair sit into a style that was more manly, but whatever I tried, it still looked a bit lesbian-y, and not even a butch one. The pink fingernails and smooth, hairless legs didn't exactly help either, but that was what I was working with.

I entered the restaurant downstairs for breakfast and scanned around looking for Mitch, he still hadn't answered my calls or texts, which had pissed me off even more. He was nowhere to be seen and the maître d at the desk hadn't seen him or had his room number down for breakfast either.

“What a shit head!”

I ate angrily ate breakfast, which was not easy to do. I did actually enjoy it, and after not eating the toasted sandwich from last night, I was starving. I must have looked a bit like a lawn mower without a catcher on it as I ripped through the heaped plate of food I’d gathered up from the buffet, keeping an eye on the doorway for Mitch.

He didn’t show, and I couldn’t wait around any longer without being late for work. I ordered an Uber and headed out to the track. As we pulled up I spotted Mitch on his phone, walking and talking across the other side of the pit wall. The anger was building, obviously his phone was working ok, so he must have deliberately chosen to ignore me!
I stormed towards him, but before I’d got anywhere near close, I was intercepted by a guy from MG, who directed me towards the area I’d be working in. I had to try and compose myself and listen to what they wanted and expected from me over the next two days.

As predicted, my task was taking some punters for a hoon around the skid pan, basically showing off the new safety systems to the sales reps, some motoring journalists and VIP customers.

The all new MG I was charged with steering, was a full EV and required a very detailed and in depth safety briefing. I quickly came to terms with the fact that none of the safety systems could be disabled, so the driving duties really would be as boring as bat shit. I'd just be showing people that regardless of how hard I tried, the car wouldn't let me have any fun.

Mitch managed to successfully avoid me all morning either by luck or choice, in any case, I wasn't going to be unprofessional and make a scene in front of the clients. I remained focused on the job at hand, even being very polite when a few people mistakenly took me for a female. It was easier just to run with it than try and explain my way around it.

During the lunch break I headed for Mitch, he was midway through an informal interview with one of the motoring journos about the new deal racing in Europe. I hung around the sidelines waiting for an opportunity to talk to him in private, when there was finally a gap in the procession of people, I only managed to get out

"We need to talk about last night…"

Mitch nodded and as he started to talk, my phone started to ring, then his phone rang as well.

"Not here, we'll talk later!" Mitch said as he turned and accepted the call, then started walking away.

My incoming call was from Mel, I hit the green button to a very dusty sounding voice at the other end.

"You did tell me you're coming down this week, aye?" She crackled.

"Yep, on Tuesday."

"Sweeeet, I thought I might have imagined it all"

"I think Dylan told me as well last night, but I was fairly well-on when I saw him. Was he talking to you earlier or something? He seemed very excited I think?"

I told her that Dylan and I had talked, and arranged for him to pick me up from Dad then drop me off at her place for a hand getting ready to be Simone.

"Hang on a minute there cowboy! Back it waaaay up…Are you saying he knows about the Simon/Simone deal?"

When I'd run through that revelation twice, after the questions from Mel, her response was blunt to say the least.

"Frig! Well I'll be buggered! He knew the whole time! Huh!..... hang on, he kissed you on the couch at the party?"

I was summoned back to the car for the afternoon's driving session before I had a proper chance to explain everything, I apologised and said I had to go but I'd ring her back later.

The next round of trying to outsmart the electronic driving aids of the MG weren't anymore exciting. Most of my passengers seemed to enjoy me flicking the car from side to side in a futile attempt in getting the car to slide on the wet concrete.

There were a few snide comments about the woman driver but all in all everyone was well behaved. Even the salesman from the mall had been entertained, I'm not even sure if he remembered me from the other day. If he did, he didn't say anything, other than a thank you as he got out.

When we had finally finished for the day, we had a quick debrief with some MG technicians and executives before they let us go. Mitch immediately bolted, but I had anticipated that and was hot on his heels.

"Are you just going to be a fuckwit or can we talk about last night?" I asked him, grabbing his shoulder.

He let out a quiet sigh, then he turned to face me.
"My cars over there, I'll give you a ride back and we can talk, ok?

"Shit, that's big of you!"

I shot back, grabbed my bag and jogged over to where Mitch was waiting in his car. It was weird, I felt dirty or naughty or something opening the door and climbing into the passenger's seat. I shut the door and he pulled away as I was still putting the seatbelt on.

"I'm really sorry about last night… I shouldn't have taken off…. I just, I panicked when that girl showed up…"

He paused, then looked over at me,

"I'm not gay you know!" He announced, I wasn't sure who he was trying to convince more…

"Ah right!, Nah of course not!. But I'd say the guy you nearly shagged in the hotel room last night, might say otherwise."

A deaf person would have heard the sarcasm in my tone.

"No, I mean… ahhhh shit!. This is such a mess…. I've worked really hard to land this drive and I can't risk it if people find out…"

"...if people find out you're gay? What difference would that make?" I asked.

"Name a gay race driver…" he said in a very matter of fact way.

To be fair I couldn't think of any off the top of my head, I'm sure there's lots, but it's not something that really gets talked about I guess.

"That's stupid, and you've put me on the spot with that anyway! I still can't see what difference it would make?"

"I want to be given drives based on my ability, not because I tick off a box on some bullshit PC list. Nobody would ever take me seriously!"

After that, We sat in silence for most of the way back to the hotel.

"So what changed last night?" I asked, breaking the lengthy quiet patch.

"You" Mitch said without looking away from the road.

"You changed, I've been attracted to you for ages, and when I saw the photos of you dressed up I knew you were gay as well, so I…"

I cut him off mid sentence,
"Woah! I'm not gay…"

"Mmm, the guy you nearly shagged in the hotel room last night, might say otherwise." He said with a grin.


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