Jo(si)e -10 - Awards

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Chapter 10


Next morning I went into the museum to have a talk with Jacqui.

"My cousin Josie, don’t worry everyone finds the names confusing, is interested in working with me on a casual basis for a few weeks. She is in early pregnancy and it will be expensive and cause problems if she is taken on officially because of all the maternity rights and payments that would follow from that. I know that the council have all sorts of bureaucratic employment rules, but is there any way that we can get around all that. She has virtually the same qualifications and experience as me and would be a big help. She would love to be involved as she has been fascinated with what she has seen on the vlog and with what I have told her about what we are doing.”

“You’re right Jo. I can’t really put her on the staff, even as a casual worker, but if she is willing to sign up to Professor Carter’s team as a volunteer, I will arrange with him that she is assigned to work alongside you rather than the general archaeological team, I don’t see any problems with him over that. You have made such a good job of what you are doing that I was going to arrange a decent salary increase for you anyway, if you are happy to take that instead of payment to her then I think we should manage to keep the bookkeepers off our backs, how does that sound?”

"That sounds ideal, I am sure that she will be delighted, and I’ll arrange with her that while she is working with me that I will pass on the extra money to her.”

"Next time you are calling in here instead of going to site, bring her in to see me, I would like to meet her, have a chat and see if she is as good as you say she is. Whilst she is not suitable for employment at the moment, you are a rising star and it will not be long before you are enticed away from us, it’s always a sound idea to have a potential replacement lined up.”

“Jacqui, I committed to see this project through, and I will keep to that. I was hoping that perhaps after the dig is complete and a visitor centre is set up, that I could continue as the Museum manger and curator, but by then Josie could be in a position take that on, but you never know what might happen between now and then.”

I gave Josie a call and asked her to meet me at the site, suitably dressed for walking around the dig, and cleared the details with Professor Carter for her to start. When she arrived and after all the induction to the site rules and Health & Safety from Jake the dig team leader, I walked her around the site showing her what we had found and what was proposed.

"What do you think then Josie, are you glad to be here?”

"I have a mix of emotions, excitement at being involved obviously, but also a lot of regret at what I could have been doing if I had not been out in the wilds when you stood in for me at the interview.”

"Make the most of it while you are here, I am sure that you and Jack will sort things out and that you will ‘ride off into the sunset’ and enjoy your life together.”

It was useful having Josie working with me, she became my personal photographer so that instead of my vlog being mainly me talking directly to the camera with a few site photos added, I was now able to include shots of me inspecting the site and talking to some of the dig team, it all made it a bit more personal and less formal.

We were walking down to the shoreline to see how Emma, Jane and the team were getting on with the coffer dam and exposing the pier piles when I heard someone running behind us and turned to see Darren, who had helped me set up the vlog and website.

“Hi Jo, long time no see, how are you getting on?”

“ Oh, hello Darren, i am being kept busy, sorry I have not kept in touch. This is my cousin Josie, she is helping me on site with getting background for the vlog. Josie, this is Darren who was a big help when I first started all this.”

“I have been keeping up to date with the vlog, you are doing great job, you soon picked it up, and you come across really well in front of the camera. I thought that I would come to site to see the progress, but really it was just an excuse to get in touch with you again.”

“Do you want to walk around with us for a while we can chat as we go?”

“Jo, what are you doing Friday? I am going to a formal awards ceremony in Kings Lynn to do with regional heritage projects and was wondering if you could possibly be my ‘plus-one’, otherwise there will be an awkward gap on our table.”

“You should go.” Josie chipped in, “I’ve heard better chat-up lines as an invite, but it will give you a chance to put on a posh frock and let your hair down.” She stared at me, challenging me not to dare turning him down.

“I would love to, thanks for thinking of me Darren. What time do we have to be there?”

“I’ll pick you up at 6:30 if that is ok, I’ll be in a taxi, so we can enjoy the evening a bit more and have a drink. I have to get back to the studio now to complete a project I’m in the middle of, I’ll see you then.” As he left he gave me a quick hug and kiss and walked away with a big smile on his face.

“You are doing well there Sis, he is a bit of alright, and he obviously fancies you. We’ll have to get you glammed up and sorted out with a decent dress, I mean you are a media celebrity now, you have to look the part.”

