A Modest Proposal - Part 18


A Modest Proposal Part 18
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2023 Melanie Brown



“He attacked you?” asked an incredulous Nova. “He seriously attacked you?”

I lay back on my bed. “He didn’t like hit me or anything. But he came on pretty strong and quick. I wasn’t expecting it.”

“And you didn’t slap the crap out of him?” demanded Nova.

I rolled over on my bed and crossed my legs in the air. “He came on too fast. I didn’t know what to do.”

Sounding a bit angry, Nova almost shouted, “Girl! That’s when you slap the shit out of him! Let him know he has limits! He just can’t do what he wants.”

I frowned at the phone. “Hey. I’m still new at this. I don’t have all the years of experience dealing with guys that you do.”

“Ronnie you better learn quick or you’re going to find your panties down around your ankles. At that point, it’s almost too late!” Nova growled.

“That’s not going to happen.” I said getting pissed.

Taking a breath, Nova said, “You’re darned right that’s not going to happen. You told him to get lost, right?”

“Ummm. I ah… I have a date with him tonight.”

“Ronnie!” shouted Nova. “Are you insane? No, no. Bad idea. Ronnie, he’s going to hurt you.”

I laughed. “No he’s not! He got a little carried away last night is all.”

Nova was silent for a few moments. Finally she said, “It doesn’t seem I can talk you out of this. Looks like you’re just going to have to find out on your own. Ronnie. I want you to promise me one thing. I’m serious here. If he hurts you. If you feel scared or uncomfortable. Call me. Call Jeff. Hell, call Tank. We’ll come for you. Promise me, Ronnie.”

I sighed and took a deep breath. “I promise. If I feel I’m in any danger, I’ll call. I really don’t think I’ll be in any real danger. Bobby is a free spirit and honestly, I like that.”

“Girl I’m serious,” said Nova seriously. “I don’t want to see you come to school on Monday with a black eye or a broken arm or something.”

I giggled and said, “I promise! But nothing is going to happen.”

Sounding exasperated, Nova said, “Stop being so damned naïve! You’re far too trusting. Don’t forget what his ultimate plan is for you.”

Laughing I said, “That’s next week. I won’t be going to the dance with him. I don’t plan to go to the dance at all.”

Nova asked, “You sure about that? I’m worried if you’ll still have your panties on at the end of the night.”

Feeling a bit pissed, I said, “Nova, I do have some self control. And I really don’t think Bobby is as bad you try to paint him.”

Nova sighed. “I honestly don’t understand why you like him. It takes more than just being cute to make a good boyfriend. But hey. I need to go. Just please be careful.”

“I will. I promise,” I said sincerely. We both disconnected.

*          *          *

“You’re not leaving this house dressed like that young lady! March right back in your room and change!” Mom sounded angry.

I looked down and exclaimed, “What’s wrong with how I’m dressed?” I was wearing one of Janet’s micro-mini skirts. I thought I looked really cute in it.

Sounding more pissed, Mom pointed at me and said, “Ronnie! I can see your panties!” She then pointed towards my room. “I said march!”

Whining, I said, “But Bobby likes…”

Shaking her head, Mom interrupted, “Oh, I know what boys like. Go change. And not another word or you’re grounded.” From her expression, I could tell she meant it.

I pouted at her. “Okay. I’ll go change.” I really liked the way my legs looked in the ultra short skirt and my strappy high heeled sandals. But this wasn’t going to pass muster with Mom. I turned and went back into my room.

I quickly went through my closet. I decided to keep the tank top I was wearing even though I don’t have any tits. I found another one of Janet’s skirts and pulled it out and held it in front of me. It’s short, but not obscenely so. It was black in color and had a snug fit. I stood in front of my mirror and I didn’t see my panties.

I leaned close to the mirror to check my make-up. I went a bit bolder with my eye make-up than I have been for school or even as a cheerleader when I’d go a bit heavier on the liner. I wanted to punch it up a bit but make sure I didn’t enter clown territory. I re-did my nails in a deep purple. I grinned at my reflection. Being a girl is a lot more trouble, but it’s also a lot more fun. I chuckled thinking how I had spent all this effort on my look while Bobby probably just picked a shirt off the floor and sniffed it to see if it was still okay.

I took a deep breath and turned to walk into the living room to face my worst critic. My Mom.

I strutted into the living room on my heels and struck a pose. “How’s this, Mom? Is this okay?”

