Patel Vacation

Omphile and Lien watch as the shuttle from the airport took them to Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa. Both girls were amazed at the scenery as the shuttle bus pass businesses and homes. Omphile covers up a yawn as they finally arrived at the resort.

Tizzy and Ikaika watch Omphile and Lien as they pass everything on the way to the resort. Both girls haven’t experienced anything like this before. Tizzy was enjoying watching Lien and her younger sister Omphile. She had taken pictures of her daughter and Omphile to send to her cousins and her mother. She knew her mother would want pictures of Omphile and her granddaughter.

Ikaika turns to face Tizzy “it looks like the girls are having fun.”

“I don’t think they have ever been out of Hawaii before.” Tizzy was enjoying watching her sister and her daughter Lien.

Ikaika puts his arm around Tizzy’s shoulder. He was happy that it was just her, him, and the girls. The two of them have been so busy during the month.That they haven’t been able to spend as much time together. Between his work schedule and Tizzy’s police job. That’s not counting the extra stuff she does for her mother and cousins.

The shuttle finally pulls up to the resort. Tizzy and Ikaika make sure that Lien and Omphile stay with them as they get off the shuttle. Ikaika makes sure all their luggage is loaded on a trolley. Tizzy checks them in and gets the new arm bracelets for them. Lien and Omphile stay close to her.

“Alright girls, let's head up to our room and settle in. Afterward, we’ll get some lunch and enjoy the park.” Tizzy hands Lien and Omphile their wrist bands.

“What are these for?” Lien was curious about the wristbands.

“Well, you can use them to buy things, go on rides, play games, and a few other things.” Tizzy looks at her little monkey.

Lien was happy that Tizzy and Ikaika have become her parents. She helps Tizzy put away her clothes. Omphile was sharing the bedroom with her.

Tizzy looks over at her younger sister “do you need any help, Omphile?”

“I got it, sis.” Omphile looks at Tizzy as she helped Lien.

“Okay.” Tizzy finishes putting Lien’s stuff away.

Once Tizzy, Ikaika, Omphile, and Lien are settled in. They take the monorail into the park. Omphile and Lien get a kick out of it. Tizzy remembers her first time coming with her mother to Disney World.

Once they arrive inside the park itself. Tizzy and her husband Ikaika take Lien and Omphile to one of the vendors in the park for lunch. They stop at the Liberty Tree Tavern for lunch.

Tizzy was enjoying being with her daughter, younger sister, and her husband. After lunch, they go and enjoy some of the attractions. Lien and Omphile are scared of going on some of the rides until Tizzy or Ikaika volunteer to ride with them.

Either Tizzy or Ikaika volunteer to stay behind to take pictures. Tizzy knew her mother or Ikaika’s mother would love pictures of their granddaughter. She also knew her mother would love pictures of Omphile as well. What she learned from her mother about Omphile, she never had a normal childhood. She was sold by her parents for money and raised to be a house servant and once she had her first period, to please men for money.

The house Tizzy found her in, and she ran away from. For her to have any food to eat. She had to please five to six me a day. If she didn’t, she wouldn’t get anything to eat at all.

As for Lien, she was sold to men that like having sex with children. She was only ten years old and had already had sex with thirty men. Tizzy and her mother tracked down each of the men that had sex with Lien. They either ended up in jail or had their penis and testicles removed.

When evening time comes, they have dinner in the hotel they are staying at. Tizzy notices that Lien is worn out from all the activities during the day. A smile appears on her face, as she watches her little monkey fight to stay awake.

Between the rich food, the time difference, and what they did during the day. Ikaika ends up carrying Lien back to their hotel room.

“I think you wore Lien out, sis.” Omphile looks at Lien as she is carried to their hotel room.

“How are you feeling, Omphile?” Tizzy looks at her younger sister.

“I’m a little tired.” As Omphile covers up a yawn.

Tizzy just smirks as they enter their hotel room. She takes Lien from Ikaika “I’ll get her ready for bed, sweetie.”

“I don’t mind.” Ikaika didn’t mind getting his adopted daughter ready for bed.

