(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3229 by Angharad Copyright© 2018 Angharad
I bent down to take the dishes out of the washer and felt uncomfortable; like everyone else I’d eaten too much. Simon and Toby were chatting about something while Sammi checked over everyone’s new laptop. In the end even I decided I could do with a new one. Tom had nearly flung his out of the window as he battled with the difference between Windows 10 and his previous program. Trish was showing him what to do while he consoled himself with a dram.
Stella had gone for snooze, mainly because she’d imbibed too much, which, amazingly, neither Simon nor Tom had. Toby had drunk no alcohol as he was driving and despite being in the police said they’d still prosecute if they caught him and he’d made enough enemies as it was amongst his plod colleagues.
Last I heard they were talking about the Six Nations rugby competition and who was going to win it. They both agreed it wouldn’t be Scotland so England or Ireland were favourites. Sitting in the kitchen by myself I drank a cup of tea and just enjoyed a few minutes with nobody calling me to do something. It was ‘Mummmm, where’s my whatever?’ or ‘Mummy can I do so and so?’
For a moment I thought back to being called Mummy for the first time by Meems. It was a title I’d never in my wildest dreams ever expected to hear in regard to me; mind you, when I was in school, I would never have expected to end up as Lady Cameron, Lady Macbeth was as close as I’d reached in those days and I didn’t want to do that, but I’m glad in someways I did, if only for the short period I got to waltz about in skirts in a boys’ school which royally pissed off Murray. Our psychopathic headmaster.
I thought about the day he saw me breastfeeding at Gareth’s house, Murray, that is. Gareth tore a strip off him a mile wide. Poor old Gareth, he was such a nice man he certainly didn’t deserve to be murdered. At least James and I brought his killer to justice, all over quarrying. On reflection it seems so stupid, how can a pile of rock be worth someone’s life, but it was, to the murderer anyway.
I hadn’t spoken to James for a bit, would try and do so in the new year. There would be some changes then. Tom was retiring as Vice Chancellor and was going to be simply Professor Emeritus. When I offered to give him back his chair, he got very cross with me, saying he’d just eke out his career supervising a few post graduate students and me. I wasn’t looking forward to having a new boss, especially what they were saying about him. A business man with no experience of education since he’d graduated twenty years before. His salary, if the rumours were true, was twice what Tom had got, but his pension wasn’t to be sneezed at.
In some ways I was glad Tom had retired, it was wearing him out as he tried to do things conscientiously. I’d bet the new one won’t, not like Tom did. Maybe it was time for me to go as well but Tom wouldn’t hear of it. I’m a scientist and want to be out in the field not stuck in an office writing policies or begging letters for research funding.
Still whatever happened, I had to see my life as having achieved so much more than I’d ever imagined, and for that I was grateful. I don’t mean becoming a professor, that would have been pretty far down my list of dreams, but being a wife and mother, albeit adopted variety was so much more than I ever expected. It almost verged on miraculous.
I sniffed back a tear just as Sammi brought her mug out to the kitchen. “Oh there you are,” she said to me, “everything okay?”
“Yeah, just taking a moment to gather my thoughts.”
“That was a super dinner, Mummy, though I’ll have to diet for weeks to get the weight off again.”
“You look fine to me, young lady.” Which was true, though she’d suffered yet another relationship breakdown. How it was that someone as lovely and brilliant as she was couldn’t find a long term partner concerned me, especially when I seemed to be able to and wasn’t half as clever or beautiful as she was. Perhaps she frightens people away by being too clever for them? If she’s got trouble I wonder what will happen to Trish in the relationship stakes as she tends to dominate with her imperiousness at times, whereas Sammi is quite self effacing until someone tries to tell her something about which she knows more.
“Cheltenham were after me again.”
“Yeah, I told them I’d help when I had time but unless they could match my bank salary, I wasn’t interested in being poor as well as overworked.”
“What did they say?”
“They got a bit hot and bothered and told me that patriotism didn’t have a price.”
“No but living does.”
“I told them that, especially as Cheltenham isn’t exactly cheap is it?”
“No, the Cotswolds aren’t.”
“Still, I could quite enjoy having a seventeenth century house.”
“Always need something doing to them plus they’re nearly all grade two listed, so you can’t change the toilet roll without permission.”
She laughed at my exaggeration.
“You weren’t seriously considering becoming a spook, were you?”
“No, the intellectual challenge was tempting but I get enough of that keeping hackers out of the bank.”
“I’d have thought that was challenging enough.”
“Sometimes, but we’ve got a good team now and they’d probably cope without me.”
“So what would you like to do?”
She came and sat next to me. “Not sure, sometimes I think it would be nice to be a wife and mother, but that’s not going to happen is it?”
“Oh darling, don’t upset yourself,” I put my arm round her. “I didn’t think it would ever happen to me and you’re so much prettier and clever than I am.”
