How Did I Become Pregnant?

Carly looks at the books in her new office. She couldn’t believe that for the past five months all the business ventures she had invested in has started paying off. The detailed business brought in business every other day. The food truck was making a profit, and the vehicles she fixed and sold brought in a decent profit as well.

The extra stuff she had and sold at the thrift store that Sammy opened up was doing well. People found out that she and Sammy were into the thrift business and we're bringing things they didn’t want anymore. Some of it had to be cleaned and repaired, but it sold for a decent profit.

She had a birthday party she had to go to tonight with Sammy. One of their mutual friends was turning twenty-five years old. She wasn’t too far behind them in age. She was twenty-three years old and have been living on her own since she was a teenager.

She leans back in her office chair and watches as the girls outside do the detailing work, work. It was getting cooler, but they didn’t mind wearing skimpy outfits to draw customers in. She didn’t ask them to do that, it was their idea. She let Jennifer handle the detailed business.
Since she was their boss.

The car wash Jennifer and her crew had worked for, she looked into buying it. The owner who owned it when Jennifer worked there. He sold it to another person who turned it into one of those self-serve car washes. He redid the whole look of the place.

She watches her office manager Elisa answer the phone. She has gone from working part-time to full-time. All the girls on the detail crew liked her and sometimes when the girls got extremely busy. Elisa would change her clothes and go out and help them out.

While Carly is sitting in her office. Her cellphone starts ringing. She picks it up and looks at the number and notices it was Sammy calling her.
She presses accept “hello?”

“Hey, Carly. What are you doing for the next few hours?” Sammy got a lead on an estate sale and wanted to check it out.

“Nothing, why?”

“I got a lead on an estate sale going on in a few hours. If you're not doing anything, and have some cash on you. We can go and check it out.”

“Sounds good, but remember, Kelli’s birthday party is this evening at seven.” Carly wonders should she take the gift with her.

“We’ll be back by then. I’m on my way to your new office. Meet me outside.” Sammy wasn’t too far from Carly’s new office.

“Okay. Let me tell Elisa I’m stepping out and won’t be available for a while.” Carly knew when she and Sammy went picking, they get carried away with it.

“Alright, see you in ten minutes.” Sammy ends the call.

Carly checks how much cash she has on hand. She had close to three thousand dollars she could take with her. She had her bank card with her if she needs to withdraw more cash from an ATM. She gets up and walks into the main room that was the main office and looks at Elisa.

“I’m going out for a few hours with Sammy. I won’t be available to answer my cellphone.”

“That’s fine. I’ll check with Jennifer before I do anything important.” Elisa smiles at Carly.

“Sounds like a plan.” Carly didn’t mind Jennifer acting as her assistant manager. She has already proven she is a capable woman.

Carly steps back into her office and grabs her purse. Just as she steps outside her office, Sammy pulls up. She walks over to his van and gets in. Before she can fasten her seatbelt, he starts moving.

“You’re in a hurry.” As Carly looks at Sammy.

“I don’t want to miss the start of the estate sale.” Sammy was speeding more than he normally did.

“So, why is this estate sale so special?” Carly was curious.

“It’s the Larson’s estate sale. They collected all sorts of strange and unusual items.”

“Okay, I still don’t understand.” Carly looked confused.

“According to some rumors, some of the items can bring you good luck and some items might be a curse.” Sammy has heard a lot of things about the Larson’s.

“And you want to buy these items?” Carly looks at Sammy with a skeptical look on her face.

“You know, I don’t believe in things like that. I just want to say I own some of those items.” Sammy looks at Carly when he says that.

“I knew you were weird, but now you have just proven it.” Carly sits back in her seat.

“And you still hang around with me.” A smirk appears on Sammy’s face.

After forty minutes of driving, Sammy turns off the street onto a private driveway that snaked its way up to a huge mansion. The mansion itself looked old and from the Victoria age.

“Man, I wish had that type of money.” Carly loved old mansions and such.

“You would go in debt to maintain something like that.” Sammy parks his van next to a U-Haul storage truck.