“Are you sure?” Tizzy looks at her husband.

“I’m sure.” Ikaika knew what Lien has been through.

“Okay, I’ll let you change her and tuck her in. While you’re doing that, I’ll go and check on Omphile.” Tizzy transfers Lien back to Ikaika.

Ikaika takes Lien back into his arms and carries her into her bedroom. Tizzy follows behind him because Omphile was sharing the same room with Lien. She helps Omphile with getting ready for bed. Tizzy also watches as Ikaika manages to get Lien ready for bed as well. Once both girls are tucked in.

She walks over to Omphile first “sleep, tight little sister.”

“Thanks, sis.” Omphile has come to like Tizzy a lot.

Tizzy walks over to Lien and places a kiss on Lien’s forehead. She looks down at Lien “sleep tight, my little monkey.”

Tizzy and Ikaika walk out of the girl’s bedroom and head towards their room. Tizzy slowly starts removing her clothes. She does it in a sexy and seductive way for Ikaika. She crawls onto their bed on all fours.

A smile appears on Ikaika’s face. He knew what Tizzy wanted because she loved having sex doggy style. He moves in behind her and slides into her vaginal opening. The two of them enjoy each other’s company for the next few hours.

Ikaika wakes up to Tizzy giving him a blow job. He couldn’t believe what she was doing, as he erupts, and she swallows everything. She crawls up his nude body and kisses him.

She stops and looks into his eyes “good morning.”

“Good morning to you too.” Ikaika kisses Tizzy.

He stops after a few minutes and looks into her eyes “you’re in a good mood this morning.”

“That’s because, Lien slept in her bed all night, last night.” Tizzy starts kissing Ikaika again while stroking his penis.

Once he was nice and hard again, Tizzy mounts Ikaika. She starts going up and down on him. She looks down at him “I wish I was equipped like a real woman. I would give anything to have a child from you.” She leans down and kisses him.

Ikaika knew how much Tizzy wishes she was equipped like a real woman. He knew she wanted to give him a child created from the two of them. He also knew how much Lien meant to her as well. Lien was the daughter they would have, but he knew how much she wanted his child.

Tizzy rides Ikaika until he comes inside of her. She squeezes his penis to milk him of everything. She looks down at Ikaika with love in her eyes. She loves Ikaika a lot and would do anything for him.

She falls onto his chest and feels his arms wrap around her. She loves when he holds her against his body. She kisses his shoulder as she lays on his strong chest.

Ikaika holds his wife against his chest. He knew how much Tizzy loved him. He rubs her spine and feels her shiver against his body. He also feels her leaving little butterfly kisses on his shoulder.

They stay like that for a while, before getting up and going into the bathroom to take a shower after all their lovemaking. When they come out of the bathroom, they find Lien sitting on their bed in her nightgown that had tiger cubs playing on it.

“Well, good morning sleepy head.” Tizzy walks over to Lien and places a kiss on her forehead.

Lien smiles at Tizzy and her adopted father. She was so happy when Tizzy and Ikaika adopted her as their daughter. She didn’t mind them
being naked either. She was used to it and has taken showers with both her adopted parents.

“So, what does our little monkey want to wear today and have for breakfast?” Tizzy has been trying to figure out Lien’s favorite breakfast and introduce Lien to foods from her native country as well.

Before Lien could answer her mother “I know what I want for breakfast.” Omphile was standing in the doorway of their room.

“What’s that, Omphile?” Ikaika was putting on a pair of shorts and a muscle shirt.

“I want to try some Belgian waffles smoother in cinnamon apples and with whip cream on top.” Omphile has been wanting to see if the waffles were as good as she heard.

“I think we can do that. How about you, little monkey? What do you want to eat?” Tizzy looks at Lien.

Lien just shrugs her shoulders. She didn’t know what she wanted for breakfast.

“We could get her a bunch of bananas.” Omphile teases Lien.

Lien sticks her tongue out at her aunt. She liked being called a monkey by her mother and father.

“Well, let’s go and get you dressed, little monkey.” Ikaika walks over to his daughter and picks her up.

