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This is a fictional chronicle of a normal hardworking guy named Jack. The federal government made him an offer he couldn't refuse. All they asked was for Jack to go undercover to help the U.S. Government ensnare a terrorist.
Any resemblance of the characters depicted in the story to actual individuals is coincidental. All events are the sole responsibility of the author. None of the scenes in this story depict minors engaged in any sexual encounter.
This story has been previously posted on other sites. It is being posted here with a strong rewrite; some new chapters have been added. I had my BFF Monica Rose edit the material so it should be more readable. Marina
Marina: [email protected]
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Chapter 13 - Practice Makes Perfect
"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." Ben Franklin
The next morning as Rose was about to enter her office, she ran into Jill, the offices biggest gossip and Mike's secretary. "Mrs. Sokolov, can we talk, I'm dying to tell someone?"
"Sure Jill, who's this about?"
"That's why I telling you. It's about Mr. Bixby."
Now she had Rose's full attention. Rose waved Jill into her office and closed the door. She leaned against her desk, as she motioned for Jill to sit in the leather overstuffed chair reserved for visitors. "We won't be disturbed. Go ahead Jill, spill the beans."
"Well last night, Mike had left and I was finishing up a report he wanted for this morning, when he returned escorting a long legged blonde floozy, his usual type so I thought nothing of it. I waited to see if he needed me for anything. They went into his office but didn't close the door. I watched Mike and her sit on the divan in his office. Mike was his usual debonair self...he held her right hand. I could see them interlock fingers as he sat next to her. Then the strangest thing happened, I watched Mike's other hand disappear up her skirt."
"Get on with it Jill, that is nothing new. That's how Mike behaves with every woman he gets alone in his office."
"I know it's what happened next that's the juicy part. That dame all casual-like bends Mike's fingers back. I heard him yelp. She stood up and made Mike stand facing her. She kept bending his fingers back. Then he must have said something because she halls off and kneed him so hard in the balls, I saw his feet leave the ground. Then she nonchalantly lets him drop to the floor. She turned and walked right past my desk."
"That's hilarious; did she say anything to you?"
"As she walked by I asked her if everything was alright. She calmly said she was fine but my boss could probably use an ice pack."
"What did you do?"
"I closed down my computer, packed up my purse, and left him curled up in the fetal position moaning on the ground. I acted like I hadn't seen a thing."
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Rose wondered if Mike had discovered Stephanie's secret. She filed that bit of information away for future use and went back to her job.
For Jack, who had fallen into a great malaise, the days fell into a routine, with Rose coming home later and later. Rose smelled of alcohol and smoke each night. With each passing day, Rose's criticisms became more biting and vindictive. Thursday night, Rose came home and voluntarily explained she was sorry for being late, but Mike had something big come up and Rose had to stay late at the office to make it go away.
Jack knew this was an out-and-out lie. He had stopped in Mike's office on his way home to get a signature. Mike's secretary said the boss had left early. He had a big date and needed to get to the hotel to reserve his room. Jack was scared to challenge Rose, most days his heart ached at the prospect of losing her, especially to Mike. Although on other days, he almost welcomed the thought of separation from this deceitful woman. The person he had fallen in love with was not the Rose he now knew. But time marched on, he had given his word to the government and he intended to meet his obligations, with or without his wife.
Saturday was another day in misery. Jack was introduced to the jiggle bra. Rose dutifully explained the bra's philosophy. It was made of sheer material surrounded by a lace edge, and was specially designed without underwire to allow the silicone forms to bounce as the wearer moves. Loosen the straps for more jiggle or tighten them down for less. There were semi-pockets designed in the back of the cups to allow the bra to hold the wearer's breast forms.
"Jack if you don't move smoothly wearing these you could put out an eye."
Rose howled at the way his faux breast would bounce whenever Jack walked normally. It was like he had two silicone wrecking balls attached to his chest. To keep his breasts under control Jack was forced to take gliding steps. Jack cleaned the house from stem to stern while Rose spent the day with her feet up reading the newspaper, only arising to conduct periodic spot checks. Jack finished folding the laundry just in time to start dinner. By evening, the bra had accomplished its intended purpose. Jack moved about the house like he was on ice-skates.
Sunday was spent on fingers and toes. Rose decided Jack's toes would be perpetually in polish. Today's color selection was a bubblegum pink. To further darken Jack's mood, Rose insisted that Jack start wearing clear nail polish on his manicured hands at all times. Jack found while out of the house he was spending a lot of his time with his hands in his pockets, until it became obvious that no one noticed or cared.
Monday morning found Jack's waist reduced by another inch. As she tightened the waist cincher, Rose jokingly commented, "I once read that in Victorian times, a woman goal was to reach a corseted waist of 16 inches. What do you think Jack, can we establish that as your goal?"
"Rose, I think 16 inches is a tad excessive. I will admit I have become accustomed to the compression and find the weekly inch reduction bearable; but let's keep this thing reasonable."
Rose laughed, "Dear everything is possible as long as you have positive mindset and put the required effort to it."
On the drive to work, Rose announced that the focus for the upcoming week was on how to carry a purse.
