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Being twins was ever so much fun.
When Tyler decides to swap with his sister Taylor, things get really crazy! Tyler, Taylor Swop Days
Chapter 5 Copyright © 2013 Julie D Cole |
Image Credit: For a Special Twin Sister
Chapter 5
I was a bit annoyed about the way that Taylor had turned up and I’d been put into an awkward position and yet ‘he’ didn’t seem too bothered at all. In fact he kept calling me ‘sis’ and the more ‘he’ did it the more it was winding me up. He kept saying we should try it on a permanent basis for a while and at least until I started sprouting again since ‘he’ was bigger.
I did end up hitting ‘him’ but it just made ‘him’ laugh as he held my wrists and ‘he’ said I made a much better girl than ‘him’.
Once ‘he’d’ calmed down we sat down because I said I wanted to talk. He poured a beer for himself and brought me a diet coke.
“Taylor, this is going too far and it’s getting dangerous.’
‘What’s the fuss about Ty. We aren’t doing any harm to anybody are we? You know what I think your problem is Ty. I think you like it. Am I right?’’
‘Don’t be stupid. It’s just been a bit of fun but we should stop before it causes problems.’
‘What problems? I think we do OK and anyway I can’t stop now. I like it and I love playing football. It gives me chance to be me.’
‘Look why don’t you just join a girls soccer team.’
‘Simple. I want to test my skills and I like to compete against the boys because I feel I relate more to them. Anyway I like to be one of the guys sometimes. Don’t you like to be one of the girls and wouldn’t you like to hang around with them for a while to see what it’s really like instead of just having your short girl time?
‘Yes but we can’t take this too far. What would mum and dad think?’
‘look we have a laugh and the more I fit in the more strong I feel and it seems to escalate and then I don’t want to change back. I want to find out more and I’d love to be able to please myself when I get up in a morning. It’s a nuisance being a girl and being expected to be something that doesn’t feel right. How do you feel Ty when you have chance to be more like a girl. Do you like it?’
‘Well it is much better when I’m you because I can relax more and explore. Sometimes I want to cry but it’s not allowed. Boys don’t cry. I like to do things to make our home clean and tidy and I love the feeling in my stomach when someone isn’t sure about me and thinks I’m a girl not a boy. Like when I went to the supermarket and I was mistaken for you it felt nice. But then when I thought about it I wasn’t sure if that meant I was a boyish girl and I started to think about what it might be like for you so I tried to be even more feminine. I was glancing at myself to see how I stood and I felt I was bringing out the girl in you. I’m sure that you would be one of the most beautiful girls at school if you wanted. The more I looked in the mirror the more I wanted to change my hairstyle and I wondered what it would be like to have a professional make-over.’
‘Don’t you dare Ty Thompson. I will never live it down if you do. I like the image I’ve got thanks very much. You don’t think I really would be like Sarah Carter and her friends do you. All they think about is boys and make-up. I wouldn’t allow make-up if I was head.’
‘Well I’m only telling you my feelings and I’m glad you are more open about yours. What about the guys you are friends with? When they see me at school they are going to think it strange that I’m not interested in their humor or showing off. I don’t relate to them.’
I’ve been thinking a lot about that so why not see how much you like to be me this weekend and we stay like this 100% of the time? Then take it from there and if we like it we could find some excuses to change places at school for a while.’
‘You’ve thought about this a lot Taylor haven’t you? Does it mean so much to you?’
‘Yes Ty I really want to escape my body for a while and from the stupid menses each month. I feel like I want to just get up and act normal.’
‘Well, ‘bro’ if you like we can try this weekend and just be the persons that we think we’d be if we were permanently like we are now. I don’t mind since I’ve promised mum I’ll do chores and it’s more fun to do them as a girl. I can be natural.’
‘Great Ty. You’re a brick. I owe you.’
‘Yes you owe me a lot. But I can’t be sure that we’ll avoid any embarrassments for each other so you’ll have to take more care than you did earlier.’