“What are you going to wear mom?” Lien looks at her mother.

“I’m going to wear a sundress, sweetie.” Tizzy brought one of her Hawaiian sundresses with her.

“Then, I want to wear mine, daddy.” Lien wanted to dress like her mother.

“Okay, let’s go and get you dressed little monkey.” Ikaika carries Lien to her and Omphile’s bedroom.

Omphile watches tizzy as she dresses. She knew her older sister uses to be a male, but she couldn’t tell. Tizzy looked like any normal woman.

“Sis, have you heard from Catlin and Krisha?” Omphile was worried about her next older sister and Catlin.

“Catlin, no. She’s at a special training facility that was put together by mom and Uncle Jack. So, if she survives the training. We should hear from her in a few months. As for Krisha, she has been accepted by a ballet troupe and will be busy touring.” Tizzy was proud of her younger sister for being accepted by the troupe her mom set her up with.

“How come, you’re not training her?” Omphile was curious why Tizzy wasn’t training her sister’s lover.

“Because I’m a cop. Sure, I have some of mom’s training and can hold my own against someone who is military trained. But I’m not as deadly as mom or Uncle Jack. The people they go up against would wipe the floor with me and Julia. Catlin is going to be as deadly if not deadlier than Gina.” Tizzy knew how deadly Gina was, because of her uncle Jack’s training.

“Why is mom, so deadly?” There was a lot Omphile didn’t know about her new mother.

“Because mom is a highly trained Black Op’s CIA agent. It was her job to take out anyone who threatened National Security. She is what you call a natural-born killer. She is extremely good at what she does, and it comes naturally to her.”

“Wow, I didn’t realize how dangerous mom is.” Omphile felt proud and scared at the same time.

Tizzy noticed the expression on Omphile’s face. She had been amazed by her mother when she learned how dangerous she was.

“How dangerous is Uncle Jack?” Omphile didn’t know much about their uncle Jack.

“That is a question best left for Julia and Gina to answer. However, I will say this about Uncle Jack. You never want him to come after you. He can be very creative in how he takes you down.”

“Okay.” Omphile wonders how bad he was.

After a while, Lien and Ikaika come walking back into the bedroom. Lien looks at her mother and notices they both had on similar sundresses. A smile appears on her youthful face.

Ikaika looks at his wife and notices she was dressed similar to Lien. Their sundress almost matched.

“Well, since everyone is dressed and ready. Let’s go and get some breakfast.” Tizzy grabs her carry tote and lets Ikaika lead the way down to one of the restaurants located in their hotel.

They spend at least two hours in the restaurant they picked to have breakfast in. After, they catch the monorail to the park and start exploring. Omphile gets her picture taken with Mickey and Minnie Mouse.

They visit the new Star Wars section. Ikaika dresses up like a Jedi and dual with a few other guys there. Lian barrows her mother’s camera and takes pictures of her father. Omphile joins in with her uncle and the two of them hold off four Sith’s.

Tizzy stands by Lien as she records the battle with her camera. She saw how much Omphile and Ikaika were enjoying themselves. She never knew her husband liked Star Wars so much. She also didn’t know Omphile liked Jedi’s either.

They stop to have lunch in the park. They try a Polynesian restaurant to see if the food equaled what they could get at home. It was a little better than the food they got at home.

After lunch, Lien wanted to go on one of the water rides. Since it was a little bit more humid than it was at home. Tizzy agreed to it. They stand in line for a while to ride the ride. When they finally got a chance to go on the ride, Omphile wanted to sit upfront of the ride. Lien didn’t want to, so she sat behind Omphile and Ikaika. She holds her mother’s hand.

By the time they finish the ride, Lien was soak and so was Tizzy. Even Ikaika and Omphile were soaked as well.

“Alright, who wants a snack?” Tizzy looks at Omphile and Lien.

“Hey, I want one as well.” Ikaika looks at his wife.

“Well, since you have been a good boy. Why don’t we go ahead and get everyone a snack?” Tizzy couldn’t believe how humid it was today.
Even after getting soak on the ride, she was still feeling a little warm.