“Yeah, hasn’t done me a lot of good has it.”
I didn’t know what to say so said nothing, just hugged her until she regained control of herself. Livvie came out into the kitchen and did a quick about turn without saying anything. I don’t think Sammi saw or heard her. Thank goodness it wasn’t Trish, she’d have gone into psychotherapist mode and demanded to know what was happening.
“Cathy,” called Simon’s voice.
“I’d better go and see what Daddy wants.” I excused myself, intercepting Simon as he was about to come into the kitchen.
“Toby has to go,” he said in his normal voice and then whispering added, “Where have you been, it looked as if you’d abandoned him.”
“I was busy in the kitchen, why?”
“I just told you, it looked like you’d deserted us.”
“I was giving you some space and sorting out the dishes.”
“Grabbing some space for yourself.”
“A bit of a breather, yes, why?”
“Nothing, just asking.”
I went to see Toby off, he said he had to pop in and see his mother and there was a case he was working on which would be easier to do while the office was quiet. I knew that feeling.
“Thanks for a brilliant lunch, Cathy. It was really good.”
“Thank you for my flowers,” he’d given me a bouquet.
“You’re welcome.”
He pecked me on the cheek, shook Simon’s hand and called goodbye to the girls.
“If you need help, you know where to find me,” called Sherlock Watts from the lounge. I nearly burst trying to stifle a laugh, Simon just roared and Toby chuckled.
“She means it,” I added.
“I know, but it wouldn’t look too good if she solved it first would it, given I’m supposed to be the professional.”
“As a consulting detective, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind at all.”
“Consulting detective? Didn’t Sher...”
I smiled at him and nodded.
“Wasn’t Mycroft supposed to be better?” he said very quietly.
“Yeah but she’s in the kitchen,” I said referring to Sammi.
“Nice girl,” he observed.
“Yeah and she’s gonna stay that way,” said Simon firmly.
“She’s a bit young for me anyway,” sighed Toby and with that he went out into the drizzle and we waved as he drove off moments later.
“He’d better not be sniffing around Sammi,” declared Simon in anything but the spirit of Christmas, “Bad enough knowing he fancies you.”
“So why did you get me to invite him?”
“Dunno, must be getting soft in me old age. What’s for tea?”
Glad to see another episode of Bike. Always look forward to it.
Hope everything is going alright.
A dormouse,
a dormouse! My kingdom for a dormouse!
Welcome back, Angharad. Here's hoping we will see lots more of our favorite family in the near future.
Red MacDonald
It's a bird, it's a plane, no
It's a bird, it's a plane, no, it's a Bike! Thanks, Super-Ang!
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
OMG! Translate It Any Way You Will
So glad you stopped by. I needed a pick me up.
Thank you.
Thank you
I was wondering if the series had died sounds like Sammi and Toby could both use company.It would allow Simon to practice his Protective Daddy skills
thank you
it really made my day to see an episode of bike. I have actually read the whole thing 3 times now. You have created another world for us and for that, thank you.
Summing up
Phew; I thought you were considering ending it all with that quick summation.
Summing up
Phew; I thought you were considering ending it all with that quick summation.
A Bike !
Must be Spring Break in jolly olde England.
Wonderful to read a new chapter Ang, we've missed you.
The Annual Dormouse! ^_^.
I’ll take it, and be grateful for it.
I love it when the government pulls the patriotism card when they don’t or can’t pay enough.
The US government salaries top out at embarrassingly low levels, 20K or more less than private industry.
No wonder they don’t get the top workers.
A welcome peek
into life at Cameron towers. Could it work? I mean, there's a hint there that Sammi doesn't have to be a one-girl defence force at the bank, but still, a cyber security career match with a police officer? They could find the love of their lives but being always at the beck and call of their work will strain all but the best of relations. Let it not be a desperate fling if it happens.
Did the paint dry, Ang, and does it have cat hairs on it? Cats are amazingly good at finding wet concrete to leave their "walk of fame" on.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Ahh Sunday
Ahh, a Sunday morning in bed reading 'bike' with a cup of tea. The world has returned to its normal self.
Thanks, Angharad, for finding the time in your busy schedule to give your legion of fans a treat. I hope that the snow has abated and you are able to get around as normal.
Love to all
Anne G.
Mammal, bipedal, gastro-habilis, homo-sapien. Nothing changes.
More importantly - much more importantly. How's the OU Course going girl?
Happy new year.
Two months plus a bit!
No need to feel guilty, I have always counselled to provide when you are ready. I do hope hat he break was for intellectual alternatives, rather than being forced by health problems.
Best wishes
Great to see
another episode of Bike, It was just like meeting up with a much-loved friend who you had not seen for a while, Very quickly you catch up on what's been going on in their lives and say to them as you reluctantly part " we must do this sometime again soon "... Lovely as always Angharad, Thanks for posting.