‘I’m sorry I couldn’t help it. The guys were egging me on saying that they were surprised since at school I was considered a bit effeminate. I wanted to show them I’m not. Sorry you’re not. But I realise we have a bit of a problem there unless we have more swop days.’
After that we cleared up and for a change Taylor seemed to be more like a sister than a brother until she suddenly realized and then she shot off upstairs. 10 minutes late ‘he’ reappeared in my sleeping shorts and a floppy t shirt with ‘his’ hair flattened to ‘his’ head.
‘OK we swopped rooms so I’m heading up. Is that OK with you.?’
‘Yes but you see I tidied your room so you might find a few more changes to it by the end of the weekend. Mum will be asking you to help out a lot more.’
‘I’m only joking. We’ll manage ‘bro’ and we might not fool mum but I’m sure we can fool the guys at school. I would love to see their reactions if I took over your personality and worked on it a bit.’
‘OK ty I trust you to take care and I’ll do my best too. I have to practice tomorrow so did you iron my kit?’
‘I’m not your slave you know. Yes I did it’s in the airing cupboard where mum always hangs it.’
‘He’ hugged me and kissed my forehead and left me to turn out the lights. ‘He’ certainly had set me thinking and I wasn’t sure I’d be able to sleep thinking about how to manage the situation.
The next morning I was awoken by the sound of Taylor barging around and slamming doors. ‘He’ was up early for a change that was unusual. I heard the shower running and peeped over the duvee to look around the room since the sun was shining through the window that doesn’t happen at the back of the house where I sleep. Then Taylor banged on the door.
‘Come on ‘sis’ time to get up. I have to meet the guys for footy practice. I’m famished. Are you eating or shall I get my own.’
‘err, no I’m going to take a bath. I need a long soak since I have a lot to think about after last night.’
The door opened and ‘he’ stuck his head around. His face was covered in shaving lather that was supposed to be a joke. ‘He’ had a razor and I jumped up telling ‘him’ to be careful. He just laughed and said ‘don’t worry ‘sis’ it’s just a joke. I’ll was it off and use some of dad’s aftershave though. What he doesn’t know about he can’t worry about.’
I threw one of the cushions at the door as ‘he’ disappeared back to the bathroom.
Well my weekend as Taylor was going to start in a scabby old dressing gown by the look of it so I decided to raid a silk one from mums wardrobe. I could put it in with the smalls I’d be wearing and dry it before mum returned. Taylor was rushing downstairs by now so I entered the bathroom to clear the mess before I could run the bath. I looked at myself through the steam filled mirror. I saw a girl in the fog. Yes that’s exactly how I was feeling right now like a girl in the fog looking for a way.
I used some of the bath salts and oils that mum uses and lit two of her candles. Maybe I’d better at least see Taylor before ‘he’ dashed off so we could agree a few rules for the day.
What a surprise she had made toast and tea and right now I didn’t see tyler in front of me but the natural beauty of my sister Taylor with the sun in her hair albeit that any sign of a bust had disappeared under her football shirt.
‘Taylor you are quite beautiful you know. I don’t know why on earth you want to play football and act like a boy.’
‘Don’t worry ‘sis’ this is my David Beckham look. He always looks a little bit feminine and I decided I can’t just turn up as a butch boy since everybody knows you are the softer side of the line. I have to work on it gradually and then it’s less obvious.’
‘Just as long as they don’t kiss you in a passionate way when you score.’
‘Ha Ha , very funny.’
‘his’ bag and boots and football were all prepared and so I stepped up to him to take a proper look. Yes ‘he’d’ be OK and I quite liked the way he’d gelled his hair. I’d have to try it myself on my Tyler days.
She gave me a hug and I could feel she was stronger than me so I might have to start working out a bit. It was nice for us to hug and she then broke the moment so we didn’t get too sloppy by showing me her muscular arms. Well I supposed they weren’t bad for a girl but I wondered how my arms would look if I trained as much as she did. I never had much luck so far.