“When I started out as Jo, I was determined to keep a low profile, quietly getting on with my job, but it is now just snowballing. I am an internet blogger, I am on publicity videos for this site and others, I am occasionally on TV, and now it looks like you have fixed me up with a date. I really like Darren, I have been out with him for after-work drinks but that was just as a friend, this seems a bit more.”

“Just enjoy it all Jo, you are working hard, you have to learn to relax and enjoy yourself a bit too, you cannot just lock yourself away when not at work. For a long time to come, you are a 20-something attractive girl, get out and enjoy it while you can, and start with going out with Darren on Friday.”

We found Emma and Jane down at the shore and introduced them to ‘my cousin’ Josie.They were only too keen to tell us how they were getting while Josie recorded it all.”

“We’ve exposed some of the piles above the tide line and using the same spacing we have been digging in the tidal zone to find more. Once the barrage is in place we will aerial scan to see how far out they go, which will tell us the high-tide water depth and allow us to determine the size of the boats that were able to berth here, which will then tell us how significant a port this was at the time. Once we have found out how long the jetty is we will just record and photograph it all and then let nature take its course and cover it all up again until it is determined what is going to happen here.

“ It always amazes me how much can be interpreted from relatively insignificant finds, a lot of it is guesswork and assumptions, but usually things can be related to finds elsewhere where there is a bit more background knowledge.” I replied, turning to smile at the camera, I was definitely becoming more media savvy.

“Are you coming with us to Grime’s Graves, Josie, Jo is quite good as a knowledgeable tour guide, and we usually have a good day out, and it will be a chance to be on the TV show.” Jane asked her.

“I haven’t been invited, yet, but of course I would love to come. However Jo may not be her normal bright and breezy self, she is going out on Friday to an awards dinner with Darren from your marketing department and will probably be having a late night.” Josie answered her, deliberately spreading gossip to ensure that I couldn’t back out.

“Is that the hunk that has been here a few times asking for you Jo? I wish he was taking me out, he is definitely a bit of alright. He keeps coming back, he is definitely keen on you.”

“He is just a friend, he needed a ‘plus-one’ for the night and thought that I might like to go, that’s all there is to it.”

“Oh, sure, and you expect us to believe that! We’ll see you Saturday at Maggie’s to go to Grime’s Graves, if you manage to get home in time and get some sleep.”

Later, as we were driving over to the Museum for Jacqui and Josie to meet, I pulled over and parked.

“Josie, what did you set me up with Darren for, and why did you have to tell the girls? You know who I really am, any relationship with Darren is doomed to end in misery for one or both of us.”

“Look Jo, you have a lot to learn, just because you are going to dinner with him does not mean that you have to jump into bed with him and plan on having a family. It is a night out with what seems to be a charming, good-looking, and to be blunt, quite hot, young man. It is part of being a girl, don’t forget that with a nice lad you are in control and can set the pace. We need to get you sorted for Friday, you are going to this event with him whether you like to or not, just leave the arrangements to me.”

Back at the museum Josie and Jacqui had a long chat and got on well together. Jacqui was impressed with how Josie came across and with the knowledge she had already picked up on our operations at Ostia and especially when she even offered some suggestions as to how best to present the findings when it was all completed.

“Nice to meet you Josie, I hope all goes well with your baby, and if ever you want to return to work, please give me a call, I’m sure that we can find an opening for you somewhere in the county’s Museum and Heritage organisation.”

On Thursday after work Josie and I went shopping. After 3 or 4 designer shops and trying on at least a dozen dresses, I ended up with a lovely sleeveless calf-length cerise ruffled pencil dress that Josie told me fitted like a dream and really suited me, and was perfect for the image I needed to present

“You’ll knock them all dead in that Sis, you are a media celebrity now and you look the part in that. We need to find you matching shoes and clutch bag, a decent set of sexy undies, you have to play the part from the inside out, and of course some matching shoes with killer heels, at least 4”.”

Back at home I was made to practice walking in the 4” heels she had chosen for me, until I felt comfortable in them, or as comfortable as any other woman is in high heels, and she thought that I was walking correctly and confidently in them. They were the highest shoes I had worn, most of the time for work I was in flats or site boots, and even for my studio appearances I had only worn 2” chunky-heeled slip-ons. When she was happy with all that I was sent up to the bathroom to have a relaxing soak and to make sure that there were no stray hairs anywhere that could be seen, and even where they would definitely not be seen, and to give my hair a good wash and condition.