“Still, look at the architect of the building itself. You don’t see houses like that anymore.” Carly loved how the mansion itself looked.

Sammy and Carly walk inside the place and are given a pamphlet of special items that were for sale. Carly spotted a unique necklace and brooch she liked that was for sale. She finds the person handling the estate sale and submits a bid for them.

The person handling the sale was an older man. He already had two other bids but took her bids as well. He said he would inform her within the hour if she won the bid. She continues to look around and finds several items that must have been owned by the woman of the house. She buys almost everything. There was a lot she wanted, but she had to hold some money back for the brooch and necklace.

Carly knew if she needed money, Sammy would spot her some. They were close to each other. The only thing setting them apart was the useless piece of flesh between her legs.

She watches as Sammy buys some unique items to display at his shop and the thrift store. By the end of the hour, she is informed she won the necklace, but not the brooch. She looks at the necklace and it had a unique figurine carved from a crystal in the middle of it. She loved the necklace and didn’t care what it was.

A mysterious man dressed in a black suit walks over to her. He had his eyes on the necklace she was holding.

“Hello, ma’am. I see you bought the neckline for sale.” Carlos was eyeing that necklace and wanted to posse it. He knew the secrets it held.

“Yes, I did. It’s such a lovely necklace and so unique.” Carly holds the necklace up to look at the centerpiece of it.

“You wouldn’t be thinking about selling it, would you?” Carlos kept watching the necklace as it hung between him and Carly.

“Normally, I would say yes, but there is something unique about this necklace that I would like to keep and figure out.” Carly was fascinated with it.

“I would be willing to pay you twice what you paid for it.” Carlos wanted that necklace.

“Nope, I’m sorry, but I’m not selling it.” Carly puts the necklace around her neck.

It felt warm against her skin. She also felt a tingling sensation as well.

“That’s too bad.” Carlos figures he’ll get that necklace, one way or another.

“Carly, you have to see this, before we leave.” Sammy saw Carly talking to some strange guy.

“Okay!” She looks back at the fellow “it’s been nice talking to you, sir.”

Carlos watches as Carly turns and walks over to the guy that called her. He had to get that necklace before she discovered its secret. He continues to watch Carly for a while before they leave.

Sammy and Carly leave with their arms full of stuff they bought. They carry everything outside and put it in Sammy’s van.

“You ready to go to Kelli’s birthday party?” Sammy looks at Carly and saw her rubbing the little figurine in the middle of the necklace.

“Yes, I have Kelli’s gift in my purse.” Carly decided to bring it with her.

“What did you get her?” Sammy backs out of the parking spot and heads back to their city.

“The necklace and matching earrings she hinted at the last time we had a lady’s day out. What did you get her?” Carly looks at Sammy.

“A gift card. She is so hard to buy for plus, I didn’t know her body measurements or I would have gotten her, her favorite pair of shoes.” Sammy thought she might enjoy that.

“She’s a size six in shoes. I’m a size five in shoes.”

“Why can’t you women just wear the same size as us men?” Sammy looks at Carly for an answer.

“Beats me. I don’t know. You’ll have to ask a designer why.” Carly never thought about it.

Forty-five minutes later, they pull up in front of Kelli’s house. They could already hear the music playing and people partying inside. Sammy grabs the envelope with the birthday card inside and the gift card inside.

Carly grabs her present and heads inside with Sammy. She leaves her purse inside Sammy’s van. She follows behind him as they approach the front door. She watches as Sammy presses the doorbell and a few minutes later, it opens. Standing on the other side of the door, was a cute freckle face girl with light brown hair.

“Sammy, Carly, it's so good you guys could make it. Kelli is in the kitchen getting the appetizers with Johnathan and Sandra.”

“It's good to see you, as well Montana.” Carly hugs Montana. They were the same height and same build.

“What she said.” Sammy steps up and hugs Montana as well.

Montana shuts the front door behind them as she turns around to look at them. Sammy and Carly have been her friend for a long time.