Mom got up from the couch where she was watching TV. She walked in a circle around me frowning and shaking her head. “That’s still shorter than I’d like, but it’s not obscene yet. I’m not sure what happened to my son, but my new daughter is certainly gorgeous.”

“Thanks, Mom!” I said as I hugged her.

Mom stepped back and looked me up and down. “Now Ronnie, you need to understand that you must follow the same rules on dating that Janet did. Being a boy underneath doesn’t change anything. I’ll let your date know this as well, but I fully expect you to be home no later than eleven-thirty. I need to meet this boy before you leave. So stay in your room a few minutes after he arrives so I can interrog… I mean chat with him first. I need to know where you’re going. I’ve set your phone to share your location with my phone to keep you honest. And most important, if you start to feel uncomfortable, leave. Go to where there are other people and call me.”

I sighed. “I promise Mom. Everyone seems to think I’m going to get into trouble. I’m just expecting to have fun, get a free dinner and movie.”

Mom shrugged. “You gotta be ready for anything. Especially dressed like that.”

I rolled my eyes. “Mom! I’ll be fine. Really.”

The doorbell rang.

I was suddenly nervous. “Oh God he’s here!”

Mom said calmly, “Go to your room and give me about ten minutes.”

I ran to my room…well run as well as I could in heels and closed the door. I put my ear against the door to listen.

Through the door, I heard Mom open the front door. “Hello? Can I help you?” asked Mom.

Bobby said from the porch, “Good evening, Mrs. Sanders. I’m here to pick up Ronnie. Is she ready?”

Mom said, “You must be Bobby. Is it Bobby or Bob?”

Bobby laughed embarrassed. “Everyone just calls me Bobby, ma’am. Is Ronnie ready?”

Mom said, “Not quite yet. You know how girls are.” She chuckled. “Please come in and have a seat while you wait.”

“Thank you, ma’am,” said Bobby.

I heard the door close and then a few moments of silence.

Mom asked, “Would you care for a soda or a bottle of water while you wait?

Bobby answered, “I’m fine. Do you know how much longer she’ll be?”

Mom said, “She’ll be along shortly. Is one of your parents driving you two?”

“I have my own license!” exclaimed Bobby. “I took driver’s ED over the summer.”

Mom continued to grill Bobby for several more minutes. Finally she said, “Let me go check on her.” I then heard her walking to my door. I took a few steps back. She knocked on my door. “Ronnie? Bobby’s here. Are you ready?”

I took a deep breath. “Let me get my purse.” How did I ever live without a purse? I took one final look in the mirror on my dresser to make sure my make-up hadn’t changed in the last thirty seconds.

I opened the door and said, “I’m ready, Mom.” I was nervous has hell after everyone making it sound like I was walking to my death. Mom walked quickly back to the living room to give me some space.

Bobby stood up as I entered the living room. He was grinning from ear-to-ear. “Hi Ronnie. You look very pretty tonight.”

I smiled at Bobby. He was not only wearing a clean shirt, but also one with buttons. He’s gone all out. “”Hey Bobby,” I said shyly. “You look very nice.”

Bobby held out his hand to me. “Are you ready to go?”

As I reached out for Bobby’s hand, Mom said, “Now remember. She must be back home by eleven-thirty.”

Bobby smiled and nodded towards Mom. “Yes ma’am. That won’t be a problem.”

As Bobby took my hand, Mom asked, “Just curious, where are you two kids going for dinner?” I raised my eyebrows and nodded towards the door in a gesture to suggest I wanted to leave.

Clasping my hand, Bobby said, “I’m going to take her to Gladstone’s and then after that to that new Nathan Adams movie.” Expensive dinner at Gladstone’s. Just like he told all us ‘guys’ outside the boy’s health class.

Mom looked impressed. “Nice! Well, you two have a good time. See you at eleven-thirty.” Mom was a pest with Janet too.

Giving my hand a squeeze, Bobby led me out to his truck. I was surprised by his considerate walking speed. I had no trouble keeping up wearing my strappy high heel sandals.

Bobby turned to me with a grin. “Have you ever been to Gladstone’s?”

I smiled. “No. I’ve heard it’s great though.”

We stopped by his truck as he reached up to open the passenger door. “You’re in for a real treat then. Let me help you up.” Mom’s not going to like this. I knew she was watching.

