Jo(si)e -2- The Interview

Chapter 2

The Interview

Even after spending most of the day in a skirt and heels, there were lots of strange sensations as we walked arms linked around the local park, the skirt brushing against my legs, the cool breeze which I normally didn’t feel in trousers, the bounce of the breasts, the hair blowing onto my cheeks and even the clicking of my heels on the pavement. Susie was constantly talking to me and asking me questions, especially when we were within earshot of passers-by, forcing me to reply in my Jo voice.

"You are doing great Jo, but you are looking stressed, let’s go in and get a coffee and have a break.” she said as she dragged me into a café. "There is no table service in here, you will have to go to the counter to get served, get me a cappuccino and a cream eclair and whatever you want, I am off to the Ladies.”

I picked up a tray and our order and was just turning to go to find a table when the counter assistant called me back. "Hi, it’s Josie isn’t it. I’m Karen Collins, we were in class at school together, remember. Since I got married I am officially Karen Baker, but when he left me I started to re-use my maiden name again.”

"Of course I remember you Karen, I just didn’t recognise you, I call myself Jo now.” I quickly replied, trying to remember what she had looked like and racking my brain to try to recall something about her. We had shared some classes, but Josie and her were in a lot more together and knew each other a lot better than I did. “You've changed a lot, your hair was always a lot longer, I used to be so jealous of you.”

"You too Jo, I wasn’t sure if it was you at first I don’t know what it is, but you look a bit different, a lot more stylish if I may say so. Since we all left school and you went off to university I hardly ever see any of the friends we all had. I had barely left school when I got pregnant, we got married, but were both far too young, but he just couldn’t settle down and left me with a lovely little daughter Marianne. Looking smart and taking care of myself is the least of my concerns now, it is a bit of a struggle sometimes, which is why I am working here.”

“After school Joey and I went off to university and mixing in with a different crowd of people our habits change a bit, and obviously we are both a bit older, but we have managed to stay single until now. Anyway Karen, you have other customers waiting, I better let you get on. It has been nice having a bit of a catch-up, now I know you are here I may come in for a chat sometime when you are not so busy. Bye.” I turned to see Susie at one of the window tables and hurried to join her.”

"It couldn’t have worked out better if I had planned it. I heard most of your conversation and you did very well, not only did you sound like a girl, but the way you were talking with your hands too, and the things you were saying were just like two girls would talk. Karen thought you were Josie, and they must have spent a lot of time together in classes. This is all working out much better than I expected. Go and say goodbye to Karen then let’s get you home and freshen up and we will go out for a meal.”

“What do I need to do now, before we go out Susie.?”

"What do you think, you must start making these decisions yourself ?”

"Freshen up my makeup and brush my hair?”

"Part of the way there, go and change out of the skirt and top, raid Josie’s wardrobe and find a dress that fits.”

"What about you, do you need to go home to change too?’’

"No, I am ok, but you need to be over-feminine to make up for any little discrepancies, I think that after all these years I won’t have any problems.”

I didn’t want anything too figure-hugging or which would be too revealing and picked out a navy shift with white piping on the collar ,half-cuffs, and hem, paired it with a pair of 2” blue heels and went down for Susie’s approval.

"You have good taste, that suits you, but keep that for your interview, see if there is something else you like, we don’t want to get any stains on that one.”

I changed into mirror image of that dress, white with blue piping, freshened up my makeup, picked up my bag and coat and we were off. While I had been doing all that, Susie had booked a table at a country hotel just outside of town, as she felt that any chance meeting with someone who knew me was enough for one day. I was struck by the more attentive and pleasant way I was treated by the waiters and waitresses, who seemed to make more of an effort to impress me than I had felt when I had been there before as Joey, but maybe that was because I was making more of an effort to be pleasant to them.

After an excellent meal and a glass of wine we decided to call it a night, Susie had to get back home. She dropped me off at the house, with a promise, or was that a threat, to come back late morning the next day to continue with my 'finishing school’.

"Get yourself cleaned of all your makeup, smooth some moisturiser on your face and go to bed wearing the nightdress I have left out for you.”

"What on earth do I need to wear a nightie for, who is going to see me?”

"I keep telling you, you have to be in the female mindset 24 hours a day, waking up wearing your nightdress and with breasts, you should automatically go into girl mode. Don’t argue, just do as you are told. Goodnight, see you tomorrow Jo.”

I slept fitfully that night, between trying to find a comfortable sleeping position that didn’t rub or push on the breasts, and with my mind buzzing with all the things I had gone through that day, I was awake more than I was asleep.

