Project: Stingray Chapter 1

Delphine checks the electric motors she was installing in her prototype hydrofoil/submersible craft. She designed the Stingray from the ground up while she was still in the Navy. She had gotten a lot of grief because of her looks from the sailors and instructors, but she just sucked it up and ignored them.

She wasn’t what you called a manly man type of person. She still had the slim youthful build of a teenager and she had inherited her great grandmother’s looks and curly hair. If she didn’t keep her hair short, people would mistaken her as a girl. So, during her time in the Navy, she kept it extremely short.

While she was in, she had gotten a double master’s degree in Oceanography, Marine Geology while in the Navy. She also got her degree in mechanical engineering and engineering at the same time. She was an underwater demolition explosive (UDT) Technician.

She had joined when she was still a male and was taking hormones while in the service. After putting ten years in and keeping her crossdressing quiet. Her doctor gave her the okay to receive gender reassignment surgery. She left the service and had work done to her body at the same time.

Once she gets the electric motors installed and hooked up to the waterjets. She connects the battery cables from a series of 12-volt batteries for now. She flicks the switch and watches as the water shoots out the back nozzle.

“Looks like your work is coming along, Delphine.” Bobby had come down to check on his sister.

She has been spending every hour of the day down in her workshop working on her project. He had to get used to the fact he didn’t have a brother anymore, but a sister. Sure, he knew she uses to cross-dress and go out when she was in the Navy, but he and the family hadn’t counted on the fact that she was considering the surgery as well. Everyone just thought she was gay.

Delphine looks up at her brother’s voice. He was the manly man type, where she wasn’t. You could tell the difference in them. Where he got all their father’s genes, like the rest of her brothers. The strong muscular build, the dark hair, strong jaw, and the piercing dark eyes. Her father side of the family had the football player type of build.

As a matter of fact, all her brothers played football and baseball all their life. One of her brothers is a fullback for the Los Angeles Rams. Her older brother is a Marine Sergeant. She, on the other hand, got all her great grandmothers looks on her mother’s side of the family.

The slender build, small slender fingers, the strawberry blond color curly hair, hazel eyes, and wide hips. When you look at her and pictures of her great grandmother, she was a splitting image.

“I just wanted to finish this up, Bobby.” She brushes a stray strand of her strawberry blond hair out of her eyes.

“You’re as bad as the rest of us when it comes to working on projects. Mom sent me down to remind you, that you were helping her with dinner tonight.”

“Alright, I’m coming.” Delphine shuts everything down and follows her younger brother out of her workshop.

She makes sure her workshop is locked before heading up towards the main house. She missed her mother’s home cooking when she was in the service. She also missed being home. She’s done a lot traveling and visited a lot of different places.

“It’s nice having you home, sis.” Bobby still found it hard calling his younger brother, sis.

Bobby knew all about his younger brother cross-dressing. When they were little, he uses to like wearing their mother’s clothes and playing with dolls and such. Where most people thought he was gay, he knew differently. It was good his baby brother waited till he finished his time in the service before transitioning.

“You never did tell us what you're building down in your workshop.”

“A special project. How is the business at the boatyard?” Delphine knew Bobby ran the family business, which was selling, repairing and customizing boats.

“It’s doing good. Dad said our profits are up and we sold a lot of jet ski’s this quarter. Have you decided what you are going to be doing yet?”

“Nope, I was thinking about taking it easy for a while and work on my project.”

“Talk about being lazy.”

“Hey, I’ve earned the right to be lazy for a little while. Do you know how many bombs and explosives I’ve had to disarm?”

“I forgot about that. You like to blow things up, don’t you?” Bobby forgot that his sister played with explosives.

“Trust me, little brother. It’s not all fun and games when you’re the one trying to disarm the device.”

The two of them walk in through the back door. Just as they entered the kitchen “alright you two, wash your hands and start peeling those potatoes for me.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Both Bobby and Delphine reply at the same time.

Delphine grabs a peeling knife and starts peeling some potatoes. She watches as Bobby grabs a peeler and sits next to her and peel potatoes.

“Did you ever have KP duty when you were in the military or boot camp?”

