Caught in the Act - 7

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Caught in the Act – 7

By Jessica C

“I would like to stay for dinner... I think Jessie can only do so much on her own but I think playing dolls might be enjoyable with April and Tami helping me.” ...Mrs. Johnson realizes it is Jessie’s voice she is hearing. ...Everyone smiled as Jeff pulled off his sweatshirt in front of everyone and his girly tee was revealed in its full glory…


Jessie took her skirt, panties, and bra into the bathroom that adjoins Tami’s room as well as her sister Jennifer’s room. “Would you mind if I took a quick shower before dressing again?”

Mrs. Johnson suggested, “It might be helpful if you shampoo and condition your hair, so I or the girls can help style it.” While Jessie was busy in the shower, someone opened the door and set on the sink counter two fresh fluffy towels.

The upstairs bathroom at home did not have the shampoo or conditioner like Rachel or here that Tami and Jennifer used. It was evident the difference it makes in the life and body of her hair after the shower. Jessie also enjoyed the fragrance of the body wash she used.

Having pat dried her body and hair, Jessie put on her panty and bra. She was a bit disappointed she did not have her breast forms and needed to use the tissue to give her upper body a more girly shape. It also meant the other girls would see, she was not real. Something they knew, but Jessie liked thinking they did not. She opened the door to Tami’s room just enough to ask, “Can you hand me my printed blouse?”

Tami giggled, “Come out here and put it on, we use some tissue to be bigger too.”

Jessie complained, “I’m the only one who will be showing off her bra and what she doesn’t have.”

It was a moment, but Jessie waited and they finally handed in the desired blouse, but then pulled it back and opened the door. Mrs. Johnson was not there as April and Tami were without their tops and giggling. Tami held Jessie’s blouse so she could put it on.

Jessie said, “Wow you are pretty. I don’t see any tissue that you’re using.”

April says, “That’s the way it should be, we want to look just a little better, not like we’re looking for the wrong reputation. Boys can be crude enough without helping them along.”

Jessie says, “You two better put your tops back on before your mother comes in and throws me out yelling that I’d better not ever come back.”

Tami’s giggle belies her protest, “You mean, you don’t like us like this?”

“You know better that’s why you’re teasing me. Instead of wasting time gawking at you, I could use help with my makeup,” Jessie said with a sense of pleading with them.

April says, “I thought you already know how to do your makeup? Tami, didn’t you tell me that?”

“And I thought you wanted me like a Barbie doll?”

Tami takes Jessie over to her vanity as Jessie's ready to see how they would treat her. April said, “Look at that Tami, she’s crossed her fingers. I think she’s making a wish to become our Barbie Princess.”

Tami says, “Let’s do our best. I want her to change into my white lace dress before we show her off?” Tami even put on one of Carrie’s CDs to set the mood. “I expect you to sing along Jessie.” I do, but it's only a whisper of a voice until I'm forced to sing out more.

April insisted use “Sing with Jessie’s voice, don’t try to imitate Carrie. That won’t help in developing your own voice.” I didn’t think I wanted to develop a girl's voice. Jeff's not much of a singer and I don’t expect Jessie to be either.

I guess it was good that I was a brunette and not a blonde like Carrie or Tami. They kept me from seeing myself until they were ready for me to change into Tami’s white lace dress. Now I had to lose my blouse and skirt so they could place the lace dress down over me. I did keep my half-slip on.

Jessie isn’t thinking as Tami wraps her curling iron for a third set of curls in her hair on the left side of her head. She protested but they convinced her there was no alternative but to balance off the other side with similar curls. Finally, she's allowed to see in the mirror; she is no Carrie nor a stunning princess but wow there is a very pretty teen girl looking back at her.

While she’s standing there, Tami sets a pair of 3” strap high heeled shoes in front of me. She helps me to step into them as I am looking in the mirror. The girls giggle because they fit so well on my feet. Tami says, “Princess your glass shoes fit, I wonder if Prince Charming is searching for you?”


With that, we hear her mother calling us to dinner. I am not allowed to slip the shoes off as April goes in front of me and Tami is prodding me from behind. “Now be very careful as you walk down the stairs. Make sure the heel and toes are down both before you take your next step.”

I have gone down three of ten or twelves steps when I hear Jennifer calling her Mom. “Mom, come here please, Barbie’s coming down the stairs in three-inch heels. She is just darling.”

