Back to School Chp. 6

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Maciel’s Tortas & Tacos, Downtown Memphis:
Sasha hears her cellphone beep, letting her know an email had arrived. She had finished up with her meeting about performing for a few nights in Memphis and was enjoying some lunch. She looks at her phone to see who just email her and notices it was her cousin Ivy.

Sasha takes out her netbook and opens it up. She establishes a secure sat link with her parents sever and bring up the email. She notices that the file was from the Diplomatic Security Service dossier on Nora Maria Midnight.

Birth Place: Jacksonville, Florida, Birthdate: May 25, 1977, Birth Father: Joseph Allen Midnight, Occupation: US Navy , Father’s Age: 45, Birth Mother’s Maiden Name: Maria Elizabeth Pérez, Occupation: Restaurant Owner, Mother’s Age: 43. Height: 5’6” Weight: 120lbs. Hair Color: Black, Eye Color: Brown, Sex: female, Recruitment Age: 21, Retirement Age: 42 Status: Retired, Nationality: Hispanic American.

She saw that Nora Midnight held a Master’s degree in Law Enforcement and took an online course to get her teacher’s degree and passed with 99% score on the test. As Sasha continued reading, most of Nora’s Midnight file had been redacted. The good thing about her cousin, she was able to get her hands on the original file, before it became redacted.

She was recruited and trained by Cheshire Patel for CIA Project: Spearhead. There was a picture of Nora standing with several other men and it looked like it was taken out in the desert. Down in the right-hand corner, Sasha spots where the picture was taken. Iraq September 21, 2007.
According to Nora’s record, she worked for six years with the CIA as a special operative. Then she was reassigned at her request to protection detail. Before the CIA assignment, she was assigned to several counter-terrorism teams. Then later was personally requested by the German ambassador to serve as his personal protection agent.

She speaks seven different languages and has several arrests under her belt as well. Sasha couldn’t believe the life this woman had. No wonder she moved like a trained agent. As she continued to read the file. Sasha noticed that she adopted two young girls in 2018 and married a Kelly Tillis last year as well.

Sasha was impressed with this woman. She would be someone her aunt would hire to work for her. The thing now is, why did Andrew McKinley kill those two people last night.

Sasha moves on to the next file, which was the background on the family that had been killed. The woman’s name was Sophia Ann Lynch, her husband’s name was Morrison Andrew Lynch, they had a son named Charlie Henry Lynch. According to the information her cousin got on the father, he was a DEA agent and his wife was retired Navy. As she kept reading, Mr. Lynch was working on a case involving a new drug that was being produced and shipped out of Memphis.

Sasha figures Mr. Lynch must have gotten to close to the source of the drug. Which meant whoever was making the drug was well connected and loaded. She knew from the profile they had on Andrew McKinley that he was an expensive contract killer.

The thing was, how did Mrs. Midnight fit into this? Does the young girl she saw in the car have anything to do with it? Sasha closes her netbook and tucks it back into her purse. She was going to have to go and see this Nora Midnight and ask her about the young girl.

High School:
Nora was sitting in her classroom working on her grade book when her cellphone rings. She looks at it and notices it was her friend at the DEA.

“Hey Landon, what do you have for me?” Nora pulls out a little note pad.

“Hello to you too. I have some news for you on that drug you found. It’s called Day Dream. It puts its user into a very relax and high state that is strong enough to shut down the automatic functions of the body. It’s a designer drug and it has been hitting the streets lately. My agency has been investigating where it is made and who is behind it.”

“Who’s the lead investigator?” Nora wonders if it was Carol’s father.

“That would be Morrison Andrew Lynch.” Landon wonders why Nora wanted to know.

“Well, I hate to tell you this London, but agent Lynch and his wife were murdered the other night.” Nora didn’t know if her friend knew.

“Damn, that’s the third agent we have lost.” Landon couldn’t believe they lost another agent.

“It sounds like you have a leak in your agency or in the office handling this investigation.”

“I’ll look into it. You be careful Nora.”

“I will and thanks.” Nora ends the phone call.

990 River Currents Dr, Memphis, TN
Hex had gone back to her place. She used her gear there to search through the emergency database. She went through the calls and came across one mentioning two people who had been killed. She writes the address down and does some digging. The place belonged to a Sophia and Morrison Lynch. Sophia lynch was a retired navy officer and Mr. Morrison was a DEA agent.

She leans back in her chair and wonders if it had something to do with the fact that Mr. Morrison was a DEA agent. She plays the recording back and listens to it. She had the number he dialed recorded. She searches the cellphone carrier’s database to find out who it belonged too.

The number comes back as a burner like she thought it would. She tries to remotely activate the phone to see if someone had it. It turns on and she could hear some voices but couldn’t make them out because of so, much background noise. She records the conversation, so she can clean it up later.

While her computers are doing that, she pulls the money she took from the Check into Cash and count it. She had over $200.000 dollars that she took from them. The place deserved it for what they were charging people for cashing their checks. After she counts and binds it. She locks it away in her wall safe.

Hex checks her burglary tools and the rest of her tools. She really didn’t like guns, but she knew how to use them. Chris taught her how to use a gun, along with picking locks. She had a few guns and shotguns she picked up along the way. She also had bulletproof police vest she took from the home of a police officer. The man was a crook and deserved having his vest taken.

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No one deserves

Wendy Jean's picture

a crime to be committed against them, this is logic a criminal uses, Some people get what they deserve. But if it is a crime you likely deserve something too.


As somebody once said: "You have all the morals you can afford." Hex isn't a crook, but she has obviously developed a personal code in order to survive. It may not line up with the code of law, but you do what you have to do. Any sane person will put their own survival at the top of their list, subject to unforeseen circumstances.

Reminds me of a couple of lines from the song God Bless The Child performed by Blood, Sweat & Tears. (Written and first performed by Billie Holiday)

"Them that's got shall get,
them that's not shall lose.
So the Bible says,
and it still is news.

Momma may have,
and Pappa may have.
But God bless the child
that's got his own.
Well, that's got his own" (Album Cut)

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

This is some team

Samantha Heart's picture

Forming a stage magician & privite operative, a crook & a former CIA special teams/teacher/mom.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.

So when does Nora, Hex, and Sasha meet?

Jamie Lee's picture

Nora is looking into the drugs she found, Sasha has records she shouldn't have on Nora, and Hex has information Nora should have. So when are these people going to meet? Or who pulls whose fat out of what fire?

Others have feelings too.