Ashley Phoenix Riley - 11 - Connecting With the Past

I ran away from home when I was 10 years old...
my mom had left two years earlier because of abuse...
The first time I ran away, I was caught two weeks later and returned home...
Next time I changed my name when I ran away into New York City...
I became what we called a street rat; living on and under the streets...

until I followed this woman Bridgette too closely.
Ashley Phoenix Riley
Chapter 11
Connecting With the Past

by Jessica C.

Copyright © 2013 Jessica C
All Rights Reserved.


Image Credit: Picture purchased and licensed for use from The model(s) in this image is in / and are no way connected with this story nor supports nor conveys the issues and situations brought up within the story. The model(s) use is solely used for the representation of looks of the main character(s) of this particular story. ~Sephrena


+ + +

Chapter 11
Come Monday things were on their way back to normal with a few changes. Kenny was back to being himself but his hair wasn't back to normal. It would take a while for the curls to fully come out. Though he said otherwise, he liked having an excuse to look more feminine. Colavito became friends with him, and presently no one knew or cared why.

Norm continues recovering fine and we were reading through Treasure Island.


Crossover Day was this week and Norm knew of Patty, a former Street Rat, I was seeking to portray her for gender bender day. Though Norman had seen Patty a few more times and closer than me; he was no surer if Patty was male or female.

I had gotten dirty Tuesday night and slept on the floor that night. Come Wednesday I bound up my breasts in elastic bandages and brushed my grungy hair into a ponytail, and just used a discarded elastic band to hold it together.

Patty was as tough as the street, most were not sure if Patty was a guy or a gal, and Patty played that for all it was worth. Two or three times a year Patty was in a definite girl mode and more often one was sure that Patty was a boy and the rest of the time it was like Patty intentionally made people wonder. Patty and the gang Patty were usually in lower Manhattan but they were known to travel around the city’s five boroughs as well as Staten Island. Usually with immunity or with an uneasy understanding about turf issues with other gangs. However, they were always ready for a fight.

Patty was known to help with rescue efforts of people caught under rubble or in fires. Three years ago Patty went down one construction mess and never came back out. Rumors circulated that the City or others wanted her out of the way and that Patty was dead. Others speculated she made a deal and it enabled her to start life over. Yes, I refer to Patty as she, that is my guess, but if Patty is alive I don’t think it was with the City’s help.

Two Labor Day Parades people thought Patty surfaced as a girl wearing a ball cap in the parade. But during the parade, there were no less than seven girls with baseball or football caps that could have been Patty. Last Labor Day I heard that more than 30 people in the parade dressed like Patty. People again thought was one of them was Patty, but if yes, which one.

Patty’s group is not pleased with any one of them, not even Patty if Patty is alive. Hank her closest friend probably knew one way or another if Patty's a boy or girl but he didn’t tell. Someone offered him money to tell but got their phone camera destroyed.


I put on a pair of tattered jeans purchased at a clothes closet. I wore clean panties underneath, no one needed to know. Most students at school found my outfit neat or disgusting depending on seeing it as Patty or just filth, or whether they cared or not about street people.

Ryta dressed as a guy. Kensey had an excuse to dress nicely as a girl, surely he had someone’s help. About twenty percent of the school seriously dressed in recognition of bending their gender identity, i.e. Cassie acted like a lesbian walking around with one of the cheerleaders. People knew Carolyn wasn't a lesbian so they didn't take them seriously. Come, the end of the day I wasn't so sure about Carolyn.

Many more used stereotype images or dressed more like clowns; guys in trashy dresses and girls in boy's shirts some without bras. A good share of the bigger bust girls found bras before or after lunch. Most girls didn't mind a crossdresser using the girls' room as long as they used the stalls properly and didn't stare while they were in there. More than a dozen guys that I saw had makeovers sometime during the day, done by girls in school. They said they were forced or that High school girls did a lot better job. I wasn't sure who enjoyed the look more and who enjoyed most the attention they got from the girls.