I look up just for a moment returning a smile to Jennifer and lowering my head as Mrs. Johnson gets there. “You are doing very well young lady,” I hear her saying. With two steps to go, she extends me her hand and I hold it as I walk down the last two steps. She raises her hand holding mine and asks, “Turn around if you would. Thank you, dear.”

Jennifer says, “If she is wearing that dress while she eats I would suggest she wear an apron or something as a large bib.” I worked hard in eating to remember everything my mother taught me and things I heard the past three weeks about taking small bites and more.

Jennifer was watching as I drank my milk. I was very happy as the glass came away from my mouth without leaving lipstick on it. Tami said, “No, we did not use the super stick lipstick. If you watch closely she has learned to wet her lips before taking a sip. I guess her sister taught her after Sunday’s dinner at their house.”

I volunteered to wash dishes, but Mrs. Johnson said, “Honey, we are not having you help with the dishes dressed as pretty as you are.”

I was speaking to myself when I went into their living room to sit and wait. “I surely wished I had somewhere to go as nicely dress as I am. What would a girl so wonderfully dressed be going to?”

Jennifer says from behind her, “The university ballet troupe has their opening show tonight at 8:00 p.m. I had been hoping to go with my mother, but that is not happening.”

“We have an hour, would it be impossible to go yet tonight?”

Mrs. Johnson says, “Tonight no, but if you would stay until tomorrow night as well you could go to dinner and the ballet with us. We could even ask your Mom to see if anyone in your family would like to go. Your mother might be stopping over to see how you are behaving. I think she’s really coming to make sure I am not in shock or dismayed by the pretty girl you make.”

Jessie says, “I can’t believe it either that everyone treats this as a normal everyday occurrence.”

“O don’t think, I see it as life as usual, but your mother and I go back a long way. I trust her enough to stay open if she is involved in something. You probably don’t remember stopping over when you were really little and we lived on High Street. When I heard from Tami that you were wearing girls’ earrings. It reminded me of when you were four or so. You loved playing with the girls’ stuff. You were an active child, but I thought then you had the heart and soul of a girl.”


The doorbell rang, I was already up and leaving the room. “Stay right here, it is probably your mother, and no one else would recognize you as Jeff.” She checked and then opened the door, “Come on in Terri, I have a pretty young lady who was just visiting with me.”

“Hi, Mom.” I curtsied for some unknown reason.

“Wow Jessie, where are you off to?”

Caroline said, “She was wondering out loud where she could go so nicely dressed. Jennifer suggested the possibility of going to dinner tomorrow night and then the university’s ballet.”

Mom says, “Jeff would never sit still for that.”

“But your daughter Jessie is very open to the idea. But if she is a real girl the same dress won’t do,” Mrs. Johnson says.

Jessie says, “If I changed out of it now I could wear it tomorrow. We’ve already bought me too much to get a dress this beautiful.” The two mothers look at each other and one says, “That’s Jeff speaking.” Jessie’s mom gives her a hug.

Carol asks, “Is she right Terri, have you been spoiling this young girl?”

Mom says, “By Jeff’s standards, yes, and with some of Rachel’s old stuff she does have a nice wardrobe. It is okay that she feels a little spoiled.”

Carol says, “I was just asking because I’m taking the girls shopping tomorrow and if we found a nice dress, fitting for the occasion I’d be happy to buy it for you.”

Mom smiles, “I wouldn’t mind meeting up with you there tomorrow at Von Maur’s. There is a sales girl there who already knows Jessie. I’m sure she would discretely help us.”

Carol says, “I’m taking the girls around 10:00 a.m., why don’t you meet us inside the mall at the Von Maur entrance. We can shop there and then stop for a light lunch. The girls can sit together and we can visit without their distracting us. Would you and Rachel consider going with us out for a nice dinner and then the ballet?”

“You’re right in thinking it would be us, Roger wouldn’t be caught going to a ballet.” Mom changed the subject. “I do have with me two bits I’d like a discreet place to put them on Jessie as I told you.” Jessie was embarrassed and the two moms were sensitive and Mrs. Johnson took the two to her bedroom. She also brought out from the bathroom a damp cloth and towels.

Jessie had already taken off the dress and her bra. Terri was impressed with how Jessie laid out the dress on the bed next to where she would lay down. Caroline was a bit embarrassed, to which Terri replied, “I guess she is comfortable with you being here.”