They all get Hawaiian shaved ice cones from a vendor that sold them. Lien got her picture taken with Stitch. The actor playing Stitch had pulled her out of line for a photoshoot.

Tizzy had a smile on her face as she watched Lien take several pictures with Stitch. Even Ikaika was amused by the photoshoot. Lien looked a little startled until the actor calm Lien down.

Lien wasn’t the only person to get her picture taken. The actress playing Lilo took pictures with Ikaika. Since he looked like he was from Hawaii.

Tizzy made sure to take lots of pictures for their photo album and her mother. Her family needed this after all the things they have been through this year. She never knew, being a mother would make her feel so much like a woman. If she could only solve the other problem.

The rest of the afternoon and into the evening, they keep going on rides and exploring the park. Tizzy and Ikaika wanted their daughter and Tizzy’s little sister to enjoy themselves. They pick a place in the park to have dinner.

When they get back to their hotel room. Tizzy noticed how red Omphile had gotten and how red Lien had gotten as well.

“Come on girls, let’s take a shower and I’ll put some lotion on your shoulders and face.”

“Okay, sis.” Omphile takes Lien into the bathroom with her. She didn’t mind taking a shower with her niece.

When they come out of the bathroom, fully showered. Tizzy puts lotion on both of them. She was a little red from the sun today. Tizzy looks at the time on her cellphone and notices it was Lien’s bedtime.

“Alright, Lien. It’s bedtime for you young lady.”

“But I’m not tired, mom.” Lien fights back a yawn as she says that.

“Right.” Tizzy picks Lien up and carries her to her bedroom.

She tucks Lien in and places a kiss on her forehead “sleep tight, my little monkey.”

Lien wiggles down under the blankets and falls into a deep sleep. She fell asleep instantly.

“And she said she wasn’t tired.” Tizzy just shakes her head as she walks out of Lien’s bedroom.

She spots Omphile watching a Disney movie. She had her nightgown on and was curled up on the sofa in the common area of their hotel room. She had her pillow and the sheet from her bed.

“Don’t stay up too late, Omphile.”

“I won’t sis.” Omphile waves goodnight to Tizzy as she disappears into her bedroom.

Tizzy looks at her husband “why don’t you go and kiss Lien goodnight.”

“I will.” Ikaika changes his clothes. He just had on his boxer shorts.

Tizzy pulls her nightgown out of the dresser drawer and puts it on. When she took her bra off, she rubbed under them, where the underwire had been pushing up under her skin. She walks into the bathroom and brushes her teeth and lays down afterward.

Ikaika comes walking into the bedroom and lay down next to Tizzy. He kisses her cheek and lifts his arm, so she could snuggle next to him. Once she was laying next to his body, he wraps his arm around her and kisses her on the lips.

Ikaika and Tizzy fall asleep in no time. They were both exhausted after the day they had. Tizzy was sound asleep against her husband’s chest.
Omphile falls asleep as well. She was watching some Disney movie and the next thing she knows, she is off to la, la, land. The television was still playing whatever movie she had been watching.

A slim female figure dressed all in black steps out of the shadows in the common area of Tizzy’s hotel room. She looks towards the young teenage girl sleeping on the sofa. She moves over to her and pulls out a silver bracelet with a cat’s head in the middle of it. She lifts the girl’s right wrist and places the bracelet on it. She makes sure the bracelet is secured, before moving into the room where a little black Asian girl was sleeping. She pulls another silver bracelet out of her pocket and puts it around her right wrist. The cat head in the middle of the bracelet was made of emerald.

The figure leaves the bedroom and moves to the bedroom Tizzy and her husband were in. The figure hopes the sleeping spell she used to put everyone to sleep was still working on the woman. She was told that the woman was dangerous and was the daughter of Cheshire.

She pulls out of her pouch a silver choker. The middle of it had a large cat’s head in the shape of a tiger. It had bright emerald eyes. She slips the inch wide choker around the woman’s neck. She makes sure the cat's head is resting against the woman’s throat before she seals it around her neck.