“Brandon is playing bartender tonight and there are several coolers filled with beer and wine coolers. So, help yourself.” Montana puts her arms around Sammy and Carly.

“Sounds good. I could use a brandy right now.” Sammy loved his brandy.

“Can you grab me a piña colada, please Sammy?” Carly looks at Sammy before he walks off.

“You and your fruity drinks.” A playful smile appears on his face.

“Hey, I like long iced teas and zombies as well.”

Montana just watches as Carly and Sammy tease each other. She hopes one day the two of them will get married. They compliment each other rather well.

Outside Carly’s House:
Carlos had followed Carly and Sammy when they left the mansion. He was bound and determine to get that necklace from her before she discovered what it could do. He looks her up on his portable laptop and discovers she owned several businesses and lived not too far from where he was. An evil smile appears on his face. He calls a friend of his and has him waiting for her at her house.

After a few hours of eating and drinking, Carly starts feeling cramps and wants to throw up. Her breasts were hurting her, and she felt she felt gassy. She was starting to feel tired as well. She locates Sammy “I’m not feeling too well, Sammy.”

“Did you eat the Sushi?” Sammy knew Carly loved to try new things.

“Yes, but I don’t think it's that. It feels like my insides are moving around.” Carly had felt some movement inside her body.

“Do you want me to take you to the hospital?” Sammy puts his drink down.

“No, I’ll take an Uber home. Just come by in the morning and check on me if you don’t hear from me.”

“I can do that. I’ll bring your favorite breakfast sandwich and coffee.” Sammy noticed Carly looked a little pale.

“Can I use your cellphone, because mine is in your van?” Carly looks down at her best friend.

“Sure.” He hands Carly his cellphone.

Carly uses the Uber app on Sammy’s cellphone. She has her credit card number on his app because she has used his cellphone before while hers was being fixed. Plus, she trusted Sammy with her life. Once she is finished, she hands it back to Sammy “thanks.”

“Any time. Are you sure you're going to be okay?” Sammy was worried about Carly.

“I’ll be fine. I’m going to leave my purse in your van. I’ll get it from you tomorrow.” Carly was trying not to throw up or fart in front of her friend.

“Okay, but how are you going to get into your house?”

“The spare key is hidden in my garden.” Carly kept an emergency key to all her vehicles, office, and house.

“Okay, remember to call me tomorrow.”

“I will.” Carly turns and walks away from Sammy. As soon as she steps outside to wait for the uber. She lets out the fart she had been holding in.

She fans the air in front of her and wonders where that came from. It was so loud, that she wondered did she crap her underwear. She has never cut loose anything like that before.

Ten minutes later, the uber she ordered shows up. She gets into the car and leans back against the backseat. Her head was starting to hurt
her. She also felt like she needed to use the bathroom.

Carlos follows the uber driver as he took Carly home. He texts his friend that they were not too far and to be ready. He was careful not to follow too closely to the Uber driver.

After fifteen minutes of driving, the Uber driver pulls up in front of a ranch-style house with a one-car garage. The driver looks in the rearview mirror towards his customer “ma’am, we’re here.”

Carly opens her eyes when she hears that she was home. She looks at the driver “thank you.”

She exits the vehicle and slowly walks up to her front door. She was feeling so tired and her head was pounding. She kneels next to her garden and retrieves the spare key she keeps hidden. As she stands back up, she feels something poking her in her arm.

As tired as Carly was feeling, she doesn’t even resist. She starts falling towards the ground but is caught by a set of strong hands. She is lifted and thrown over the person's shoulder who caught her.

Tony spotted the young teenage girl as she walked from the uber car. He heard her fart a few times as she kneeled by the garden in front of her house. He had hidden beside the car she had in the driveway. It looked like someone was working on it.

When she knelt in front of the garden, he moved quickly to get behind her and stick her with the drug he brought. He retrieves the key from her and throws her unconscious body over his shoulder. He unlocks the front door and heads inside her house.

Carlos saw his friend move and got out of his car. He follows his friend Tony into the house. A smile appears on his face as he gets excited about finally getting his hands on the necklace. It would grant anything he wanted. He knew the Larsons had used it to build their fortunes.

