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Being twins was ever so much fun.
When Tyler decides to swap with his sister Taylor, things get really crazy! Tyler, Taylor Swop Days
Chapter 3 Copyright © 2013 Julie D Cole |
Image Credit: For a Special Twin Sister
Chapter 3
I sighed a little and looked out of the bathroom window to be sure that Darren was going home. Maybe it was relief that I’d made it in time and relieved the pressure or maybe I was just glad not to get caught out. Then as I dried my hands I couldn’t resist looking at myself in the mirror.
I guess mum would easily recognize me and I daren’t risk it. So I’d better get my chores done quickly so I could wait in my room until Taylor returned. ‘He’ was doing this on purpose because ‘he’ knew supper was at 7pm and if he didn’t get back in time to switch back I’d be liable to just strangle her. She was lapping this up.
That meant I’d have to hang around in her room when mum came home and feign a headache or tummy ache or something. ‘He’d ‘just better have taken his mobile with ‘him’ or I’ll kill ‘him’ never mind strangle ‘him.’ He’s getting to like this.
I put on Taylors slippers and tied my hair back in a pony tail as best I could. I wondered what it was really like to be a girl as I checked myself out. I popped a pair of ankle socks under my T shirt and stepped back. Yes that’s what I’d want to look like if I was Taylor. She needs feminizing a bit I think to rid herself of this butch image that she’s starting to develop. At least I’ve got long eye lashes like Taylor but my skin is a bit dry. I might have to work on that a bit if we play swops more often.
One of the ankle socks fell out from beneath my T shirt so I looked in Taylors drawer for something that might help and was delighted to see one of her sports bras that she likes to wear to keep her mounds as compact as possible. Why would she want to hide them? I’d want to make them look bigger. Yes that will teach her I decided to do what I thought she would do and feminize her as much as I could.
The sports bra was a bit tight so I needed to pad it out quite a bit to find the effect that I was looking for. That was better but I’d have to get used to them quickly. I wondered what Darren would think now.
I decided to pop into mums room and found some mascara. HaHa Taylor Thompson what if someone sees you wearing this? I daren’t use much but I was surprised how my eyes looked and no doubt my long lashes helped. It was a good job I’d watched mum get ready many times but I still poked myself in the eye whilst I found a way to do my left eye.
HaHa a spray of deodorant and Taylor Thompson was getting a lot more girly. I daren’t touch the lipstick but Taylor might just be surprised if she’s not careful or I might take a trip to Boots and pop a few thinks in a cosmetic bag for her school bag. I wasn’t going to swop any more unless I could do as I liked as she was doing whilst out as me.
I had to rush now so I sorted out some laundry and set the washing machine going. ‘Whites’ first that included mums underwear. Why couldn’t Taylor wear things like this? Mmm maybe ‘she’ can.
I emptied the dish washer and read mums notes. Peel carrots and potatoes, defrost 4 chicken breasts and wash and slice onions and mushrooms. Check the recipe book for the ingredients for chicken casserole. Pop to the local ‘Tesco’ store for some stock cubes and buy something you like for afters.
Pop to Tesco!! Oh no I’d have to hurry or mum will be home. First the chicken. I’d just caught it in time and checked to ensure they were de-frosted. Mmm these seemed like real breasts and maybe I’d have been better to use them instead of the ankle socks. How stupid I’d end up covered in the blood and they’d probably smell.
Just time to tidy the kitchen and then I picked up mums shopping bag and her money purse and found a pair of shoes that were a bit more girly than my school shoes and I dashed out so I could get back before mum got home.
Surprised that I got a few smiles and one ‘Hi Taylor, how’s mum?’ It was Mrs Lancaster from the house at the back of us. I had to answer and she insisted on chatting and asking me to pass on a message about a Church meeting. Taylor just better pass it on when I let her know. ‘My aren’t you turning out to be a cute one. Bet the boys are getting interested.’
‘thanks Mrs Lancaster but no thanks. I’m not ready for that boy thing just yet.’
This was getting crazy. I didn’t hang around in Tescos in case any neighbors came in and since the afters were my choice I bought a fresh blueberry cheesecake. I doubted the berries were fresh but I supposed it was fresh to the store.
I finished preparing dinner and popped it in the oven. I guess I’d made a mess cooking the onions and crushing the garlic and there were bits of mushroom on the floor so I was down on my hands and knees with the handbrush when I heard mums car pull up. Blast.
I shot upstairs into the bathroom and heard mum closing the door and shouting me.
‘I’m in the bathroom mum. Suppers in the oven cooking.’
Come on Taylor get your butt back here or I’ll definitely kill you. I went into her room and heard mum react to Taylors note. ‘So your brothers out somewhere. He’d better be back in time or I’ll ground him. He should be helping you the ungrateful little monkey.’
‘Mum it’s OK he went to the shop earlier for me.’ Well I had to get myself out of trouble somehow. I wasn’t going to do all the work and then get grounded.
‘You don’t sound so well dear are you OK?’
‘Just a bit of a sore throat mum from too much choir practice this afternoon.’ Aghhh I will kill ‘him’ where is ‘he’. She is bound to come to find out what’s wrong soon.
It was getting more and more difficult by the minute to keep mum at bay and mum shouted again and was starting to get more concerned because I hadn’t gone downstairs. I had laid on my bed, well Taylors bed really, and thought about climbing out of the window and escaping down the drainpipe. I closed my eyes for a minute. “Taylor Thompson where are you now?’
Then I heard mum starting to climb the stairs and suddenly there was a key in the lock. Ahh at last ‘he’s’ back. Mum stopped and must have looked down at Taylor.
‘Tyler?? Tyler is that you? Taylor it’s you what are you playing at you were upstairs a minute ago.’
