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Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-23
Chapter 23
It’s so like déjá -vu but not.
There’s this thing that just feels like nothing I’ve ever know as Shy takes my hand the same time as I reached out for her hand and there is this moment that we are so in tune with each other it takes my breath away.
It was so like I could feel her wanting the exact same thing and at the exact same time.
I touched serendipity.
I’m just trying to process All of this as we start to walk down the beach and it’s a nice night. There’s a gentle but warm saltwater scented breeze coming off of the water and we’re bare foot and there’s that thing…you know that thing that beach sand has just right underfoot and between your toes.
She’s smiling as we’re walking but looking down.
I take a sip of hot chocolate. “Shy…what are you thinking?”
About beaches?
“About beaches and sand.”
She turns her head to look at me still smiling and I’m just getting struck by how beautiful she is but also how she’s sort of handsome too.
“So was I.”
“I know.”
“You know.”
“Yeah, I could feel it and let you steer me.”
“Steer you?”
She’s looking at me and she’s thinking of something and I can almost feel her turning it over and over in her mind like she’s trying to see it from all the angles and it’s deep…and serious and it’s big….whatever it is it’s really big.
“Shy…Shy look it’s okay whatever it is it’s okay. Look I know that we just met but I honestly feel that we have this bond already and that we’re so close that I could tell you anything…and you could tell me anything.”
She’s looking at me and she walks us over to some driftwood and she sit’s me down with her on this large log and she sit’s there with me but straddling it more sort of face on than beside me.
But she’s looking so deeply into my eyes that I feel…I feel myself falling into hers and for awhile there’s nothing else there in the world but the eyes of my Cheyenne.
My Cheyenne….
It came out of nowhere and yet the entire thought of it is just true….
“I know why You’re different.”
“Okay…I’m still new to the whole chimera thing.”
“No…you’re not a chimera.”
“I’m not?”
“No…in the country where we’re from…you and me we’re special…we’re genetic extensions of the whole intersexed thing.”
“But I’m not intersexed.”
“By local medicine yes or they come up with things like you being a chimera to try to explain why your male and female sides aren’t fighting with each other but working in harmony.”
“Uhm…okay why haven’t I heard of this…what am I then?”
“Well home you are reffered to as a Shuan.”
“A Shuan…?”
“Yes and that is the way that describes a male that forms the strongest of female aspects.”
“You’re not either but you are your own gender home…you’re actually part of the fourth gender.”
“Fourth gender right….”
Shy’s looking at me and she doesn’t say anything or even just stare really hard because she doesn’t have to…the more I’m thinking about it the more that it’s sinking in or there’s this flaking away of all the stuff I’ve known or assumed was true just because we thought it was true.
And my brain or my experiences are telling me uhm Dylan she’s nuts but my heart knows…it just knows with every beat of my heart that she’s telling me the truth.
I swallow and take a sip of my hot chocolate even if it’s gone cold…my mouth’s gone dry…
“And…and you’re…?”
“I’m a Tuan…a female with the strongest of male aspects.”
Oddly, crazily it really makes sense to me…Cheyenne feels so male.
“But why? Why don’t people know about this?”
“We lost our first home from war and when the rest of humanity had found out about us they attacked and destroyed our homeland and we were barely able to escape.”
“I guess I don’t have to ask why if people like us existed huh…?”
“That and more.”
“It’s true with mankind and the way that they think we were considered freaks just for living but not only are the third and forth blended genders totally in synch with themselves and are really true genders but we’re also.”
Shy nods and she smiles a little. “I guess the best way to get all of this through to you other than what you’re feeling from me is to show you.”
“What I’m feeling from you?”
“We’re Empaths, very powerful empaths for the most part, psionic sciences are based off of feelings and control…you’re still developing your powers but you have to have noticed that since all of this started you’ve….”
“Been able to swear that I could feel what people around me are feeling…” I finish her sentence because I just knew exactly what she was going to say.
“Did I just?”
“Yes, but it wasn’t reading my mind when thoughts and feelings are so close together they connect like telepathy the psychic energy acting like water or even electricity following the path of least resistance.”
Oh wow…oh shit this explains so much…all these things that I’ve been feeling.
Oh shit I’m psychic.
I blink out of the whole gap that I mentally tripped in.
“Take a hold of your hot chocolate.”
I lift up my mug. “Okay.”
“Now just before you take a sip concentrate on the hot chocolate and the way the mug feels when it’s freshly made, the smells, the heat of the liquid the way that it feels when you take a sip…”
I’m kind of almost dreamily doing that like her voice is so leading…and soft but not there’s that tone of her…her tuan voice that’s just…
“Dylan…no focus on the hot chocolate not me…”
She felt that.
I take a breath and start over and get into that sort of space in my head about all the times I’m made hot chocolate and had it…and…I feel my hands get hot, really hot then…then it’s not my hands that are hot but the mug and there’s fresh steam rising up from my hot chocolate.
I feel chilly…well except for my hands.
“Whoa….did I just? Am I a firestarter!?”
“Yes you did but no you’re not.” She’s laughing, oh shy has the most tickle my brain amazing laugh.
“But I heated up the mug?”
“You used psychic energy to transfer your own heat to the liquid.”
“I’m not that hot.”
“But the concentrated amount of your heat mass is more than enough plus the focus effect.”
“Focus effect?”
“You were focused on the hot chocolate being hot and the psi-energy reacts to that sealing the heat in like a sort of oven.”
“So I can start fires?”
“If you can focus you heat energy long enough to get past the point of combustion yes.”