Bobby put his hands on my waist and lifted me up so I could step into his truck. He should get a step or something. I have to admit, I’m probably a bit shorter than most people who’d ride in his truck.

As the truck rumbled to life, Bobby fiddled with the sound system for a moment. “Do you like J-Pop?”

I shrugged. “I guess so. I’ve listened to some of it. Like on anime and stuff.”

He connected to his phone’s blue-tooth. “See if you like this. This is my new favorite girl band in Japan. They’re called Moxie.” The bass began pounding a metal beat. So much for something romantic. “Their bassist is named Ayumi. You know, she reminds me of you for some reason.”

I nodded with the beat. “I like it,” I said honestly. He had the volume up higher than I normally find comfortable, but at least it wasn’t blasting. And Gladstone’s was only about fifteen minutes from my house.

As we drove to the restaurant, Bobby took a moment to glance over at me. “You really are very beautiful.”

I felt my face redden slightly as I looked down at my feet. I really don’t understand how I could possibly be beautiful. I said, “Thank you. That’s so nice of you to say.”

Turning back to looking out the windshield, he said. “I mean it. I really do think you’re the prettiest girl at school.” He sounded sincere.

I blushed again. “Thank you.”

“So, what made you decide to be a cheerleader?” Bobby asked. “I heard you didn’t join until after school started.”

I nodded. “I was asked. My sister was a cheerleader and the coach wanted to start a legacy cheerleader program. I still had to try out to keep the system honest.”

Bobby laughed. “Yeah. I guess they wouldn’t want someone who couldn’t cheer at all. It was a good choice because I think you’re the best cheerleader. Certainly the cutest. A lot of guys think that too.”

I didn’t think my face could get any redder, but it did. I gave Bobby a weak smile. “That’s so nice of you to say. But the other girls have more experience. At Cheerleading.” I like Bobby. Who cares what my friends say? Maybe they’re jealous?

Bobby drove his truck into the parking lot. He exclaimed, “We’re here!”

At the door stood a waiter dressed in something looking like a tux. What are they called? Mater Dees or somesuch?

I looked over at Bobby and said, “This place really does look expensive. Do you need a reservation?” I remember him saying his dad covered his expenses.

“I got that covered, babe,” said Bobby. “Don’t worry about it.” Actually, I wasn’t.

Bobby parked his truck and jumped out. He ran over to my side to help me down. Why would you ever drive a truck so big you have to help your passengers get down. As I felt his hands on my waist, I mentally rolled my eyes at myself. I just answered my own question.

Bobby took my hand and led me to the restaurant entrance and right up to that mater guy.

The head waiter looked at us and asked, “May I help you, sir?”

Bobby grinned and said crisply, “Robert Fairchild the third. Reservations for two.”

The mater dee’s expression didn’t change. He said, “Of course, sir.” He then signaled one of his minion waiters who snapped to in front of us. “Show Mr. Fairchild and his guest to table sixty-nine.” Bobby turned to me and grinned, wiggling his eyebrows. Oh my God. Table sixty-nine? Seriously?

The waiter said, “Right this way, sir.”

Bobby discreetly placed a twenty dollar bill in Mr. Dee’s palm.

As we started to follow the waiter, Bobby whispered to me, “It’s always best to grease the palm of the Maître d.” That’s the word. Where did I get Mater?

We were taken to a nice semi-secluded table off in a corner. Sadly, the restaurant didn’t have any windows. The waiter pulled my chair out for me to sit and then pushed it back in. It bugged me that because my skirt was so short, my legs stuck to the chair.

The waiter placed the menus in front of us and asked what we wanted to drink. I just asked for ice tea. I felt that a soda was too gauche for a restaurant this fancy.

Bobby picked up his menu and said, “Order whatever you’d like, Ronnie. The sky’s the limit.”

I knew he was just showing off and was probably using his dad’s credit card. I perused the menu and after a moment exclaimed, “Hey! They have chicken fried steak!”

Bobby frowned. “That’s the children’s menu. Look over here.” He pointed to another page of the menu.

Smirking, I said, “Sorry!” After being chastised for my dinner choice, I almost selected the sixteen ounce sirloin steak and a loaded baked potato. But, knowing I wouldn’t be able to shovel that in, I ordered a baked salmon instead. It certainly looked good. The meal came with a house salad that quite frankly, was enough all by itself.