Caroline stayed, interested in seeing how Terri marked Jessie’s chest, spread the adhesive and minutes later lightly pressed the two small forms into place. It was another five minutes for the adhesive to set and the applying of makeup around the edges.

As Jessie sat up, Mrs. Johnson remarked, “You look very pretty Jessie.” Jessie soon had her bra back on and the forms were big enough to just fill the cups and show her breasts off nicely.

“Thanks, Mrs. Johnson. Shouldn’t I be putting my outfit on and save this dress for tomorrow?”

Her Mom said, “I think it would be nice for you to put it back on. I’d like to see if the girls notice the change. I think we will manage to find a nice dress for you to wear. It should be nice for you and Tami and Rachel and Jennifer to dress up and take in a dinner and a night at the ballet.”


April and Tami had already been looking for Jessie when the moms and Jessie emerged back in the living room. Tami worriedly asked, “She’s not in trouble and needing to go home, is she?”

Mrs. Johnson smiled at Tami and April’s concern, “No, her Mom wanted to speak with Jessie and help her with something.” April’s eyes came together seriously wondering what that meant. Tami, however, was busily looking till she noticed the difference.

“Wow, look at you, you’re one of us. Did you have them on the other day?” Tami hugged her, “No I don’t think you were wearing them Sunday.” The two moms watched in amusement. “April do you see she has her own boobs now.”

April’s eyes lit up, “O my Jessie, you’re going to transition?”

Jessie quickly denies, “No, I just like dressing as a girl, my Mom got these to help me have a sense what it’s like.”

Tami says, “I think she’s in denial and having trouble because Jeff is her too.”

My Mom hugged Tami and whispers, “We’re not completely sure, but you might just have summed it up the best of anyone so far. I am very happy that she has you as friends.”

Jessie asks, “Mom, do you think I’m in denial?”

“With how strongly Jessie is part of you, maybe some. I think it is more you’re protecting Jeff, the part of you that you’re most familiar with,” his Mom says. “You’re the one to determine that over time with Dr. Hunt’s help.”


Caroline Johnson recognized Dr. Hunt’s name from over at the university. She encouraged the girls to go play, “Why don’t you go do your girl stuff. If you’re going to use makeup or do nails Jessie should change out of that dress. Why don’t you teach her to dance, better yet do karaoke?”
Jessie was trying to say she didn’t sing, but Tami thought otherwise.

Carol turned to Terri, “Through my work at the university I’ve heard of Dr. Beth a number of times. I guess the university would like to use her more. She helps lead two support groups. She’ll only take fifteen percent of her clients from the university. Someone said she has a larger problem holding her pro-bono work to fifteen percent. The groups are extra and I guess her other clients help her afford to help people.”

Terri asks, “It sounds good but do you know of anyone who she has helped?”

“I didn’t know who Jeff got in to see until just now. But if it is true that she took you right away, someone must have spoken up for you. Usually, three months is the shortest wait; most times it is often longer,” Carol says. “From what I hear, she has helped a number of students wrestling with their gender stuff. I’ve talked to her twice over coffee in the staff’s cafeteria. She’s good at not sharing and holding people’s confidence.”

“We’ve talked more about abuse issues involving women and children, but we got into a good discussion relating to gender identity or sexual orientation. I guess after clients open up and wrestle through their stuff many come to an acceptance or discover things are sometimes different from what others had them in thinking.”

Terri said, “I heard Dr. Hunt was the best in the area, but after I initially talked to her I was surprised I heard back from her yet that day. I wonder if I ask, "If she’ll tell me how we got in to see her so quickly. Maybe, I should be quiet and just be thankful.”

“Carol, I feel bad about opening up to you, since it’s been a while since we’ve visited as friends. I don’t like returning just when I have a need. I hope you wouldn’t mind if we become closer friends again?”

Carol warmly says, “I’m kind of glad my daughter took an interest in Jeff speaking up for Danny. Danny had been a close friend of Jennifer’s and this household. The first day Tami came home giggling she might have talked some boy into wearing girly earrings to school. She said she liked the boy before but never told him.”

“She noticed him once in a Taekwondo demonstration in the community. She remembered knowing him when they were little and played together. She likes guys built like him, but she was quite surprised when Jeff showed to be Jessie. I’m quite surprised that the bond seems even stronger now.”