‘Err sorry mum I just saw Tyler had left his football on the lawn and somebody lurking about so I went to get it.’
‘ Taylor why do you insist to dress like that? Sometimes you look more like a boy than a girl. Where is that lazy brother of yours? Thanks for making supper but he’s going to get the palm of my hand one of these days.’
‘it’s OK mum he did help a bit.’
‘I thought you said he’d only been to the shop for you. Is your throat better now? It still seems a bit croaky. Do you want some hot lemon juice?’
‘No mum I’m OK can I help you prepare the table?’
‘OK I did it already so just go upstairs and wash and we’ll start without Tyler. He can have his cold if he can’t be bothered to help around here.’
‘OK mum I’m back in a jiffy.’
I could have hit her as she came through the bedroom door. ‘Now look what you’ve done I’m in the bad books again. You are getting to be more and more trouble. Why did you rush out before we had chance to discuss anything.?’
‘I can’t help it the guys were wanting a kick about and I like to play. I did great and I scored 3 goals. It gets better though because now they want me to play for their team.’
‘Sis you can’t you’re a girl. No girls aloud. Anyway what about me if you play soccer I’d have to hide so they think it’s me playing not you.’
‘Yes I thought about it already. Best if we go together and I play and you watch. Some girlfriends turn up sometimes and Nick De Marco brings his kid sister along. She’s nuts about football. Come on Bro you know you like to help me.’
‘It’s not my idea of fun and we do have chores to do around here you know.’
‘Yes I know but how about I pay you to do my share? You know you enjoy it. Anyway look at you. Why are you dressed like that? You’ve tied your hair up and where did those come from? You’d best be careful because if anybody from school sees you with those things then I’m going to have to free mine from this strapping. I hate them so please don’t or you will ruin my image. I don’t want boys chasing after me when I’d rather be playing soccer.’
‘Too late because one already is chasing. You saw Darren so I think I’m going to encourage him even more if you don’t start behaving yourself and think about me instead for a change. Especially my reputation with Mum.’
‘OK OK come on let’s call a truce for now or mum will be up. You’d better get changed and sneak out the front door and come in again. Why the pony tail, and is that make up Ugggh. Tyler wash it off quick. I don’t want to you to wear make-up when we swop. I’ll be the laughing stock of the class.’
‘Tough it’s going to have to be part of the deal. If you are playing soccer I will have to be you so nobody guesses and if I help you out then I intend to behave like a girl.’
‘Come on Bro there is no point going overboard. It’s just our bit of fun with swopping for a while.’
‘Bit of fun for you OK ‘cos nobody worries if a girl dresses or acts like a boy but it’s different for us. We are hounded or branded as perverts and so no fun at all. Not at all.’
‘Bro you are taking this a bit serious aren’t you? It’s just a bit of fun as brother and sister.’
‘Mmm typical!! No thought about the consequences for me. I do like to swop but I can’t enjoy it as much as I’d like. If I get found out I’m dead meat at school so I will only swop if we do this seriously. You can be sure that I’m definitely not going to look like a girl who looks like a boy. If we are doing this then be sure that I’m going to enjoy every minute of it. Rest assured if you don’t take care to protect my reputation then rest assured I won’t worry about yours either and I’ll let everybody see the girly girly side of you. Deal?’
‘Deal. ----- Tyler You are just like mum so even if I can twist your arm I can’t beat you. Come on I’m starving let’s see what you cooked up.’
To Be Continued...
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What's that old expression?
...in for a penny.... in for a pound? Even if you convert to Euros, it's all in or nothing, I suppose; nothing is worth doing unless it's done fully? I love this story. Makes me think of my sis, and that's always a teeny bit painful, but increasingly reassuring, aye? Thank you!
Love, Andrea Lena
Still a current expression
We still count our pennies since we didn't accept the Euro and we still check the value regularly against the mighty dollar.Too many cooks spoil the Euro and the head chef is looking after her own very well. Glad you were first to respond to this chapter and very happy if it makes you think of your sister. I'm sure you have lots of fond memories.
Tyler Taylor Win, Win
Very nice story, I'm glad Tyler has embraced Taylor's identity as Taylor had his. Like Andrea, it could be nice to hear from Taylor's experience. Very good story, I can almost catch my breath as Tyler works hard to cover both responsibilities.
Take the story forward, however you will, I will enjoy.
Hugs, JessieC
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors
I Can Tinker with Taylor
If you wish and I want to find out what happens next too. I try not to write too many chapters since I realised there are so many multi chapter stories on this site.But then I really write because of the fun it brings for me and then the regular readers. But it's always nice to get a comment and to see the kudos to read ratio.
Yes Tyler is starting to apply 'herself' but I think Taylor is a bit of a lad and might need watching.
I think the real Tylor
Needs to tell mom everything as he is getting in to trouble & not Taylor when its her pretending to be him seams like almost a daily basis.
Why shouldn't. He have some fun being a girl if he's going to be his sister then he should be able to do it right & be a girly girl :).
Love Samantha Renee Heart
Seems that the biggest
worry is people learning about their dressing as each other. If that happens, both will pay for being outed.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Tyler Taylor swop days part 3
This story is getting better and better sounds like things are going to get a bit crazy can't wait to see what is going to happen next
Girls rule
Getting difficult to read
This chapter was hard to read, given that Tyler is getting the shaft and Taylor is causing the shafting.
Why does he cover for his sister? She's not doing her chores, she's causing Tyler to anger mom because mom thinks Tyler isn't helping around the house.
Why continue to allow his sister to get him in trouble? Especially a deceptive sister who has become so self centered she doesn't care if Tyler gets in trouble because of her.
Taylor maybe hasn't heard 'what goes around comes around,' because when it does she isn't going to like how bad it bites.
Others have feelings too.