A bewildered Jack inquired "How hard can that be? You pick it up and go."
"My poor simpleton husband, there are a dozen conventions dealing with purses. We will practice tonight during deportment training."
That night, Rose hated to be sarcastic but she needed Jack to remain in his submissive persona, she had found he was a lot more receptive that way. Otherwise he was always questioning her directions, having to clarify every lesson was so trying. So she explained, "Let me spell this out to you in terms even a simpleton can understand. Remember, it will be the little things that make or break your feminine presentation."
Handing him a handbag she went on, "Slip your hand through the handle so it's resting on your arm just past your wrist. Turn your palm up with your fingers relaxed. Place your wrist lightly against your hip. Don't carry your purse under your arm like a football as this can ruin the line of your dress. Furthermore, don't ever carry your bag down by your side with your arm fully extended as this will only bump against your leg."
Switching out purses she handed him a small clutch purse, "Hold the bottom of the purse in your hand, resting it on the length of your index finger. Place your hand against your hip, letting the bag rest at an angle.
To carry a shoulder bag, position the strap on your shoulder. Grasp the center of the band to keep the bag from swinging. Don't wear the strap across your body this ruins the lines of your outfits."
Out of curiosity, Jack opened his handbag; Rose took the opportunity to further his education. "While we're on the subject, let's discuss what to carry in your purse. At all times include tissues, a notebook and pen, perfume, lipstick, and compact with mirror. You should also include hair clips, cell phone, emergency cash and hair brush. A young single woman like you must always carry her feminine hygiene products. Oh and one more thing, a socially active woman can never be without, protection.
"Jack don't give me that look, you know what I mean. At all the times carry several condoms for emergencies. I'm always prepared and carry a variety of sizes and types; you never know what might be needed."
"Jeez, Jack stop with the tears, I was only joking. I stopped carrying rubbers when we were married. Now all my lovers go bareback!"
To take Jack's mind off her hurtful comments, Rose insisted Jack work on walking and sitting gracefully while carrying a purse.
Rose continued, "Take care when being seated. Always keep your purse in your lap or place it alongside your chair within easy reach. Never hang it from the back of the chair."
Jack was put through his paces, standing gracefully, and gliding across the room, sitting, and repairing his lipstick, repeating it ad nauseam until even Rose became bored. To liven things up a smidgen, she decided to have Jack pour a glass of wine filled to the very top lip of the glass. He was required to carry it and his purse to a chair and sit. Jack realized he had to put the glass or his purse down first before sitting, trying to hold them both while elegantly sitting was out of the question. After Jack had mastered walking and sitting without spilling the wine, Rose had him move on to his daily cosmetology lesson.
That night during makeup time, Jack lost quit a few eyebrow hairs when he couldn't get his blush applied correctly. He managed to produce acceptable results while he still had some eyebrow hairs left, but it was close.
The following Sunday morning, Jack learned all about the rejuvenating and exfoliating benefits of facial masks. Then the couple proceeded to the lively portion of the day's festivities. With laughter in her eyes, Rose led Jack into the living room.
"Jack you know how I love to dance. Well today we're going to spend the whole day tripping the light fantastic." Clearing a space in the living room Rose turned on a special CD she had created.
The afternoon and part of the evening were dedicated to teaching Jack how to dance from the woman's point of view. They covered numerous dances, both fast and slow. Rose pledged before the month was over Daisy was going to be an accomplished dancer.
"Rose, I'm confused. You can be so cheerful and optimistic one moment then angry and apocalyptic the next, what is it you want from me?"
"Jack, you intellectually understand what is expected. For example, memorizing the dance steps is easy, but dancing with the heart is another. I want you to picture Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers gracefully gliding across a stage. Darling, I want you to feel it, not just mechanically go through the motions."
Jack responded, "Rose, if I became Ginger you would still find fault in my actions. It seems in spite of everything you still are unhappy. Why?"
"Jack, plucking your eyebrows and shaving your legs does not make you a woman. I am annoyed with you because you are still a man playing at being a woman. Think positive and stop looking at the dark side of every issue. Until you acknowledge the fact that for the foreseeable future you 'ARE' a woman, feel it in your heart and soul, I will never be content with your performance.
"Now let's get back to work. Your waltz needs more work before Daisy make's her debut next month at the company's charity ball. I am still working on finding you a suitable escort. So we can double date. Isn't that exciting?"
Jack had a panic attack and started to hyperventilate. Rose finally stopped laughing long enough to explain she had RSVP'd their invitation and said they wouldn't be able to attend this year.
However, Rose warned Jack if she was not totally satisfied with his future efforts she would go as Mike's date, and Daisy, as Jack's cousin, would accompany them as their chaperon.
"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results." Willie Nelson
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Rose seems to be....
Slipping back into her old ways. She doesn't realize that Jack still doesn't trust her again. Jack may still do the things she's making him do, but the reasons he's continuing to do them are changing. I'm finding I'm curious to see how Jack evolves from this point forward! Thanks Marina & Monica for continuing to post this one. Loving hugs Talia