“But I’m cold because my heat’s been put into the mug?”
“Will you tell me everything?”
“Yes, but how about baby steps first?”
“Okay…” I sip at my newly heated hot chocolate and what’s actually happening is starting to catch up to me…my hands are shaking and I’m feeling shaky and I’ve got the nagging feeling that Cheyenne was keeping me calm through this talk.
She kisses me so softly in makes me choke up because the tenderness she wanted to show…it carried through her kiss like this flavor but not…but…but…but just picture how badly you’ve ever wanted to give someone a tender kiss…and then flip that to actually feeling it.
I’m powerless to stop the big tears that form and spill down my cheeks.
Cheyenne moves enough to get the blanket and she makes us a little fire and smiles at me when she uses a lighter like it’s suddenly our private little joke now and I can’t stop that happy-sobby-laugh.
Fire going we settle in with the blanket around us both snuggling together and I need the snuggle and I need the safety that I’m feeling…the safety I get from…
Shy’s as good and strong safe in the best way…she reminds me of how safe I’ve felt in Dad’s arms.
More tears good but just shaken at how intense everything is.
“I’m here Dylan…I’ll help you ride through this…and things will be better in the morning.”
She snuggles so close to me.
“Yes, better…I promise.”
Those two words were so strong and so true and so…
I start bawling again into Shy’s shoulder.
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Sweet chapter, glad Shy's
Sweet chapter, glad Shy's gonna be upfront with Dylan, I do wonder how this will affect the relationship with Kaylee even though Kaylee's more a summer thing and maybe Shy will go where Dylan goes, looking forward to learning more.
Big hugs
Lizzie :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
Thanks Lizzie:)
Shy's decided to let things out even if in mall bits because Dylan's getting stronger and she needs to get them in some kind of awareness before things get so emotional things might happen.
The Kaylee thing though will be interesting depending on how Dylan takes everything.
*Great Big Angel Hugs*
The Godfather;)
Bailey Summers
Thank You
Sipping my coffee wrapped in my quilt drinking coffee i reflect I wish for some one like Shy in my life we have more power then most know. We are spiritual being having a human experience. I wish more people under stood what being empathic is even reading a positive e-mail written while in negative emotion hurts.
"I'm gonna camp out on the land.
I'm gonna get my soul free.
We are stardust.
We are golden.
And we've got to get ourselves back to the garden.
Then can I walk beside you?
I have come here to lose the smog,
And I feel to be a cog in something turning."
(Joni Mitchell)
Shy’s as good and strong safe in the best way…she reminds me of how safe I’ve felt in Dad’s arms.
More tears good but just shaken at how intense everything is.
“I’m here Dylan…I’ll help you ride through this…and things will be better in the morning.â€
When the Heart is so full of love it over flows out the eyes as tears.....
Thank you for making my morning
Love and Hugs Hanna
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be
Love Joni's words and the comment Hanna:)
You're right about empathy, it's something we all have and honestly like most things we do it gets stronger as we practice it. I try to rely on feelings and instincts as much as I can in my RL.
Take care, keep warm and safe:)
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
So the truth, or at least
So the truth, or at least part of it, is finally out there now. I think in the circumstances a few tears would not be unnatural and Shy's right not to overload Dylan with the whole truth yet as it's a lot to take in. Of course the big unspoken question is what Shy's arrival means for Dylan and his family because it wasn't coincidental. Just because Shy's a decent person doesn't necessarily mean her people are as well.
Very interested to see where this goes!
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Very True Jemima, Shy's not here by accident.
And that leaves a lot of story and plot that I have set up just hovering out there but you're really right on track.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
I need more of this!
You stopped way too soon, waaaaa, please... pretty please... pretty please with sugar on top... more? I love what you gave, a peek into the culture, the psyche of their people, but really Bailey, stopping so soon? This was way incomplete, bad author, well not really, but you understand hopefully how I feel, and will write some more? Thank you Bailey
Thanks Draflow, it means a lot really:)
PM to follow.
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
martian training
well Dylan is learning a lot. question is will he be able to share it with his mom?
great chapter, thanks
In time he'll likely turn to her but not now.
He's freaked out and knows that this would likely freak out the family too.
*Hugs and Howls*
Bailey Summers
Bailey, I'm happy to see
That you've gotten back to writing more installments of "Don’t Blame Me, I'm Martian." Its been a while since we've last seen a new chapter and now you've managed to treat us to 2 new ones in less then a week. I have to say that I really appreciate your writing talent for having so many great and different story lines all going at the same time. It takes a lot of dedication and discipline to manage to pull that off as well as your doing. Keep up the wonderful work.
Tamara Jeanne
Thanks Tamara Jeane:)
It's really appreciated. I'm trying to get more stuff for everything out but I have to play by the new posting rules.
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
So powerful and
so short. Wonderful chapter but I do wish it had been longer how ever the ending of this chapter was also great as it stopped at the perfect time.
I'm going to try to get more out soon.
But yeah it was stop there or go way further and that might have hurt the impact of this revelation.
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
waits for more
I love the way you always come up with different perspectives.
I find something especially compelling about these two, Dylan & Shy.
Different is good right? or at least it should be. I just wish more could see that.
Maybe there is just a bit of martian in my soul.
*pixie dusts everyone*
~Hyptia >i< ..:::
Different is always good Littlewings:)
I'm really glad that you're enjoying this story and hope you'll continue to read the oncoming chapters.
*Big Hugs for Pixie dust*
Bailey Summers