Terri says, “I’ve been delightfully surprised how she and a few others have accepted him. I don’t think many really know? I’m afraid for when the negative or ugly responses come. I am pretty sure they will."

Mom asks, "Can you tell me has Tami remarked about what she finds attractive about Jeff or Jessie.”

“Her attraction to Jeff is easy,” Carol says. “Her Aunt Francine’s abuse by her husband became quite noticeable in the last three years of her marriage. Her uncle was a big macho man. Tami has had trouble with boys that she identifies like him ever since she was eight years old. Jeff isn’t either big or small. She says he’s not like the number one kid with anybody, much of the time people don’t even notice him. But she says many people count him as a friend.”

Carol asks, “Did Jeff say anything about Tami?”

Terri begins to giggle, “He said she is so pretty that he was surprised she notices him. He said all the guys want to dance with her or have her walk with them. He never associated her with the little girl he played with. She was just the very pretty girl who moved in one block over several years ago. He always felt she wouldn’t notice him or like him if she knew him?”

Carol asks, “Do you think he might have been afraid that she might come to know about his girl side?”

“I don’t know but that is an interesting thought. I am sure Jessie didn’t just show up four weeks ago.” Terri starts to tear, “What kind of mother am I that I didn’t see this before and deal with it?”

Carol takes hold of Terri’s hands, “From how comfortable Jessie is with herself right now, I’d have to guess you’re a pretty good mom. Jeff sees himself as a sensitive boy, how close is that to the image Jessie casts?”

“Tami likes Jessie because boy or girl she really likes the person. The thought that Jeff could be the cross of a Ken and Barbie doll interested her. Since Sunday she has wanted to see Jessie in that white lace dress. She sees Jessie as that little boy she knew coming over to play at the other house.”

Terri was now in Carol’s arms crying and weeping. She was not overwhelmed with tears. Instead, it was like she allowed herself to relax and the tears and relief of an adult friend knowing was overdue and a relief to have. They enjoyed a cup of tea before Terri went back home.


It was usually Tami or April who took the lead in singing, but the two girls coaxed Jessie to sing out more and more. By the time, Mrs. Johnson came to check on them, Jessie was singing her third song as one of the lead singers. She was relieved in seeing that while Jessie’s finger and toenails were painted that the white lace dress was still spotless.

Tami’s Mom said, “If I let the three of you sleep together in this room, I need you to promise that you won’t be showing yourselves off to one another?”

Tami puts her hands on her hips, “But it is okay if we showed each other our boobs, wouldn’t it? She has the same bra and girl stuff we do.” Tami paused, “Do we need to send her home if we can’t promise?”

“You three have heard me and I’m just going to trust you.” Carol says, “Jessie is going shopping with you tomorrow and staying an extra night to go see the ballet with us tomorrow night.”

April says, “I have to go home after we go shopping. I wish I could stay, I’ve never seen a ballet except on TV for a short time.”

Tami’s Mom says, “You are welcome to come if your parents would say you could.”

“No, I’m sure we’re already scheduled to go someplace.”

Tami giggles, “Jessie, I think it is time for you to change out of the dress and get ready for bed.”

Jessie finds her overnight bag and asks where to change. April helps to unzip the back of Jessie’s dress. “You don’t need to worry about us we’ve seen a girl’s nipples before. You might only get to do this once as a girl, but if you’re not comfortable don’t do it.”

Jessie slipped her arms out of the dress sleeves and held the dress up trying to decide what to do next. She stepped out of the dress knowing she still had on her bra, panties, and a slip. With a warm glow to her cheeks, she reached back and unhooked her bra. The other girls were impressed that Jeff would be able to unhook his bra so easily. Jessie looked down at herself as she took the bra and folded it. Then she hurried to the bathroom to shower.

Tami began the water for the shower, “You’re going to shower first, then us and then the three of us can take care of our makeup and faces.”

April and Tami both took off their tops in the bedroom while Jessie was in the shower. She did not expect that or them to dress down to just their panties in front of her. She knew she should look away but she didn’t. Instead, she was impressed that she looked amazingly like them. With that, the girls disappeared into the bathroom.

Jessie did the others the favor of picking up their clothes. The smell of the clothes of the two girls was somehow different. She was sure part of it was either perfume or powder, but she wondered if girls just smelled different.

Out of the shower and fairly dry the two girls had towels wrapped around their bodies and came out teasing and daring Jessie to knock their towels down. Jessie said no and excused herself for five minutes.