“Lay her down on the sofa, Tony.” Carlos closes the front door behind him.

“Alright.” Tony lays the girl on the sofa.

He looks down at her and had to admit she was cute-looking. He opens her blouse and exposes her young youthful-looking breasts. They looked like they had been straining against her bra. There were marks on her skin where they had dug into her skin. He wouldn’t mind using her all night long. He might do that after Carlos got what he wanted.

Carlos walks over and looks down at Carly “I believe you have something that belongs to me, dear.”

He reaches for the necklace and as soon as his fingers touch it. He burst into flames.

“What the!” Tony tries to put the flames out on Carlos.

When Tony goes to try to put the flames out. He bursts into flames as well. He starts screaming as the flames consume him as well. By the time the flames are done consuming the two men, there are two piles of black ashes where they once stood.

The next morning when Sammy gets up. He checks his cellphone to see if Carly has called him at all. He notices there wasn’t anything from her. He gets dressed and drives over to her place with her favorite breakfast sandwich and her favorite coffee.

He parks in front of her house. He notices she is working on the black Trans Am she bought from a junkyard. She loved restoring old muscle cars. He presses the doorbell and waits for an answer from Carly. When he doesn’t get a response, he tries the doorbell again and waits. He tries to look through the window to see if she was in the living room, but couldn’t see anything, thanks to the blinds and curtain.

Sammy digs into Carly’s purse and finds her keyring. He noticed she still keeps them clipped to a D-ring in her purse. He goes through her keys and finds her door key and unlocks the door.

“Carly! Are you up?” Sammy walks into the house and closes the door behind him.

Sammy spots Carly sitting on her sofa with her blouse opened and her bra underneath her breasts. He walks over to her and couldn’t believe how perky her breasts were and how big they looked. He knew Carly didn’t have big breasts and that she could get away with wearing no bra.
However, there was no way she could hide what he was seeing. She would have grown some. He also notices two black piles of ashes spaced evenly apart and in front of Carly’s sofa and her.

“What happened here last night?” Sammy looks at Carly and wonders why she looked so relaxed.

He reaches to shake her on her shoulder and when his hand touched her shoulder. He felt an overwhelming urge of lust and passion consume him. He scoops Carly up off the sofa and starts kissing Carly.

Carly wakes up when she feels her lips being pressed. She returns the passionate kiss as she is carried towards her bedroom. The lust and passion that consumed Sammy flowed into her and she was feeling horny as hell.

She starts undoing Sammy’s belt and pants as he carried her into her bedroom. She felt laid down onto the top of the bed and her blouse removed. Her bra was next as she pulled Sammy’s pants down along with his underwear. A smile appears on her face, as her hand is wrapped around Sammy’s penis. She gives it a little squeeze.

Sammy felt Carly grip his penis, as he removed her pants and panties. He continues to kiss her, shoving his tongue deep into her mouth. He squeezes one of her breasts and felt her shiver from doing that.

He wastes no time as he pushes her back onto the bed and spread her legs wide open. He looks into her eyes as he positions himself between her legs and teases her vagina lips with his penis. He hears her moan with delight as he positions himself at her opening and shoves himself deep into her body. He feels her hands grip his back as her fingernails dig into his skin.

The hours that followed the two of them acted like animals in heat. Nothing but lust and passion consumed them. Sometimes Sammy was in charge, other times Carly was in charge of their lovemaking. They traded positions so many times, that they didn’t care.

They would wear each other out and end up being held by each other as they slept. Sometimes they would get up and rush to the bathroom, but they would go back to bed and wake each other up to continue what they started.

All day and all-night Sammy and Carly end up making love and being held in each other’s arms. By morning time, the next morning. Sammy wakes up with Carly in his arms and very sore. He kisses her neck and leans in towards her ear “morning, sweetie.”

“Mmmm!” As Carly starts putting little butterfly kisses on Sammy’s arm.