She pulls out a ring that had a tiger’s head with emerald eyes. She places it on top of the guy’s wedding ring and says a little chant. She watches as the ring merges with the wedding band.

“Welcome to the clan, Mr. and Mrs. Patel.” The figure moves back to the shadow and steps into it.

During the night, Tizzy starts feeling extremely warm. She kicks off the covers covering her and takes off her nightgown. She moans in her sleep, as her body slowly changes. All she could feel was a warm energy coursing throughout her body, changes it.

She had moved away from Ikaika so she wouldn’t wake him. She doesn’t wake up, but she could feel things going on with her body. The rest of the night she feels restless as changes occur to her body.

When Tizzy wakes up the next morning, she feels exhausted. Her breasts were sore and her nipples were protruding out more than usual. She pays no mind to her breasts as she walks into the bathroom to take a shower. While she is waiting for the temperature of the water to reach what she likes, she notices the inch wide choker surrounding her neck and the cat head in the middle of it, pressing against her throat.

“What the fuck!” She runs her fingers around the band encircling her neck looking for a latch or something.

She noticed the cat head setting in the middle of her throat, had emerald, green eyes. The head was about the size of a Sacagawea dollar coin.

“What’s wrong, Tizzy?” Ikaika had heard his wife and decided to see what was wrong.

He was feeling tired and sore as well. He covers up a yawn as he looks at his wife. He was still half asleep and didn't notice the subtle changes that have occurred to her body.

“Someone put this choker on me, and I can’t remove it.” Tizzy turns around to look at her husband.

Ikaika looks at Tizzy’s neck and notices the choker encircling her throat. He started feeling an overwhelming desire to take Tizzy and fuck her brains out. He steps closer to her naked body and turns the water off.

Tizzy watches as her husband step close to her and turns the water off. Her vagina starts becoming wet as she inhaled his scent. She could smell how aroused he was and the scent of his body. She steps closer to him, pressing her sensitive breasts against his chest.

Ikaika caresses Tizzy’s cheek as he leans in towards her and starts kissing her. He could smell his scent on her body from them being in bed. He could also tell she was so aroused right now. He picks Tizzy up and carries her back to their bed.

He dumps her onto the bed and in a rough voice “assume the position, woman.”

Tizzy automatically knew what Ikaika meant, as she gets on all fours. She could feel the wetness between her thighs as it slides down her skin. She couldn’t believe how aroused she was and how much she wanted her husband to take her.

Ikaika kneels between Tizzy’s spread legs. He leans in towards her vaginal opening and could smell and see she was dripping wet. She was
so wet, that it was sliding down the inner parts of her thighs. He licks her inner thigh and feels her shiver from his touch.

He positions his penis at her vaginal entrance, just barely touching the skin. He hears a mewing sound coming from Tizzy. A smile appears on his face as he thrust so deep into her body. He stretches her opening so wide, that if he had been any wider, the skin separating her anal opening and vaginal opening would completely tear.

He pounds into Tizzy hard and rough. He digs his fingers into her hips, as his fingernails extend and penetrate her skin. Little rivets of blood slide down her hips as his nails dig deep into her body.

Tizzy digs her fingers into the mattress of the bed. Her nails extend and penetrate the material of the bed as well. Her body was enjoying the rough treatment Ikaika was giving her. She could feel him hitting something in her body, that shouldn’t be there. It was painful and pleasurable at the same time.

She feels him release her hips as his hands move under her body to grab her breasts. She feels his nails sink into the flesh of her breasts, stopping them from swing back and forth.

“You’re mine forever.” Ikaika sinks his teeth into the flesh in the crook of Tizzy’s neck.

Tizzy felt needle shape teeth sink into the flesh in the crook of her neck and shoulder. A massive orgasm overcome Tizzy. One she has never experienced before. When she hears the words coming out of Ikaika’s guttural voice “you’re mine as well, forever.”

Both of them orgasm at the same time. She feels him pumps so much semen into her body, she was afraid it would come out. She feels him start going in and out of her body afterward. She even feels his nails dig deeper into her breasts.

