Patriot Games - Chapter 21 – A Girls Day Out


This is a fictional chronicle of a normal hardworking guy named Jack. The federal government made him an offer he couldn't refuse. All they asked was for Jack to go undercover to help the U.S. Government ensnare a terrorist.

Any resemblance of the characters depicted in the story to actual individuals is coincidental. All events are the sole responsibility of the author. None of the scenes in this story depict minors engaged in any sexual encounter.

This story has been previously posted on other sites. It is being posted here with a strong rewrite; some new chapters have been added. I had my BFF Monica Rose edit the material so it should be more readable. -- Marina

We know that some of the characters presented here are unlikeable or appear to be unbelievable. That is the point though. People grow and learn through their experiences. And there is always hope for justice and punishment.

Marina: [email protected]

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Chapter 21 – A Girls Day Out

"We can't all be stars; but we can all twinkle."

Jack awoke with his head still resting on the soft pillows of Rose's thighs, his mouth a mere whisper away from her sex. With a mixture of alarm and excitement, Rose cheerily prodded her stirring husband.

Wearing a triumphant smile, Rose said. "Come on Rip Van Winkle wake up, it is our big day. Daisy's first time out of the house! It's time to pop your cherry. Take a shower and I will lay out your outfit for today."

While Jack was in the shower, Rose violated a major security protocol and dialed Steve on his private line. "Steve, this is Rose. Before you get mad at me let me get this out. I have been over today a thousand times in my head, there has to be an easier way to out Jack that won't hurt his so much, can't we come up with a better plan."

"Damnit Rose, everything is set, it's too late to change now. Just do it like we outlined it. Daisy will be fine, I promise."

"How is this all going to play out for my husband? What's expected of him?"

"Nothing to strenuous, we plan to have Daisy take a job as a waitress in a sports bar. He will be taught to flirt and pick up our suspect. Once they become close, Daisy will pass information on the suspect's activities."

"Jack as a waitress, I can't see that."

"No worries. When Daisy is ready, she will present as an Über feminine Fräulein barmaid. You have my word on that."

"Steve, it's not Daisy I'm worried about, it's Jack. Let me warn you, if you fuck with my Jack, I will break out a level of crazy that will make your worst nightmare seem like a visit to your happy place. Am I making myself clear?"

In exasperation Steve said, "Rose, forget about Jack! He will be gone before you know it. If I am right, it will be just Daisy, both externally and emotionally, which is what this operation requires. No one playacting, but rather a real life Ladyboy as our mole, this operation will make my career. Now hang up now and don't use this number unless it's a real emergency! I'll take care of things and I'll be in touch."

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Jack came out all squeaky clean and started to dress.

"But Rose, what if everyone laughs at me? W…What will people think?"

Rose feigned great indignation and lectured, "Daisy you ditzy dame, screw what other people think. There are only two people's opinions that matter, yours and mine. And quite frankly, only mine counts."

"Rose, please don't call me names, I need your help and support not your ridicule."

"My, aren't we being a whiny bitch this morning. Slow down Daisy. Everything will be fine; I will be with you the entire time. Now either you trust me or you don't! Daisy get dressed so we can begin are 'grande aventure'. We have a whole day to play together."

As Jack searched the dresser he came across something he had never seen before. He queried Rose on it. Snatching it from his hand she tucked in into her lingerie drawer as she explained. "Oh, that is a present from Steve; with you being gone he knows I will have certain needs. It's a personal waterproof massager with escalating speeds – and a soft, flexible head that moves back and forth while vibrating. It claims to produce amazing sexual satisfaction.

"Now unless you want a demonstration get over here and put on your lingerie. I WILL NOT ASK AGAIN!"

Jack did as he was told with his head bowed and his spirit broken. He wondered when the government health care systems started giving away masturbation aides.

Looking more closely at what he was to wear Jack inquired, "Rose isn't that your favorite lingerie?"

"Ah, so it is. I think nothing will make today more special for me than knowing you are wearing my sexiest lingerie. I have also picked up a new waist cincher, in a smaller size of course."

"Rose, bu…but why smaller, I can't breathe when I am in my current size?"

As Rose tightened the waist cincher, she chided him. "Come on honey, if we're going to do this let's do it right. Now hush up and stop the whining. Take a deep breath and suck in your tummy so I can get this just a little tighter."