When she left the room; she went downstairs to find Mrs. Johnson. She did not intend to look into Jennifer’s room but she did and Jennifer invited her in. Jennifer was lounging in a pair of loose shorts and a short sleeve top, apparently no bra. Jessie said, “I thought you’d be out tonight. I thought pretty girls always go out Friday night.”

Jennifer asked, “Does your sister always go out?”

“No, but she’s just my sister.” Jennifer was amused by Jessie’s answer. She knew Rachel did not always go out but thought Rachel being a senior and probably prettier, she thought Jessie would be boasting.

“Don’t you think your sister is very pretty and could have as many dates as she wanted?”

Jessie said without hesitation and much pride, “My sister is very pretty. She has a new boyfriend, but I don’t think he can afford to date her. But even when she doesn’t have a boyfriend I think guys are afraid to ask her out thinking she’s too pretty. I bet boys think that about you.”

“Well thank you for the compliment, Jessie. Is that what Jessie thinks or the little brother?”

Jessie looks down as she says, “You probably think it’s silly but I don’t know. I’m observing things more and more as Jessie. Do you think it’s silly for me to be acting like a girl?”

Jennifer takes hold of Jessie’s hands, “Unusual yes, but you seem very natural as Jessie that I don’t see it as silly. It is hard to see Jeff as Jessie and even harder seeing you as Jeff if that makes any sense.”

“I hear we’re going to the ballet at the university big performing arts center tomorrow night. Did you ever wish you could be a ballerina or a ballet dancer?”

Jessie was reluctant to admit and not sure she wanted to tell. “I couldn’t bring myself to ask to be a ballerina at Halloween or ask for ballet lessons. Because I didn’t want to be a boy dancer. I wouldn’t mind being a nurse, but I don’t want to be teased.” Jessie sensed the girls were now behind him and that she said too much.

In truth, Tami had stopped in the doorway and it was only she who heard part of what Jessie said. Tami too is in a quandary as Jeff/Jessie is literally changing from what she thought. When April pushed her from behind, she moved forward into the room. She gave Jessie a hug from behind. “You left us and didn’t come back.”

Jennifer changes the subject, “I was going to show Jessie the dress I plan to wear tomorrow to the ballet.” She goes over to a dress hanging in front of her closet. Taking it down, she holds it in front of her.

Tami says, “I am sure Jessie can’t really see how good it looks just in front of you.”

Jennifer smiles and says, “April and Jessie turn around for a minute and I can quickly put it on.” The two turned and Jenny quickly loses what she’s wearing and slips the dress on. True to Tami’s word, one could not see how fantastic the dress was without her wearing it. Jennifer did realize as she dropped her dress down over her that she could see Jessie in her full-length mirror. Zipping up her dress and smoothing it out, she approached Jessie. “Were you a naughty girl in looking at me in the mirror?” Everyone began to giggle.

Jessie said, “You and the dress are very pretty. You have a nice waist that helps accent the lace on the sides.” Jessie steps back to see the dress and Jenny better. “Could you turn around please?” Jenny does. ‘Jessie reflects about the difference of Jenny from the three younger girls.’

Jenny asks, “Now what are you thinking, it is like there’s another picture in your mind?”

Jessie says, “I can see why a younger girl wants to be older.” The four began to laugh and end up in a group embrace with Jessie in the middle hugging Jenny.

Mrs. Johnson enters the room, “What is all the giggling and fussing about?” She sees Jennifer in her dress and guesses part of the answer. “Are you showing off what you’re wearing tomorrow?”

“That and Jessie figured out why younger girls want to be older,” says Jenny. …Tami interjects, “Jenny thinks Jessie saw her change in the mirror.” No sooner does she say it, she worries about her mother’s reaction.

Mrs. Johnson only had to look at Jessie to know she felt bad. “I’m sorry Mrs. Johnson, I just looked when I saw movement and it was her in the mirror. I didn’t mean too. I’m not trying to be a bad girl.” Tears are welling up in her eyes.

“Jennifer and Tami, it was you who knew where the mirror was.”

Mrs. Johnson asked Jessie, “So are you going to be scarred for life; should I forbid you to go to the ballet or should we just admire Jennifer and her dress and move on?”

Jessie said, “O thank you, seeing Jennifer in the dress and going to the ballet. I’m just like a little girl in a dress shop.”