The next few hours, the two of them make love to each other like cats in heat. Every opening on Tizzy’s body is used. She also ends up with several bite marks decorating her body. She doesn’t leave Ikaika’s body untouched. She left several claw marks and bite marks on his body and penis as well.

By the end of their lovemaking, she was so sore, that it hurt to move. She was also exhausted as well. Even Ikaika was exhausted as he held Tizzy in his strong arms. They discovered that his wedding ring looked different. It had the same type of cat head mounted on it with green eyes as well.

Tizzy looks up at Ikaika as he held her against his body “what has happened to us?”

“I wish, I knew. It was like an animal lust was flowing through me, forcing me to claim you as a male cat would.” He kisses Tizzy’s cheek.

“I know what you mean. I wanted you to fuck me until I couldn’t walk anymore. I loved feeling your thick, long cock in me. It felt like it was bigger than normal.” Tizzy was feeling so raw between her legs and her anal opening. Even the muscles in her jaw were sore, from having to swallow Ikaika’s huge penis.

Ikaika runs his fingers through Tizzy’s hair and noticed how silky it felt and how much fuller and longer it had gotten. He liked how it felt with his finger’s “didn't you have your hair cut and styled before we came here?”

“Yes, I did. Now, it's fuller and longer than I normally keep it.” Tizzy could tell her hair was fuller and silkier than normal.

“I wonder if anyone else experiences anything like us?” Ikaika was wondering what has caused this to happen to them.

“Mom, I feel hungry.” Lien walks into her parents’ bedroom, rubbing her eyes and feeling tired.

“Come mere, little monkey.” Tizzy moves the cover aside for Lien to crawl into bed with her and Ikaika.

Lien crawls into bed and lays across Tizzy’s lap. She puts her lips onto Tizzy’s nipple and starts suckling from her. She feels warm milk squirt out of her mother’s breast.

Tizzy was surprised when Lien latched onto her left nipple. She was even more surprised by the sensation she was feeling, as Lien suckled from her, and milk squirted out. She could feel it being drawn out of her breast.

Another sensation overcomes her as she held Lien against her body. Something that she felt a long time ago when she was just a baby and she suckled from her mother. That emotion and sensation form between her and Lien.

Ikaika watches as Lien suckles from Tizzy’s left breast. He has never known her to do anything like that before. He spots an emerald, green cat's head on a bracelet around Lien’s right wrist. He also notices her hair was silkier and longer than Tizzy had it styled for her.

“Something strange is going on here. Look at Lien’s right wrist.”

Tizzy looks at Lien’s wrist and notices the bracelet. It had the same type of cat head as her choker and as the ring on Ikaika’s ring finger.

“I wonder if this has something to do with what my mother went through?” Tizzy wonders if all her siblings were being affected like this.

“What did your mother go through, Tizzy?” This was the first time Tizzy has brought the subject matter up.

“Mom died and was brought back to life by some mystical women. Mom, said as her spirit was leaving her body. She was stopped by a female cat god and told it wasn’t her time. The being waved her hand, sending mom’s soul back to her body. However, she was changed by the
experience. Her eyes have become more cat-like, and she has reverted to when she was in her prime. She has none of her former scars or pains she used to suffer from.”

“Okay, that is weird. Why would some mystical cat goddess take an interest in your mother?” Ikaika was confused.

“I don’t know, but I do know my mother has always had an affinity for big game cats. Before she had Shur-Khan, she had a Bengal tiger that she raised. He was to her, like Uncle Jack’s big ass wolf is to him.” Tizzy knew her mother loved big game cats. She has seen her mother play with wild lions and jaguars.

“So, you think what’s happening to us has something to do with your connection to your mother?” Ikaika looks down at Lien, as she switches from Tizzy’s left breast to her right one.

“Maybe, I won’t know until Omphile comes in here or when our little monkey has finished sucking on my breasts.” Tizzy strokes Lien’s silk black-haired head.

“You could try calling your mom. Maybe she could answer your question.”