She has always wanted to wake up being held by him. God knows they have shared enough hotel rooms. She loved feeling his strong arms holding her and his stiff penis resting between her butt cheeks.

“How are you feeling?” Sammy kisses Carly’s neck again.

“Like I have died and gone to heaven.” Carly was enjoying having Sammy hold her.

“Why didn’t you tell me you had your surgery already? I would have come over and helped take care of you while you recovered.” Sammy knew Carly normally told him almost everything.

Carly opens her eyes wide when he mentioned that she had her surgery. She reaches between her legs and felt her very sore vagina.

“I never had my surgery.” Carly was surprised that she had a real vagina.

“Are you sure? Because I know last night, I made love to you like a real girl and licked you as well.” He reaches down the front of Carly’s body and fell between her legs. He felt the front of her vagina opening. He sticks two fingers into the opening and feels Carly squirm.

“God! That feels so good and hurt at the same time.” Carly felt very sore from all the lovemaking they did.

“Well, it feels real, and if you didn’t have the surgery. What happened?” He pulls his fingers out and up to Carly’s lips.

Carly opens her mouth and covers Sammy’s fingers and sucks on them. She could taste the vaginal fluid still cling to them. After she finishes sucking “I don’t know. I can’t recall how I got home last night.”

Carly sits up in bed and looks at Sammy. She notices her chest felt different as she looked at him.

“What do you mean, you can’t remember how you got home the other night?” Sammy sits up in bed as well. He notices she was still wearing the necklace she bought at the estate sale.

He also noticed her breasts had filled out more and were a little bigger. He noticed that her nipples were stiffer.

“I mean, I can’t remember what happened the other night. I know I wasn’t feeling well and felt bloated and very gassy. My head was hurting me, and my abdomen wasn’t feeling well.” Carly didn’t know why she had cramps.

“You used my cellphone and called Uber to take you home. You left your purse in my van. You told me that if I didn’t hear from you. I should come over and check on you. When I walked in, I noticed you had your blouse open and your bra below your breasts. You were sitting on your sofa sound asleep with two blacken piles of ashes evenly spaced apart in front of you on the carpet. After that, it was like something came over me and when I kissed you. You woke up and started kissing me back.” Sammy looks at Carly to see if she remembered kissing him.

“I remember kissing you and wanting you to fuck me as I have never been fucked before. After that, everything is a haze, and I don’t mean in a bad way either. I enjoyed everything we did and want to do it again, but I am feeling so sore right now. It wouldn’t be enjoyable. I just wish I could remember why I have a woman’s bottom and why my tits have gotten bigger?”

Carly runs her hands over her breasts and felt how sensitive they were. She closes her eyes and enjoys feeling them under her fingertips.

“Well, you look like you are enjoying them.” Sammy plays with one of Carly’s nipples and gets a moan from her.

Carly opens her eyes and looks into Sammy’s eyes “god, I want you to fuck me right now, but I don’t want to feel the pain.”

“Why don’t I give you a break? My penis is feeling extremely sore as well.” Sammy knew his penis was stiff as a brick right now, from just looking at Carly.

“Sounds like a plan. Let’s go and take a shower. Afterward, we can go and get some food.” Carly starts getting out of bed, very slowly.

She walks very slowly to the bathroom. Her vaginal area was very sore from all the sex they had. Once in the bathroom, she sets the water temperature and waits for Sammy to join her. She absently minded rubs the little figurine in the middle of her new necklace.

Sammy walks slowly to the bathroom as well. He still had a stiff penis and was ready to pee as well.

“Let me take a piss before I join you.” He walks over to the toilet.

“You can just piss in the shower. It won’t be the first time that someone has done it.” Carly knew she peed in the shower a few times when she was taking a shower.

“Alright.” Sammy gets in the shower and no sooner after he shuts the shower door, he starts peeing. He accidentally hit the lower part of Carly when he does.

Carly shakes her head as she looks at Sammy “having a hard time controlling that firehose of yours?”

“Yes, it's very hard right now.” Sammy continues to pee. When he first started, it burned, but as he continued, the pain subsided.