Once tied off, Jack was forced to take small, short breaths. To take his mind off his waist, Rose roughly shoved Jack's testes up into his body cavity. Jack found it uncomfortable, but not painful. Rose pulled up a tight g-string panty and tucked his penis back.

Rose smiled and said, "That's perfect, only your gynecologist will be able to tell."

"Rose, you are a sadist", wheezed Jack as Rose tightened the corset, yet again, and readjusted his manhood.

"Oh for heaven's sake, I haven't tied it as tight as it goes, it is just so attractive and goes with the rest of my lingerie don't you agree?"

"Rose, me thinks you enjoy this too much. You are a callus, hardhearted, woman."

"Whoa, there Daisy Duke what are you trying to tell me? You don't think I enjoy doing this to you? Why would any wife want her husband to be prettier than her?"

His playful smile turned to a gasp as Rose yanked one more time on the corset laces.

Laughter danced in her eyes. Jack surprised Rose with a question she didn't think he needed to ask. "Do you love me?"

Answering a bit evasively Rose responded, "Of course."

"You wouldn't do anything to hurt me, certainly not deliberately would you?

Rose hesitated ever so slightly before answering, "Goodness, no!"

For a brief moment Rose was concerned that her husband was more perceptive than she had given him credit for.

"Then why do you want me to dress so provocatively?"

"Maybe I just like the way you squirm," she said. "Or maybe I just want to show off my trophy lesbian."

Jake snickered, "Now 'that's a strange idea. The beautiful super executive with the computer geek on her arm, and I am supposed to be the trophy? Get real."

Rose was eventually able to calm him down by retrieving a cup of tea, secretly laced with a valium. "Here honey, drink this it's like a hug in a cup."

A shy and pensive Jack stood before his wife and announced, "Rose this is a gorgeous lingerie set but the bra is way too big for little old me. Shouldn't we find something that is in my size?"

"Don't worry about that, we can correct that little insufficiency later. Now let me help you get dressed, we have a lot to do today. Don't worry about makeup that will come later. Oh, I'm so excited, aren't you?"

"You have said that already. No I am not excited, I am scared to death."

"Don't be a wimp and stop trying to rain on my parade. I will be with you every step of the way. If you can't trust me who can you trust? Now buck up and remember that I've got your back Jack!"

"All right, from those who are about to die we salute you", wisecracked Jack.

"Oh, give me a break Jack; you are hardly 'Spartacus'!"

"That may be true Rose, but why do I feel I am about to be fed to the lions?"

"I don't know Jack, maybe you are just clairvoyant."

Unexpectedly Rose started to tear up and became very melancholy. Only her driving sense of patriotism kept her from calling the whole thing off.

Jack totally caught up in his own quandary missed his wife's uneasiness.

"Rose, what if I'm recognized?"

Regaining her composure, Rose simple replied, "Oh, if that happens we will find a way to deal with it. I have every contingency covered and planned to the last detail."

Rose had Daisy dressed in a stylish purple top with frill trim the whole length of the front. It had extra long sleeves and lace flared around the cuffs. Then she completed the outfit with a tight white skirt, which nicely displayed Daisy's developing figure. Zipping up the skirt Rose complemented Daisy on her figure. "Daisy your waist is positively waifish, I am so jealous."

Rose saw a look of anguish in her husband's face and asserted, "Honey nobody will think anything is wrong, and I guarantee you don't look like a man. Let me show you why. It's the details that defined success. Stay there, a minute."

Rose returned with a large box, tied in a large yellow ribbon.

"Daisy, go ahead and open it. Oh I am so keyed up!"

Jack cautiously opened the box to find a new light platinum blonde almost bleached white wig. Rose carefully removed the hair piece and proudly exhibited it to her husband. "Daisy, this is the best human hair wig on the market. It is a glamorous wig with soft, wavy layers and 5" bangs. I have had it styled in what's called French chic, isn't it spectacular?

Placing it on his head she said, "Holy cow! Look at that! It almost touches your shoulder blades in the back. The wig actually can be glued to the skin to stay in place and look more realistic, but we will skip that for today. Isn't that special? Here let me do a few touch ups."

After ten minutes with a hair brush and comb, Rose essentially swooned over the results, "Voila!" she proudly proclaimed, "See I told you no one would ever think you anything but a 100% woman with this on!"