Johnny for one is a follower, I wasn't sure if someone petticoated him in some way. I saw one girl treating him like a sissy. Several girls sprayed him with their perfume or out on him some makeup. He lost his book bag and went home with a violet fanny pack. I like Johnny but now I realize why I'm not attracted to him as did I want to be his nursemaid. He would either get some backbone to be his own person or he had a new future building on his being a follower. Come Thursday I knew he was again wearing pantyhose. 


Thursday Mom went to Boston for her business. Cathy knew of the trip but it was a total surprise to me and seemed to come up quickly. Mom would be back on Saturday and she insisted I don't have any plans. Come Saturday Cathy and I began early to prepare dinner for Mom, Cathy, Norm me and three guests. I wanted to go shopping and was very upset with Mom. She was to have called on Friday but didn't. Now 11:00 a.m. when she calls, I began fuming, as she told Cathy I was to be working on my term paper for history.

Later Cathy called me to come down to the kitchen, “Ashley come and get a bite for lunch; your mother will be here in a half an hour.”

“Mom said she would be home by now. I’m getting a little upset about how inconsiderate she's getting. I could have been shopping and back.”

“Ashley, hold your tongue, I don’t care if you agree or not with your Mom. You are not to be rude or impatient. Now get your buns to the kitchen and get something to eat.” I knew I overstepped my boundaries, but I was still upset as I entered the kitchen.


There were two teenage girls in the kitchen and another person behind Mom. I knew I was to introduce myself. “Hello, I am Ashley Riley. I’m fifteen and a freshman at Beacon Hill High School." I asked, "Are you from the Boston area?”

The oldest one spoke first. “I’m Dana and we live at Peabody and this is my sister Beth.” The names are the same as my sisters, but I struggled to remember or see their images before me. I strained to see the woman behind my Mom. Her sandy hair was similar, but she was smaller than my mother.

Dana stepped toward me and touched my chin. “You are very pretty. We're so happy to see you again.” Dana hugged me and Beth came up and joined us. “Are you really Tommy? Did you really want to become our sister?”

The woman said, “Ashley, we are now the North’s. I’m truly sorry I left you with your dad, but I couldn’t get your sisters, you, and me all away. Two months after we moved out, your dad stalked us where we lived and threatened me. He said that I had to come back or he would hurt Beth the next time. Someone sent me pictures of your sisters where none were known to have been taken.”

“Did you know dad threatened and then abused me,” I asked with some resentment?

“We didn’t know that. If I had, I would have done something right then. I didn't know that nor that you ran away until I contacted the school last year. They thought you had moved away, but said that they had never received any requests for your records. That was when I contacted the police and found out you had run away.”

Beth came over to me and whispered, “Tommy, Aunt Bridgette said you are now a girl like me. You sound and look like a girl, but I think you are still a boy. I don’t think you would become a girl just to hide from daddy.”

“It is probably hard to believe but I chose to become a girl. Bridgette became my Mom. I had been living three or four levels down in an abandoned subway shaft for four years. This was the first year I was in school since fourth grade.” Beth resisted trying to touch my clothes or me.

“I can understand a boy wanting to be a girl,” Beth said and Dana giggled a little. “You really have breasts and what about…?” She wouldn’t mention my ‘penis or vagina’.

“Yes, though my breasts are small they are mine; they have just begun to grow like a real girl’s. And I am a girl in my panties as well.” Beth and Dana both blushed, but were happy when I asked, “Would you like to see my room and my girl clothes.” I looked at Dana and Beth and realized I was closer to Beth’s size in clothes.


Dana and Beth both bumped into me as we went to my room. “Dana, you are soft and very beautiful. You look a lot like Mommy.”

“You are pretty and luckily look like Mom as well. …Why do you already have a little red dress?” Dana inquires as she sees a breast form, “So do I take it your breasts are sometimes bigger? …How old is Bridgette, does she really act like a Mom?”

“Bridgette is my Mom, different than Mommy being my mother. She has held me when I cry and Cathy's going to be my mother too. I already call her Mother.” Dana and Beth were both surprised. I sat down on my bed watching Dana and Beth looking around.