A smirk appears on Carly’s face as she starts lathering up. She reaches between her legs and winces when she rubs against her vaginal lips.
She tries to be more careful, as she scrubs away the dry semen that was covering her groin and that had dried on the inner parts of her leg and ass.

When she was done washing between her legs. She starts washing Sammy’s body. She kisses him a few times as the water cascaded down their body. Every time Sammy touched her tits, she wanted to just let him fuck her right there in the shower.

They finally finish showering and step out of the bathroom to get dressed. When Carly goes to put her panties on. She notices they were a little tight on her, especially around the hips. Even her bra was tight as she put it on. It caused her breasts to be lifted more than normal and was digging into her skin.

“What happened to me?” She looks at her body in the mirror mounted on the back of her closet door.

She noticed her hips were more pronounced and her waist had gotten smaller. Even her breasts were bigger.

“I don’t know, but you look nice to me.” Sammy saw Carly looking at her body.

“I’ve never looked like this before.” Carly grabs a simple dress sleeveless dress that came down over her new hips.

She straightens it as stops midway down her thighs. She fishes out the heels that went with the dress and slips them on. She brushes out her hair and notices it was thicker than normal. She puts on minimal make-up and turns to look at Sammy.

“So, how do I look?” Carly strikes a pose.

“Like your ready to go to a high-end restaurant.” Sammy couldn’t believe how sexy Carly looked.

“I could change.” Carly had meant to look casual.

“You’re fine. Let’s go and get something to eat.” Sammy leads the way to the living room. He stops and points out the spots.

“I don’t know what those are, but let me get the vacuum cleaner real quick and vacuum those ash piles up.

Carly heads to the hall closet and pulls the vacuum cleaner out and plugs it in. She turns it on and starts vacuuming the ashes up. She has to stop when the vacuum cleaner gets clogged from two sets of car keys getting stuck inside the rollers.

“I wonder what these go to?” Carly holds the keys up and looks at them. Nothing comes to mind as she puts them in a crystal bowl by the door.

“It looks like you’ll need to replace the carpet over here, Carly.” Sammy looks at the spots and saw how badly burned the spots were.

“I think your right. I’ll call my carpet guy tomorrow and have it replaced. Where did you put my purse?”

“Over here.” Sammy picks up Carly’s purse from a desk chair he had set it in.

Carly and Sammy walk out of the house and lock it up. Since Sammy came in his van to check on Carly. They take it to a nice restaurant downtown. Every once in a while, Carly winces from her panties rubbing against her sore vulva lips.

Sammy notices the look on Carly’s face. He looks at her with a smirk on his face.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yes, my panties are rubbing against my very sore vaginal opening.”

“Maybe we can stop and get you some cream to treat it.” He had a big smile on his face.

“Funny. I think it might be better if I went commando.” As they walk into one of their many favorite restaurants.

They spend two hours in the restaurant. Afterward, they walk down the street doing some window shopping. Carly stops at a store that sold baby items.

“Let’s go in.” Carly wanted to explore the store.

Sammy looks at the store and back at Carly. She was never into the bay stuff when they went picking.

“Alright.” He follows her inside the store.

Carly looks at all the different baby stuff. She was making a mental list of what she would buy to decorate a baby’s room, should she ever have children. She stops once in a while to hold up an outfit or stuffed animal to get Sammy’s option.

At first, he resisted, but when he saw how excited Carly was getting. He came around and started taking more of an interest in the place. They spend a lot of time in the store. They leave that store and head down to a lingerie store.

Carly has her breasts measured and found out she had gone up a full cup size to a C cup and that her breasts were 38 and the rest of her measurement was 26-inch waist and 38-inch hips.

“God, how did I change this much?” Carly looks at Sammy for an answer.

“I don’t know, but I have to say. You look sexy as hell with some of those outfits on.” Sammy loved some of the lingerie Carly tried on and showed off to him.

Carly blushes as she goes and gets dressed. She does leave on a lace bodysuit under her dress to wear. She also buys a collection of new panties and bras to replace her old ones.