Jack was overwhelmed by a blizzard of sensations and strange emotions. He was swept up in the bright energy of her enthusiasm. Standing in front of a mirror Jack was mesmerized with his new hair piece. Jack spent 15 minutes fluffing his hair, and then in a flourish, he did a slow pirouette.

Jack turned to Rose and said, "I'm humiliated to admit it, but I just love the hair, I have never seen anything so beautiful in all my life. Thank you, I love you."

A bemused Rose handed Daisy his handbag and had to drag him away from the mirror.

"Come on Daisy our chariot awaits."

A totally perplexed Jack followed Rose to the car. Stepping outside for the first time, Jack felt a breeze blow up his dress. Jack felt a palpable sense of fear; but he could not deny with it came an unimaginable exhilaration; it was what he imagined an actor feels stepping out on the stage on opening night.

Before entering the car Rose turned to Jack, her eyes twinkly in excitement, and asked "Jackie dear, are you all right?"

"No Rose, I am petrified at leaving the security of our home, playing dress up in our living room is one thing but going outside is totally different. I feel like the ugly duckling being kicked out of the nest."

"Oh, my goodness, Jack you are being a total fool. You are more like a lovely butterfly emerging from its cocoon. Before this day is over, you will dazzle the world with your beauty. Jack, let me say your outward appearance has changed, but not nearly as much as your demeanor. Anyone watching you would only think, beautiful, sophisticated, sexy woman. You are going to do just fine, trust me."

Then Rose became very serious and smiled through tears as she said, "Honey I am so proud of you, my little girly-man is about to become a woman.

"Jack, there is something I have not been telling you. This is more than a simple excursion. This is your graduation exercise. We have reached the end of your Darwinian evolutionary process from Jack the man, to Daisy femme fatale woman. After today, you are off for your assignment; you will not be coming home or be able to communicate with me until this is over. The government man has told me I can relay messages through him, so if an emergency happens he will let you know. All right? No one has any idea how long you will be gone. Since this is our last day together I say Carpe Diem, let's seize this day and make the most of it. Try and have some fun, I know I will."

Rose's little soliloquy hit Jack like a blitzing linebacker. He was tongue-tied for the longest time. The deep furrow in his brow clearly showed his feelings. He was convinced Rose had a sinister reason for this entire gender bender exercise; he just was sure what it was.

Rose lost in her own little world and oblivious to her husband's anxiety, went on with "Daisy dear, I am going to miss you terribly, but it is a good thing you are leaving now. I haven't slept a wink in two nights. You sleeping with your face and tongue burrowed in my Garden of Eden has been earth shattering fantastic, but not restful. Every time I would drift off you would wake me with your magical lip and tongue. Then last night I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I love it when you lick the rim of my asshole. Where did you learn that trick of tongue fucking my asshole? That was glorious and admittedly a little kinky!"

A bemused Rose wiggled her butt at Jack and seductively said, "Thank you darling for these past two weeks; they are things that dreams are made of. Now get in the car as ladylike as possible."

Once ensconced in the security of the car, Jack's anxiety vanished like the morning mist, until Rose announced. "The first place we are going to stop at is my nail emporium; we can get our nails done together, just us girls."

"Oh, goody," quipped Jack.

Entering the nail salon, the couple was met by an attractive Philippine woman. She presented herself as Maria.

Rose took immediate charge introducing them as the Sokolov sisters. Jack glanced at his wife and quizzically mouths the word sisters. Rose laughed and whispered "What did you want me to say, husband and wife?"

"Maria, we are here to get a manicure and pedicure."

Rose instructed, "Maria, for me, I want medium length French nails, but for Daisy, let's go with something spectacular in glamour length."

It took almost an hour for Maria to finish. She obviously took great pride in her work, Jack sat there in a daze as other customers came and went. Maria took her time shaping his nails and then applying four coats of dark red polish and a clear sealer coat.

While his fingernails dried, Maria had Daisy change seats and she did his toes. These hadn't been cut in a month either; the girl filed them before she repeated the four coats of polish and saturated each toe with chunky glitter. When his toes had dried, Maria promised they would last weeks longer than normal polish. Before putting his stockings on, Rose surprised Jack with a pair of toe rings. Saying, "Here is a present for my sister and best friend."