Beth spoke, “You look like your mother here too.” I smiled and thanked her for the compliment.

Dana touched my leg, “You know most girls don’t wear dresses much?”

“Do I feel like a girl?”

Dana smiled, “Yes, both your legs and your face feel very nice, any girl would be proud to be you.” I was moved by that and I gave her a hug that she didn’t expect. She hugged me and I felt good about that. “I’m sorry we became strangers to Tommy, but I hope I can be your sister. Would you like to live with us or stay here?”

That shook me, my eyes tear and Beth asked, “Would you be sad to leave your mommy here?”

I changed the subject, “Tell me about your home and what mother does.” We talked another half-hour as Beth and Dana both look around part of the time.


Then I thought of Norman and I took my sisters to see him. “Hi Norm these are my sisters, Dana and Beth is my younger sister.”

Norm needed to tell me something so I excused my sisters from the room. “Dana and Beth, I want you to go to Mom; I will help Norm and then we will come and visit.”

Norm needed to go to the bathroom as well as to get dressed. “Norm, you need to be doing more of this yourself. You are not going to be staying here much longer.” I got a pair of pants and a shirt for him to change into when he came back.


  We arrived in the living room in time for Beth to ask, “Norman do you remember when Ashley was Tommy? Or did you know her only as Jack?” When Norm looked at me I blushed. My Mom, Bridgette, was over to me quickly.

Mom whispered, “It was going to happen sometime, I'm here for you.”

“Norm, can you keep this a secret? I was Jack, but I am really a girl.” He took my hand, “No wonder you understood Kenny and me.”

Norman and my sisters wanted to know more, but I said, “No, not now.”

Cathy called me into the kitchen to help with the last of the preparations for dinner. Mom, Christine North, came in to check on me. “Ashley you are a very pretty girl. Please don’t be too angry with your sister Beth, she didn't mean to embarrass you. She didn't know it was a secret.” My other Mom was preening my hair. “Do you do your own hair and makeup?”

Cathy hugged me from behind, “She is quite an accomplished young woman.” Mom, Bridgette came in, “Ashley, I talked with Norm and he’s agreed not to tell anyone. He said, no one would believe him anyway.”

“Why wouldn't he tell anyone Mom? I'm screwed.”

Mom said, “He said, I'd be crud to hurt her after she saved my life.”

“I didn’t help him to bribe him, Mom.”

Mom says, "I know, he just has a lot of respect for you. You know what that means among street people."

+ + +

The chicken was done and I mashed the potatoes as Cathy made some gravy. There were buns as well as corn. Dana smiled at Cathy’s statement that I helped to cook dinner. “It doesn't take a lot of time to learn to listen to Cathy’s instructions. Yes, I am learning most of the stuff another girl would.”

During dinner, Mom asked, “Ashley, your family is staying until Monday morning. If it is okay with them, can one or both of them sleep in your room?”

“And where am I supposed to sleep?” I knew it would be in with Norm or on the couch in the lounge. I preferred the lounge even though the couch wasn't very comfortable.

“Your bed is a double bed and the cushioned chair turns into a sleeper. Two of you can sleep in the bed and one on the sleeper.” Bridgette said, “You now know you are sisters, take the time and space to become comfortable with each other.”

“I'm comfortable sleeping in the room with you, but if you rather I could sleep on the couch if Dana and Beth, want my room to yourselves.”

I was happy when Dana said, “Ashley's my sister, and tonight I’m her big sister! I hope Beth will be with us because we're all three sisters.” Beth wasn’t saying ‘yes or no’ yet.

+ + +

Norm was ready to go back to his room and lie down as he was tired. Tonight he was to shower and get ready on his own; I would be there just in case. Norm sat down to go to the bathroom and took off his clothes while he's on the toilet. He uses a safety bar to stabilize himself while taking the shower and even shampoos his hair.

I place a pair of pajamas in the bathroom while he's showering, but he asks me for the teddy bear PJs or nightshirt. “Norm, my sisters are likely to come in to say goodnight, don't you mind being seen in girl's stuff by them?”