“Nope, I did what I was told. There was one guy in boot camp that ended up with KP several times.”

“I bet the rest of the recruits gave him a hard time.”

“They mostly threaten him. They had talked about a blanket party if he didn’t straighten up.”

“Did he ever straighten up?” Bobby looks at his sister.

“Yes, he finally got his act together,” Delphine remember the guy and what everyone threatened to do with him.

Delphine rubbed the spices for the roast on and inject them inside the meat under her mother’s watchful eyes. She was finding domestic life to be rewarding. She was happy now that how she felt inside, matched how she should have been born.

Once the roast was spiced and wrapped up. She puts it in the oven to cook and prepare side dishes to go with dinner. She wasn’t going to start cooking them until the roast was almost ready.

Delphine’s mother looks over towards her “how are you feeling, sweetie?”

Nicole knew her daughter had gender reassignment surgery the week she got out of the Navy. Since then, its been about two and a half months. She knew her daughter wasn’t the type of person to just lay around and do nothing.

“I’m doing alright mom. Occasionally, I need to stop when I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen area. I’m still getting used to having my own breasts.” Delphine was amazed at how big her chest got, once she started taking estrogen pills. It was like her body got kicked started when
she took the pills.

When she had her blood tested, to see what level they should start her off on. They discovered she was already producing some of her own, but at half the level a normal woman would. Her testosterone levels were low in the first place. It was why she still looks like she was a teenager. Even at the age of twenty-eight years old, she still gets carded if she buys beer or goes to a bar. She just has that youthful appearance about her.

“Well, take as long as you need, sweetie. Have you been doing those exercise your doctor wanted you to do?” Nicole knew Delphine had to use her dilators if she was going to keep the length she wanted and her vagina opened.

She had gone with her daughter to the doctor’s office that had done her surgery. She learned everything her daughter needed to do in order to keep her neovagina healthy. She also made sure that Delphine acted like a woman and corrected her when she did something mannish.

Nicole didn’t mind that her youngest child, felt like he should have been borne a girl, instead of a boy. At first, she and her husband thought he was gay. They later learned that wasn’t the case. When Delphine came home from deployment, she would go out dressed up as a girl. She had to be careful, because most of the neighbors around her, were military or had a relative in the military.

Once the roast was almost done. Delphine put the vegetables on and make homemade mashed potatoes. Once the food was cooked and ready. Delphine and her mother set the table for the rest of the family.

Only her and Bobby lived with their parents. Bobby was running the family shipyard with their father and she hasn’t found anything yet. She kept busy working on her project. She was using one of the original dry docks that her family had from when her grandfather started the business.

He use to build custom yachts and sailboats in the dry dock. She turned it into her private workshop. Every time she came home on leave, she would work on her project. By the time she got out fo the service, three quarters of her project was done. She was just finishing up on the last quarter of the vessel and would be taking it out soon for testing.

Delphine cleans the kitchen up, while her brother and father watched television. Her mother was reading a book. She didn’t mind cleaning the kitchen, since she cleaned behind her, while she cooked.

“Mom, Dad, I’m heading back down to my workshop.”

“Alright sweetie. Don’t stay up all night working on your project.” Nicole knew how her daughter was when she was working on a project.

Delphine goes back down to the dry dock and goes back to work. She wanted to finish up working on her project. She only had a few more things left to do, before she was finish and could charge the new batteries. The fuel cells she had were ready to be placed into Stingray. The new system she was using, should provide the oxygen and hydrogen she needed to power the Stingray.

By the time she finishes the last thing she needed to do to Stingray, it was three in the morning. Delphine yawns and stretch, as she shuts everything down in her work area and head back to the house. She grabs a bottle water, before heading to bed. She strips out of her work clothes and slip her nightgown on. She loved the feel of the fabric as it caress her skin.

She lays down in her bed and instantly fall asleep. She dreams of swimming with the fishes and exploring the ocean bottom. She loved the ocean and always enjoyed being in the water.

“Delphine, its time to wake-up, baby.” Nicole gently shakes her daughters shoulder.

“I don’t want to get up.” Delphine pulls her blanket over her head.