Jack held out his hands to look at what the woman had done. Not only were they lengthened but the tip of each nail was covered in silver sequins. Judging by Maria's smile, she was very proud of her handy work. Jack thought the nails were excessively long and a bit flashy, but decided not to say anything that might make him appear naive. How would a normal woman thank a manicurist for making his hands look so lovely and feminine?

Before Jack could come up with the right words, Rose jumped in and responded, "They're beautiful. Thank you Maria, it's just the bling I was hoping for!"

Turning to her husband she whispered, "Your hands look so improved with nails that length. They are a thing of beauty. Now my butterfly can enjoy her day in the sunshine."

Once he was sure no one could overhear, Jack asked, "Rose why did you call these Showgirl lengths nails? I can't do anything with these. They are a real pain in the ass."

Laughing, Rose tittered, "You got that right. Honey, they aren't made to do anything, just to look glamorous. Now relax and enjoy. The fun's just starting, at least for me."

Jack felt like he was on the verge of an apocalyptic moment inquired, "What did you say?"

"Silly girl, we are here to get ready for our night out. Fingernails will be the least of your worries."

"Why did the government pick me, I never wanted to be a girl?"

"It was nothing personal Jack; you have simply won the genetic lottery. You were just the best candidate available, a man with the bone structure of a woman. I'm actually surprised that you aren't impressed that the government wants you and only you. It was that simple. The government computers went through thousands of records and your name came out."

"So I finally win the lottery and instead of a million bucks I get two hooters?"

"Yep, that's about the size of it." Rose laughed putting the emphasis on the word size and said "Just be happy you didn't win the mega drawing!"

Rose had been watching her husband lately when Jack wasn't paying attention. Rose had seen what he did when he thought he was alone. 'He really likes the role we've forced him to play, more than he's willing to admit,' realized Rose. 'Now my problem is how do I keep him this way after this is all over?'

Exiting the mall, the pair stopped to look in the window of an exclusive jewelry store. Rose caught her husband staring at a pair of earrings. She said, "They are nice don't you think Jack."

"Yes Rose, but a bit flashy for my tastes besides I don't have pierced ears," Jack foolishly responded.

"Let's go Daisy, that is easily corrected, our next stop is to get your ears pierced, this is going to be wonderful."

Entering the crowed store, Rose turned to the first available sales girl, a young lady that appeared to still be in high school. Rose softly announced "my hubby is here to get his ears pierced."

A few heads turned in bewilderment, but aside from a blushing Jack no one seemed to pay attention.

Gracie, the sales girl, came over and asked how she could help. Rose cheerfully told her, "My friend here wants his ears pierced, isn't that right Daisy?"

As Jack sat in the chair, Rose piped up, "I think twice in each ear, right girlfriend?"

Jack started to whine, "I don't want two holes in my ears."

Rose said, "Fine, Gracie let's make it three in each ear!" Smiling devilishly, Rose leaned in close to Daisy and whispered, "You have earned three, do you want to go for five?" Jack shook his head no vigorously.

"Gracie, I really like that set of large gold studs, please use them. I think they really set off her platinum blond hair don't you?" Rose then quietly whispered to Jack, "Any more grumbling from you Daisy and you will leave here with more holes in you than a pincushion!"

As Gracie popped a third hole in the top of Jacks ear, he reflexively gasped out loud, "Ouch!"

This prompted Rose to say, "Gracie, when you're finished with the ears. How about another one for the nostril? I think that diamond stud would be the perfect embellishment."

As they were leaving the store Jack whimpered and fingered the small stud in the side of his nose. Rose saw the distress in her poor husband, but refused to give him any sympathy. Digging her heels in she turned to him and with utter contempt commented, "Relax you damn crybaby. Tomorrow you can take it out and the hole will heal as if it was never there. Now dry those tears we have more shopping to do."

"No Rose, I've had enough, I want to go home! I had hoped this was just a prelude to a Kabuki theater. You could have a little fun and we go home at the end of the day."

"Daisy Bell Sokolov! Don't you dare question me again! There is a tattoo parlor down the block that does tongue, nipple, and bellybutton piercings. Should I make an appointment or are you going to be a good girl?

"Now listen closely I am only going to say this once! Daisy your fate is in your hands. We turn right and we go shopping, we turn left and we go to the tattoo parlor, you decide."