“While you were upstairs pampering yourself, I have been speaking with Susie. You will have to leave work early tomorrow, you have an appointment with her at 3 o’clock, she is going to get you up like a million dollars and will need a good couple of hours.”

As arranged I turned up at Susie’s beauty parlour, and was given a big welcome by the girls I had worked with when I first became Jo. I didn’t know half of what they were doing to me, Josie had given them full instructions for important things like matching my outfit colour, and that I needed to turn up looking gorgeous and glamorous, but left the rest to their expertise. For the next two hours, my hair was lightly trimmed, rolled up and sprayed and while that was drying into shape, my eyebrows were trimmed, I had two different face masks, why I don’t know, my finger and toe nails were shaped and varnished to match the colour of my dress, and It was finished off with a complete evening-look makeup. After my hair was brushed out in flowing waves I felt a bit like an overdone Barbie doll but Susie and the girls assured me that it was exactly what was required and all I had to do was go home get changed and wait for Darren to call for me.

Back at home I quickly put on my new lacy bra and pantie set, stepped into my dress and pulled it up for Josie to zip me up, stepped into my heels, picked up the clutch bag, had a good look at myself in the mirror, amazed at what a wonderful job Susie and the girls had done on me, and I was ready to go.

“You aren’t getting away that easy, here are my best garnet earrings and pendant set which will just finish you off, then a few photos to send to Mum, some with you all glammed up and a few with you and Darren.”

When Darren arrived he was all dressed up in a smart dinner suit, wing-collar shirt with a bow -tie cummerbund and pocket handkerchief to colour-match with my dress.

“You two are going to wow them all tonight, I just wish I could be there to see you.” Josie chirped as she took a few more photos of the pair of us, “Go out and have a good time, but behave yourselves, not too good a time.”

Our taxi dropped us off across the square from Kings Lynn Town Hall where the awards event was taking place, and with a light bolero over my shoulders we made our way over the market square and into the grand 18c building which also housed the Lynn Museum where Seahenge was on display. After a quick visit by me to the ‘Ladies’ to freshen up, we made our way into the magnificent main function room, which was beautifully decked out to seat about 150 people on tables of eight, all laid with linen tablecloths, silver-plate cutlery and crystal glasses, and found the way to our table.

To my surprise Jacqui and her husband, Rob, were seated next to us, with our group being completed by James Selkirk, The County Director of Heritage Services, and Howard Shepherd, our main sponsor at Ostia with their wives Charlotte and Caroline. The rest of the room was filled with representatives from other museums, The National Trust, English Heritage, the Civic Trust and the great and the good from most organisations and professional design teams in the county involved with heritage or conservation projects. Howard Shepherd played the genial host and introduced everyone to each other and called over a waiter to pass around the wine and fill our glasses.

“Here’s to an enjoyable and successful evening. I must say, gentlemen that we are honoured by the presence of our beautiful wives and partners this evening, we must be the envy of a lot of the men assembled here, let’s ensure that they all have a really pleasant time.” I thought it a bit patronising and sexist, but he meant well and we all just clinked our glasses in a toast.

While we were waiting for the meal to be served our table was approached by a rather suave elderly gentleman. “Please excuse me, Ladies and Gentlemen, may I please have a word with Miss Johnson and steal her away for a few minutes?” Intrigued I went off with him out to the lobby.

“I apologise for interrupting your evening, but I was wondering if you could do us a favour. I’m Marcus Smith, I’m the organiser and MC for the event this evening. We normally have a group of local celebrities to present the awards for the various categories of heritage projects, events and facilities. Unfortunately one of those we were expecting has not turned up due to a family illness, and I was wondering, as many people will know you from your vlog on Ostia, if you will stand in to help us?”

“Are you sure, I am certain that there are a lot more experienced and appropriate people here tonight who would be glad to do the job for you?”

“To be honest, most of the suitable people here have already done the role in the past and it is always nice to have a fresh face, especially one as attractive and pleasant as yours. Unfortunately, yours will be the last category to be awarded, so it may stop you relaxing and enjoying the event, but please say that you will do it.”

“I’m honoured to be asked, of course I am happy to help out. What exactly do I have to do?”

“Nothing too onerous, no speeches or anything, just walk on, announce the winner of the award, shake their hand and walk off, just watch what the earlier people do and follow them in your own way. You talk very well in front of the cameras on your vlog and on TV, just treat this as a bit of the same.”