“Come on sweetie. It’s time to get up. You need to do your stretching exercises and go shopping with me.” Nicole removes the blanket off her daughter’s body.

“Mom!” Delphine gets out of bed and head towards her bathroom to pee.

“I laid out a nice sun dress for you to wear today.” Nicole had gone through her daughter’s clothes and found a nice sundress that would look
nice for her to wear. She also the perfect pair of sandals that matched the dress.

While Delphine is in the bathroom, she does her exercise using her dilators. She takes a shower afterwards and walks back into her bedroom and notices her mother laid out what she wanted her to wear. She gets dressed and put on a necklace she bought in Italy and a set of earrings she bought in Spain. She loved how they looked the minute she spotted them. They cost her two months pay, but they were worth it.

The necklace was another one of those purchases, that costed her a lot of money as well. The dress she bought the necklace to go with, hugged her curves. It was a nice dress she bought while in Italy. She checks herself one more time, before heading out to go shopping with her mother.

They go and look at a few dresses and hit a shoe store. If there ws one thing Delphine had in common with her mother, were shoes. Her mother was a shoe hoard and so was Delphine. They go by a dive store, so Delphine could pickup some new air tanks and wetsuit. She needs a new one, because of how big her breasts got, once she started taking a stronger estrogen pill.

Delphine buys a couple of new swimsuits as well. She loved showing off her new body. She buys a few modest ones and a few exotic ones.

“Those are nothing but dental floss, sweetie.” Nicole couldn’t believe her daughter was buying a few thong style swimsuits. They barely provided any cover.

“I know mom and I promise not to wear them around the yard. I thought I would show my body off now, since I don’t have to worry about people talking about me, since I’m out of the Navy now.” Delphine was always careful when she was still in the service, but the day she got out. She said the hell with it. She was going to be herself now.

Delphine treats her mother to lunch at a nice restaurant. A cute waiter took care of them.

“He’s half your age, Delphine.” Nicole had noticed the waiter looking at Delphine.

“I know, but I would like to give my new plumbing a work out.” Delphine looked at her mother.

“Didn’t me and your father catch you and Kevin Jerkins going at it in your room, wearing one of my negligee?” Nicole remember hearing noises
coming from Delphine’s bedroom and looked in.

She saw Delphine on all fours letting a boy she didn’t know taking Delphine in the ass. Delphine was wearing her favorite baby blue negilgee.

“That’s was a one time thing, mom. Since then I ahven’t been to bed with any one or done any sexual thing. I have been chaste since then.” Delphine knew she didn’t have too, but she figure she would, till she got her plumbing straightened out.

They finally make it home. Delphine take her things and put them away in her room. She takes her new tanks and wetsuit down to her workshop. She puts them aboard the Stingray.

“Tomorrow, is the big day to see if you work or not.” As she runs her fingertips against the bottom of the ship.

She heads back to the house to help fix dinner for tonight. She was going to take one day off and go to bed early. She does do her exercise and after dinner, spend time with the family.

The next day, she goes down to her workshop and put her new wetsuit on. She makes sure everything is out of the dry dock and flood it with water. Her ship floats as the dry dock floods. Once it was off it supports, she boards the boat and switches on the power. Everything powers on.

“Alright, lets see if your jets are working.” Delphine throws the power switch and pull back on the yoak.

Stingray starts moving backwards as water is forced forward. The force of the water propels Stingray backwards into the channel that leads to the ocean. Once she was clear and in the middle of the channel, she turns the wheel right, forcing the side thrusters, to turn Stingray.

She’s practice several times with Stingray’s controls, but the actual thing was different. Once she was facing forward, she pulls back on the power, to switch from going backwards, to forward. She gives him only a little bit of power as she starts going forward towards the entrance of the channel. She kept the speed at the posted speed limit as she guides Stingray out of the channel and into the ocean.

Once she was out on the ocean, she increases speed. Delphine couldn’t believe how well Stingray was responding to her. She increases speed more and feel his hydrofoil lift his body up out of the water, like she designed him too. She watches the gauges as she speeds on the ocean.