“I don’t want others seeing me but I don’t mind anyone in this household seeing me. They either have an open mind or would have left hours ago,” he says.

+ + +

Norm and I have twenty-five pages to finish Treasure Island, and I was sure my sisters would come looking for me at that time.

Norm decided to sit up in his chair as we read the last of the book. I sat down and started to read and we progressed through five pages before Dana knocked at the door. Norm told her she could come in as he fitted the sheet around him. Dane had no trouble with what she saw to know Norm was wearing a teddy.

Norman is actually a little surprised she didn't say anything. “I thought you would stare or ask about my pajamas?”

“I saw that your nails are polished, so this isn't a big stretch. I just don’t understand if this Central Station for varied lifestyles?” Dana smiled, “I’m almost afraid to sleep here because it might cause me to change.”

“Dana, Norm isn't changing his life; what you see is him intentionally touching his softer side and being nice to himself in it.” Dana looked to Norm and he shook his head yes.

She smiles, “I have a boyfriend, who says in other words, that he can do that with me. I wasn't sure or comfortable by what he meant but maybe I do now.”

“So is he a friend who is a boy or a boyfriend,” I asked?

“That is what we try to figure out at times; it is hard for us to relax when we’re seeing each other as boyfriend/girlfriend because we are afraid of losing that close friendship we share."

I put down the book and went over to Dana; “You sound like the neat sister I got angry at many years ago. It was not just that you were gone, but you, Beth, and Mommy were so neat to be with. What is his name, he sounds like a very neat guy?” I’m thinking, ‘I didn't get so angry because they left, but because I held them to be so important to me.’

“Can you sit for a while and help me finish reading this to Norm?”

She looked at the book, “Treasure Island it’s a boy’s book that we had to read three years ago.”

Norm spoke, “Yes, I’m a boy, actually a guy.” We all laughed as Dana took the book and I show her where we are. Dana must be in theatre she reads with excellent inflection as she reads along.

We laughed after several pages and she asks, “Am I reading okay?” We sigh and she read on. We are to the last few pages and she pauses, “Ashley, would you read the end for me?”

We were caught up in the story and she stops. Norm and I are a little upset. She says, “It’s okay we should pause and think before it’s finished. It should build in our heads," she says. "We should be more anxious about the end.”

It was built up in our heads and we are already anxious, but she's also correct. The story is better for thinking about it and the pause helped. I read and my hand is on Norman’s hand as I finish the last page. Dana is squeezing Norm’s other hand. ‘She's right, I should be reading what Norm and I started.’

Mom knocked at the door, “I was outside the room as you started up reading again. I realized I needed to wait and I am glad I did.” Norm and I tell Mom how well Dana read as we listened.

Mom saw Norman was wearing teddy bear pajamas and she looked at Dana.

“Dana and Ashley could you, two get ready for bed. I would like to talk with Norman.” We left despite me wondering what Mom will talk to Norm about.

+ + +

“Norm,” Mom sat down next to Norm, “You are not in trouble. It is that we need to talk about you getting on with your life. I've done some research; I think you’re Nick Anderson. Who you are as you go on is up to you? I just think you should have some choices. We really like you; you have become special to us. Whether you go back to your group is up to you. But you are 21 and if you want a new start; I want to offer a possibility.

“I know a group that usually works with girls coming off of the street. They have agreed to help some guys as well.”

He asks, “What's the name of this place?”

“The guys’ place would be Gopher’s House. To sign on you would need to commit to a number of things: like schooling, helping to take care of the place and getting to the place of getting a job, and claiming your own life. It is likely to take anywhere from one to two years up, even to four years. But it too will come to an end and you will ultimately be on your own. If you would like to get in touch, be it on your own, with your family in Indiana, or with your friends on the street that will be up to you?”

“You said I am 21; do you know that or is it a guess?” “…We know it.” ...Norm asks, "What about the police and Human Services?” “…The police don’t want you unless you did something they haven’t tied to you and Human Services stopped caring when you turned 18.”

“You know I can’t read and I am not too good with math or anything else.”