They go by the van and drop her purchases in it. Once they are done doing that. They walk around downtown exploring and wasting the day away. They have dinner at a Thai restaurant that just recently opened in town.

After dinner, Sammy takes Carly by her shop to pick up her truck. He kisses her before he leaves. He didn’t want to, but he thinks he had to do it tomorrow.

Carly watches as Sammy drives away. She wishes she could remember what happened and what caused those black spots on her carpet. She gets in her truck and notices she needed to stop and get gas. A smile appears on her face as thinks back to a few days ago when she was feeling gassy and letting out some smelly farts. If she could harness those, she wouldn’t need to spend money on gas. The price of gas was up to four and a half dollars per gallon now.

She pays for the gas at the pumps and decides to head inside to buy a soda and a lottery ticket. Before she leaves, she rubs the covering off the scratch-off she bought. She looks at the amount she just won and couldn’t believe it. It was for a hundred thousand dollars.

Carly puts the ticket into her pocket because she would need to go to the regional office to claim it. She gets in her truck and calls Sammy. She was so excited about it.

Sammy was at home finishing up a job when his cellphone rings. He looks at the caller id and notices it was Carly. He presses accept “what’s up, Carly?”

“You won’t believe how much I just won on a scratch-off?” Carly was trying to remain calm.

“How much?” Sammy could hear the excitement in Carly’s voice.

“One hundred thousand dollars.” She nearly screamed the amount through the cellphone.

“No way. Are you sure it's that high?” Sammy stops what he was doing.

“Yes, I’m sure. What are you doing tomorrow?” Carly knew she had to redeem the ticket at the regional office.

“Nothing I can’t rearrange to come with you.” Sammy knew Carly didn’t like carrying a lot of money.

“Meet me at my house tomorrow around nine o’clock.”

“Deal. I’ll see you then.” A smile appears on Sammy’s face.

“Okay, and Sammy. I love you.”

“I love you too, Carly.” Sammy felt a warm feeling overcome him as he says those words.

Carly ends the call and heads home. She was so excited that she won. She never wins anything like that. Sure, she does good at bidding on things, but never anything like that.

She parks in front of her house and walks inside. She changes out of her clothes but just walks around in her heels and the lacey bodysuit she bought. She loved how she looked in it.

She tries cleaning the burnt spots with some chemicals she has on hand but is unsuccessful. She calls her carpet guy and schedules him to come by to fix the spots sometimes during the week. She gathers up all her old bras and panties, slips, and whatever else she had that wouldn’t fit her anymore and washed them. She’ll donate them at goodwill tomorrow.

She steps outside with a robe on to see what cars the keys she had belonged to and finds them. She doesn’t recognize the cars, but she does write the license plates down and will run them

The rest of the night, she watches a movie and falls asleep on the sofa. She’s woken up by Sammy the next day, knocking on the front door. She gets up and opens the door still dressed in the lacey bodysuit and heels.

“Damn! You look good.” As Sammy walks into the house.

“We have some time before we need to leave. How about a quicky?” As Carly warps her arms around Sammy’s neck and kisses him.

Sammy returns the kiss. He scoops Carly up and carries her to her bed. They make love to each other quickly, before Carly has to change. She just slips on a pair of dress slacks and a nice blouse and a pair of nice heels. She fixes her hair and make-up.

Carly and Sammy left to redeem the scratch-off ticket. The money is transferred to her account. She gets some gift cards for the girls and the chef running the food truck. She also gets some for Elisa as well. All of them had five hundred dollars on them. She wanted to share the money with the people who have been helping her out a lot with the businesses.

She found out the cars had stolen plates. So, she reported them to the police. She let the police take the plates, while she took the cars.

She gives Sammy a very special gift, as they head back to his place for some intense sex. She spends the rest of the day at his place. Later she goes home.

The following weeks Carly spends her time either at Sammy’s place after work or at her house doing nothing but having sex. It was like the two of them couldn’t get enough of each other. By the end of the month, she starts noticing things about her body. At first, she thought it was her imagination, but she has been feeling weird.