After the waiter left with our order, I clasped my hands under the table and looked around like a tourist ogling at the displays in the Louvre. “This is very nice! I almost feel like I’m in someone’s house!” I giggled.

Bobby nodded. “It’s great. This is my favorite place to eat. Much better than Taco Bueno.” He grinned.

I laughed. “You think? It’s very fancy though.”

Trying to affect an air of sophistication, Bobby, or should I say Robert Fairchild the third said, “Stay with me, Ronnie and we’ll dine here often. I spare no expense for my woman.”

I smiled as I was sure his dad would spare no expense. It amused me that he thought he was buying his way into my panties. I had a sobering thought. If I’m not careful, this charmingly attractive young man just might. I had to admit, I was falling for his charms. This bad boy could definitely round off his edges when he wanted to.

The food finally arrived and it looked and smelled absolutely wonderful.

As he cut his steak, Bobby asked, “So. What does the future look like for Ronnie Sanders? College plans? Having a family? Being a fighter pilot?” He laughed after the last item he said.

I frowned at him. “I know you think that’s funny, but there are women fighter pilots.” I’m not a woman, so why am I suddenly defensive?

Bobby grinned at me. “Well, I think they have height requirements.”

I nodded. “True. But that other stuff? I’m just trying to get through high school. I haven’t really thought about college or anything. What about you?”

He nodded and tried to speak with his mouth full. “I got it all figured out. I plan to major in aerospace engineering.”

Taking a sip of my tea I said, “Sounds like an expensive degree plan. With a lot of math.”

Grinning, Bobby said, “I’m good at math. I’m hoping to earn a few scholarships my senior year.”

I studied him for a moment. “Well, good luck with that. Tell me more about your interests. What’s this racing club thing you belong to?”

Bobby’s grin widened. “Oh yeah. The Street Rod Association. We meet officially once per month, but we do meet at random times as well. It’s just not high school kids. There are some older guys too. Your old boyfriend Jeff was a member.”

“Jeff? Really?” I asked, surprised. “He has a nice car, but I didn’t think he raced.”

Bobby shrugged. “He’s got a great car, but he got spooked when he spun out at a race last summer. He quit and hasn’t raced since. He may be hot snot as a football player, but he’s just chicken shit when it comes to racing. That’s not really fair I guess. Olivia talked him into quitting.”

“Where do you race around here?” I asked sincerely curious. “I didn’t know there are any race tracks around here.”

Bobby chuckled. “Actually, just out of town there’s a drag strip. But they have a lot of safety regulations. So we usually race on a few of the city streets. We see who’s the fastest in a quarter mile. Twice a year we put on a gymkhana in the old mall parking lot.”

I had no idea what a gymkhana was, but my next question was, “So, do you race? Sounds dangerous.”

Bobby grinned. “It is. But danger is my middle name, babe. Maybe you could be my good luck charm and ride with me in a race sometime.”

I shook my head. “My mom would literally… and I mean literally kill me if I got close to a race car.”

“Nah. She doesn’t have to know.” Bobby looked at his phone and exclaimed, “Shit! We need to get going if we’re going to see that movie!” He waved for the waiter.

*          *          *

Bobby drove his truck into the crowded parking lot of the Cineplex. Ordinarily, I’d be worried if we’d get a seat, but Bobby already had our tickets with our reserved seats.

It was a madhouse when we entered. It was filled with kids from both high schools in town and probably the town a few miles down the road. It was very loud. All the video games and music playing and just the general cacophony of all the voices. I felt so exposed in my short skirt and heels. I could feel the eyes of dozens of boys landing on me. On one hand it was exciting that all these boys found me attractive, but also annoying that all these boys found me attractive.

I kept a grip on Bobby’s hand as we wound through the crowd. For one thing I didn’t want to lose him in the crowd. But also, when he let go of my hand, his hand wound up on my ass.

Bobby led me by the hand through the maze of tables and video games. We stopped to chat with a friend of his. Actually, the friend was that cute blond boy who was taking bets on whether Bobby is going to do me or not. There were a couple of other boys I didn’t know with him. When the blond boy saw me, he grinned and nudged Bobby who grinned back.

I really wasn’t interested in listening to a group of boys boasting, so I leaned in to Bobby’s ear and told him I had to go to the restroom. That was true enough, but I also wanted to get away from all this activity.