“Yes, we will help you learn some basic things, but it won’t be everything and we can’t do the work for you. Reading simple books, learning to add and write, read addresses, and street signs, and learning to use a watch or phone are things we will help you with. You probably know how to do some of it, but we won’t presume that.”

“Ms. Riley, you and Ashley have saved my life and I am very thankful. But your offer scares me. I don't want to be a disappointment. I never accomplished much. Plus underground when I get frustrated, I often hit and damage things. But everything down there is hard to destroy. It’s concrete and steel and no one cares.”

“Norm that destructive tendency is actually easier to deal with; women coming off the streets, often take it out on themselves. Trying to keep a woman from cutting or harming herself is more gruesome and disturbing than busted objects. I suspect you would have more trouble disappointing yourself than Ashley or me. We would just take the direct approach of kicking your butt,” she laughed as she said it. 


My room had a tension of a different sort. I want to show that I am a woman so badly, yet I find myself being very shy around my sisters. Beth's also shy around me when it comes to getting ready for bed.

Dana says, “Why don’t you go and take your shower, just tell me when you are in the shower so we can use the sink or toilet if needed?” I agreed and was fully undressed when Dana came charging into the bathroom. “My don’t you look like a normal girl?”

I was upset and didn't see why she was smiling. “You knew I was going to tell you when I'm ready!” Dana's already undressed and in a robe that she lets drop to the floor.

“Ashley, I am not really comfortable either, I just thought we needed to get past this nonsense. I am pleased to see you are a normal girl, but I’m also girl enough to be pleased that my breasts are larger than yours.”

I looked at my sister as I listened to her speaking, she's so beautiful. I found myself staring at her hoping I would take after her.

I forgot to take out my tampon and the tell-tale string gave me away. “So that means,” as she pointed, “That you actually have to go through our monthly visitor?”

“That pleases you, doesn’t it?” I tried unsuccessfully to withhold a giggle as I spoke. “Yes, it is my fourth time. I'm not sure you are aware I can’t get pregnant. They are not exactly sure why this happens.”

“Well, you better be careful with boys nevertheless.” She noticed I looked a bit sad. “You really wouldn’t mind having a baby would you?” She pulled me in for a hug. It didn’t register we were naked when she did so until I was in the shower.

+ + +

  The shower is the first time since I woke up that I have time just for me. I began to sing and I heard Beth singing along. She has a pretty voice and I was glad she's comfortable to be in the room with me. “Beth, you have a very pretty voice.” I had waited till the end of the song.

I'm through my shower and Beth is still in the room, so I'm not sure if I should get out of the shower. She says, “So are you going to get out, or does only Dana gets to see you?” I opened the shower door and grabbed a towel as I step out. I was patting myself dry when I looked over to Beth and she was smiling. “So did your boy thing drop off or did a doctor need to remove it?”

I giggled as the picture comes to mind, of pulling down my panties to find my penis and scrotum still in my panties. “By the time they took it off, it wasn’t really working.” I went to the bathroom closet to get a tampon as I wrapped a large towel around me. Beth jumped up and sat on the counter of the sink, so I put the top of the toilet seat down, expecting we were going to talk.

“How long have you been a girl and living here with your new Mom? Before you answer let me tell you I think you are very pretty. I’m sorry I wanted to see you like this but I did.”

I say, “I just wished I looked as pretty as you and Dana? I have kind of been a girl for six months, only four if you count when I knew I was having my period.”

“Gross, do you know what TMI means? …Actually, I thought I wanted to hear it until you said it. If a friend says it, that would have been okay, but you are like my girly brother. …Do you date boys or have a boyfriend yet?”

“My Mom has let me do a few things kind of like a date, but she was about fifty feet away and could see me. I can go to dances and dance with girls or boys.”

Beth hesitated to ask, “Are you like your mother and Cathy? Or do you dance with girls like we all do as we are waiting for guys to ask for a dance?”

“I’m not sure. I have a friend Ryta that I like as much as any boy. Mom says I should just relax and not get too excited one way or the other.”