The following two days were a lot more of the same, gradually drawing me into feeling natural and comfortable acting as Jo. We went on several shopping trips, mainly for groceries as between Josie’s outfits and the few essential bits of underwear that Susie insisted I buy as my own, I only needed the basics for the few days I would be covering for her. But mainly it was just walking around, mixing and talking with people in cafés and bars, getting used to talking in a more feminine style.

“You know what Jo, you are doing a lot better than I expected, not only do you look the part but you seem relaxed and comfortable, you should have no problems at the interview, just remember, you are Josie as far as anyone can tell, and you should just sail through it all.

On Thursday evening after her shop was closed to customers and the other staff had left I was taken to Susie’s salon to get me ready for the next day’s interview at the museum.

“This is your very first makeover Jo, so just relax and let me work my magic. When there is something you need to know I will tell you, other than that I will treat you and chat away to you exactly the same as all my other clients. After I have washed your hair, I am going to tint it to match Josie’s colour and then set it up in rollers like I did the other day.”

“Does it not feel strange to you to be doing all this to me?”

“Believe me, you are not the first person to come in here as a man and leave looking like a woman, in fact I have some regulars that come in every month before they go to spend some time away as their other self. I see that your nails are still in good condition, I will just clean them and freshen them up while your hair is drying.”

“Is that it, I am taking up a lot of your time.”

“You still have a lot to learn, that is only the start. You still have an exfoliating face mask to go through and then it’s a full makeup session. What you have been wearing is fine for general daytime use, but for your interview you need to be much more subtle and professional.”

"That is as good as it is going to get Jo, go home, have a good rest so you are fresh for your interview, give it your best shot, and hopefully you will land the job for Josie. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon for you to tell me how you got on, just call round here to the salon.”

Friday morning I was up early, showered, made-up, hair brushed out, wearing my navy dress and heels, grabbed my handbag , called a taxi and set off for the interview, thinking to myself ‘MY navy dress and heels, MY handbag’ I had come a long way in a few days.

On arrival at the museum, I was surprised that there was nobody else waiting for interview or leaving and was called into the directors office almost immediately. I was glad of that as it meant that I wouldn’t be sitting there nervously thinking about how things could go wrong. I was expecting to be facing a middle-aged frumpy battle-axe but was pleasantly surprised to see a casually dressed attractive woman in her late thirties with a pleasant welcoming smile.

“Good afternoon Josephine, or may I call you Josie or Jo, I’m Jacqui McGregor, the museum director, thank you for coming in. You are our final interview of the day and unfortunately my other panel member has been called away for a personal emergency, so it will just be a one-to-one today.

"I prefer Jo, only my mother ever called me Josephine.” I quickly replied which brought a smile to her face

"To save wasting time for both you and me, the job role has changed from that advertised. Rather than being based in the museum as a general assistant, setting up displays, guiding school parties, and generally dealing with our visitors, for at least a year, possibly up to three, you will be working ‘in the field’ on an archaeological dig. Are you still interested?”

"In principle that sounds ideal, as part of my course at university I took part in two investigative digs, nothing highly significant, hard work out in the elements, but really enjoyable, instructive and enlightening.”

“Ok, before I tell you more, tell me about yourself, obviously most will be in your CV, but it’s nice to hear it from you personally.”

As most of our life, background, and education were common it was easy for me to give my history slightly tailored to suit any differences between me and Josie.”

"Excellent Jo, you seem to fit the job available quite well, and you speak and express yourself confidently. You are by far the best candidate we have seen.”

"Thank you for that Ms McGregor. Please tell me a bit more about what the job would entail.”

”The original vacancy was more as a museum-based assistant curator, dealing with the public, conservation and suchlike but something has come up to change that. This is confidential and I need you to commit to keeping it secret until an official announcement next week.”

"Obviously, if I cannot be trusted to keep something secret for a few days, I do not deserve an opportunity to work with you.”

“A farmer with land bordering the estuary was levelling one of his fields and digging into a bank when his JCB scraped along what has turned out to be stone building walls. According to the farmer, whose family have owned the property for many generations, the land has only ever been used as a pasture because with the slopes and rocky outcrops it has not been suitable for cultivation. We have had an aerial ground-penetrating scan carried out and it indicates what appears to be an extensive network of buildings. In the chronicles of the Roman occupation there are references to a major port in this area, Ostia Septentrionalis, Ostia of the North, named after Ostia, the ancient principal port of Rome, and we think we have found it. After the Romans defeated the rising by Boudicca, they moved a large force into this area to keep the local population under control and established Ostia Septentrionalis as the main port for bringing in their supplies”

"Wow, sounds exciting, if you are right it could be a major find and would bring a lot more much-needed tourists to the area. As well as the knowledge that would be gained it would really help to put the town on the map.”