‘He’ was off as soon as ‘he’ heard the pip of a car horn. Hardly chance to agree anything for later. ‘Taylor have you got your mobile phone so I can call you.’
‘No ‘sis.’
‘Taylor come back you need it.
‘No I don’t I’ve got yours so just call yourself if you need me.’
There was her phone on the table. I’d have to change that and get a better color if I was going to use it. What about if we get calls? What about if mum calls? Then I realized she was smarter than me this morning. Mum was sure to call me later so I needed to work on my voice a bit.
I sat watching a Saturday morning magazine programme and nibbled on my toast and sipped my tea. Looking around me I could see a lots of little jobs that needed doing so I started to make a list before tidying up and heading for the bathroom.
I stood in front of the full length mirror and decided that I should get rid of what hair I had on my chest and arms and legs and for sure I should shave today since it was a few days since I’d removed the last sprouts of hair on my upper lip.
I thought of lots of things to add to my list whilst I lay there and the water was warm and nice. The birds were singing outside and I closed my eyes to think a bit about Taylors ideas. I guessed it was OK whilst it was odd days but it was a much bigger challenge than she expected. I’d have to plan this carefully and consider all eventualities.
Then I jumped up as the house phone rang. Ahhh that’ll be mum. Ahhh, OHHH, EEEEh, Ahhhhh, EEEEEEEh.
I wrapped a towel around me and ran downstairs to the phone. I picked it up ‘hello’.
Hi Taylor is that you or is it Tyler. It’s Taylor mum. Don’t tease me.
Then there was a noise of a van outside. Blast it’s probably the postman with a parcel. ‘Hang on mum whilst I get the door. I’ll call you back.’
To Be Continued...
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I predict
a permanent swop in the future! **Sigh**
Sighs are the natural language of the heart.
-Thomas Shadwell
I'm just glad...
...that Taylor didn't leave Tyler stuck with any pre-arranged relationships and that even if Tyler decides to stay a 'sister' that she can choose with whom she wants to spend time? Great story. (I prefer girl on girl, but that's classic projection; Tyler will do what Tyler will do, aye?)
Love, Andrea Lena
Change is inevitable
except from a vending machine.
Thanks for your prior advice to give Taylors side of the adventure. I just hope the tapes are strong enough and that interest in the story remains such that they both benefit from the others input into their development.
Wondering if the twins would
want to switch bodies
May Your Light Forever Shine
I think Taylor wants her cake, and to eat it too!
Taylor not only wants to play being a boy, but doesn't want to let Tyler be to girly and there for ruin Taylor's rep. That's just not being fair to Tyler. If Ty is to agree to be Taylor, he should be as girly as he dares to be. Julie, I think if Tyler is going to go through with this swap, he should be all The Taylor he can be. I eagerly await your next serving of this one hon. (Hugs) Taarpa
I should be more appreciative
of positive comments like this. I was also reminded I left this story in the air and since the kudos were above my average it must have been an ok one. So I'll pick up where I left off and see if I can still maintain interest. I guess I get distracted sometimes. Apologies since it's almost twelve months.
Tyler Taylor swop days part 5
It is getting very exciting can't wait to see what is going to happen next
Girls rule
Both hate being themselves
By what Taylor said, and Tyler going along with it, they both hate being themselves. They both want to be the other person.
Both think they can't be themselves because they don't fit in with the boys or girls. So they don't fit in, what rule says they have to fit in with others? Taylor thinks she has to play against boys to test herself, but doesn't realize girls can test themselves in other ways. And unless she has surgery, the monthlies will be with her for years.
Tyler should feel bad he doesn't have an interest in sports or other things that interest other boys. A lot of boys can't play sports, or don't like sports, but have found other things that interest them. Sports is not life's blood.
Mom and dad may have a hard time when they learn that Taylor wants to be a boy and Tyler is best suited to be a girl--or both feel more like themselves when portraying the other.
Others have feelings too.