A forlorn Jack answered, "Oh, please Rose, no more piercings! I promise I'll do whatever you want."

"Oh that is a given! Now keep up. I know exactly where to go next." Jack now openly cried. The tears of humiliation freely flowed down his cheeks.

Relenting, Rose took pity on her husband and said "Relax Daisy, I was just joking. But a bellybutton ring would be really attractive."

A cheery Rose smirked at her sissified husband and remarked. "Sweet Jeezus, Daisy, I am getting wet just thinking about the rest of the day and the fun part is just beginning!"

"Stop fiddling with the earrings, those gold studs are so adorable with your platinum blond hair dear. It's almost like we planned it that way, now dry those tears. Our next stop is to find you a dress; you can't go all day wearing that old hand me down of mine. Come on, Neiman Marcus is right around the corner."

After browsing for 30 minutes, Rose found what she called the perfect Christian Dior cocktail dress. Jack resisted entering the changing room and Rose once again lost patience with her husband.

"Damn it Daisy! There is not a dressing room vigilante mob waiting to lynch men who sneak into our sanctuary. Act like you belong and no one will pay you any attention. Now get in there or I will make a scene that will attract more attention than you can handle. You are not going to spoil my fun. This has gone too far."

Reluctantly Jack entered the private changing booth. He hid in the far corner and waited. Rose brought in 'the' dress and helped get Jack into it.

"Rose isn't this a bit tight?"

"Nonsense, Daisy all we have to do is tighten up your corset and it will be perfect. It really shows off your cleavage nicely. And your legs are to die for. My God, you have better legs than I do, I'm jealous. With a pair of sling back pumps it will be sumptuous."

After some adjustments and corset tightening, Rose literally dragged Daisy from the dressing room. Once back in the public area of the store Rose proclaimed, "Let's get a bite to eat we have a 1 o'clock appointment. Daisy, so help you if you spill anything on that dress."

On the way to the lunch counter, Rose noticed a spectacular pair of matching pumps and a Gucci clutch handbag. She decided she would return for the shoes and handbag once Jack was tied up with his makeover. 'If I buy 5 inch stilettos now he will totally freak,' thought Rose.

After a brief snack of salad and ice tea, the next stop was for a makeover at the beauty salon. Entering, Rose said, "Let's go get pampered."

Jack was not surprised to find they had reservations. He sat in the chair designated by the receptionist, Rose told her cosmologist and good friend, Rebecca, a maiden as lovely as a cameo with a waterfall of dark hair, "Becky, We want it very dramatic, think theatrical. We have a very big night planned, and Daisy wants to really stand out. Isn't that right honey?"

In a conspiratorial tone, Rose commented that, "Daisy's very shy, she doesn't say much. It takes her a while to open up to people. The party tonight is for her benefit. Her boyfriend asked me to try to help her come out of her shell. She doesn't see herself as a very attractive woman."

"But Rose, she's lovely?"

"We know that. The problem is that she doesn't." Jack sat nervously in the chair twisting his fingers in his lap as Rose beckoned Rebecca over to the side. In a conspiratorial tone, Rose whispered in her ear. Jack could have sworn he heard the word 'tart' but let it go figuring Rose knew what she wanted.

Upon her return, Rebecca asked Jack "What length and thickness do you want on the false eyelashes?" A speechless Jakes shrugged and stared straight ahead with his mouth shut. Rose came to the rescue. "Let's go with the extra thick glamour length for his début." A puzzled Rebecca thought 'what the hell, that's a bit gaudy but the customer is always right.'

Rebecca continued in her practiced sales routine, "We have these human hair lashes, which are very fashionable. Or for a more dramatic effect we have these with crystals embedded in the lashes. They are considerably more expensive but they really draw attention to the eyes."

Rose agreed to the latter, and said, "Yes the more dramatic, the better."

'Whatever is going on here is none of my business. But a sale is a sale' thought Rebecca.

Rebecca worked her magic on the new customer, while dispensing witty fashion banter and an occasional life lesson. Jack remained mute and could only gawk in amazement. Over the last week or so, Jack had slowly come to the realization that he made an attractive looking woman. But now he was more than that. With his makeup done this way, his new wig and this dress he was, gorgeous - was the only word for it. 'How odd to think of myself that way' thought Jack.