"You sound as excited about it as we are, which is why, subject to checking your references, I am offering you the job of being the Museum’s on-site representative, working alongside Professor Carter and his Archaeological research team from the University. Carter and his team will be keeping all the official records and issuing all the research papers of any discoveries, but, as the County is funding the dig alongside various government and charity grants, we want our own records of the more personal aspects, the people involved, and the various processes carried out. If the find is as extensive as we hope, this is a long-term project, a year or more on site finding out what we have got, and then working out how to allow access to it and developing it as a visitor attraction. How does that appeal to you.”

“That sounds an amazing opportunity, Ms McGregor, it sounds exactly what I am looking for, and obviously between my official duties, I would like to assist Professor Carter and his team with the dig.”

"If you are going to be working on my team, please just call me Jacqui. I will make you an official offer in the next few days, and look forward to having you on my team. Have you any more questions?”

“If it’s not inappropriate I do have one. My brother Joey applied for the position too, he has the same qualifications and experience as me, and is very disappointed that he was not invited to an interview. Is there any reason I can tell him to soften his chagrin.”

“I did see his CV and he was on the list for interview and was a distinct possibility. However when the discovery of Ostia was made, it was realised that this could turn into a quite high-profile appointment. Although here at the museum, from me down, there is a high proportion of female staff, that is not so across the county heritage department and sites in general. especially at senior level, and it was felt by the ‘powers that be’ that the public face of the project should be female. Otherwise it was probably a toss-up between you and him.”

I left on cloud nine, delighted that I had been successful and couldn’t wait to tell Susie.

“The interview went really well, I just have to wait for the official confirmation of the job offer. It is an amazing opportunity, and will be a brilliant feather in my cap.”

"That is brilliant news Jo, but before you get too excited don’t forget that you went for the interview for the job that Josie applied for and that is who it will be offered to.” Susie quickly brought me back down to earth.

"But it is a dream career opportunity I would love to do it as Joey.“

“That’s not going to happen, Josie made the application, as far as the museum are concerned Josie was interviewed and offered the job, and they wanted a female for the role, they will not take kindly to having been deceived. You better tell Josie the good news.”

"Hi Sis, you’ve got the job, and it will be amazing, I only wish that I could have got it for myself, but apparently that was never on the cards, it will mean working on a major investigative dig on what could turn out to be the most significant roman site in the county.”

Instead of the squeals of delight that I expected, she burst out crying. “I would love to be involved in something like that, it sounds exactly what I was looking for, but it will not be possible in my condition.”

"What do you mean, a broken ankle will soon heal and will not stop you working on site?”

"It’s not that, I’ve just had it confirmed that I am 2 months pregnant. Spending time on my hands and knees scraping away exposing stonework will not really be too good for me, and I wouldn’t be able to see the project all the way through.”

"I don’t know whether to say congratulations about the baby or commiserations about not being able to take up the job.”

“The job can wait, at the moment the baby is more important.”

"It’s an amazing opportunity Josie, you would be in at the beginning of what could be a major find.”

"If it is so fantastic why not ask if they will let you take my place.”

“I might do that. I will think about it for the next few days until I get official confirmation, and leave the decision until you get back and we can have a talk. When are you getting back?”

“I won’t be back for a couple of weeks, we are going to see Jack’s parents to let them know about the baby, but if you need to talk just give me a call, we are sticking to the main roads and towns so I should always have a cell signal.”

“I hope it all goes well with Jack’s family, like with me it will be a bit of a shock for them.”

"Before I forget, how did you get on pretending to be me, you’ll have to email some photos of you dressed up.”

"Susie has been great, she really helped me and has had me wearing your clothes and makeup for the last few days to get used to them before the interview. We have even been out and about a few times, and everyone just seemed to accept me as you.”

"That’s amazing, you will have to let me see you dressed up when I get back.”

"Don’t hold your breath, this is all ending now. Bye love, take care.”

"Did you catch that conversation Susie, after all your efforts with me, she doesn’t even want the job anymore because she is pregnant. I’ve had enough, I’m going to change out of all of this and clean my face, put on jeans and a t-shirt and then go out and get drunk. Do you want to join me?”