“So you are,” says Mrs. Johnson. “I see the three of you are ready to be cozy in your room. Are you going to sleep so you are rested up for shopping and the ballet tomorrow night?”

April said, “Isn’t it alright if we stay up to watch a movie and talk?”

Tami pulled her, “Let’s go; come on Jessie this is your first sleepover. One does not spend it with my Mom watching over us.”

Mrs. Johnson laughs, “Think that one over, there are cupcakes and hot chocolate downstairs, but I’ll be there too.”

They were soon downstairs around a table with twelve cupcakes in front of them. Jessie got her hot chocolate but had difficulty choosing a cupcake. This wouldn’t have been a problem before, Jeff would have chosen one knowing he’d be back for a second maybe a third. Jessie, thinking how trim Jenny, Tami, and April are she plans only to eat one cupcake. The past two weeks she has been watching what she and Jeff eat. It is not an obsession just eating healthier. She picks one with white gooey icing.

The girls around midnight did take off their tops but were soon covered up again. Jessie was the first to fall asleep. The other girls poured water on her teddy bear bottom, hoping in the morning she’d think she wet herself. Jessie woke up during the night. At first, she was embarrassed but when she figured out what happened. She did the same to Tami and April. April woke up immediately and asked, “How did you know?”

“It didn’t smell like pee and this glass was in the bathroom.” April knew where Tami’s pajamas were and each found a nightshirt and panties they would wear.


The first girl woke at eight, the others didn’t wake up until nine. All three were excited about going shopping. Jessie knew the first hour for her was window shopping and watching Tami and April shop. The trip had changed for Tami by going to the ballet tonight she too was looking for a very nice dress.

April didn’t need one but she too was bitten by the thought of getting a nice dress. Each of the girls spent the first hour looking and each had tried at least one outfit. Tami had talked Jessie into trying a short, short mini-dress. She didn’t buy it but Tami had taken a picture to show Jessie’s Mom.

April was the first to find her dress I was a bright blue, short dress with lines of sequins going vertically down around the dress and stopping some six to eight inches from the hem. It is quite striking. Jessie takes note as she sees herself like April with dark hair and hopefully a slender body.

Tami was second in finding a fancy dress; it was a black dress with coral peach trim. It was a bit expensive but she agreed to wear it again for a spring formal at their country club.

We met my Mom where we agreed at 11:00 a.m. and Rachel had come with her. Seemingly Rachel and I were looking for dresses that could also be used at Riviera Maya come Easter time. The dress I chose was a pastel yellow with a silver and gray jacket that could be used tonight yet probably would not be needed on vacation. Rachel chose a coral pink halter gown with a white jacket. Mom said they would complement each other especially for the event on vacation.

I have a pair of heels as does Rachel that will be good for the ballet tonight. Rachel said she needed a pair of heeled sandals for vacation. What she wanted would probably not be in the store for another two weeks.

I went home with my mother and sister. My Mom saying there was an alteration or two she might want to make to my dress. She also wanted me to steam out a few creases in the dress. I quickly said I didn’t know how. She giggled back at me, “If you enjoy being Jessie you will learn this and much more.”

The story version of what I shared about last night with Mom differed some from what I shared with Rachel. Rachel thought the event of seeing a glimpse of Jennifer changing was funny. She asked, “So was Jennifer correct about your desire as a younger teen right, about being envious and wishing you were older?”

“Only partly, I enjoy being who I am now, but yes part of me also longs for a time of being, what would you say, a more mature high school girl.” Rachel’s expression turns more serious.

“Part of me can easily understand liking to get and wear a pretty dress like you bought and wear it to the ballet tonight. Even wishing to be able to look like Jennifer or me. But it sounds like you are dreaming about the girl you want to be years from now. I guess I was hoping you’d go back to being Jeff.”

Jessie looks to her sister, “Are you going to be upset if it is Jessie I regularly want to be with Jeff being the one inside?” I pause, “I guess you see that as wrong to think like that.”

Rachel scoots closer to me, “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, you seem to be becoming Jessie and a girl more and more. I’ve just been used to Jeff always being around and following in Rob’s footsteps.”

“But I’m not that much like Rob even as Jeff. It has always been you that I wanted to be like. I don’t want to be you. It might sound funny but I’ve always wanted to be more girly than you.”