Rebecca stood back and admired her work. She was more than satisfied and she could see by the look on her client's face that she was too. It was gratifying to see that look on a woman. It didn't happen often but when it did it made her feel really good about what she did for a living.

"What do you think Daisy?" Rebecca asked beaming.

He didn't hesitate. "I am amazed. I never thought I could look this beautiful. Rebecca, I knew you were a beautician, but now I realize you are also a magician, your last name isn't Kreskin by any chance." He turned and looked at the sides. He felt sexy and alluring. "My eyelashes feel like they weigh a ton, but they are simply scrumptious Again thank you."

Returning from her errands Rose rushed over. She was anxious to see how Jack was doing. She paused in mid stride, and gawked when she got a good look at her husband primping like a peacock in front of the mirrors; he fluffed his hair and stared at the woman in the mirror. The dark liquid liner, copiously applied around his eyes combine with his long and thick sparkly eyelashes created a very glamorous look.

His lips were lush, approximating ripe red strawberries, and glistened like wet paint. Jack briefly thought 'I could fall in love with this woman.'

Rose stood back and watched the lurid screen unfold. Realizing things were succeeding beyond her wildest dreams. She had never seen a face that just screamed lust like this.

Rebecca turned in Rose's direction when she saw her friend in the mirror. The look on Rose's face was almost as satisfying as Daisy's.

Temporarily ignoring her husband, Rose hugged Rebecca and said, "Rebecca you are virtuoso. In my dreams I never imagined him looking that good."

Rebecca wondered about the pronoun but figured it was just a slip of the tongue and let it go. She whispered to Rose and said "Daisy seems so shy, pensive and uneasy. Is there anything I should know about her?"

Rose quietly responded, "That's because she isn't a woman, she's actually my husband."

Rebecca stood bug eyed with her mouth agape and figured Rose was just pulling her leg. Rebecca stared at Daisy like she wanted to say something, but decided discretion dictated she say nothing.

Rose then hurried over to her husband and proudly announced, "Daisy, you look fantastic. Hell, no offense, but you look like a $1,000 a night hooker. I am going to have to watch you with the guys tonight."

Jack, laughed but with very little humor. He really didn't know what to say to Rose. So he gave Rose a sisterly hug and just said "Thank you, I feel so girly. I assume that hooker comment was a compliment.

"In the past, my only associations with hair care consisted of 5 minutes in a barber chair. I can see how all this pampering can become habit forming. Thanks again, this is one experience I will always remember."

Rose snuggled into her husband's arms and whispered in his ear, "Vanity they name is woman. Daisy, I love the new you too. I guarantee this is a day you will never forget."

Then she kissed his ear, inserting her tongue ever so briefly. A radiant Jack stood transfixed. For the first time in his life he was pleased with his appearance, rather than ashamed by it.

Rose broke the hug but continued to hold his hand. Stepping back at arm's length she stared at Jack all dressed to the nines, with just a pang of regret tinged with a boatload of guilt and, thought, 'My lord he is enjoying this. Well that will change shortly.'

"Honey you look beautiful. No, more than that, you look elegant. I've never seen a prettier dress on a more beautiful woman."

These flattering comments snapped Jack out of his trance and he became conscious of the fact Rose also had on a new dress, it was a backless chiffon gown in a divine purple. The dress flowed with Rose's every movement; it really accentuated her natural resources. Jack was startled to realize that for just a moment he was jealous.

Rose stepped away from her husband and did a pirouette and asked, "Well do you like it?"

Jack, wearing a coquettish smile, stammered, "Wh…what's not to like. By the Red beard of Thor, Rose you are a goddess. In that dress you belong in a heavenly court. That is the most sensational gown I have ever seen. It looks like you just stepped off the cover of Vogue."

Fanning herself Rose responded "Oh Daisy, stop with the flattery, you are making me blush. I bought this outfit over a week ago and had Rebecca store it for me. I knew you were going to come out looking like a movie star and I didn't want to come across as the poor stepsister."

Jack gathered his wits sufficiently enough to comment, "But Rose there is no back, I can see the beginning of your ass crack. Hell with that keyhole cutout there is almost no front. What's holding up your assets?"

Rose grinned at the compliment and answered, "Mother Nature."

"If you feel glamorous, you definitely look glamorous." Scarlett Johansson

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