“Well, our mother would freak out if you came home with Ryta or whoever and started to kiss her. Don’t your friends freak out to see you with a girl or wonder about your intentions for them,” she asks?

“Yeah, but some people freak out or get worse if you talk to a black, a street kid, or whatever difference they don’t like. I danced with Ryta because her girlfriend was embarrassed about coming out in public. …I’m not going to stay away from dancing with a girl just because she might be a les.”

I say, “What if I find out I’m a lesbian and I'm bigoted against them? Does that change just because I see myself as being one of them? Ryta is one of my best friends and she, not a guy was the first to stand up with me when I was attacked.”


Dana knocks on the bathroom door, “Hey, I hope you are not talking in there without me. Our moms just checked on us and they will be back soon.”

Beth giggled, “You need to clean yourself before you use that tampon.” Beth leaves and I'm embarrassed. I take care of myself and put on a pair of teddy bear pajamas that are bright pink. My hair is being a problem so I decided to take advantage of having my big sister here.

I don’t know how but she knows where the curls should be and how to brush it out so it is like I had it. Our moms came back in as Dana is doing my nails.

“So are you just friends or sisters,” our mom asks?

“We’re sisters, but I think her home is here,” Beth responded. Without a second thought, I am nodding yes. I could see mom, Christine, choking up.

“I’m sorry mommy; I don’t want to hurt you. It is just this is where I became comfortable again and Bridgette has become my Mom and I don’t want to lose her. If I can’t have both of you then I belong here. I know you and my sisters are my family. It is not just being her daughter, but this is where I have lived as a ‘street kid’. She knows what to do if I become scared. If I need to speak about having changed from a boy to a girl. I’m not sure about that with you.”

Dana was already hugging our mom as I went to do the same. My Mom was behind me; I knew it was intentional not to come between me and my biological mom. Beth was hugging me, “Mommy, Ashley still is part of us, we’re her only sisters and you are her mommy too.”


I excused myself to check on Norman. My Mom here soon follows; “Mom would it be okay if I did something with just my sisters and my birth mother?”

Bridgette says, “Ashley if you would want to go back to your family? Then I need to let you know, I will not stop you if you want to.”

I hug her and sob, “Thanks Mom but I’m not a North, I am just closely related to them. I love them. I love you and Cathy, and my home is here with you.”

Bridgette asks, “Would you like a credit card so that you can treat them to dinner and maybe a show at the Radio City Music Center?”

“You would let me do all that wouldn’t you? I think that would be very nice, but they might want just to visit or do some shopping.”

“I have one of my credit cards in your name; I can give it to you in the morning. But you should go tell them especially your mother if it is something you want to do.” Mom kissed me and pushed me back toward my room.


“Mommy, Dana, and Beth, I’m wondering if it would be alright if just the four of us go out together tomorrow.” By their group hug, I knew we agree. Dana and Mom had moved my bed and placed the mattress on the floor along with the mattress from the other bed. Dana smiled, “Beth and I want to have you sleep with us. We even voted on it and if you vote yes it is unanimous and if you vote no we still win.”

“I guess it is unanimous then, cause I like to be on the winning side.” Our Mother had us get in bed as she tucked us in and gave each of us a kiss.

It is then I see my mother now thirty-seven. She is quite attractive; she has some gray in with her sandy hair which is styled to the top of her neck. She has hazel eyes like me. While I look a lot like Bridgette, I look even more like her. Seeing her and Dana gives me hope that I too will be gifted in the bust as well as the hips. When Mom kisses me, I take hold and with teary eyes to say, “I love you.”

She pauses and I know she hopes I will say something like “I want to live with you.” But I can’t say that. She becomes content with my love. “I love you very much, Ashley.”


No sooner than the light is off and the door is closed and my sisters are talking and closing in on me. “We love you, sis. It is so nice to see you,” Beth said. “…You said you have been a girl only six months tell us more. So is being a girl as nice as you hoped when you decided to change? What about being on the street?”

I was surprised but know I shouldn’t be that my sisters want to visit. Dana turned on the light and suggested we redo each other’s nails as we talked. Besides having Ryta over I'm not used to girls my age. Beth sort of figured that out.