Rachel smiles and giggles in agreement, “I saw that even when you were a little tyke. I guess it is healthier if your image of being Jessie is uniquely you.” Rachel gives me a hug, “I know what Tami meant that you even feel like another girl.”

I say, “But someday I want my own breasts to be able to feel you when we hug.”


It was fun getting ready and going to dinner and the ballet. It was an hour before they would start getting ready when Jessie remembered back to Rachel getting ready for last year’s prom and times when his Mom went to added efforts to dress up for a special time out. Jessie realized this is a special time for a woman and she wondered if it could be for her. Jessie went down to Rachel’s room. “Sis, I’ve not gotten ready for anything this special as a girl. Does one enjoy it in a special way?”

Rachel looked to her brother/sister, “To tell you the truth, it is a lot of fun but it also works and causes a girl to get a little anxious, not quite sure you’re going to look as special as you hope. If you would want, we could try to enjoy doing it together.” Jessie’s smile said enough, “Bring down what you’re going to wear and the other girly things you need. I have a vanity that you don’t.”

Jessie said thanks, “I wasn’t wanting to be traipsing back and forth from my room to the bathroom. Robbie’s been teasing me about messing or smelling up our bathroom.”

Rachel said, “Robbie’s felt a little pressure. I think his girlfriend likes the new you. She doesn’t want Rob to be another girl, but last night he came home smelling a bit too much like her.” Rachel went up with Jessie to help bring some of Jessie’s clothes down. She was right in doing so as Jessie was about to handle her dress like a boy. “No Jessie, take your dress by the hanger. You don’t want to have to steam out new wrinkles. You have old habits to break and new ones to get used too.”

Jessie, in fact, had worked hard to get every crease or wrinkle out of her dress. She was so pleased to have such a beautiful dress and was getting more and more excited about wearing it. Rachel and she talked about how beautiful she would be in it tonight. Rachel said, “You will be so surprised by how different we will look in Riviera Maya being very casual and wearing our dresses without the jackets and being in strapped sandals. Remind me, we need to each tan some before we go there.”

Each had on a nice panty bra set and a longer half-slip when they sat at the vanity. Jessie asked and Rachel agreed to do Jessie’s nails and then her own with ample time to dry. Rachel reminded Jessie about the colors that the cosmetician said were her special colors. It was important in choosing her nail polish, lip gloss and her eyeshadow. They had enough time so Rachel did Jessie’s toes even though they would not be showing. She told Jessie, “You will know and it will give you a glow that will have others wondering why.”

Jessie had fixed her hair and was doing her makeup. The more Rachel complimented her the better she felt. Yes, she thought she was doing a good job with her makeup. There was, however, something exceptional in getting praise from her sister or her mother. Her Mom had in fact checked on her girls and praised Jessie for her makeup, though she thought Rachel must have done much of it.

Rachel would help to put the finishing touches after the dress and jewelry were on. Jessie was preparing to put on her dress when Rachel stopped her. “Before you finish getting ready, go use the toilet. You don’t want the frustration of fussing with going to the bathroom if you don’t have too.”

While the skirt was not a really tight fit, it would take added effort in dealing with. She was pleased to have her sister’s help in putting her gown on. She enjoyed almost as much helping her sister. Come to see her sister, Jessie once again found a sense of envy about how beautiful Rachel appeared. She knew Rachel’s gown was designed to hold her breast in the design of the haltered gown and showing a bareback. It would likely be lost with the jacket tonight. Then again maybe her sister would find an excuse for taking off the jacket.

Jessie was in front of Rachel’s full-length mirror when she slipped into her three-inch black heels. The young woman who looked back at her in the mirror had a newfound elegance. She whispered to herself, “May moments like this never stop being special to you.”

Rachel was behind her, also looking at Jessie in the mirror, “It hasn’t yet and Mom says the same.”

Jessie waited for Rachel to put on her heels and take her hand purse before they both went to show themselves off. It was after five thirty when they drove to meet the Johnson’s at Raphael’s for dinner.


It was the first time Jessie heard the sound of three women walking across a parking lot in heels. It might not sound and be anything special to anyone else but Jessie was delighted, even more, so that she was one of the three.

The Johnsons had arrived just before them and were waiting in the entryway. Tami’s hair was up in a style Jessie had not seen before. As pretty as Tami had always been in Jessie/Jeff’s eyes, she was aglow in an extraordinary way. Jeff would never have noticed her dress as Jessie did. The six of them took a fair amount of time admiring and talking about how one another looked. There was much small talk about getting ready, and tonight Jessie was in no hurry as she took it all to heart, something to be treasured.