Bobby said, “Okay, babe. But don’t take forever in there like you girls usually do. The movie starts soon and we still need to get snacks.”

I said, “Hopefully there won’t be a line.”

Bobby grinned at me and said, “Oh. And Fritz and Caleb will be sitting with us. Isn’t that cool?” I smiled weakly and nodded. Fritz was the cute blond boy.

I took a quick look around to get my bearings so I could find my way back and then I hurried off. I didn’t need physic powers to feel the eyes of the three boys focusing on my ass.

I was shocked and amazed to find the restroom empty. I hurried into a stall and sat down. A moment later, four loud girls burst into the restroom. Only one took a stall. The other three started checking their hair and make-up in the mirror. The girls all laughed about something I didn’t quite catch.

And then one of them giggled and said, “Hey. Did any of you catch that little girl Bobby Fairbutt came in with? Is she twelve?”

Another girl, a brunette asked, “Is she blonde? Short hair? Skinny?”

“That’s her.”

The brunette said, “She’s not twelve. She’s the new cheerleader. Half the boys in school want to fuck her.” Hearing that made me cringe.

Another girl quipped, “And the other half already have!” All the girls then laughed. She doesn’t know me. Why would she say that?

A girl with sandy blonde hair said, “Oh yeah. I heard Bobby bragging he had a date with her and she’s his date for the dance too.” I know that’s the plan, but he hasn’t asked me yet.

One of the girls said, “Poor girl. I guess none of her friends warned her.”

“Or she ignored them. You know how Bobby can charm you right out of your panties.” They all laughed and left the restroom.

Even though I was done, I waited a minute before leaving the stall. I didn’t want to run into those girls. I checked my make-up in the mirror and decided I needed to re-apply my lipstick. I studied myself for a few moments. What was that one girl talking about? I don’t look twelve!

When I arrived back to where Bobby and his friends were standing around, Bobby pretended to clap. “You did make it back. We had a bet on that.” He looked away at his friends. “Pay up, you losers!” The other two boys just laughed.

Bobby took my hand. “Come on babe. We need to get in the snack line now if we want any popcorn for the movie.”

After leading me to the end of the snack line, Bobby slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. A group of boys ahead of us in the line turned around and saw Bobby and waved. Then they saw me and gave him a thumbs up gesture. This actually happened several times as we moved through the line. I started to feel more like a trophy than a girlfriend.

After we finally made it through the line got our tub of popcorn and empty soda cups, we waited in a shorter line to fill our cups from the wall of soda dispensers.

A couple of girls started to walk past us. One smirked at Bobby. “Well, Bob. I see you’re still trolling the middle schools.”

Grinning, Bobby put his arm around me again and pulled me close. “Jealous?” He then laughed. The two girls shook their heads and walked away.

I poked Bobby’s shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell them I’m not in middle school?” A better question was, why didn’t I?

Bobby just chuckled. “Why?”

He tugged on my hand. “Come on. The movie’s going to start.” A Cineplex staff member directed us to the correct auditorium and the four of us walked in that direction with Fritz and Caleb bringing up the rear.

I don’t think I was meant to hear Fritz’ comment to Caleb which made it clear why they were behind us and not in front. “Man! I just can’t take my eyes off that ass!”

Caleb said with a chuckle, “I bet she’s tight.” That comment made me uncomfortable enough to put my arm around Bobby for a sense of security.

He put his arm around my waist and then his hand slipped down to my butt. He gave my ass a little squeeze. He whispered in my ear, “You’re my girl.”

We finally got seated in the theater. Fortunately, Fritz and Caleb sat in front of us, and not behind or next to me. The bad thing was that the three of them talked and joked through the all the previews. I hoped they weren’t going to do that during the movie. Their laughing was already getting annoyed looks from others in the theater. Thankfully, they settled down after the movie started.

The start of the movie was great. One of the best action sequences I’ve seen. And Nathan Adams is so handsome and manly. He’s so much more exciting than his main competition Tommy Kincaid. In the climactic scene when Nathan kisses the female lead, whatever the hell her name was, I’m sure every girl in the theater, including me, wished they were being kissed instead.

Bobby had slid his arm around my shoulders. I didn’t fight it or move his hand. I just snuggled into his shoulder. More than once he bent his head down and kissed me. Soft, romantic kisses. Nothing like the hard kiss from last night. It made me feel gooey inside.