“I can’t. Mom doesn’t have her sat phone with her. We left it at Uncle Jack’s ranch.” Tizzy didn’t grab anything of her mother’s when they went through something called a portal.

After a while, Tizzy feels Lien stop sucking on her nipple. She looks down at her daughter and noticed her eyes have changed some. She also noticed that there were small puncture holes at the base of her nipple where Lien latched onto her.

She needed answers and why did this just happen to her and her family. She rubs Lien’s belly and could tell she was full.

“Do you feel better, sweety?”

“Yes ma’am.” Lien lets out a burp.

What do you say, sweety?” Tizzy was even taken by surprise.

“Excuse me.” A childish smile appears on Lien’s face.

“Your excuse.” Tizzy smiles down at her daughter.

“Maybe Julia or Gina can get a hold of your mother. Maybe she’s with your uncle.” Ikaika knows Cheshire and Jack were thick as thieves.

“That’s a good idea. I’ll call Julia and see if she can get a hold of my mother or her father.” Tizzy grabs her cellphone and sends a text to her cousin.

Omphile wakes up and brushes her long hair out of her eyes. She was feeling extremely tired and hungry. She looks at her right wrist and notices a bracelet with a silver cat head on it. She tries to take the bracelet off, but there was no way to remove it, except to chop her hand off. There was no latch or seam where the two ends met. It encircled her wrist completely.

She walks into Tizzy’s bedroom and notices Lien laying across Tizzy’s lap. Tizzy was naked and so was Ikaika, even though you couldn’t see his groin area, because of the covers. She notices Tizzy had a choker that encircled her neck with a cat’s head in the middle of her throat. It had emerald, green eyes. She spots a bracelet on Lien’s wrist that was like hers, except Lien had an emerald, green cat head instead of on her bracelet.

“Sis, what happened?” Omphile was confused.

“I don’t know sis, but you just answered one of my questions.” Tizzy spotted the bracelet on Omphile’s wrist.

“You mean this?” Omphile holds her right arm up.

“Yep. You have it and Lien has one as well. Except her cat head is emerald.”

“What doe sit mean?” Omphile walks over to the bed and sits down on it.

She was feeling tired and sore as well. She didn’t want to do anything today.

“I don’t know. Did you wake up tired and sore?” Tizzy noticed Omphile looked tired.

“Yes, I don’t want to go anywhere today.” Omphile just wanted to stay home and rest.

“That sounds like a good idea.” Ikaika was energized and ready to make love to Tizzy again, but he could feel she was still sore.

“I do have one question, why does it smell like you and my sister have had some serious sex in here?” Omphile noticed she could smell things she couldn’t before.

Tizzy gives Omphile a curious look. She wonders how she could tell.

“Why do you say that?” As she looks at Omphile.

“Because I can smell his scent and your scent as well. I can also smell some blood coming from between your legs.” Omphile looks at Tizzy for an answer.

“I and Ikaika had some serious loving making before you and monkey here..” As Tizzy tickles Lien “woke up.”

“Well, you can smell it in the air and I smell some blood coming from you as well.” Omphile looks at her older sister.

“We sort of got carried away.” Tizzy wasn’t going to volunteer anything else to her sister.

“Right.” Omphile just smirks at her sister.

“Why don’t I order room service for us.” Ikaika figures the girls and Tizzy were hungry.

“Don’t order anything for me, daddy. I’m full from drinking mom’s breast milk.” Lien knew she couldn’t eat anything right now. Her tummy was full of her mother’s milk.

Ikaika orders breakfast for everyone else, except Lien. He does order a small fruit bowl just in case she gets hungry later. While they are waiting for their food, Ikaika puts a movie on for them to watch.

Tizzy gets a response from Julia saying she doesn’t know where her dad is or Aunt Cheshire. However, she will send a text to her father to pass on to Aunt Cheshire.

Ikaika notices Tizzy’s expression “bad news?”

“You could say that. No one knows where mom is or where Uncle Jack is. Julia is sending a text message to her father to pass on to mom.”

Story continues in Thunder Creek Ranch Chp. 11

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This story is 5887 words long.