Everyone in the past would have been duly worried about Jeff eating and wearing such an eloquent gown. Tonight no one needed to worry, Jessie over the past few weeks had become a lady. She enjoyed the waiter holding her chair and helping her scoot in. Everyone had ordered and then the Moms used the ladies’ room first. Then it was the four teens. Jessie was amused that no one needed to use the toilet. It was all about checking makeup, hair and being with each other.

They were on their way out of Raphael’s when Mrs. Johnson comment, “Jessie, what have you done?” Everyone paused wondering what the problem was, but there was none. “It appears you have lost another three to five pounds and your waist looks especially good for you young woman.” There was no mirror for her to check, she could only say thanks for now.

Riding to the university’s Performing Arts Center, she asked her Mom, “Is it the dress or do I really look like I’ve lost weight and I'm that much better?”

Her Mom says, “The dress does flatter you and shows off how trim, you have become. However, the past few weeks your appearance has changed. You’ve watched what you are eating and you have been using your sister’s workout programs. I would guess it is a combination of lost weight and being in better shape.”

Once in the performing arts center, Jessie tried not to be too obvious, as she was passing large windows she checked her reflection and gone was the old tummy of a boy.

Watching the ballet Jessie was truly an amateur in understanding what she was watching. However, she enjoyed and took in more than she ever imagined. The graceful movements were expected, but they were more beautiful than she could have imagined. She heard the music and watched the movement of the ballet and saw the harmony of them together. She saw the strength of the dancers. Sometimes subtle changes of lighting or background, several times the changes were more dramatic. She found herself moved to tears and then joy and smiles. She did not see until later how many times her sister caught pictures of her on her smartphone.

Come, the end of the performance everyone retreated back to their house for refreshments and even more for the chance to visit and enjoy the ballet and evening once more. Jessie and Tami went up to her room where Tami felt freer to talk, “O my, Jessie, you are so beautiful tonight and such a woman like me. I hope my Mom didn’t embarrass you, but you not only lost weight but lost any look of being a boy tonight. I am going to be holding my breath to see if you can look like a boy come to school Monday…”

To be continue…

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I think that decision has been made.....

D. Eden's picture

Between Jeff and Jessie. Based on Jessie's comments, I think that Jeff is not long for this world.

Tami's question about school on Monday is very astute. How much longer can Jessie pretend to be Jeff?


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Jessie sees herself becoming more visible...

...and she sees Jeff becoming invisible but always a part of who she is. Is she correct, in denial or is it part of the journey?
How many in the BC community find themselves in two realities?

Hugs and appreciation, Jessie C

Jessica E. Connors

Jessica Connors

is this the "Ah Ha moment"?

Alecia Snowfall's picture

has jessie fallen in love with ballet perhaps?

quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall

is it so very long.....

... since Jeff was Xdressing? Now, it's Jessie - it seems to me.... I agree he's not long for this world. x

Jessie told all to her sister

Renee_Heart2's picture

Jessie really wants to be a girl after all I kind D of had that feeling. I'm glad she admitted >T to her sister & her sister loves Jessie as a little sister. Jessie'two girl friends even accept her as one of the girls. Now will she admit it to her self & mom? I think she will but will see.

Love Samantha Renee Heart

Liking an open response...

"Now will she admit it to her self & mom? I think she will but will see." The characters of my stories, like many of us, are on a journey with destinations not yet known. It is nice to have the room to be.

Hugs with thanks, Jessie

Jessica E. Connors

Jessica Connors

Who will go?

Podracer's picture

Who will it be at school on Monday? Despite intentions, will Jessie be peeking out? I was going to say "exactly who" but this isn't the proper word for a situation with a blurred interface and variable feelings. Remember the toenails too, er, Jeff.

Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."

Caught by Podracer...

...You were not only right in worrying but Jessie is not good in thinking things through as a girl. She often runs the risk of being find out, when she does not intend too.

Hugs, JessieC

Jessica E. Connors

Jessica Connors

A fine sentiment! “May this

Donna T's picture

A fine sentiment! “May this never stop being special.”


Cought in the act part 7

When it comes time to go back to school should be to be quite interesting

Girls rule

Cought in the act part 7

It looks like Jessie might be staying for awhile