The movie ended with Nathan kissing the girl and with Bobby and I lip-locked, sucking on each other’s tongues. I closed my eyes and moaned softly. I was in heaven. Bobby could have had me eating out of his hand.

Uh oh.

I opened my eyes and pulled back from him. His two friends had apparently given up on us and had left. Fine with me. Bobby ran his fingers through my hair. “My girl is so beautiful.”

Taking a breather and glancing at the theater cleanup crew glaring at us, I took my phone from my purse and checked the time.

“Oh my God! Bobby it’s almost my curfew! We need to go. Like right now.” I exclaimed.

Bobby kissed me again and with his eyes closed, asked, “So? Does it matter?”

I started trying to stand. “My mom will literally kill me if I show up late. I mean it. Do you want to start dating a cadaver?”

Bobby frowned and sat up straighter. “Okay, okay. Let’s get you home. I’d hate for you to get killed.”

*          *          *

I clapped once and giggled. “You did it!”

Actually looking kind of annoyed, Bobby said, “I told you I could remember how to get to your house.”

With a smirk, I said, “I’m just playing with you.”

Sliding his fingers through my hair and holding the back of my head, Bobby grinned and said, “I know, baby. That’s what I like about you.” He then pulled my head closer to his and he bent down and kissed me. Again, nothing like the kiss from last night. This was soft and romantic, his lips warm and soft.

I slid my arms around his neck and kissed him. Playing with my hair, he said, “You’re my girl.” He kissed me back and explored my mouth with his tongue.

“Oh Bobby,” I whispered as my kisses slid from his lips and down his neck. His fingers slid inside my tank top and he pressed my nipples through my bra. His fingers slipped inside my bra and he found my hard nipples. His kissing became a bit more aggressive as he fondled my areola if I had one. Tonight I didn’t pull his hand away.

There wasn’t a lot of room in the cab of his truck. Bobby managed to lift my skirt and press the crotch of his pants against my panties. I was up against the seat and I couldn’t scoot back any further and I felt his hardness press against my panties. I didn’t want to put my hands on this thing to move it. As he kissed my neck and nibbled on my earlobe, in a breathy voice, I said, “No, Bobby. No. Please.” I tried to re-position myself and got his crotch away from me.

He reasserted his pressure against my panties. He kept kissing me. “Come on, babe. You’re my girl.” He slid one hand up my leg where it slid under my skirt. I put my hand on his that was under my skirt. My strength is no contest to his, but I held his hand back.

“Bobby please. I need to go. Seriously.” I pushed back on his shoulder.

Bobby pulled back and groaned, “Okay. Yeah, I don’t want your mother upset with either of us.” I breathed a sigh of relief. “Sit tight and I’ll come around to help you down.” He jumped down out of his truck and hurried over to the passenger side. Holding my waist, he then gently set me down to the ground.

“I’ll walk you to your door.” He then took my hand and began to lead me to my front door. Between the street light and the half moon, we were bathed in light as we walked in silence to my porch.

We stopped in front of my door. Bobby took hold of both my hands and looked me in my eyes. “Ronnie, I had a great time with you tonight. I hope you enjoyed it too.”

I smiled shyly at my feet. “Oh, I had a great time tonight. Dinner was wonderful and the movie was fun. I enjoyed it.” And I did. I was a bit uncomfortable right at the end, but overall, I thought Bobby was nice, thoughtful and caring.

Smiling at me and still holding my hands, Bobby said, “I’d like to do this again sometime.”

I smiled broadly and looked directly at him. “Oh, I would too! That would be great.”

Bobby grinned and pulled me towards him. “You’re my girl.” He put his arms around my waist and bent his head to me. A moment later and his lips were on mine. I put my arms around his neck and returned his kiss. I just melted into his arms and I felt all warm and gooey inside. I could have stayed in his embrace all night.

He stepped back, pulling away from me. “I should probably go. Thanks for coming with me, Ronnie. I’ll give you a call later.”

I smiled at him. “Thanks for inviting me. I had a great time.”

He let go of my hand and turned and walked back to his truck. A moment later, the engine roared to life and the truck pulled away from the curb and his truck disappeared into the night.

I turned and entered my house. Mom sitting on the couch waiting for me. I just know she was watching through the window. She looked at me and shook her head.

She stood up and said, “Come here so I can hug my daughter.”

Well shit.

*          *          *

To be continued…

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