Primary power was at 100% and back-up power was at 100%. Oxygen and hydrogen generation were at 30% and raising. Navigation, speed, radar, sonar, radio and GPS systems were working at 100%. She gives Stingray full power and watch as his speed increases drastically.

She watches as the knots speed surpasses 228 knots. Stingray was still increasing speed. When Stingray got close to 260 knots, Delphine powers back some. If she had left it at the power level it was at, it would had hit 300+.

“Alright, let’s see how deep you can go.” Delphine flicks some switches and listens as Stingray switches from hydrofoil mode, to sub mode.

Stingray starts lowering into the water as she cuts back on the power to its thrusters. She slowly goes beneath the surface. She keeps going down as she watches her oxygen levels and gauges for any inducation of the seals on Stingray leaking. She should had tested them more, but she hadn’t thought about.

She looks at her depth and it was reading 400 feet. Delphine watches her depth as Stingray goes deeper and deeper. She was nearing a thousand feet as she continued to go deeper. She reaches a depth of 1,000 feet and decides to head back up.

She could had gone deeper, but wanted to play it safe on her first time out. She heads back towards the surface and enjoys the ride. The sonar on board gave her a good reading of everything around her. The front part of the Stingray was reinforce clear glass , so she could see everything with help from the lights.

She was currently 30 miles from shore. She still had plenty of power and oxygen. Delphine plots a course back to her home. She does try one more item she installed on the Stingray. She activiates the reflective skin covering the Stingray was covered in.

Delphine decides to stay on top of the water as she heads back home. She grabs a sandwich she brought with her and take a bite, while the autopilot takes them home. Everything was working as it should. She had to avoid a few fishing boats.

Delphine arrives back at her family’s place late in the afternoon. She pulls the Stingray up to the pier, where her family docks their private vessels. She powers down everything and secure the Stingray to the docks.

She walks up to the family house proud of what she accomplished with stingray. Her brother was still at work, but her mother was in the kitchen when she walked. She was still giddy that Stringray performed well on its first time out.

Nicole looks towards her daughter when she comes walking in “how did your project perform?”

“For it’s first time out, it did really good. I went down to a 1,000 feet. The oxygen units and power units worked out great. I was able to generate everything I needed. The hydrofoil mode worked out even better. I had it up to 228 knots and it was still climbing, before I dialed it back.” Delphine grabs an apple to munch on.

“Why did you build that thing?” Nicole knew her daughter had her own money tied up into her project. Ever dime she had and saved went into building her ship.

“To research the ocean and such. It will give me an advantage most researchers wouldn’t have.” Delphine loved the ocean.

“Well, it’s your money, sweetie.” Nicole hopes her daughter knew what she was doing.

“Mom, I’m not worried about the money. I still have twelve Spanish coins and a gold bar I found from that sunken Spanish galleon, while diving off the coast of Florida. Before me and my friends gave the rest of the treasure and location to the Spanish government, even though it was discovered in international waters.” Delphine couldn’t believe her luck when her and several friends went out diving.

They were thirty miles off the Florida coast when they came across the Spanish Galleon. She had come across a sunken ship no one knew anything about. She shared the discovery with her friends and they took a small amount of the teasure, before contacting the Spanish Government.

“Well, you have a lot of money tide up in that project of yours, sweety. You should think about selling it or mass producing the craft. It would make a fine addition to the custom ships your father and brother build for clients.” Nicole glances towards her daughter.

“Mom, it is still experimental and I didn’t design it, to be sold off. I built it to study the ocean. After all, that’s why I went to school and got my degrees while I was in the Navy.” Delphine walks over and places a kiss on her mother’s cheek.

Afterwards, she turns around and head back to her bedroom to change clothes. She performs her exercise with the dilators, before hopping into the shower and taking a nice long hot shower. She was still amazed that the surgery had gone so well to give her, her neovagina. As she washes between her legs.

Once Delphine was done washing her body and dress again. She grabs her purse and head downstairs.

“Mom, I’m going out for awhile.” As Delphine grab her car keys.

“Alright, be safe and be careful, sweetheart.” Nicole hopes her daughter will stay out of trouble.

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