The areola on her breasts had become darker. Her breasts have felt tender and swollen. She has been going to the bathroom more often. She has also noticed that she has started feeling more tired than normal. She figured that was caused by all the late-night sex she has been having with Sammy.

Carly makes an appointment with her doctor. She goes in for a checkup. She watches Dr. Brown as she checks between Carly’s legs.

“When did you have your operation?” Dr. Brown looks back up at Carly.

“I never did. I went to sleep one night and the next thing I know, I have a fully functional vagina and my breasts have gotten bigger.” Carly watches Dr. Brown’s reaction.

“Oh, come on and stop kidding, Carly. I’ve known you for a long time.”

“I’m telling you the truth, Dr. Brown. I haven’t had any surgery and how do you explain these increases in size or my hips becoming wider.” Carly points towards her breasts.

Dr. Brown looks at Carly and had to admit what she said made sense. She knew how small and slender Carly was. Now, Carly had a nice hourglass body.

“Well, whatever did this to you, I would like to bottle it and sell it. I do have some good news for you if you’re ready.” Dr. Brown wonders how Carly was going to react.

“Give it to me, Dr. Brown.” Carly watches Dr. Brown.

“Well, just from my preliminary exam of you. I would have to conclude that you are pregnant.” A smile appears on Dr. Brown’s face.

“You’re joking, right?” Carly couldn’t believe she was pregnant.

“Nope, I have to conclude that you are going to be a mother. How that is possible, I don’t know. I want you to pee in this cup and afterward my nurse is going to draw some blood and check it for hCG.”

“What’s hCG?” Carly looked confused.

“It’s the pregnancy hormone your body will have if you are. I can have your results back by this evening.” Dr. Brown hands the cup to Carly to pee in.

“Thanks, Dr. Brown.” Carly goes to the bathroom and pee inside the cup. She seals it and washes her hands.

When she exits the bathroom, Dr. Brown’s nurse is waiting for her to draw blood. She does what the nurse says, after giving her the cup. By the time she leaves, Carly wonders how Sammy will feel being a father.

Carly stops by the grocery store on her way home and grabs the ingredients she needs to make Sammy’s favorite dinner. She grabs items to make a small oven. She was planning to put a small bun inside it to surprise him.

Later in the afternoon, Dr. Brown has confirmed she was going to be a mother. She puts on one of her sexy lingerie and heels as she sets the table. She puts the small oven on a plate and covers it up.

Sammy had gotten a voice mail from Carly to come by her place tonight. A smile appears on his face as he drives over there. He has been enjoying the sex between the two of them a lot.

He pulls into the driveway and parks. He heads inside the house and notices the aroma in the air. He follows it to the dining room and spots his favorite dish fixed for him. There was another object covered up in front of his plate.

He spots Carly standing in high heels and wearing one of her favorite lingerie, that he knew turned him on. He smiles as he walks over and kisses her.

“You look beautiful tonight. What’s the special occasion?”

“You’ll see.” As she turns and sexually walks away from him.

“I might want to skip dinner and go directly to the desert.” He loved how Carly was walking.

“Oh, I think you’ll want dinner first.” Carly sits down in her chair and picks up her silverware.

Sammy sits down and picks up his silverware. He starts eating the beautiful meal Carly made for them. His mind goes back to the cover object sitting in front of his dish.

“What is this?” Sammy was curious because he had one, but Carly didn’t.

“Lift the cloth and find out.” Carly watches Sammy with a gleam in her eyes.

Sammy lifts the cloth and discovers a white cardboard oven with a small loaf of bread in it. He looks up and over towards Carly “does this mean what I think it does?”

“Yep, it sure does, daddy.” Carly had a huge smile on her face.

“WOW! Are you sure?” Sammy watches Carly.

“Yes, I’m one hundred percent sure. I got the results back this afternoon. We are going to be parents.” Carly was happy.

“Wow!” Sammy was feeling so happy.

He gets up and walks around to Carly and kisses her. He scoops her up and carries her to the living room and starts making love to her until they fall asleep.

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