“You're still not used to being a girl are you?” Beth smiled, “Could we raid the kitchen, and do our nails there?” We pack up what we need and go to the kitchen. The adults see us and don't need us to tell them what we're doing. They smile and we know it's okay.

We finally went to bed and come morning Beth was draped over me as I held her in a hug. It was nice having a little sister as well as Dana as my big sister. I know their mother is actually my mother, but that is not as simple as it sounds. How do I enjoy being connected but not together? I need to enjoy today for what it is, but it will be hard in some ways. 


We had breakfast at our neighborhood Italian restaurant. Maria had just come back from mass and she's happy to meet Dana, Beth, and my mother. I know she wants to go shopping with us, but I resist inviting her. Though they usually only played the violin at dinner time, the older Joseph played two songs for my family and other guests.

We took the subway to Times Square and sat up high in the bleacher structure, and there in the midst of thousands of people we talk without others listening. Dana shares, “Dad had come to Springfield to find us and after we moved to Peabody, we saw him twice in Boston.” Mom said, “We needed to stay out of Boston the rest of that year. We haven’t seen him since. Our phone number is unlisted and blocked to those seeking it.” “Mommy said,” Beth added, “daddy threatened her, and just before we left Springfield; he said he was coming to kidnap me.” Mother shook her head yes.


We went shopping at Abercrombie and American Eagle, where I let Mommy buy me some camisoles. The sheer pink and gray print is my favorite. I bought gifts for my sisters and my Mom.

We finally went over to Fifth Avenue where Beth found Light Blue perfume mismarked for $17.95. She called Dana and me over and we ask the saleswoman. “Yes it should be $47.95 but if you want to buy it, we'll sell it to you for that price.”

It has a very nice fragrance and if used lightly would be a nice sisters’ perfume. So we each used the sample bottle for each of us. Then I bought three bottles, one bottle for each of us. Mother said it was like having fragrant butterflies flying around her the rest of the day. Away from my mother, I found a mother/daughter cameo I’m having set aside because I want to buy it for Bridgette. The remaining time we enjoy window shopping and talking. Finally, at 6:00 p.m. we make our way to Radio City Music Hall.


While I bought the tickets, I had to wait as they had a message for me. “So you’re Bridgette Riley’s girl. It is nice to meet you. She bought backstage passes for you and your family to meet Carol Hall one of our favorite Rockettes. We would suggest you go back and see her instead of the movie and then come back out and watch their performance again but you decide and let one of the ushers know you have the pass.”

We did not know which one was Carol as we watched the stage show. They were in sparkling red, green, and silver outfits of various designs for different performances. It's their special Christmas stage show.

It is also one of the performances that the Orchestra rises out of its pit, moves back over the stage, and sinks back down only to surface back in the orchestra pit.

I learned that Dana plays the clarinet and Beth plays the flute and piano. Though she is gifted with the piano, they don’t have one. Her practice time is limited to school hours.

We went backstage during the movie and met with Carol Hall. While she’s very beautiful, she's taking off her stage makeup for our visit. It was interesting to see the Rockettes backstage changing outfits and some being fitted with feathered headdresses. Brianna and Karen, also Rockettes, come over and the three of them and the four of us have photos taken, in chorus line fashion, another picture of us doing high kicks is taken.

I didn't think I can do it but Carolyn helps me and I do a full split with her. Again it's caught as a photo. The last picture is Mom, me, and Carolyn; it is to be in a locket form and sent to my mother to show me off to others.


Staying around for the late stage show got us home around 11:00 p.m. Sitting in the taxi on the way home Beth, Dana, and I were singing “O What a Night” a Four Seasons hit. The morning is filled with tears, hugs, and kisses. I know my mother had mixed emotions saying thanks to Mom for reuniting us. I suspect she thinks Bridgette should force me to go back home with her. She doesn't know Mom has offered and I chose here as my home and my first family. I might be wrong, but if I am I could change my mind… 

+ + +


To Be Continued... 

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