The others were delighted and amazed when I told them what it was all about, and it kept the conversation flowing during our meal. When everything was cleared away, the formal part of the evening started. There were 10 awards to be presented and Marcus introduced the guest presenters and left them to congratulate the winners for each of the categories. Eventually it was my turn and I made my way to the side of the platform waiting to be introduced.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we have a special guest to present the final award, although she is a last-minute stand-in, I am sure that with her experience she is more than capable. Most of you will recognise her from her appearances on Anglia East and from her vlogs about Ostia Septentrionalis, I hope I got my tongue around that and pronounced it correctly, if not I’m sure that she will correct me. Please welcome Miss Jo Johnson.”

I was a bit embarrassed as I made my way onto the podium, I was getting a better reception than many of the very worthy award winners.”

“Thank you very much for asking me Marcus, I really appreciate it. The final category is for the most inspirational person, project, or event, something that has triggered interest from the public for all our local heritage projects.” I paused while I carefully opened the envelope and prepared to unfold the paper with the winner’s name. “The winner is…………Oh my god, it’s me.” I was at loss for words and didn’t know how to react, so Marcus came back to the podium and took over.

“Truthfully, ladies and gentlemen, Jo had no idea that this was coming. I got her up onto the stage under false pretences. Since she started doing the vlogs and the programmes about Ostia, and I am not going to try to say the full name again, the visits to Seahenge have more than doubled and we have had so many enquires for school and special-interest groups to visit. I understand that there are more programmes in the pipeline for other museums. I am sure that you will all agree that she is doing a magnificent job in raising the profile of our local history and heritage, please join me in congratulating her.” To a continuing round of applause and handshakes as I passed, Marcus escorted me back to our table.

“Thank you all for allowing me to borrow her and helping to get her here, enjoy the rest of the evening. Congratulations Jo, you thoroughly deserved the award.” He gave me a formal kiss on each cheek and waited for me to sit before leaving us.

“Did you all know about this, particularly you Darren, you could have told me instead of pretending that you wanted me here as your date.”

“Yes,I was asked by Jacqui if I could get you here, but it just gave me the kickstart that I needed to ask you out. Next time, there will be no ulterior motives, it will be purely because I love your company, and being out with someone as attractive as you is good for my ego and street cred.”

“You got out of that hole well Darren,” Jacqui interrupted, “let that be the end of it, you make a wonderful couple, let us all just celebrate for the rest of the night.”

“You are so good with people Jo, if ever you want to look for pastures new, give me a call, I could always use someone like you.” offered Howard, but he was quickly jokingly rebuffed by James Selkirk. “You keep your hands off her Shepherd, she is contracted to us and you will have a fight on your hands if you try anything.”

It was late when we arrived back at the house. Darren put the taxi on hold and walked me to the door. It was an awkward moment while I thought about the normal goodnights knowing that I was really Joey, not Jo, but I decided to throw caution to the wind reached up and put my arms around him and gave him a passionate kiss full on the lips. We were interrupted by the taxi driver calling out ”Do you still want me to wait or are you going in.”

“Thanks for a lovely evening Darren, I’ve really enjoyed myself, but I have to be up early tomorrow, I had better go in.” He gave me another kiss and hug and made his way back to the taxi, looking back to make sure that I got in the house ok.

Josie was standing just behind the door with a big silly smile. “You little teaser you, I thought that you were going to invite him to come in.”

“Come of it Josie, you know that I couldn’t lead him on like that, it’s not fair. Besides, I may be dressing as a girl, but sexually I still prefer girls.”

“That didn’t stop you slobbering all over him, did it. Even the taxi driver was egging you on.”

“I couldn’t let him go away without even a bit of a snog, could I, we’ve had a wonderful evening, he has been the perfect partner for me and I didn’t want to spoil it for him by being too cold.”

“Try and tell me with a straight face that you did not enjoy the snog though, even just a little bit, you really went for it, it wasn’t just a gentle peck on the cheek.”

Let’s go and sit down and kick off these shoes and I will tell you all about the awards, and by the way, I got a special award for inspiring people for my work on Ostia.”

As we needed to not have too late a night we poured a couple of glasses of wine and went up to my room. As I was changing ,cleaning off the makeup and brushing out my hair, I told her all about what had happened and all the compliments that I received, not just about my work, but about how I looked and presented myself. We climbed into bed together, like sisters, and chatted away until we fell asleep.

To be continued.

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