"I have a better idea, why don’t we go out with you as you are now, it seems a waste to just forget about your time as Jo. Freshen up your make-up, I will raid Josie’s wardrobe for something more suitable for you for a girls’ casual night out, we can go out to a country pub where it is unlikely that anyone will know us, and talk through all the possibilities.”

“Why not, I think this is all a dream and am worried that when I wake up I will find that none of this happened. I can at least stay in the dream for a few more hours.”

I thought that I would let you relax a little so I have dug out some trousers, a smock top which will hide your lack of hips and curvy bottom, and some flats, it should all be comfortable, it’s casual enough without being too sloppy. Go and change, get your coat and bag and let’s go.”

I was more relaxed than my first time out, the stress of the interview was over, I had successfully passed as Josie and got her an amazing job offer and felt totally at ease with Susie. We enjoyed an excellent meal and bottle of wine, generally chatting about people we knew and places we had been and I was enjoying my night out.

"Right, down to business.” Susie started off after our table was cleared and we had ordered more wine. "As I see it you have several options.

#1 You can call the Museum as Josie and tell them that you have changed your mind and that the job on offer is not what you are looking for.
#2 You can convince Josie that it is too good an opportunity for her to turn down and suggest that she does not have her baby.
#3 You can call the Museum as Josie, tell them that you are pregnant and that you are unable to accept their offer but that your brother Joey who has similar qualifications and background is interested and would like to be considered, even if they prefer a female for the job.
#4 You can be open with them and tell them that you went for interview pretending to be your sister, but that everything you told them was your experience and attitudes, and you would like to be offered the job as Joey.
# 5 You may not like this, take the job and work as Jo for the duration of the project.

Personally, I can’t see #1 to #4 having a successful outcome.The museum will feel as if they have been cheated and will not trust you.”

"And I cannot see #5 working either. Even if it was something I was prepared to do, working and living, pretending to be Jo, I don’t think I could get away with it. An hour getting interviewed is one thing, but working closely with colleagues, and socialising with them for several years is in a different league altogether. The other big point is how do I explain Joey’s disappearance for such a long time?”

"Since we came in here, you have been to the bar for drinks, you have ordered your meal and chatted with the waitress, you have been to the Ladies and talked with someone in there, and you have sat and chatted with me for over an hour in full view and hearing of other customers. Has anyone looked at you or said anything to you to suggest that they consider you to be anything other than just another girl here for a quiet night out? You are a natural, and will easily pass as Jo. The more you do it, the more it will become second nature and you will be even better at it, you need have no worries on that score.”

"But it will mean that I have to be Jo 24/7, totally living, looking, and acting, as a female. That is not me, that is not something that I want to do.”

"It is up to you, it all depends on how much you want this job, but I see it as the only option that has any chance of working for you. You have given up your job in the burger bar so just spend some time as Jo, there is nothing to stop you trying it over the weekend and next week. If you want you can come and work in my salon, nothing too difficult, just tidying up, running errands, making coffee for the clients, sweeping up all the hair cuttings, things like that. it will put you in a totally female environment, and if you can get through that it might help to convince you how realistic you are.”

"What about your clients, what would they think if they realised that I am really a man.”

"Don’t let that worry you, most women are used to male hairdressers being gay, or appearing to be gay and effeminate, in fact many prefer that, they feel safer. They will just shrug it off and have a giggle about you later with their friends.”

"Ok, I’ll give that a try while I am deciding what to do about the museum and until I can have another talk with Josie. What time do you want me there, and how do you want me to look.”

"We open at 9:00 so get there about 8:30 so I can make sure that you are presentable. Just wear the skirt and top that you used yesterday, and the flats you have on now, you won’t want to be standing in heels all day, and make-up just as you are now. You can change into one of our uniforms when you get there. Let’s get you home, you need a good nights sleep after all your stress today.”

Susie dropped me off at home, gave me a quick peck on the cheek and a goodnight girl hug, and waited until I went into the house before driving off. Rather than just quickly throwing off my clothes and climbing into bed, it was suddenly a good half-hour operation, I was under strict instructions from her to brush out my hair and then tie it back, clean off all my makeup and apply night cream moisturiser. I took off and hung up my dress, dropped my bra into the wash basket and put on the nightdress I had been wearing since all this started, with the breast forms still attached to me, it just felt the natural thing to do, then did my cleaning ritual and soon dropped off into a deep sleep, with constant dreams of living my life as Jo.

To be continued.

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